The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, December 02, 1892, Image 4

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    H IL A R IO U S
T S IL T C O O S .
prepared for the m arket, at lia - t $--> a
:n. head, and the profits of the contractor
A» it is im pssible to catch onto a sin
were consequently very large.
O u r W in te r Stock
gle item of news this week, I will present
We have
you with some pen pictures of people I
O f B oot s and Shoes
T lie C o lo r o f In d ia n a .
Just Received
know. I)o you recognize them ?
The color of th e Indian race varies An immense line of D ry Goods, lia s arriv ed . Fine assortment f(n.
(— ) This is E . If. D. who dashes •
both ladies and gentlemen.
1 much individually, as does th a t of our ' Fancy Goods, L adies’ Hoods,
about driving oxen, building saw -mills
not fail to ask lor our famous
own Caucassian race, and it also varies
Fascinators, In fan ts’ Hoods and
and w hat not.
much w ith the different tribes. It is safe
Ja c k and J ill children school
Sacks. Come early for bargains
(.) This is O. L. B., who, when he gets
shoe—all sizes.
to describe them in general term s as
—before supply is exhausted.
angry, ulwavs makes a long pause before
brown. Some tribes are of a decidedly
lie speaks.
light shade of brown, while others
( ;j This is J . L. F ., who stops ju st
are so dark—the California coast tribes,
long enough to make sure it is a bear, (
for instance—as to almost suggest th e
Then be turns and niim away—
Numerous individuals have
For a
lie ’ll “ w rap” a tiear some other day.
J negro
(:) This is M. F. I1., who fails to been notjced by travelers in some Indian
C rneeries, Groceries^
Few Days
“ grasp th e situ a tio n ,” until he is fol­ tribes, as the M andau, Zuni and others,
W e w ill close out our entire line
lowed by convincing proof th a t the po­ who are so light t bat the idea of th eir Fresh stock always on band.
descent from European people gained cur­
of S traw Goods. Those desir-
tatoes are not dug.
(,) Here is <1. II., who can pause but rency. It was chiefly this fact th a t lent
Well Selected
ing a ’w ay down bargain will
it m om ent—he is so busy getting moved weight to the theory propounded less Stock of Hats. In this line we ex­
call a t once. These goods will
than one hundred years ago th a t colonies
go a t h a lf price.
and so on.
cel all competitors.
(!) Why, my s ta r s ! T hat m ust have of Welch had been planted in the wilds
of America. A h we know now, however,
been a “ sh rie k ” from B. F. W.
(?) This will represent the policy of these light colored Indians are simply of
th e new adm inistration.
a natural brown, or are albinos. Of th e
(“ ” ] This is “ (i. M .” who is fond of latter class perhaps those at Zuni are the liglit company’s m ains. The hotel is
quoting old saws.
best know.
i now fitted up regularly with an electric
[W.] Here is a young man who always
A S n a k e W illi a H aliy's H ead .
represents one point of th e compass.
It is pointed out by a scientist th a t th e
( ’«] This is Mrs. V., who possesses the
Jo n ath an Baker, while working on bis world’s most precious gems are com­
best husband and the finest ranch in Or­ farm at Coalton, Ohio, one day recently,
posed of the commonest substances, th e
beard a strange hissing sound coming diamon 1, for instance, being pure car-
[-] This is (J’s. ami M ’s., w hoalthougb ! fro|n u ,og pi,(,
W ondering w hat it
bon—that is to say, charcoal devoid of
two d istinct families, seem to be always could be, be removed th e logs one by
I impurities.
one. After several bad been removed
The little village of Brem en, T h u r­
[tj Here is J . E. W., who always lias lie was horrified to see a mighty serp en t,
ingia, boasts of the sm allest electric
a good story to tell by way of ex p lan a­
with a head resem bling th a t of a babe,
light installation. A single arch lam p in
spring up. Back from the low forehead
j the church is operated, when needed, by
I A. it B.] These are th e poor tired
coursed an abundance of soft h air, and j a little dynamo driven by the water-
editors who have hint quite enough and
beneath the w rinkled brow peered eyes
! wheel of the village mill.
w ant to (piit this foolishness.
of evil.
Now, whim I meet a friend who tu rn s
Kush Valley, U tah , has a mine of n a t­
From its lips darted a forked tongue,
hi" head the other way as I pass by, 1
as the m onster, fully eight feet long, and ural shoe blacking. An analysis of th e
shall take it ns a sign th at he bus recog­
us thick us a m an 's th ig h , tried to spring peculiar stuff reveals the fact th a t it is
nized bis portrait.
upon th e farm er.
M r. Baker called a composed of sixteen per cent of carbon,
Please read Mrs. Miller instead of
friend, Joseph M cCartney, who eighteen per cent of bitumen and the re-
“ Mrs. W ilkes” in last week’s Tsiltcoos
working near. Both took their axes, and ' m ainder album en, almost pure.
item s.
(.¡All. M aker .
one struck the m onster a blow on the
C U R IO U S F A C T S .
buck of its head, while the other tackled
Tu K e e p (In n a F r o m K iih I lu g .
its hoily.
The brute w rithed and hissed in hor-
rusting is to have a ring of zinc soldered rfbk, agonVt aI|(| the
¡t emitte(J
round th e barrel, or, if it is not conven­ was perfectly aw fill. It made an effort
ient to dn this, to have a long strip of to strike with its powerful tail, but the
•zinc aoldcred out of sight underneath the men kept d e a r of it until the snake was
barrel. The galvanic action which isex- dispatched by repeated blows.
cited ls*tween the zinc and the iron ef­
The best wav to preserve a gun from
England is as large as Iowa.
