T H E W E ST . — P l BblHIIKD BVCBY FRIDAY MOBXIXG.— — AT— F lobexcb , L ane C ounty , A L L E Y A I I I .I T O N , O regon I'ubliMlirrH. A . S.’ B u t o n , Ix x a l E ditor and M anager. -T eems : $2.00 a year in advance.- E ntered a t th e post-office nt Florence. L ane county, Oregon, eh second-class m ail m a tte r. ADVKKTIHIXO RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ PLICATION. L ocal n o tic e s X renin per lin e , each Insertion. W E ST L IN G S. „n(i j. x. ! th e people seem to ! fro,,, debt. I, is de,¡red ti,at this n.o n ey , d a a n - - be ' “ ‘l“ Five dollar gold piece, W m. B e rn h a rd t; —H enry Busch writes from Tacoma, Two tortoise shell card receivers, M r. W ashington, stating th a t he lias ,en- I gaged in business th ere and is doing and Mrs. J . Anderson ; Set of blue dish- es, Sadie G ould; Bedspread and lace well. He also encloses his business card curtains, Mrs. S. M. Sm ith ; Silk hand- nit- | ........... . for fliu which shows him to be m anager of the , • . e -- lit... . nt,» H i , | , kerchief, Win. C S ’... m :.l, “ Tacoma M irror P lating C o.’ rii» - ith ; Roast p.g to r th e •<, I banquet, Mrs. lir e . Fineterw alder. i will be glad I to Iin sterw ald ei crowd of friends here _ S M IT H A B IL K . know he has struck fortune’s wheel on a favorable tu rn . - favoruhle , . ’ R. Johnston, proprietor of th e M inne- —It is reported th a t to-morrow s tide jjotej p o lis h e s th is over liis signa- v.ill probably bring th e whale up l,ie j tl„.e ¡n tlie Daily -J.- river. If it does and should land some p„hiic are hereby w arred ag ain st place on the river bank, and you should Smith, the inform er on W. M asterton think of visiting the scene, here is a sug- at Florence. He owes me $10 for hoard irestionfrom which he refuses to pay. 1 I will sell th e gestion from one who has beer, been th ere: ¡which account for a dog, and then shoot th e hirwt ascertain bow the wind is blowing, i (]0 E(jgene where l)p en ters CQm. .... Gr not, ru n west to a p o i n t T r i ’ Tl" llftv above th e m outh of W,,. south into Douglas countv include E lk to n , and east’t, tl ** j b o u n d ary line of the count! ' * uuuntieq I i ------ oues. LANE -- COUNTY*«, J ' ____ 8 W ealth A ssessor McPherson send« , th e following 9„ ,n ,,larv()flii « ', of I.nne co unty the »6 o- - n r “ i P,rOper,y is '»“"'I f ,00„, wlnel, |S „ » assess,u en t oi 189! of «244,790, , ' th e su m m a ry : ie,v Im proved lands, 506,872 aw , , a t $3,541,008; average value ¿ j ? $0.99. |Xr at U nim proved land, 270 25" . ,000,009 ieet of logs. A ""p »I'P ; a8 an investigation investigiition oojs d o js not not suo show suffi- TI..I a..«-......i r i- e, ’ Lzi ’ ° as an . • ♦ t I . .. .x • • . I lin i, I lit tl fit ttl i »i I .. he held at the Presbvter'ian rbrn’-H, “ Ío L "","* í cieüt Pr00Í tü tl,e ,irre8t8' w ill In* held at the Presbyterian church utes to allow boats to pass through. ! W H A LE ON T H E B E A C H . on C hristm as morning. The Siuslaw river has been cleared of j —A. Dick arrived in Florence last obstructions nearly to the falls. The Considerable excitem ent was notice- week from P leasant H ill. H e owns a big ja ........ .. the river was broken by a able among the small boy and th e over ranch on North Fork and is moving liberal use of giant pow der.” W h at a ' curious men folks—one of the la tte r of tlieie. lie th a t slip business is. T h e re ’s no I whom we were which—w b e n itw a s g iv - —J . A. Pond, th e clever clerk at, Mev- »lip nor any thought of one. Il we did , en out Tuesday th a t a whale had “ come or & K yle’s, is taking a vacation this : »'»t know differently, we would a c c u sea sh o re.” About one mile to th e south week and is visiting with .Mr. F rem o n t’s Amasa Hurd of having gotten up this of the. mouth of th e river, on th e ocean people. ' slip business as a possible excuse for h e-. beach there did come ashore” a large - Ninety logs brought to the Cushm an '»K so everlastingly late w ith steam er whale, The dim ensions of this m on­ m ills in one raft recently, by H arper M*nk a b o n U h iee-th ird s ,J th e tim e. strous fish which the breakers have cast W oik m an, scalei! one hundred and thirty- up are: Length, seventy-tw o and a half M A R R IE D M O R G A N M O R R IS . two thousand feet. feet; tail, from lip to tip, nine feet and Itv in .ti uetio n i (rnnt A.....s llinlsall Tl” " . 