Voi. 3. Florence Lane County, Oregon, Friday, December 9. 1892. Douglas red on women who could and would use ,«unties is being a g ita ted by th e citizens the splendid opportunities for study, but S t a t e s d X ^ r ^ l T ^ m of Cottage Grove, D rain a n d vicinities. wliose limited fortunes would compel No. 34. ju t division of L ane an d It is proposed to take a p a rt from Lane them to stay at home. The “ scholar­ on the south, and a portion from Dong­ ships” en title holders to fare to and p o rta . po b M le on the north, and form th is te rrito ry from the city, board while here, and the into a county._______________ N early all the people h ere m ay flat­ ter themselves on th e financial condi­ tion of this part of L ane co unty. A fter visiting the valley, and h earin g thecoin- h h "^ I f ............... ? « -v ... .................................. ..................... ............... freedom of the grounds. Much good of Huch sensational stories which f I Whld‘ will thus be done those who most need too frequent n » n r * * * ° to,n,“ on »»»orwlity recoils in lasting ob- MJirequent occurrence in the W««W loquy it and whose added knowledge will be d X n o “ " " ? ; Th“ iour" “ w o i T l ’ ’• ' • Mb I. one of America’s most lasting and val­ ued profits from the fair. t « W p ...... ... «„.I ........... » I,............................. ... . D pi h « . u h . „ . ....... ....... .. ti; J • ; j.laints of the business m en regarding P rune culture, the skeptic would have “hard tim es” th e re , it gives us an us believe is a mistaken pathway to the Go as far east as New York state and additional and m ore ex alted regard for land of wealth, yet when we read th a t a we find fl .ating the rounds of newspa­ the Gieat Siuslaw c o u n try . sixteen-acre orchard of German prunes pers the announcement that “ the dis­ T he famous locom otive th a t rolled in Sonoma county, California, from five covery of immense fields of coal m along the Pennsylvania track s from Con- to eight years old, yielded 90,000 pounds Washington has already caused an enor- neraaugh to Jo h n sto w n , sh riek in g its of dried fruit this year and gave its ow­ «nous influx of capital into that state, whistle and giving th e alarm before the ner a net profit of $7600, we are still of snd the output next year is ex|M*cted to oncoming flood, was w recked n e a r Al­ the opinion that there is money to be be more than 3,000,000 tons.” While toona recently. A fter th e flood th e en­ made in this line of fruit culture, and these ami many other pleasing things reer and memory of other wealthy men. There is no support in it for the craay socialist theory that wealth itself is a crim e; th a t “ property is th e ft;” th at t,H’ ri< *8 ■»ecessarily and justly w i,ho«t honor. It is not because he was ricb ’»mt Jay Gould lived tu 's,s‘Cted and died unregretted. It is not even tie- cause he used his wealth selfishly, ern- i’»°Dng n either in charity, nor in in- gine was found buried b en eath a great our opinion is so strong that we are go- are being said of our sister state, Oregon dustry, nor in public enterprise, nor in bank of sand n ear w here th e engineer inK to urge our farmer friends to get in still retains her reputation as being “ the that private extravagance and luxury had abandoned it. and drill on prune growing. state just north of California and south of which confers an indirect benefit by em­ asliington,’’ and here ends our state’s ploying labor. The mere miaer is an M ost of the citizens a re agreed th a t Six or seven men and boys have been Florence s h a l l be incorporated a t the either killed or permanently disabled by chapter so far as it is known to eastern ,^^eot of public c o n tem p t; but not of tlm next session of th e L egislature, and we the fool gunner in the Oregon woods people, except that every four years she ^ » « « » iv e and acrid detestatiou which Gould inspired. He lived and die,I are now engaged in d ra ftin g a ch arter lately, and the people are asking, “ W hat casts four electoral votes for president. j in dishonor, not liecaute he was rich, to be submitted to th e people for th eir is to be done about it—can ’t this thing THE LESSON OF A LIFE. but because hie riches were ill-gotten. approval so soon as th e w riting is done. be stopped?” Well, no, it