o LITTLE OF EVERY-THING. (iermany has a 4000-ton forging press. A natural gas gusher has been struck nettes, etc., and it frequently applied the polish will remain bright for a long | time. Combs of tortoise are said by good authority to be better for the hair than either rubber, bone or celluloid, an(1 WOI1)en wjlO |,Rve used them for it would be quite impossible fo* t |jem to dreg8 t |,ejr |,air with any Qther j„ tjnw t bese combsalmost gee)n {O become a part of one’s self, to partake of the owner’s personality as far as H„y inanimate object possibly can. W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL ’D E A L R E S IN in Boone county, Indiana. Bee« never store honey in the light be- cause honey so exposed granulates and Id thus useless to the bees. Dr. F. Werner records that, in captiv- ity, certain grasshop|»ers bite ofl and even devour portions of their legs. A fresh egg contains the same amount of nourishment as one ami a half ounces j A F is h T h a t B u ild s H o u se s. of fresh meat and one ounce of wheaten bread, but in a more digestible form. III Lake Nyassa, Africa, there is a Women require one hour of sleep more curious little black fish which builds a a day than men. Fewer of the latter ! breeding house every year. In the bot­ reach the age of fifty than the former, tom mud of the lake it scoops out a ba­ but afterward the sterner sex has the sin two or three feet in diameter, heap­ ing up the mud removed from the hole liest of it. Electricity is never visible but in its so as to form a wall around the margin. form of zigzag lightning. Edison thinks In this lake within a lake this queer lit­ differently as to the first point, and pho­ tle fish erects a mud house about four­ tography has proven the second to be an teen inches across at the bottom, rap­ idly coming to a point in the shape of a optical illusion. broad cone. A hole about four inches Boston is talking of disposing of its in diameter, always on the south side, garbage by chemical treatment instead i serves as an opening for egress and in ‘ of by cremation. I lie plan proposed | A dried specimen of this queer would require the investment of about !^rt8S piscatorial domicile preserved in the $175,000 in a plant. Royal Museum at Berlin has two doors In experimenting with potatoes, Kau­ C orner Olive and E ig h th S treets., and a mud wall separating the dwelling lin finds that the crop decreases in pro­ 1 into two rooms. portion as the clay and limestone in the S u p p ly o f E n teral»!« D e c r e a s in g . OREGON. EUGENE, soil augments, and increases with the Emeralds are said to be steadily dis- augmenting proportions of sand and hu- nius. appearing. In the ’50s and ’60s em- Ainong the waste products now find- eralds were the favorite jewel, ami were Ing application in agriculture are woolen worn strung on a thread like pearls, Will Pay, through its Advertising Col­ waste, wood dust and residue from crude hucli a string of emeralds was exhibited umns, a larger Dividend for the Money wool. These are used successfully after in a jeweler’s w indow’ and was estimated Invested than can be realized from any proper treatment as fertilizing materials. to he worth $3,000. Now emeralds art* polisbph fntn a WWIftl form,"1 r Abilin of ( pih hiniriiave Revise»! ’what other source. but are polished like diamonds. Fault­ they call a “ Hat Detective Camera." It is provided with a complete appara­ less stones of a deep ami good color have tus weighing only tw o’ ami one-half always been as valuable as diamonds. Because it is read by the people with ounces, w hich van be fitted into a hat, The reason of the scarcity of emeralds is . s i being ! i . i .i in the Ural whom you expect to do business. ,Can the operation conducted through i 1 the decrease in production 1 Mountains. Emeralds were first discov­ the ventilating hole. you expect them to trade a t your store ered on the right hank of the Tokowoier, Thu black, solid-looking shadows cast unless you invite them to do so? 1 near Kalhcritichurg, in 1830, and in the by the electric lights that may be seen first years the harvest was a rich one. in the air when it is not dear suggest Now the decrease, both in quantity and that the “ cosmic dust’’ which is sup- quality, hardly repays the labor. The Is a standing invitation. Do you want posed to occupy the inter-planetary harvest of emeralds in Lahaehthal, in spaces may he enpahle, in certain con­ T H E P E O P L E ’S T R A D E ? i the Salzburger Alps, has also proved ditions, of showing a profile of the earth disappointing, so that emeralds are now under the powerful light of the sun. -« c c — c --- c -- c — W w only to he had from Australia ami from Muso, near Santa Ee de Bogota, in Co­ Tortola«« S lu -ll. - ------- G IV E T H E B E S T B A R G A IN S IN lombia, in any appreciable quantity. O The greater part of the tortoise shell ! The latter spot has been not»d for its used in the mnnufiietiire of hairpins, emeralds since the Sixteenth Centurv. combe and other articles both for the M o c k i n g . o f P it p e r . toilet and for deeoiative pur (wises is im­ ported from the East ami West Indies Stockings >( paper are among the ami is worth in tin rough slate from latest products of German inventive IN T H E C IT Y O F E U G E N E . $2.56 to <6 per pound. The price varies genius. A Berlin paper, devoted to the according to the thickness of the shell, shoe trade, stales that the socks are UND ER TAK IN G and E M B A L M IN G a Specialty not according lo the making, as is gener- m ad e of a specially prepared impreg- AU orders for Furniture sent us from the Siuslnvv will be shipped from Portland direct’ ally thought to lx* the case. The quan- nated paper stock , for w hich an extraor- tiiv reaching the market is always about dimiry elleet on perspiring feet is claimed, the same, as the turtlea deposit their The pa,x>r absorbs the moisture as rap-1 «•ggs on the sand, ami the natives, who idly as it is formed, and the feet remain consider tl em a great delicacy, take all dry and warm ami perfectly sound they can tind. so that only a small ,x«r while the constant tenipcr»iture main-1 cent, of those laid are ever hatched, taiiied in the shoes is said to be a great © © c c This shell docs not melt, but welds like preventive of colds. The manufacturers CLO CK S * A N D * JE W E L S | iron, and when soft is pressed into the instruct bits of their (taper to lx« put be- W A T C H E S , a n ison cbauiois skin, as it contains too much why some shoemakers make shoes with AT F I . <» F. E X C E V A It I F. T Y S T O It E , oil—should be us»sl to m b coml s, Ivrg-1 paper soles instend of leather. F lorence , O b *00'' F ront S t r e e t . A gricultural MP LE ME NTS ENG INES, THRESHERS, BINDERS and MOWERS. REAPERS and DRILLS. =ÏEhiclES nf all kinds. THEiWEST AN ADVERTISEMENT ID. L IF T IN ' & S O IS T , FURNITURE--------- and CARPETS H. M C11 AMBERLIN,