1,1 XoveinlK,»■ 24tb, three inches; lins, nine feet and eig h t A D V ERTISED LETTERS. T hk j, em pow ered t„ ........ Mt a 1 .’•» /. 1 “ re » “ celebrated ; ¡,„.|,e, in lei,g tll. ot,e , Me ,,( jsw L ist of le tte rs remaining uncalled i m o f t l ,« M ..« .,..! ,. ....... , j «t Hotel M orns, in Florence, th e mar- hone, fifteen feet and nine inches. The m eeting eeting of th e Masonic b reth ren for t , M i >, v < I i o .» . , , ■ ringe of C harles Morgan and M rs. E . A. crew of schooner Danielson first m ade a t th e Florence post-office for tliemoal December 10, a t one o ’clock, in Florence, j Mm rig en d in g N ovem ber 30, 1892. the find and have since removed blubber B racey, C olvin; Brenneis, Fn Slilncy \\ aite is up at Mr. T allm an 's The in tim ate friends and relatives sufficient to make, when tried out, about Jo h n so n , R. R. 2; Johnson, Esth« place where he Inis a raft of a million feet began to arrive about the hour of five an hundred barrels of oil. The blubber Jo h n so n , W in ; Janies, Geo; Mans of logs in the river ready to bring down th irty , and ere th e chick struck the half will he taken to San Francisco by’sehoon- us soon as the ~ w ater raises ' * * > .. . .. . . A ndrew 2 ; N utter, D. II. 3; Re« a few feet hour following th e strike of six fully ! er Danielson. R i8 hardly worth w hile H a rry ; South Bend Lumber Co 7 Smil higher. sixty people had arrived. A few m in­ making much of a “ blow” on th e m a t­ —Johnny M orris is up th e liver this utes later th e guests were invited into ter as at best it is nothing but a second M iss E v a ; Thom pson, Isaac. P ersons calling for any of the alw week getting ou t logs which will he the spacious dining hall. As soon as hand whale, it having undergone th e le tte rs will please say “ advertised." sawed into lum ber for a new resitlence. they were gathered in 111 ’ carving of man s knife at a previous date .tut« I | I I I « * W m . K vi . e , Postmaster were tliw, thrown to lie built in Florence near Mr. K yle’s doors at th e end of the halt It U'liCo when the whalebone and best of the oil tenem ent house. open and th e bride and groom appeared. were removed, (’apt Gruggles is of th e C hurch property in the United Sta Ju d g e Pickle then stepped forward and - The Siuslaw River Lum ber C nn- opinion th at th e obituary of his whale- is estim ated a t $1,300,000,000. pany s mill is kept busy sawing mi order with becoming dignity and ease of man­ ship was celebrated some two years ago luiiilier from O akland, Calif., much of ner propounded tin* usual questions,and and th at tin* salt water has preserved it —A ny and all kinds of building matt which will be shipped miles into the in ­ adm inistered th e custom ary injunctions —or partially preserved it—until the al both rough and dressed, at Diviil and pronounced them man and wife. terior of the state. S o n ’s G len ad a saw-mill. present time. A fter the ceremony congratulations tell - The lawsuit between Chas. H artley T h irty years ago there was a gr and H arper W orkman was throw n nutof thick and fast—mid hearty. As 8 »on as W E ’ RE S O LID W HEN T H E LO G S ou tcry against the lighting of St. Sle| all had extended th eir wishes lot future C O M E DO W N. court and arb itrato rs ap|N,inted. The a r­ e n ’s c ath e d ra l a t Vienna by gas. I |»ros|K*rity and connubial bliss the ban­ From tin* Eugene Journal. b itrators arc Ju stice Pickle, Joe M orris quet was announced and a dinner lit for M . G. Bailey, who is constructing an arch b ish o p has now introduced eledi mid M. I>. Landis. the gods was presented. Dinner being enormous boom on the tide-w ater on th e itv . —Buy patent medicines nt Mever * over» »trains of music were beard rolling H uslaw river was in town thp first of —F lorence needs a good grocery st" K yle’s—big stock, V hi are not sick through th e open doors of the dnn x» hall. i ll'h l i ' h<‘ i "* 'en eoil'P>eted For term s, re n t on store building. 