The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, December 09, 1892, Image 4

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    dent, is to remain at tn e n m ic
~ >
presiding in her m other s stead. Lus
sell H arrison and wife will also live
In places in New York, away from the
gilded palaces, population is pretty
dense, as mav be judged from th e fol­
lowing: New York has 8162 dwellings
which contain ten families each.
Burial at sea is to be abolished for
We have
ju s t Received
O u r W in te r Stock
O f B oots and Shn»f
„’immense line of I>ry Goods.
Fancy Goods, I-adies’ Hoods
Fascinators, In fan ts’ Hoods an d
Sacks. Come early for bargains
hnihro sunnlv is exhausted.
ns arriv ed .
those who have money to pay for the
both ladies and gentlemen, d ,
not tail to ask lor our famous
J a c k and J ill children gchOo|
transportation of their remains in case
of death on board ship. A ir-tight steel
way which indicates m e erection 01 »« __ i,.a„ o... ♦ !»»» trnnanortation of bodies
line dwelling house—now pretty soon.
Fine a s s o r t ^ fo,
The most im portan t item of the last
two weeks was the d osing of our school.
Fresh stock always on hand.
The e n tertain m en t was said to he very
W ell S e le c te d
C. H. and I). W. Y anderburg are
working the road betw een th eir houses
and Mr. Young's. When completed it
Stock of Hats. In
eel all competitor
will he a lirst-elass road.
e w i l l close out our entire line
of S traw Goods. Those desir-
ing a ’w ay down bargain will
call a t once. These goods will
go at h a lf price.
I beg your pardon, Mr. Y oung! Last
hut not least! Mr. Young is building a
line house on his ranch, lie hopes to
time, “ that there was an accident on
your road last night.”
Pleasure shortens life ; happiness pio
'flic Fiddle creek people are arranging
“ Oli, do y o u ? ” was the sarcastic re­
longs it.
to have a C hristm as tree ami an exhibi­ centenarian.
The condition of hum anity rests with
Parts of th e A tlantic ocean are live
tion on C hristm as evening. It is de­
“ Y es, s ir .”
sired th a t all attend who can.
“ Do you know anything about it?”
A Florida man grows four cabbage
A. V. Gibson and M. I). Scott are e x ­
“ O nly th a t it happened to the train
ing will take care of itself.
pected to arrive in a few days from In ­ heads on one stalk.
w hich was due here at 8:15.”
have it completed by spring.
The greatest tru th s are the sim plest;
dependence. They will sjiend the w in­
The London Zoological G arden now
“ T h a t tra in cam e in promptly on time,
te r with Fiddle creek people.
s ir ,” said th e m anager, firmly,
contains .‘5060 anim als.
“ A re you su re of th a t? ”
Kindness in us is the honey th a t
,1. A. Gibson, while going to Mr.
In every m inute sixty-seven people
W ilkes’ place last Sunday evening, was die in the world and seventy are born.
caught in a severe storm , and in going
The hourly rate of w ater falling over
from the wharf to the house, a falling Niagara Falls is 100,000,060 tons.
tree struck him with such force as to
H indoostan is about, tw enty-live times
throw him to the ground. The body of
uh large as the state of New York.
th e tree struck him across th e leg, be­
Before the year 1806 twelve papers
tween the knee and foot, hut fortunately
were published in t h e United States.
nothing more serious than a few bruises
A lum p of coal weighing 1660 pounds
blunts the sting of unkindness in others.
The pain of losing is softened in th e
memory of pleasure in winning.
“ Of course I a m .”
“ T h an k s. T h a t must have been the
accid en t referred to .”
People who do not know how to laugh dodged ou t safely.
—M in n eso ta H o tel, in Eugene, is one
are always pompous and self-conceited.
block from depot. Kates, $1 per day,
Never be afriad of w h at is good; th e
All w h ite help. This hotel lias been re­
good is always the road to w hat is true. fitted an d new ly furnished. Patronize
Kind words will never die. W ith
was recently mined in ( ascadt county, some people it is because they were
How’s This!
never born.
