LO, Vol. 3. Florence, Lane County, Oregon, Friday, Dece mbcr 2. 1892. No. 33. I t is to be hoped th a t th e ra in for th e ance before the grand jury, his case con­ ,,.,4 week will not soak out any of the sidered by th a t body, a true bill found, «'ony, fop-thi,, is outside the state, | a highwayman. One day lie sto p p 'd a the tir 't*? " liUket UOt 8Og0°d“ U0r,n# I <*"i*ge containing two young ladies am! gjjewalk enthusiasm._______ the pi isoner arraigned in the suprem e wo young ladies ami » e first two years after graduation thir- their elderly aunt. of the young T hebe is substance for a good serm on court, found guilty, sentenced, and w ith­ ^ P e r c e n t of the graduates get mar- ladles was about to One he married, ami „•nipped up in th e fact th a t Eugene in nine hours from the time of his arrest J 1, while.ten years after graduation the strongly objected to handing over her merchauts have form ed a com m ercial he was on the way to the penitentiary a i. Ho s mu that forty-five per cent of wedding presents to the bandit, who, ajiency for their protection in th e col­ to serve a term of five years. e »1111111» have husbands. l'lie re- with a chivalry reminiscent of Robin lection of accounts due th e m . T he casting up of a large whale by the ««amder become teachers, and for the Hood’, beat days, allowed the party to L ife was one continued leap year in waves at our very door must not be look­ »oat part choose vocations where matri- i pass unmolested. Some weeks later Africa for Paul du C h aillu . Few men ed upon as a Jonah to our harbor, but »»ny is out of the question, or is dis- , Dalton was arrested, ami it would have live to tell the tale of h aving had 22,000 should be taken as another evidence counted. About the same number of gone hard with him had not the young opportunities to wed, even dusky brides, th at the whole world, even the m ighty educated women are married as among | woman, in the meantime married to an Pacific, is putting forth its efforts to uneducated women, but the marriage ottlcial of great intluence, secured Idin a offered by chiefs in assorted dozens. make the G reat Siuslaw a port of more tilk> s place later in life, p in io n on com l.ti.m that ........ .he E xperiments of th e E ng lish arm y L.» thun ordinary importance. TnD.Pi.;.. u > . . State, 1 his Dalton did, ami settling in medical officers show th a t th e M ann­ I he Chinese living in America have the west liecame the progenitor of a long T he Eugene retail merchants have or­ licher, the new G erm an rifle, is the most so often been accused of carrying home line of highway robbers, While the merciful, making a clean w ound. The ganized a commercial agency and have to China all the money earned by them heredity students are at work disserting new British magazine rifle sm ashes bones a list of all parties who refuse to pay in this country, that perhaps a state­ the brain of this father of all Dalton out­ ¡uni tears flesh a t a d istan ce of 1000 their accounts. The Register says the ment of the liberality with w hich those list contains 140 names. When a man who have become Christians give to laws, T he W est would like to know yards. refuses to pay his account the m erchant home ami foreign missions will not he what is to lie done in the ease of the T ub Governor of U ta h in his annual reports his name to the agency and the »miss. U e find that, with a member* woman who plead for the pardon of the report says th a t polygam y in th e .Terri­ culprit who in after years doubtless members will refuse him credit. This ship of 161 in the various churches of tory is on the decline, and th a t it is bis organization will only hit the deadbeat.— California the Chinese have raised Iff- committed many murders himself and conviction th a t th e re is a sincere in te n ­ who reared a family of murderers and Junction City Times. 290.43 for all benevolences, or (39.7 for outluws w ho outshone their sire in sets tion on the part of M o n n an people not C holera , we are told, is waiting to eac,‘ mend>®r' U<»r Hie expenses of of blood curdling, fiendish devilment. to approve or sanction such m arriages make a grand rush across onr borders in oun HMBlx’*Hlion they have given Is this woman to be credited on the in the future. the spring. I t is well to remember th a t or tBi.OO a member. For j »ages of the good book with her generous the best safeguard is an intelligent, f* 018* u,isi,io"s tl'« »mount raised and T he new retu rn postal cards are prov­ and forgiving devotion to the uplifting ing a success. B u sin e ssm e n are show­ well-fed, clean, self-respecting people.W e,»‘1‘,‘1 ,ias been 11 ’HEU5’ or *,LKH of m ankind by interceding and secur­ ing their appreciation by ordering them Pauperism , neglect, tilth, o v e rc ro w d in g g r ,nen,bt,r’ while for foreign missions ing the (»union of th e culprit, or is shu in large quantities. I t needs be some- ie- and low diet a re jjta cltief a|^ga._ An in- K‘VBI> ur i’or charged on thia same book with all w, ^teihgent ‘t~U 'MJ.nyrn.jx> W —WWi .. «to f (w y “s l T a k f ^ ® 8 ^ ^ ^ ne w that the American people will not take is the best preventive against epidemic up and thoroughly te st. diseases th a t lias ever yet been devised. C anada has agreed w ith th e U nited Q uarantine becomes necessary because States for the a p p o in tm e n t of a com m is­ this system is not in general use among sion to consider th e question of th e pro­ m ankind.