6 will hol.l upwards of ten million feet, of now, but you mav I n , r , . , . , ‘“-v 111 * "lock of th e guests met in social chat in sayings. H,e plan is to run the sawlogs w rite Geo. M. Miller, Fairmoui [k ' ” !' !'"• <" v»riu„. , « r t . I l „ hotel, while .„ h e r, out of Lake Greek and the Upper Siuslaw Oregon. ' ..... .... ¡'•¡"-I ................. ,„ „ li „.hh.lgh, «' lugh water ami catch them in the boom on tide-w ater below. I f t h e plan A p reach er asked a college preside u h ile tug Lillian was out taking high carnival reign suprem e, he th o u g h t of his sirmon soundings in the vicinity of th e bar this T he W est jo in s w ith everybody in the of The m orning her rudder somehow got hung valley in wishing them all success at cessihle by the saw-mills. The o' n i." hear<1 in ifc w h at I hope never to up on a big p ic - ,., ( d r ift m , hh | and— the tam able ami many years of prosperity. feasible. A large quantity of logs is be- ag « in * '’ “ W liat h at was that? L illia n is beached thin afternoon fo r re- 1 he bride received many beautiful and mg cut oil the head waters of these stream s this w inter and every tl . J clock strik e tw ice.” pairs. useful presents, among tin 111 being the — M in n e s o ta H o te l, in L np’11'' " — The fa m ily of J, |,n Schultz has follow in g : i” 1 iiallit 111 the near future. block from depot. Rates, $1 P*r ‘ m oved to tow n from th e ir M aple creek T oilet set. M J . p.lha; Chenille table The question which the Journal raises All w h ite help. This hotel has ken ranch. They are dom iciled in the old spread, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. H urd; Lin­ «» to “ if th e plan works” is not (.on. lifted an d new ly furnished. I’atr'i M o rris icsidenc* ami w ill rem ain the en table cloth, M rs. G. Masterson; Set »«dered on this end of the line. It is w in t e r - t h e ir c h ild re n are a tte n d in g h irk ish towels, Mr. and Mrs. M. p. sure to w o rk -ju s t as sure to work as it. nchool. P arker; C rystal water set. Mr. and Mis • er will float logs and will run down h liu Mm 1 1; , iew e,’ hill. It is a big thing for the valley and T he —“ W here did yon get th a t” ----- Mev­ J " M ease. Mrs. (I. W. S utton; Set china cups e r A K y le lo n e as t in e a Inn* of bats as every pocsihle aid should be given th e ' •’«-jiage jd tir n a l will be sent h’ was ever brought to Florence. As a ««>d saucers, Mr. and Mrs. John Morris- project by onr people, all th e su b sc rib e rs of T he T m a tte r of tael, th e y are ju s t a little Im vehun breakfast castor and set of «¡|’ W E'R E “ AG IN IT. w ho p a y o n e y e a r's subset>1’ s lic k e r th a n any th in g th a t ever showed xcrteasiH N .ns.TH EW Esr; Night lamp, From the Eugene Register. Anna M arsh; Mush set, Mrs p op io th is m an's tow n. E. H y n ; ¡» evidently a ,|et„ , n in a t.on nn in a d v a n c e . T h is lilieral ort'ert M arr; Eight day clock ami set 01 sauce — Ite v . Robinson Info rm s os th a t tin* dishes. Marion M orris; Mush ’.n'ltiinr,,'? l ,1'r' "1 IH;I1I'V ih tlH' : a lik e to all old 1,8 i well »et. Mrs’. . u S l " 'J" ? 0' M ilc . r ip tio iis given at the dedieati. n of Marion M orris; Porcelain breakfast <« obtain . ......................... it « tin* P resbyterian chnreh an* now due — tor, Georg» division of tile county at the next ses a new p a tro n s . ^ '" • t t ; Pair vases. LnGhi 1 lire* nioiilIts having b<*en given. W hen ( «Wi na ; 1 y o n o n ly tw o d o lla rs for »ticv apron and handkerchief. »ion of the legislature. We understand these are |>nid th e church will ’n* free Anna W hitm an; Ladies’ fob yhah’, " a n t to have the northern hound- p i— ers. ‘^ S a '- m 4 p - ' le copies can be and v neighborhood c f C’X at this office. —('. I I . Page and Horace ( ’ line cam t in from Eugene this afternoon. Americdn Farmer