while on the mountain pasture near the many new novelties in his line. ' bor last Saturday, and the same day Pi„e Openings. M. J- Hillegas. of Mrs. D awson , a sister of Kev R loaded with salmon and Chinamen at Camp Creek, lost a valuable horse from son, arrived in Florence last Fri.ta the Rose Hill cannery. The next day the same disease. He turned it out one rectfrom England. The lady — PUBLISHED BVBBY FRIDAY MORNING she left for Astoria and Portland. morning when it appeared unwell and stand, will make F lorence her hoine^’ —The new mode of logging with a death ensued in about four hours. M hen — AT— W HITTLINGS? beart wft8 found eurrOunded O regon wire cable, thereby dispensing with the L ank C o u n t y , F lorbncb , A TERPSICnOREAN~ F ailure „ tv use of oxen, is being tried by Captain with J.., wnter.—Eugene « Guard. Mr. Pimpernickel dance w itk" Dl(1 Parker in his logging camps on the Co _York’s Yarrow is fast becoming fa­ “T hat's w hat he called it 1* n lillM lie rn . A L I .K Y Ac I lL I T O N , J ° U?” quille river. mous for its excellent variety of huckle­ News Record. ' “^cago —W. F. Safley is continually adding berries. This ranch joins Frasier’s Lee B . F. A lley , . . . E ditor . S he —“You say you are an artist to his stock of family supplies. He now addition on the north, and it must seem musician and a poet?” He (modeil \ * A. 8. B i . iton , Local Editor and Manager. keeps flour in any quantity, and upon quite city like to Billie when he thinks “All th ree.” S h e - “Oh, how awS," the arrival of schooner Free Trade he fiow close to town he is. But oh, what a poor you m ust be!”—Truth. U ? -----T erms : $2.00 a year in advance.- will open a still larger amount of grocer­ delusion—not a building in sight as he A C onscientious G irl .—“nia cept Mr. Flicker?” “ Yes but I \ 0Uaf' ies than ever before.' looks over bis line to the south—not him I couldn’t possibly think o f ' ? ? Entered at the post-office nt Florence, —The marriage of Mr. Chas. B. Mor­ even a claim shanty, yet once it was Lane county, Oregon, as second-class ing him.”—Chicago News Record ? gan ami Mrs. E. A. Morris took place at government land—now i t ’s Lee addition. inuil matter. C ruel G irl . - “ I’ vc hadsuchabe^ti Hotel Morris last evening. A more ex­ —The eighteen Chinamen who have “ 1‘ tended notice will he given next w e e k - been employed in the Kyle cannery left It m ust be a great satisfaction to v ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON A P­ time leads us off this week. PLICATION. Florence Tuesday morning for Portland, to be reminded th at you really own I am ' h I n otlcea s cciitM per lin e , ea c h lim ertlon. 1 —Deputy U. 8. Marshal Sinott ar­ i : £ L . cooed d ° iu' - - « « u by way of Eugene. The Whisman boys j j our^ai rived in Florence Thursday from Port­ met them at Head of Tide with two four- “ W hy don’t your daughter mam> W E ST L IN G S. land, and upon his return Friday morn- horse teams, thus furnishing ample ac­ She m ust have had countless offe«» ing he was accompanied by Geo. Mas­ commodation—with a little squeezing. “T h at’s —Where are our correspondents? ju st the trouble. All of her of terson who had been apprehended for Dollars to buttons they were a sorry fers have been countless, and she —Heap big tides these days and still disposing of red liquor to Indians. looking crowd when they reached Eu­ swears th a t she will have a title n, bigger heaps of drift wood. A 1000-gallon tank has been pur gene. A Chinaman at best is none too nothing.”—Buffalo Express. —E. C. Knowles and August Olson chased by a Long Creek merchant in I bandsoine, but when you run him over were contributors to T he W est this HARD TO BELIEVE. which to store sufficient co il oil to s»P" an ejgbty mile Oregon stage road in a week. . . , . . ply northern Grant county during the beavy rai„ storm, he would present a L ess th an one-quarter of Chicago's population is American. —Canning huckleberries is an enter-1 winter ,„ontbH wben ¡t wju be nnpos- impos- pjcture for a Joss to laugh at. prise that could be made to pay in Flor- ! sible t0 get freigbt froin the railroad. T he thinnest tissue paper is one one- —Here is an item which we failed to thousandth ©nee. | , , . . . . . . of an inch in thickness. i —Parties who have recently visited catch at the time it took place, but as A. D. N eilson , of Asheville, S. C - L ittle Eddie Kyle, who has been ill J Kocky point near Coo8 bay HftV tbe W et. many of our good friends will be pleased has a hen which not long since laid an for several days, is able to be about more seems to be gradually sinking in to read, even at this late date, of the egg on which was plainly depicted the again. the sand, and before long will not be vis­ tribute paid these two gentlemen we American flag, w ithout the stars. *' W . T. York and Walt Lang are new ible at any stage of the tide. Three of TnERE is a natural whispering gal­ print the item ; On the 28th of October government employes—commenced work the whaleback’s masts are standing, but the ladies of Clear lake assembled with lery a t Dry Lake, Lassen county, Cal. Tuesday. they point in all directions. the gentlemen at the house of Mr. Sev­ where the slightest footfall of man or —Tbo weather lias been slightly moist —The two canneries on the Siuslaw ery and celebrated his 61st birthday in a beast is heard many miles away. A pair of gloves passes through about for the past few days You may have j packed 17,000 cases of salmon this sea­ very appropriate manner, and the occa­ two hundred hands from the moment noticed it. son, which is pretty good, considering sion was one long to be remembered, the skin leaves the dressers until the Thanksgiving services were held at the fact that they were out of tin for a j and with many kind wishes and congrat- gloves are purchased by the intending the First Presbyterian church in Flor- week when the fish were coining in the I ulations the merry party dispersed, wearer. thickest. Samuel Elmore’s cannery wishing Mr. Severy many happy returns dice yesterday. A colored woman residing at India put up 11,000 and Meyer & Kyle 6000 Springs, Ga., has been the mother of of the day. Another occurrence out he Odd Fellow- of Florence are ar­ fifty-three children. One of her sisters cases.—( 'oa«f Mail. that way was th is: On the 14th of No­ ranging to give a ball on the evening of has had th irty children and another December 23rd. —The evening of the meeting of the vember the same parties met at the one has nursed twenty-seven. Mr. Cole reports the light-house Florence literary society has been house of J. Elliott Wilson on Crescent* A strange discovery was made by work nearly completed—'bout two changed from Thursday to Saturday. Island farm, and celebrated his 58th Mrs. J. F. Hazard, of Nyack, N. Y. She A program for next Saturday evening birthday with festivities long to be re­ was canning peaches, and in one of weeks’ work yet. —A sailing schooner was sighted in lias been banded us for publication— membered. Mr. Wilson is going to them, which she had freshly cut, she found a penny lying close to the stone. tbe offing yesterday but lias not as yet which we would gladly do—but from the write bis wife all about it in hopes it The fru it had grown all around the general make-up of the exercises we con­ will hasten her return to this land been brought in. coin. « clude it is intended as a burlesque where no cold storms occur, —Any and all kinds of building tnateri rather than the genuine article, hence it P IC K L E D PEPPERS. GONE B A C K T O ’ FR IS C O , P. D. Q. al both rough and dressed, at David it dot's not appear. Son’s Glenada saw-mill. S ome people are full of good works, —Some of the hoys that were on the Schooner Danielson sailed from San and some are full of good intentions. Mrs. O. W. S utton ami children were Ghance when she came in last Saturday 1 rancisco Oct. 30th, and is accordingly You will be remembered for how well Nov. 11. enjoying a pleasant visit with relatives tell that there was quite a storm on out- due here p. d. q.—Florence you have done, and not for how well The schooner must have come p. d. q. on Smith river last week. j side ami th at the water barrels on the for just after this item was printed she you looked. —Jack Anderson has receive«! his en- deck of the steamer broke loose and were T he good you do in this life may live gineei s license and is now head throttle j chasing each other about the «leek in a attempted to cross the Siuslaw bar and after you b u t it won’t grow’ any after got stuck on a sand spit. Perhaps she you're dead. manipulator on tug Lillian. 