The cry of a wounded hare resembles
th a t of a child in distress.
The first mill built in Oregon was
erected in 1817 by the Hudson Bay Com­
The sills, which were of oak and
are yet sound, have been converted into
lum ber, and will be used in the finis hing
of a residence.
will driv e th e sap back into the flowers,
causing th em to become fresh. Then
cut aw ay th e th ird of the stein which has
been h e ate d , and place the flowers in
cold w ater.
E ig h t m illion eig h t hundred and three
th o u san d bales of cotton were used bv
th e w orld la st y ear.
New South W ales is a great stock rais­
ing c o u n try . T he num ber of miles of
fencing ia 1,690,000, built at an average
cost of $209 per m ile. There are 32,000
dam s used for stock purposes, at an aver­
age cost of $415, 33,000 water tanks,each
costing $965; an d 3744 wells, averaging
T h is to ta l expenditure exceeds
$4,000,000 for improvements in stock
How’s This!
W e offer O ne H undred Dollars reward
for any ease of C atarrh that cannot be
cured by H a ll’s C atarrh Cure.
F . J . C heney & Co., Toledo,0.
W e, th e undersigned have known L
J . C heney for th e last 15 years, and be­
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus­
iness tran sactio n s and financially able to
carry ou t an y obligations made by tbeir
firm. W est & T kvax , W holesale Drug­
gists, Toiedo, O. W alding , K issax a
M arvin , W holesale Druggists, Toledo, <
H a ll’s C a ta rrh Cure is taken internal­
ly, acting d irectly upon the blood an;1
mucous surfaces of th e system. Tesu-
; m onials sen t free. Price 75c. perl’0' ,;
I »Sold by all D ruggists.
fectually prevents the oxidation of e ith ­
er m etal, mid us long as the zinc remains
Moisture is a promoter of decay in
in contact with the iron not a particle of fruit.
A woman in Kennebunk, Me., has
FO R S A L E .
rust will apiH'ar on either the inside or
made pets of live field crickets. Each
A fine farm of 160 acres situated on
Four-tilths of the engines now in the
outside of the b u i l d .
has a nam e and seems to know it when ■ th e Lakes South from Florence. Tin*
world have been constructed during the
spoken. They are peculiarly sensitive to j ranch is m ostly ald er and vine maple
last twent v-tive years.
H o w Henil H o r s e s XX e r e I t l l l i e i l .
music, anil are always chirping when bottom lan d , h aving nearly a mile We
Electric baby carriages are seen in the sound of a musical instrum ent is : Montage. T en acres under cultivation
Among other arm y contractors of high
j and 5 m ore slash ed ; a good orchard j01’
and low degree at or about W ashington Paris. The nurse holds a cord, and the heard.
come in to b e a rin g ; 5 rooms in a frame
during the war was one who had pur- buttery underneath furnishes the motive
bouse th a t is ceiled and papered- good
chitxod, as the highest bidder, the dead
tions at the recent paper exhibition at out-buildings, and stock of all kinds 1
The search-light on Mount Washing­
borne« of the Army of the Potomac, for
Berlin was a set of pajier teeth made by be sold w ith th e place at reasonable pn
which he had paid $1.76 each, delivered ton, New H am pshire, is so brilliant that a Lubec dentist in 1878. They have been ces if desired. Price of farm, $2000, em
at his establishm ent. Tin" averaged in ' lH‘''l ’b‘ at the I abvau House, seven miles
half cash and reasonable time given o
in constant use for more than thirteen
A pply for further particular*
the w inter about fifty a dav, and were a " a-v ' C1UI read big print by its rays,
years, and show absolutely no wear
at th is office.
tb u s disjoined of : First, the shoes were
-Yt Sterling, Scotland, Professor Den- w hatever.
pulled nil, then the hoofs were cut off, ton. of tbe Department of Agriculture
Flowers may tie kept fresh for a long
th en th e m anes and tails were sheared. has plowed and reaped bv electric pow-
H rK C H '
tim e by putting a pinch of soda into the ! K E
T be a n im ili was then skinned, the ear- er " ith a distinct gain in sjH»ed and w ater in which they are held. They 1 sch o o U O o ’c ^ ’m '.m " iS c lu n g .
eass was boiled th a t th e tallow might lx* economy.
should not lie gathered while the sun O t‘lv>ck a. in. an d 7 p. hi .
e x tra c te d , th e le s t of the bones were
A whole table d ’hote dinner nt the
. i , , . , , , . in tbe
sold fot knife handles, and th e remain- W indsor Hotel, Ottawa, Canada w is re
morning, or alter the sun has been down Everybody is welcome to all
<ler to l e ground for fertilizers. The cently cocked by electricitv The f1H„i for nil lio n r
r I
n . ,
Pastor requests C h ristian s to max •
tor an hour. To rev u e wilted flowers selves know n.
A. R obins «*. P«1* '
to tal results a e r e th a t these d illi rent the coffee and even the ¡w were all pi­
plunge the steins to about one-third of
G - *\L
par!« of th e dead nag were xx orti*, when parevi by th e current from an electric th e ir length into boiling w ater. This
L F* P ow S , |