PCBLIHHEI) EVERY F lobkxck , FRIDA Y MORNING L ank C ounty , O regon must really speak a word in favor i departm ent some day. l i t h e ms actually taken them I believe have arrested him some tim e or le a d e r s in all K IN D S O F STAPLE AND f a n c y g r o c e r ie s . Good d av .” A ICeaMon»1»!*' I n f e r e n c e . A I.I.K V & H E IT O N Mr. Billua—“ M aria, how long has young H ankinson been coming to see B. F. A lley , A. S. B liton Bessie?” Mrs. Billus—“ About five y ears.” T erm s : $2.00 a year in advance “ Five years, bey? How often does he come to the bouse?” E ntered at th e post-office at Florence, “ Three or four times a w eek.” Jatne county, Oregon, as second-class I “ Hoes be tuke her to operas, concerts, m ail m atter. and other places of am u sem en t?” ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP< PLICATION. I.( n * h I notices S cents per lin e , each insertion H e W ax V ery I’o l l t e . “ Is this Ned P h illp o t? ” th e justice to h e r? ” “ R ather attentive, I should say .” asked, addressing a little, happy-headed “ Act as if he were taking a sort of a negro, reports the Arkansaw Traveler. fancy to h e r? ” “ Yea, sab, than k ee, ef you please.” “ He does.” "B een dru n k a g ain ? ” “ H ’m ! Stays pretty late som etim es?” “ Yes, sub, th a n k e e .” “ He often stays till 11 o’clock.” “ Been here some ten tim es w ithin the Suddenly struck by an idea, “ I ’ll tell last year, h a v en ’t y o u ?” “ Yes, sab, thankee, hleeged to yo u .” you w hat, M aria! T hat young chap will he w anting to know some of these “ W hen are you going to q u it? ” days if he c a n ’t keep company w ith “ D oan’ know, thankee, sail.” OF L A T E S T P A T T E R N S A N D FABRICS—IM M E N S E S T O C K . C E N TS ’ D E P A R T M E N T ~ = = 0 BOOTS and S H O E S --------- FOR B O T H L A D IE S A N D G E N T L E M E N . BEST STO CK IN F L O R E N C E . TH E S E A T O N STORE Keeps a full line of Extra Quality DRY GOODS g GROCERIES “ I believo I ’ll send you to the work- Bessie.” house for tw enty-five d a y s.” CHURCHES AND SERMONS “ T hankee, su b .” The old bible land is not very large “ Ix»ok here, w hat m akes you so po­ when you m easure it out by miles. Pal­ HA RD W A B E , lite ? ” " K a in ’t h e ’p it, th an k ee, sub ; horn in estine is about one-fourth as large as th e state of New York. m e, I reckons.” T IN W A R E , HATS & C A PS, Good thoughts are blessed guests, and “ Well, I th in k I ’ll let you oil' this tim e. Politeness ought to ho re­ should be heartily welcomed, well fed warded.” and much sought after. Like rose leaves, they give out a sweet smell if laid “ Bleeged te ry e r, sab, th a n k e e .” M hen the little old negro was gone up in th e ja r of m em ory. th e justice said: “ There c a n ’t help The introduction of hells into churches b u t la) some little good iu so oolite a is usually ascribed to St. Paulinus, bishop of Nola, in C am pania (400 A. D.) T heir use in churches ami monasteries soon spread through Christendom. They were introduetxl into France about 550, and B enedict, abbot of Wearinouth, brought one from P aly into England ab o u t OHO. The whole Moslem race despise and abhor th e sound of bells, which they say cause th e evil spirits to assemble to­ w ell, ’ queried the detective from gether. They do not use them on their head-quarters who had climbed three mosques or churches, hut have instead pairs of stuirs on Griswold street iu re- men called muezzins stationed in the M|Hinse to a call from an insurance office. m inarets who call out five times each “ " b y , I gave a tram piah-looking fel­ day for the people to assemble in prayer. low a q u a rte r to bring up some coal, and The cry is: “ There is no god but God, lie had scarcely gone when 1 missed my and Mohammed is his p ro p h et.” sjH»etacles, " replied the agent. NOTICE FOR P U B LIC A TIO N . “ G old-bow ed?” CHOICEST IS R E P LE TE IN A LL IT S VARIO US LINES. C LO TH IN G , H A T S A N D C A P S . “ Y es.” “ Go to church with her som etim es?” “ Nearly every Sunday evening.” “ I I ’in ! Hoes he seem to be atten tiv e dry goods BO O TS & SH O E S M E D IC IN E S TOBACCO Goods as Represented. CIGARS N U T S & CANDIES, F U R N IS H IN G GOODS. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable Knowles & Cettys, managers , The Largest Wholesale Dealers in GENERAL GROCERIES In the State, Outside of Portland. We are also the largest dealers in Land oftlce a t Roseburg, Oregon, Nov •*{ Notice b hereby given th a t the’following “ \ e s , 1 sup|H>se he could sell them for nam ed (.elder ha« tiled notice of her intention a to u t a d o llar.” to m ake 0 owl proof In sup|M>rt of her claim mid d ia l said proof w ill In* m ade before tile Judge or C ounty Clerk of tu n e county. Oregon at Fn “ I know where they a re .” gene. Oregon, on S aturday, Ja n u a ry 11, law ,'ir “ You d o ? ” Melissa Baker, H om estead en trv No. ftp.i« “ Yes—on your forehead !” “ Blesa m e! gasped the agent ns he p u t his hand up. “ So they are! So they a re ! W ell, well, but I must be ale sen t m inded! p a rty .” *. ae >, Of sw section 7. tp. 17 s. range » w, and e ' , o f „ - i 4 of -ci d o n 12. tp 17 a, range 10 w "h e mimes th e follow ing witnemen to nmv« h e r .o n tin u o u s residence upon and cultivation of. wild land, vi«: Alla rt Koepp, Ju liu s K.s', n Alla rt M Bristow and R olart Eggle,hant. all ,,f Oregon. lit 'm i tut ii, Lane co un ty, or?K<>h. 1 •P -J -J -S J ohn H. S h v p k , Register. You n e e d n 't arrest the “ .lust nqwirt ‘no d u e ’ and see th a t the NOTH K FOR P C B L lt A T ltlN l and Oftlce at Roseburg, Oregon ’ DUN. Notice Is hereby given th a t th e ’fo nam ed settler has tiled notice of his I, to m ake final p ro o f in support of his el« th at »aid proof will !«■ tvade tiefore the C ounty c le rk of Lane e«. tntv. t»n«