H PTTTT1 X X IJ U gVARVERUD & ■ \Ä 7 _T T , M I p 1 as lie rose up. “ You are jest like you VV P X . to be_ j est a8 „,ean and techy ever. “ And I have no doubt you are the — AT— same old skinflint and fault finder.” L ank C ounty , ° '" !GOS I .. , W hat! Some folks blamed me F lo r k x c k , fur fillin ' a divorce, but I guess they A L I .r .V A B R IT O N . 1-ui.ll.l.er., wouUn,t t h e y eouia hear you get in CO, W H O LESA LE A H D R E T A IL D E A LR E S IN — I’UBLISHKI) EVERY FRIDAY MORNING.— A gricultural E ditor . ! and ta lk .” B. F. A lley , . . . “ I don’t care w hether they would or A. S. B liton , Local Editor and Manager. -T erm s : $2.00 a year in advance. n o t!” “ Wall, by gum !” said the old m an as i he sat down beside me, “ but this carries I mplements , . ... . V1 me right hack to three years ago! Seems E ntered a t th e post-office nt Florence, . ( ,. |, n ’d izit up L ane county, Oregon, as second-class as if we was jaw in a io m ail m a tte r. aiui bu, u the fire of Jin u ary m ornin , *■ | and th a t she was sassin’ me after th e advertising hates made known on ah - plication . 'o ld fashion, and declarin she d lay there I ■„ tl , I Hunk through into the cellar ENGINES, THRESHERS, Local notice* s cent* per line, each Insertion, i Hll 1 afore sh e’.l build a lire fur me or any Stirred His Memory. A plain middle-aged woman had ls>en sittin g in the passenger coach at my left hand for th e last th irty miles when a m an about fifty years of age and plainly dressed got on at a small station. lie had taken th e scat ahead of me, buthap- |M*ning to look aroutxl ami observed the woman he jum ped up ami went over to other man on earth !” Not His Ideal, A fter All. — -------- . . . 1 , Three or four men were adm iring th e j ease w ith w hich a driver of a beer wag- I on was handling the kegs, lilting them from th e vehicle to th e sidewalk with a d ex terity th a t was alm ost marvel* ous. “ And th a t m an, strange to sa y ,” re­ h er with a : m arked one of the group, “ never d rin k s “ W all, by gosh! hut w ho’d a thought b eer.” i t ! Howdy do, M ary?” They looked the beer driver over again, “ Howdy do, S am uel,” she replied as lie was indeed a m agnilicieut specim en th e y shouk hands and he Hat down be­ of brawn ami muscle. He was fully six side her. feet high and weighed two h u n d red “ W liar’ ye going?” he asked. i pounds. “ Down hom e to E llen d ale.” “ You say he never d rinks b e e r? ’ “ L ivin’ down there, he y e?” said another. “ Y es.” “ Never known to touch it except as “ You look jest th e sam e as ever. I ’d you see him now—only in unbroken a knowd you in C h in e .” “ Yes, I d o n 't suppose I ’ve changed m u ch .” “ W all, I often thin k about ye, and I hope yo u ’ll do well. 1 had to get a di­ vorce from you, because we couldn’t agree, but 1 don’t lay it up ag in ’ you ns some would. M arried agin I ’m told. “ Y es.” " I'u rty decent sort o’ fellar?” “ l i e ’s a good m an —a very good m a n .” • • i I'm • glad on it. Hood provider, is he?” packages. The in q u irer was a BINDERS and MOWERS. --------- ------ REAPERS and I I R I L L S .= ------- =VehiclBS nf all kinds. Corner Olive and E igh th Streets., THE WEST Will Pay, through its Advertising Col­ umns, a larger Dividend for the Money Invested than can be realized from any other source. prohibitionist. WHY?------------------- Because it is read by the people with whom you expect to do business. Can you expect them to trade at your store unless you inyite them to do so? h ealth , han d lin g beer every day, going in and out of saloons, and yet never drin k in g the beverage. H e desired to m ake th e acquaintance of this man. “ This g en tlem an .” said th e prohibi­ AN ADVERTISEMENT tio n ist to th e driver, “ says you never d rin k beer. Is that so?” “ Yes, th a t's so; not a drop of beer for A long pause. OREGON. EUGENE, Here was th e man he had been looking for—a perfect specimen of physical m e.” __________________________ — Is a standing invitation. D oyouwant “ I always take w b isk y .” “ Y es.” “ W illin’ you should have plenty of A Source of Profit. dry wood, and have two kerosene lamps goin* nt oneo?” “ Are you ever troubled with klepto­ • • l en. • • m aniacs?” asked the reporter of the “ W all, he m ust he p a rty fair. Does ■ retail m erchant. he ‘low you to run in d eb t when you “ N ever.” w ant to ? ” “ Don’t any of them ever come into “ 1 h a v en 't wanted to y e t.” your place?” asked the reporter in sur- “ Sliool. \ on have changed since we 1 prise. gut d ivorced; veil alius w anted to be a , . , . , .... , “ Sure. Plenty of them . But they itin n in in debt, you know. th a t and . . . . never trouble m e.” your b ein ’ so m ighty independent “ Don't they take th in g s?” brought on most of our q u a rre ls.” “ Yes, hut th a t is no trouble.” “ Il 1 wunted to run in debt I never got "N o trouble? W hat do you mean?” I th e cliunee,” she vn itly replied. “ I mean w hat I say. We always “ T h a r’ w ant no need to. 1 w asagood , catch them at it ami simply charge them ' provider, as everybody know s.” four prices for what thev take, “ Yes, I had one ¡»air of slaws in three See? y e a rs ! T H E P E O P L E ’S T R A D E ? ID. LUsTKT & SO3NT, C IV E THE BEST B A R G A IN S IN and CARPET' IN TH E CITY O F EUGENE. UNDERTAKING and E M B A L M IN G a Special! All orders for Furniture sent us from the Siuslaw will be shipped from I ortlmal ß H A M B E R L IN , / “ Now . Mary!” “ And I d o n ’t believe in a wife creep- A Misunderstanding. — ----- ing ami craw ling to a husband. ” Suspicious Wife—I heard you tell Pod- “ Thai ’ you go sam e sars as you used kins th at you were going to spend 1100 to give m e !” to get a seam worked. “ If vou d o n ’t like it vou n eed n ’t stay hussv th a t— W ATCHES, * CLOCKS R E P A IR E D P R O M P T L Y -------------------- ----------- — —----- A N D W O R K WARRANT*0, Where is the here." j speculative Husband—Only a coal “ And stay here. I w o n t,” lie exclaim ed ! seam, mv dear. A N D * JEWELR’ AT Ï « I ) I V W." T t » FL O U K X C F V A R IE T Y S T O R •»