A Vol. 3. Florence, Lane County, Oregon, Friday, December T i , e dem o-populo c a n d id a te Pierce, ! state of Transvaal, formed by men wno>,- whose name appeared tw ice on some of I only desire was to get away from civtli- 1«, 1892. Ao. • o Uon. Free schools of this country is'd raw s its sustenance from a single law one of the synonyms of liberty and free tl,e tickets in th is state, will have to get zation and lead a patriarchal life. un- that is a thief. It is the duty of the thought, and even Catholic children democratic press to k«*ep their , tarty )li8 credentials from th e S uprem e C ourt, touched by outside influences, Id ¿ncethe legality of th e tw ice p r in tin g , end in being fed by the g r e a f e j X I d catch these free inspiraiions, and soon lashed with “ robber tariff” articles, ju st leani that the Pepe is like all other men as they .lid before the election, and dc* l,a8 been brought forw ard lor adjudica- mine the world has ever seen. and not second in authority to the Cre nmnd th a t «hen the next Congress ------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 he Scon t, a democratic jo u rn a l pub­ ator. It ts little wonder, under the cir meets the fr.-e trade ax shall fall on the l i c short lived is fa m e ! W hen you . lished at Union, Oregon, in speaking of cumstnneis, that the ( atholic authori-1 protection |gw with a startling xmlden- speak to one of your co u n try m en now of pensions for Union soldiers, says: ¿T h e ttts look with alarm at the decreasing ness, for it u i|l lie hardly the time to he “the great struggle” lie no longer th inks j country is, of course, rich and praejier- number of church members recruited recklessly throwing away opts.rtnnitie* vou refer to the p resid en tial election or ous, hut the peeple object to having the from the risin g generation in America of breaking fresh ground in the lichls of ’) ng ttie even to the C o rb ett-S u lliv an light, but burden of taxation increased to pay pen- who attend the public schools. free tra d e . replies at once: ‘‘ Y es; Y ale got away sions to men who are not e i i t i t f i i t p W hat a pleasant review it. would hi- if 1 UK iugeuuily of American* is phe­ from Princeton __ dead e a sy .” th e m .” As it requires an linnm;!' ilt>re pap.irs would tell a few facts about nomenal. A man namisi Mvcra has in- 1 novel site fur a honeym oon was re..j discharge from the service, and of wbrk-people abroad, ami leave out a lit-J vented a “ Poor Man’s Voting Machine” centlv chosen by a couple from K ansas. disablem ent to get a pension, it tie of their imagination. Even in Eng­ that can he ope rated by merely pressing frs land where tree trade ami aristocracy a series of button:!. The names of tho The newly-wedded p air was determ ined concluded th a t the whole lot of to avoid the m adding crowd and to en­ are not entitled to pensions. It* prevail, Ihe officials are reporting against ri-speetive candidates ami otllees are a r­ feetly proper for democrats not) joy each o th e r’s com pany alone w ith­ the horrible “ sweating system ” by ranged in rows of different colors up and think this, but carry it out in tin which the making of clothes is farmed down tl.- wall, and the party désigna­ out being sneered a t, so they retired to lative enactm ents. The s e c o t« out to women in their homes at incredit- tions at the head of the list, and tho the depths of an old coal m ine. MP I the incoming Congress should j-e- ably low prices, and the scrutiny is voter w ho cannot read can pick out his S enator D olph in tro d u ced a bill to ,1 peal all pension laws and ta ld the meeting with alarming results. Even candidate* by the color. Next each provide for the retirem ent of Judge souiiivrn war claims, so lo n g ’ on the wcslding garments of wealthy maid- name is a knob to push, which counts Jteady at full salary on or after M a rc h !.. . . • J the shelves at Washington, |pass enshave been found in “ fever dens.” for the candidate one vote, w hieli is re­ 4th next. This bill could not pass, if i t 1 .. . . . „ . ,.n i them as a reward for the fidelity! An English ease is published in which corded by an autom atic counter in tho provided for re tire m e n t a t an earlier r southern states to the dem oerti a woman suffering from typhoid fever hack of the machine. Any man who date, as the dem ocracy would w ant J ■ m w'i uiaiie 11 wedding dress; hut, she being wants to vote a straight party ticket ean Cleveland to appoint his successor. I I e who aspires to do any tl taken to the hospital before it was tin* pull a lever, which will press a whole -Oregonian. should look upon nothing wiltij islied, the clerk of the “ sweater” hur­ row of knobs at one«. If lie wants to suspicion than upon th at , M ajor H axdhury lias subm itted a re- ried it out wf the infected house and divide his ticket, lie presses individual seems to have done easily. J) port, that goes to C ongress, advocating gave it to another girl to complete. Ei- knobs in the different rows. If he 9 ants naHj', a fter th e live* ol at least twenty to vole for Hiimu one who has not I m - c . it-* - river as far up as E ugene. H e calls at- ** ,a 8ame hard pi act ice is rOnlix tin |>erHoiiM had been endangered, the in­ regularly nominated he omits to pros* dention to the im portance of the coin- prelim inary part of the doing, ^et fected garment was seized and do- the knob referring Io the special ollh'i«1' measure , Htroved. What foolishness we find in and hands in the written name instead. pierce of the country and gives th a t as a t even c v t" then l,,c“ the v,,c attainm ent of a ■•■v»™., reason why th e im provem ent should be j ea8e ou>'*lt’ to ^ le H*kr,&l to most (.