can’t be coin- , , No life lived in the glare of publicity He was hated ls- bis exceptional case dem onstrated the Miss K enealy , th e well know n nurse, to be arrested upon a charge of man­ rarics take nothing from him. He • I1 rench parn«)ox; because ids property in a recent lecture before th e h ealth so­ slaughter, it might discourage their lived in vain, except for the lesson his was theft. The public judgm ent th at ciety of London, m ade a m ost startlin g brethren for a time and create a lull in life conveys to the youth in whose char­ held him unworthy of honor was none the slaughter. acter building it exerts some of the in ­ the less true, in its discrim ination be­ statement regarding th e m o rtality during the recent cholera epidem ic a t H am burg. L e M ars , Iowa, was christen«*,! in a fluence of environment. This has a tween him and other men no less ! •'•he said that th e statistic s officially giv­ curious way. The completion of a rail­ value not to be despised. w<*althy, than in the estim ate it made of The ethical value of Jay Gould's life himself. Riches are not immoral In en out were wholly in co rrect, an d th a t road to th a t point in the wilderness while according to them th e d eath s num ­ gave birth to the town, and the few in­ lies in the fact th at it ran its course themselves. Selfish use of riches is bered about 5)000, as a m a tte r of fact the habitants succeeded in having a post- without honor and ended without re­ contem ptible, but not detestable. The 'ictims of the disease num bered fully office establish«*«! there. When the ques­ gret. The man has lived for a quarter only rich iumii held in ju st ami lasting 18,000, tion of naming it came up the men very of a century in the very eye of the pub- dishonor is he w ho gets Ida riclics dis­ chivalrously decided to call it by the ! He; not willingly, fur no man ever cov- honorably. A hulking piece of h u m a n ity was re­ Demonstration of theae tru th s is of given name of one of the young ladies of « ^ d privacy and o'wcurity more than ally sent to jail in Sail Francisco for the community. But which one? That h e; but necessarily, because the work to inestim able value to young men, whose '•tree months for choking his foster- could not be agreed upon, and it was which he devoted himself and the life work is Iwfore th e m ; whose inspira­ ! lll0tber, u woman of seventy years. The finally decided to take the initial letter methods he chose to employ could not tions are taking form out of the vohi of Melty of his defense, th a t he was inere- of the names of the six most jopular. j hut attract the widest public notice. No un«levelo|M>«| character; whose natures dressing the old lady an d th a t h er Their names were Lily, Evelyn, Ma.vle, »‘as been better known than his are crystallising umier the influence of ! wrangling was b u t in cid en tal to th e ex- Annie, R uth and Susan. for tb i’ oi H centur^ I u #’” inherited impulse and a«'«*iinds will he beyond th e reach ot Columbia, and as other localities are u,a(.lu>H t |,e »«rrenness of mere material use«l is honorable, and wealth selfishly ,hany deserving persons, particularly m aking an effort in this direction, it i" BU(>CWJrt k revenjt the impotence of u.wd is wasted, weaiib acquired in cyn- *om«n. Mrs. F. B. C larke, of St. P aul, hard to understand why the „ ert| tb u, (.on.rnand resps t. It enipl.a- “-»I contem pt of moral stam lar.ls, how- ‘ ‘H-'inber »it th e B oard of Lady Man- should be behind iifth e race. j the pricelcssnens of honor. Jt be- ever used, can buy nothing hut public 8 --------------------- -------- , , , . i detestation. This dem onstration is a *^r8’ bas proposed a p lan th a t reflects TitttoUGflour nearly all our exchanges tra \s t o uni tang a ,« | ri public send«». It ought not to he de- h|uch honor on herself as it promises ’ •>tl rticle published by the .indifference to common e. uca s an< feiite<, by m awkish sentim entality about for th e beneficiaries. “ Scholar- we notu e ie Danielson ha«l ards. lew young men «*an fail to see the sham re*|>e<*t thought to be due to J|l)s "ill be sold to w ealthy ¡»ersons (jtmrd, th a t the s< loontr & ,liOuth th a t the success Jay Gould won was the dead.—.Sunday O/vy«/niaa, * i ’cieties, and will ’«x by th em confer- gone to pieces on the sj.it at the