1 way too playful to tie amusing. As Ti 1 - amusing, as a came too p. d. q. for her own «mod. Or I r a man expects to have wings in I he Hcterul reports going the rminds matter of fact no person on board entered more likely she came too p. d. crooked Heaven, he’d b etter not depend on the relative to the grounding of schooner i any very vigorous protests when Capt. in follow ing the channel across the bar. marble cu tter th a t is hired to chisel ’em D anielson are m agnified seven fold. W in.nt the boat (nr the G reat! At all event, she was stranded p. d. q on bis tombstone. 1 — Ix 'o n a n l C liristeiisen has been con­ Siuslaw harbor. I f a man w ants tbe best epitaph, he and «lid not get to Florence very p. d. q. s id e ra b ly crip p le d for u week o r more had better p u t a hundred dollars into —When S. B. Colvin went outside a —Oregon State Journal. meat and bread for the hungry, than to past with a slight attack of rheumatism, few weeks ago he had his eye on the look- R E A L E S TA T E TR A N S FE R S . put it into words chiseled on cold I lorcnce needs a giHwl grocery «tore. out f«»i a dog to send hack to his tine marble.—Young Men’s Era. For terms, rent on store building, etc., hike ranch. He found just what lie Geo 11 and H 11 Barrett to H II Fisk write Geo. M. Miller, Fair.uouiit, i wauled ami sent it hack. The charges *ot8 *n Glenada ami 2 lots in South I t was a Boston newspaper which Oregon. . for transportation, according to Mr. FlPrence addition; $2000. made its dram atic critic say: “The toast If there is any th in g s trik in g ly new t i n t ' s fig u rin g are. Stage fare, $,'!; keep- ^’eo H Colter to H H Fisk, lots; $3030 for Irving, like the toast for olives, ami interesting going on on the river ,nK over n*ght, 50 cents; paid man for Geo II Colter to Adelaid I) Brainerd must be cut elevated.” What the critic wrote was: “ The taste for Irving, like this week it was aide-tracked before dog to ranch, $2; total, $5,50. lot 10, block 6; $100. the taste for olives, must be cultivated. reaching thia otlice. I Thia account h credited with one dead C O U N TY CO URT M ATTERS. A Swiss paper contains the following —The government tram-wav is ' ?<« 7 <,P0W,,ed while "oesing Great Siue- advertisement: “ Wierpach. in the lkr’ In the commissioners’ court we find reaching out toward the ,M>int when» it law bay. nese Oberland, is the favorite resort o the following items: w ill tu rn to the west to meet roaring all persons in search of solitude, llenc« —StrawlM'rries for a Thanksgiving Colter road; dismissed. this peaceful ham let is frequented by a breakers and foam y surf. shortcake is what only a few of the Barrett creek road ; dismissed crow’d of visitors from all parts of t 1 — T u rk e y made up the average d in n e r chosen people who yesterday gave thank world.”—La Tribune. fo r Florence |«eople yeste rd a y—spring can .~ ......................- - ch icke n a la tu rk e y dressing was ple n ty families is that of E. 1* ane, of Acme, the Siuslaw river; dismissed. . h /ic r/c o o Fann& t 3 valley, Oregon. Oregon. One One dav good tor for T I iib iie \\ w kst force. ” G reat n . Siuslaw iiisiaw valley, ,1. „ road; 1 ordered'established . Fiddle creek T H E W < « ■ * ......... a'” ’ O|* Oed- X m surveyed. gii.-d m tin* supreme court this w eek.1.,,, 1 M , ,, n P® n u n n T r _ , but , we have . , 11 to . learn 1 ami green strawberries. He tells 1 1 1 .1 R A A .r PW ln‘en unable as to . , ( , '-lt "LOPLE P A R v- A n - G '- 'n 2 1 L Pn JJ. .h r m.,1,. U 1«. ha, h«.l „„.«1» „,r Cl)„ , — ~J „ o .. . ....................... » . » I « i » t i » o A T T * 0; , , . 1 ; ,k » unday for Portland. -E n fo ivcd com pa n io n sh ip w ith o u t occurrence, Ditto H orace C line for Eu- c o n g e n ia lity is one of th e m iseries of j-» w \- gene. , life, and bv no means one of tbe least horses from i"l '* ' r’*v" ^ v two M end,n„t(). W. H urd left Florence not know the natare. Several of li Wednesday morning for San Francisco —Stciuner Chance came in to this her- J horses died, w ith the same symptoms 1 He expects to be absent about three weeks. It is expected he will purchas«« .. .................¡ „ . n r . r i . h r r . < .7 7 . " " ' U d‘ h" 16-page journal will be sent free to nil the subscribers of T he who pay one year’s gubscriptio" in advance. This liberal otter ap" plies alike to all old as wella.' new patrons. Remember it ea“1' you only two dollars for two I'1' pers. .Sample copies can be see11 at this office.