—Oregonian. tection of the fishery of th e in lan d lakes T he annexation flurry continues in contiguous to the tw o countries and the Canada. »Some of the anti-annexation regulation of th e use of engines of de­ papers are foaming a t the mouth in tiieir struction in non-territo rial w aters. efforts to prove th a t there is no annexa­ E lectric lig h tn in g has been so gener­ tion sentim ent in the Dominion—a ra­ ally adopted on shipboard th a t steam ers tional mode of argum ent, to be sure, and likely to convince the doubting. While are no longer considered to be com plete without electric lig h tn in g p la n t. N or is it is very clear th at Canada finds some electric lightning confined to passenger difficulty in getting along prosper­ ously there is no disposition here to steamers, for cargo steam ers are also be- prove to her th a t it is a hopeless task. mg supplied w ith th is m ethod of illum i­ Tiiere is no sufficient annexation senti* nation. m ent in the United States to cause the . . . . •. Xow th at th e election of G rover Cleve­ subject to arouse the slightest excite- . . . . . . . . land is nearly a m onth old it is necessary m ent. The wedding day of Uncle Sam the best in te re st of all p arties, th a t ’hegentleman of one color of politics *hohas been saying th a t th e gentlem an ul another kind of politics is a liar and a hnree-thief, gives o u t th a t he was only joking. T he robbery of the passengers of a ton uud his offsprings— which were con­ coach belonging to a Northern Pacific trary to the laws of God and man? train sixty-three miles east of Tacoma, NOBILITY DABBLING IN OUR REALTY Thursday evening, demonstrated the N kaki . v nil the foreign (Hitentutes are fuct that these “ gentlemen of the rood” are possesssd of the true spirit of chivalry. investors in New York real estate. The While the three highwaymen relieved purchase of a valuable piece of property the male passengers of all of the money in Nassau street, made about a year ago with which they were traveling, to­ by a foreign hanking house, wus an In­ gether with their watches, rings and vestment oT Queen V ictoria’s. The other jewelry, the women in the coach ’ Quw n <>"»«• ot,,*'r r»’“ 1 •’"‘•»t« ,n «»atcity were assured that their money wus not *nd >h® ,' “M bo“K»»t thousands of scree wanted, or at least that no demand ” “ t WwBt- Thw n ^ al ol G‘ r ’ would be made for it. The six men in many ban extensive investm ents in thut the coach, however, were ‘‘«lone up” in city and elsewhere, and so lias the King true professional style by tl.e three high-1 «•< Hw.slen. The ex-Empress Isabella of waymen, and the latter decamped will Kpain owns stiverai pieces of pro|sirty in th eir booty unmolested. While it is New York and in other parts of the »1... ........ nu.li i United States. She is u woman of great common to impugn the courage of men " u so . .....a » iu. r. >).!».. 1 foresight, rhe land on which the »> eat- who will permit themselves to lie robbed " r . • , • „ „ „ „ l .,,,... verv ern Union Building, In New , vork city, and Miss Kanuck is a long way off. . by an inferior force, prudence I. very „ .. ----------------------- ap t to suggest to even a brave man the "t* "4»« **" <**» Property o. the Em- O ne of our Oregon exchanges is lalxrr- prop rje(y of handing out his money proas Eugenie, nml it is presumed th a t ing over the solution of this problem: upQn t||e (jcmanort4sl to In Oregon 100 per cent of them marry j, ¡n, w jt,( H before making the re- l»e a judicious buyer ul property in this im m ediately upon leaving college. As a qujBitjon> a « long as life is more than country, an>l person» suspected of being m atter of course they would much rath- |1|Oney to t |,e aensiblfl man he will agents of the Czar of Russia have been E verybody th a t know s us come and ’nke som ething. W e a in t d rin k in g this er remiti., a t home with the old peop'»' ..lU11j ,„.1 d o ll« ..” talom I ., will be lo ak i^f .bout on ,1.1. .id . „1 th e . . . o r •ear> but we are tak in g quite a plenty of and help mother do the housework, b»> , h o t, ho„ w reluc.aot be may 1» , lor H rafcl«. inm atm ent.. » e . . . . . to ' row. The above is an editorial found 11,e inatrlinonalmarketietoobrirk. They wi„ , |lo,.L..lb,.,k and . . U h - ™ n..rk to you th a t t l . . ~ peopl. .b o o n , ln a republican paper of N orth Dakota . M or dukes, rtnkfls out but Qrfffttni„ „ . nt do n ’t all marry professors 1 in the King • business over in Europe are shrewd. They cannot tell how soon Ju«t after election. N oth in g strik in g ly . generally understood 1 thpv m arrv. It is K tidents ul heredity may find some they may l»e shaken off their thrones by •tfaininatical ab o u t it b u t it is a very th a t the graduates go to the same | ’aru interesting material in the history ul the | M»liticnl revolutions, and they mean to ever way of accepting defeat. dise as other women. Girls who go to eneral thing, do not marry Daltons. The progenitor of this lately have som ething to fall back on in this C incinnati has ju s t shown how the college, as a g e n tr^ ^ b ^ n renowned family of Kansas outlaws lived land of the free. How much better off H< |,oo|s but in the city of Philadelphia som ething pom ¡’«dro would have been if be bail ind goddess can h u stle if she tries. A quite so i early as ftain C harles _ Boyer was -----„ caught in the finishetl oil *n "'ar *' Gif rubbing a bouse. H e was taken statem ents go '> '*iore the court, bound over for appear- J women are in tin ha-t * j uc3ted like ninety years ago, ami gave the invested a few millions of Braxilliuii t eiJucateo n ae ninety ... n---- - .................... I1)3iri-1 authorities much trouble by bis deeds as money here several years ago.