PO PULAR f below the surface of the water. S C IE N C E . Chloroform doe. not m upon h e art. W here tho the “ir <*>"'“ ,rom *“ * “' f ' " i ’ aa the disturbed condition of th e water waa never noticed until a few days ago. The U nion Pacific ha« an engine weighing 108 ton«. C U R IO U S A child ju«t born ha« le«« chance of living a year than an octogenarian. - FA C TS . The silver dollar of 1804 is worth <000. There are ouk trees in existence 1000 The blood in a hum an body make« the year« old. round trip of th e veins in twenty-five In Mexican theatres they pay for eaeh seconds. act separately. Slaughter bouses in Scotland are fur­ Thirty-four pounds of raw sugar make nished with apparatus for «tunning cat­ twenty-one pounds refined. tle by electricity. A straw hat end a linen duster have At a public e n tertain m en t in Paris re­ been worn for forty winters by Dr. S. B. cently, a young man was hypnotized. Victor, of Columbia, Mo. Two day« elupsed before he waa restored to coiiHciouHiiean. , , i produce tlie first folio, 1633 edition of Sweet potato flour, w arranted to keep * „„„u,,, Shakespere by means of photography. in any clim ate, is now promised. It is A piece of ground was recently sold to be made from the kiln-dried chips by in Chicago a t a price which in silver a patented process. would cover the entire lot with tin ee The discovery of an immense deposit . . . . . ■ layers of silver of nickel near D uluth, M innesota, i« re- - ported. It is «aid to be twelve miles long, ten feet wide and of an unknown York City there are 710 pupils, all hut ten of wiioni are of foreign birth and depth. language. A man of Sidney, New South Wales, The vastness of K ru p p ’s gun works at lost both feet «ome year« ago, but is now Essen, G erm any, is indicated by th e enabled to go about hi« boniness, with­ . .man fact th a t they consume nearly 2000 . tons out even a cane a« «upjwirt, by the use of wooden feet to w hich roller skates are of coal and coke a day HURD & DAVENPORT. We have just Received Our W inter Stock O f Boots and Shoes An tamense line of Dry Goods, Has arrived. Fine assortment for both ladies and gentlemen, p,, Fancy Good», Ladle»’ Hood» not fail to ask tor our famous Fascinators, Infants’ Hoods and Jack and Jill children school Sacks. Conte early for bargains shoe—all sizes. —before supply >» exhausted. _ _ _ HlIRII S IlftVENPURT. Groceries, Groceries, Groceries! For a Few Days Fresh stock always on hand. We will close out our entire line ------ ---------------- - — of Straw Goods. Those desk- --------------------- ing a ’way down bargain will W ell Selected call at once. These goods will Stock of Hats. In this line we ex­ go at half price. cel all competitors. HURD & DAV ENPORT. —. small . singing sand em its a musical sound only fled as to be made water tight. In the when dry, and loses this p ro p eltj on be ex p erim en ts m ade, the thud of a vessel’s coming dampened. The squeaking sand, screw was p lain ly heard a mile and a ' on .■ *. ;u «limit ; an d it is believed that the other hand, is silent when wnen dry u ij q i u a rte r a w a j y > - . • If »»•»»• 4 - z - v I .... 11.. and squeaks best and loudest w hen j four cry p to p h • o /•» n » a es would effectually moistened. The sound it gives fortli is w arn a w arsh ip of tl.e approach and A woman living in dasix’r ---- - Jasp e r vuuuvy, county, 1 no means loud, iz uri bu t som «nmpwhat boat. The instru- Missouri, is reported to have been m ade i by ew hat re- re course ot 1 a torpedo 1 The latest m ineral developm ent in . . . ____ mow ilafi Hspil for cnminnni. communi­ sembles the squeaking of an arm chair m ents m ay also be used deaf and dum b by a lightning stroke, Arizona is a deposit of black onyx. It I t sounds when rubbed between the lin­ cating betw een vessels, or for guarding is a black as je t, exceedingly hard ami dining a recent storm. gers or when placed in a small bag and ag ain st collision during a fog. A new-fangled electric light b ath is takes a fine poliwli. The ledge is situated ,, .1 ♦ 1 violence-♦-'’ck, bu t the cause of th e T here is a c at in Portland, Indiana, in the G rand canon Mid is said to be said to tai a mail s fade so \ • 11 th a t Ins which associates entirely with the hens, friends will th in k lie has passed m any 1 lLl' v e ry extensive. j eating eyery th in g they eat, even to week« at the seashore. A if|tcan foxes, introduced In some equal m anifestations of gratitude tlie ing the crytophone for m ilitary and na- be 8old w itb tl,e Place at one “ •'ei’ ire d - 1>rice ‘“ ¡me 0 « » m ishap into A ustralia, are now spread- chiding* of hi« mistress and the kicks of v»l purpose. For m ilitary w , th e ap- ing ami are destructive to the lambs and |H, ym-.te. Xo royal court »«■ n>n»i.l- perutus consists of a highly sensitive halanctV A H ,h ” o " ” o rth er psrtir“l,'! firmly «crewed. |M»ultrv. It is to la» n o te d th a t th e y a re ered complete without a dwarf, who, as vibrator and microphone suitably ar- a t th is office. sa id to a t t a i n g re a te r sixe a n d s tre n g th a com t je s te r, am u sed by Iiis wit, or, ranged in a pine .box, which is buried in A u s tra lia lli.-tn in E n g la n d , a n d th>> m ore c o m m o n ly , served as a butt for two or three feet under the road to be CHURCH DIRECTORY- m ild c lim a te is h ig h ly fav o ra b le to th e ir , lie w it of oth er« . w atched. W files ires lead to a bell or o r other nth..,- D B Y YT E R R 1A 1A X X C CH C H , ^ bba,L D R R E E S SB TE H U I R RC«: in c re a s e in num ber. » • . .. ■ Oregon. S ab b ath serxj- • p S Q U E A K IN G O n tin* plan» of M . B. Kcele. Way- cross, G a., th ere u re tw o w ells a n d th e ................................. » • n „ « . . |« . l . . . l t n g » l l t l , c . I n .„ ..„ a a „ .a , SANDS. Sieging o( th e U a lu d ............ a- - a ,,.! - a : c „ .a S ta te . signal a t tlie obw rvm g Station. W hen school, 10 o ’clock a. m. I ^ 1* , ,1 an alarm is given the observer connects a « ’clock a. in. and 7 p. ni. » ‘a ,,‘bbatli ‘'i telel>|,o„ e , „ d , , jM e , o hear tbu move_ V u n V j n n c ’ K c t X r .........lW a f ,„ c n l.. ..v c th e ....... am i c v c , t„ .lv tc r. T h ,,,. ¡. m i,„, i:s th e a p p a r a h ,. I,ci,,., ,a„,.c,l , me place 1 . tt iv, a s i n , l i , ■»!,. the pr,■«ccc „( (run, a ir issuing iron, tissues m ilic c a rlh s.,uc.l»ng i , lonml, and that i, a an I,all dozen men or . single cart T he! th a t I t o t o t o l l w F A crvhm lv is ... .............. t o a l l t l n - 1. x S « » * « -* '* ’ ’ ' <- L F I