„,„p|Hj|ltH of wi ll-paid labor in this This sort of machine may he very ingen­ on toward th a t which is less easy. A eountrv, when com pareil w ith facts of ious, hut we are not suffering to increase made. His estimates for cost of surveys recent w riter, speaking of Tennyson’s t|,e t.on,|it jo„ of toiler« in tho Old the facilities f..r polling the ignorant and and plans, are $12,000. devotion to ideal excellence, remarks r| j illiterate vote. The man who cannot L argely in advance of all other mo­ th a t “ he was not easily satisfied with j mark his ballot intelligently under our T here is hut one point of view from tives of tow nspeople are th e ones of im­ his own performance, hut ever returned system can he spared as a shining light provements. Some way th e re is a upon it with a critic's eye and a coura­ which the question of free trade can la- in the m anagem ent of national affairs. regarded by the democratic party. Mending of th rift an d good m orals in geous hand. Every cadence, every MARTIN L'JTH ER. W hether considered from the standing them, for a shabby-looking town is not word, was challenged and assayed. N othing is to h r gained for th e relig­ flourishing and its m orality is a t its low­ He was th e greatest poet of bis day, ground of revenue Io support the < iovern- inent, or a defense to our manu factories ion of C h rist by a tta i king th e motives est ebb. Since we have begun building partly because writing poetry was hard ami laborers, the decision must la* free of long dead elm nipioiis of any of tho dilewalks in Florence, cleaning and work to him . And, conversely, many otherwise im proving our stre ets, we all | of the sm allest poets’ of tl.e day are so trade, for a puny bus no moral right to ,,.M wllk.h „ „ .... n ,rU . lookbetter.net tte r, and are are b b etter etter gllia|i ...... the because writing they of t,e d a r° the t,'“t Pro,‘,'“ look better, act b b e e tte r, and find writing of on unconstltu- tjH„. ,, ,M. Grange, ¡ml....1. If tional am! tariff ft robbery, without re an y liu in an b ein g should p u rsu e a n y because we feel a ¡»ride in th e improve- ,)oet rv HO easy, lauding such law when the power is merits. — ' — L ately , in New York, Monsignor Ka- given them. Not even to retain the C ai tain S v . moxs reports th a t the ^ ¡]. j ejjvere(j g lecture before the A rch-! good fam e of ou r country am ong o th er M| r a iige |f H„ y m ao Loos liv e r is w orthy of ng.ijm p o p e ’8 le tte r on th e subject and di- tisa n e . A lready we s«*e in d e m o tia tie pg^t bus given to u s, m ore o r le«* tru th •lll,l Tillamook h arb o rs are not w orthy a rect(,4 to the Archbishop of New ^ or*c> exchanges, thut a few weeks ago ( idled f „ ||y t ¡,y the a-lroit m eilesl of th row ing '«commend for im p ro v em en ts, ami t l , e l s a tolli favors the plan of the Pop»“' tlint the tariff a robber, now entering into the ¡„to shadow alt of the real picture th a t ««nnties th rough w hich th ey pass have of geparate building near our public subject of th e im perative ¡»oliticMl con- j („ H n o t h a rm o n ise w ith th e ideal. W ho ’"»commerce of sufficient greatness for sc| )(>oIg wl,e re the children tnaj««»em- «¡derations th a t demand th a t Congrc** w ih p ro (ll w hen H „ „ „ .r , S|iakes|Mtar»* an Engineer’s p arag rap h ! T , ble and be taught religion according to H|,Oij|d retain its hold on the key of pro- HIM| I111U1V B,|()th e r goes down am id tl.e • Th„ Ji-tance is not far to tection u n til th ey can let th em se lv e s grin g „ „ k n o w n m ed io crity ? Who n« g»ldytoU daring the ye.. 1891 c a th o ,a d , . y ¡„t„ (,.e ( r .d . I ......... I be the ............ . M .rtln Emhe, ""»ntl.s, being (5,033,000 ounces, or teachings when om e they en «92,72.1,000. Ol t h l . th e Unlte.1 S ta te , e , .........I room». «'.«Itoat any „ r . d eclared a law a (ha. ha- 'h , h. . .1 a ro b a r..h ,le »s-tter than 1.« is pictured Hi* .......... . . ti part of teachers, | ¡M.r not to »-liter into its sv x u a tio n , ( ’iiurrh a n d d o c tr in e ; a n d if a n y M l1' " $.>4,933,003. The chief c atu n cxtr.i t or ... . of thougld in i'though it tear asunder «-very thread «--ail it, it is her« on to p of the "'recent years has been th e develop- there is an an •! " f t(je together this H overnm ent. earth ami ready to defend itself. It is ’"«nt of th e W itw atersrand gold fields, every school-house, x-iau > i Ol,„try has no right to exist when it always cheap to arraign th e dead. ' t i . a v a ra ,,« rellactiun th a t the littl e 1 .xliaat, « K -h d p la s ,» r( "( t l » «