LITERARY scraps . ! the thirtv I>r ? * l i ndO? iS Pureit at about volume of poetry which Lord , *. o'* ‘ortjr feet from the ground* 1 ‘ Owen Meredith,” left unfin- and hkrhn t fLt thC dustiseneountered,’ ubed at his death will be published t h ' e i S ; , — fit* ' V bbaham L incoln ’ s speech a t the comWnaMon ‘of’ l’S , " s.r slcm '“ ’<' hattiefield of Gettysburg was lately makinr, -° ttle magnets, and LEA D ER S in all kinds OF STAPLE AND ‘‘.J at the Cambridge university in size and ♦ ass«mptions as to the fancy groceries . ■ inland as an example of the best size and strength of these magnets it naîu™!’ W Fitzit™ W “ a " their Ihurliah prose. natuial rate of vibration may be one Miss M ary E. W ilkins , the novelist, hundred millions pcr secon(L J 0 said to write a thousand words—no OF la test patterns !’ore, no less-every day. Sometimes POINTS FO RJ5C IEN TISTS. A N D C H O IC E S T hen the spirit of im agination is espe- F A B R IC S ->IM M E N S E s t o c k . '.¡ally flefy she docs tllis much within A n instrument will be used in the I aahour. new psychological laboratory at Yale C ha RI'0TTE M. Y onge , though seven- c a p a b le s measuring time to 1.01 of a 0 tv years old, is one of the most popular «•oman writers in England. She writes is replete in all it s various lines M asrivm ” is the name of the new regularly, except Sundays, from nine chemical dem ent which has been dis­ C L O T H IN G . H A T S A N D CAPS. ¡n°the morning till one o’clock, and covered In the bed of an ancient e X tian river. • •rain from six to seven. H elen K eller , the blind girl who r J 1!1* ? ? yal Ge°l?raPhieal Society of has made herself so famous and beloved England has only granted its medal to f o r b o t h ladies and g e n t l e m e n , b e s t in Boston and vicinity, is w riting a two women-Lady Franklyn and Mrs. storj’for St. Nicholas, the proceeds of Mary Somerville. It should now pre- S T O C K IN F L O R E N C E . which are to be devoted to the chil­ paie another badge of honor for Mrs. dren’s building at the Columbian expo­ ± eary. She merits it. sition. ( apt . II emly recommends, for im­ W ithin the past eleven years the parting greater intensity and brilliance world of letters has lost Carlyle, 1881; to blue prints, an immersion in a solu­ George Eliot, 1881; Longfellow, 1882; tion of a ferric salt-perchloride of iron Emerson, 1882; Matthew Arnold, 1888; for example—of a strength of five per Browning. 1888; Kinglake, 1891; cent., the prints afterward being well Lowell, 1891; W alt W hitman, 1892; washed. George W. Curtis, 1892; W hittier, 1892, D r . D aniel D enison S lade is one of and Tennyson, 1892. the few surviving eye-witnesses of the ; first capital operation under the influ­ Keeps a full line of Extra Quality GEMS OF T H O U G H T . e n c e of ether at the Massachusetts H e , therefore, who assumes as a General hospital November 7, 1846. principle that nothing is to be believed when the discovery of Dr. Morton stood until it is seen and understood, can the test which revolutionized surgery. never believe, for spiritual and celestial EUROPEAN PERSONALS. things arc neither seen with the eyes nor grasped by the im agination.— L ord S alisbury wants to sell his Balzac. villa at I’uys, near Dieppe, for »30,000. T he human mind is confined and re­ The Chalet Cecil is most picturesquely TINW ARE, B(X)T8 & SHOES, stricted by skepticism; but when opened situated on the cliff, with a fine view of HARDWARE, by spiritual illumination, it is capable sea and land. of rising to great altitudes, and of ap­ 1 he crown princess of Norway and HATS & CAPS, MEDICINES, NI TS & ( ’ANDIES, prehending many things in their true Sweden, one of the most enthusiastic of and ultimate significance. — George amateur photographers, took about Frederic Parsons. three thousand pictures while on a re­ TOBACCO, CIO ARS, FERN ISI11 NO GOODS. I t would seem, according to Mme. cent journey. Otherwise she is a very taking young lady. Sand, that the sole business of life is love; that life itself, th a t is to say, ac­ M r . G ladstone makes no claim to be tion in its most varied forms, has no a mountaineer, but he has been at the Prices W ill bo Found Reasonable. other end or occupation. Before hav­ top of Snowden, the loftiest peak in Goods as Represented. ing loved one does not live; when one North Wales, and from the top of which no longer loves or is loved, one has the most picturesque part of the princi­ scarcely the right to live ou. This pality can be seen. alone—to love, to be loved—gives value M rs . E mily C rawford , who took up to existence.