M ontana.
And the reporter
W e offer O ne H undred Dollars reward
A man w ho does not learn to live
Two hundred and fifty million letters
for an y ease of C atarrh that cannot be
pass through the postal office of London while he is getting a living is a poorer cured by H a ll’s C atarrh Cure.
F . J . C heney & Co., Toledo, 0.
m an after his wealth is won th a n he
every year.
W e, th e undersigned have known b
MuTs were lirst used by doctors to w as before.
keep th e ir lingers soft and wen* adopted
N othing gives such a blow to friend­
by ladies about 1550.
ship as the detecting another in an u n ­
In Hebron, Conn., is an apple tree tru th . It strikes at the root of our con­
that was planted 125 years ago, ami still fidence ever after.
bears good fruit each year.
Satio.itctioh Guaranteed
Yeddo, the capital of tie? Japanese
“ I'm nearly always disappointed in
Em pire, contains 4,000,000 inhabitants
the Christm as presents my husband
and has a greater area than Li ndon.
buys m e,” confessed Mrs. Dimmiek to
Sherm an, Texas, has a $60,000 jail
Mrs. Kickshaw.
from which ten prisoners recently es-
“ Is th a t so?”
caped by sawing through iron bars with
“ Yes. lie means well, hut lie doesn't
a thirty-live cent tile.
seem to get me the things I want. I try
Nineveh, the ancient city, was four­
to appear pleased, of course, hut I ’d
teen miles long and eight miles wide,
rath er base things I care for. I give him
surrounded by a wall 100 feet high and
'.lints but he never seems to eateli
tw enty-nine feet wide.
th e m .”
Pension Cointnissioner Kanin says the
im m ediate deficiency in bis bureau is
1 15, (MM),(MM).
Traffic was alm ost entirely sus|n-ndcd
in th e slrtH-ts of London recently for a l­
most tlm -c days on account of the in­
tense fog.
J . C heney for th e last 15 years, and be­
lieve him perfectly lionorable in all bus­
iness tra n sac tio n s and financially ablet"
carry ou t an y obligations made by their
firm . W est & T kuax , Wholesale Drug­
gists, Toledo, O. W arding , K ixnax A
M arvin , W holesale Druggists, loledo, '
H a ll’s C atarrh Cure is taken internal­
ly, actin g d irectly upon the blood an'
m ucous surfaces of the system.
nionials sent free. Price 75c. per bo •
Sold by all D ruggists.
A fine farm of 160 acres situauy -
th e L akes South from Florence,
ran ch is m ostly alder and vine mar*
bottom lan d , having nearly a mile a*
frontage. Ten acres under cultivation
and 5 m ore slashed ; a good oreba J"
come in to b e a rin g ; 5 rooms in a
house th a t is ceiled and papero , !?*
out-buildings, and stock of all kinds «i
“ Now I never have any trouble like he sold w ith th e place at reasonedle p
ces if desired. Price of farm, $
th a t with Mr. K ickshaw .”
half cash an d reasonable time £iven
“ How do you manage it? ”
balance. A pply for further partícula
“ Easily enough. I buy him for his
a t th is office.
C hristm as present ju st w hat I w ant to
have myself, and he gets for me just
w hat lie th in k s lie would like to have,
S abbath service
and then we exchange the articles with
school, 10 o ’clock a. in. 1 re'
each o th e r.”
o ’clock a. in. au d 7 p. ui. >
th e L o rd 's su p p er on 4tn •
M arch, J u n e , Septem ber am
It Was an Accident.
E verybody is welcome to an
P asto r req u ests C h ristian sto »
“ I u n d erstan d ,” rem arked the
selves know n.
A. Koiiixs*
reporter to the close-mouthed m
of a western railroad noted for it
The total num ber of Chinese who en­
tered C anada and paid th e poll tax of $50
each d u ring die (¡seal year ending Ju n e
l!0 w as .*5276.