—-E. Caro. the work of her husband, G. M. Craw­ MANAGERS. ford, as Paris correspondent of the Lon­ AROUND THE CHURCHES. don News when he died, about eight T he Methodist church needs one years ago, is still maintaining it. Mrs. C . E. S M IT H . QEO. T . H A L U thousand new preachers everv year to Crawford gained great popularity in Paris during the siege and commune. keep its pulpits supplied. A ccording to Canon F arrar there are THINGS OF INTEREST. now four thousand clergymen of the < hurch of England w ithout employ­ S everal sharp reports, which were ment. heard a distance of fifteen miles, imme­ The Largest Wholesale Dealers in [ F ifty thousand dollars fo r foreign diately preceded the fall of a forty-four missions was raised in an hour at the pound aerolite on the farm of Lawrence hnstian alliance eamp m eeting a t Old Freeman, Bath county, S. D. Orchard, Me. ' T hi : old-fashioned brimstone match, In the State, Outside of Portland. G reenfield M ethodist Episcopal which was used with a tinder box, was ' arch, ( incinnati conference, has had a little slip of very thin wood, six inch­ conversions and 577 accessions dur­ es long and a quarter of an inch broad; We are also the largest dealers in ing the past five years, in which Rev. it tapered at either end, and at either end was dipped in brimstone. " “urdsall has been pastor. A PEAR tree which was set by Gov. blE total church membership of the ' '“Try, according to the census, is 20,- John Endicot in 1630 is still standing . A, and the value of church proper- near Danversport, Mass. It blossoms v aggregates »640,125,704. The num- freely, although two hundred and sixty- I y ° separate and distinct church or­ two years old; but the fruit, like most , of the pears of that date, is of poor I ganizations is nearly 150. The iiuaicHt supply point to Glenada and Florence by land. quality. All order» by mail or Hinge guaranteed tilled prom ptly, and SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. A lthough it may not be generally correctly, at the lowest market price. known, the woods of northern British K ochesteh physician, who has been America are still infested by a queer <& P^ninenting on the subject, avers species of bison known as the “wood ,a the mosquito can readily be ex- . buffalo.” He is much larger than the Oregon. Eugene, muinated by the use of petroleum. ' buffalo of the plains, which formerly c H<»H eau observes that the more ; abounded in such numbers, ‘0WlJ’ trees gl'OW a t first the u iea sounder uuuuw i ------------------ arc at the core,” and he thought FASHION'S DECREES. C tJtl7 a,1,C With human i>einprS- I B uttons are very large and are made d i a m o n d « th a t *he hardness of of mctab pearl, jet and crochet . D,*s ls not perceptibly reduced by • F our to six-button gloves of medium IV ¡n^,and Polishing is confirmed by heavy kid are in demand for street Us h iO>rers* °* Colby university, who wear. much experience in working V ery rich white satin brocade» are rith diamonds. brought out expressly for wedding 'ElniAN doctor reputation pre- dresses. , 3lat• ahiminum as a cure for rheu- R eal laces, point, valencienner an i ajet^01! . finger ring made of this the like are selling better than for man} i ° lned wRh another, generates •wd t< e currpn t of electricity which is 3 T he newest slippers are made of black p 1 make a perm anent cure. moire, and are finished with anelatwr ‘‘h i’inieal expert, has deter- ate garniture of je t scientific investigation that dry goods = CENTS’ DEPARTMENT BOOTS and SHOES o THE SEATON STORE DRY COODS ê GROCERIES. Knowles & Cettys, 'IlÆ IT T i «& I I J L L L . :GENERAL GROCERIES: W O O L . -A .JSTL H O P S . B I B I LEAD IN PRICES. THE AMERICAN FARMER TW O <