THE um brella . and a b anana off a corner f r u if s ta n d .” SCIENCE TEACHINGS. —W ashm gton Star. *D(1 C o u v o n lo n t A r t ic le t o H a v e ¡The d art is throw n, b u t th e stick re­ H*’ dy A lo n g . A t the P hotographer ' s .—“ One m ore i n . S “8*’ i -aM-W0 mains in the th ro w er's hand. .An umbrella is one o f th e m o st use- m adam ’ ” S1f ’ l\ fore y.o u begin!” “ Well, I n some of th e an cien t temple* of Tnr. common snail sets forth to me- Egypt, Hicles th a t a m an c a n c a r ry w ith real o ? 11 P°ss*ble to distinguish known to be more th a n four ful»1 sail a M ississippi m an. “ One n h o l e - 7 r° 'n , ,t alsc »■> ‘ he j e our ganleiis equipped with 150 rows thousand years old, th e atones w en' . used in a dozen d iffe re n t w ays. photo. —Lustige B latter. Ot Stout serrate«! teeth. The whole doweled together w ith hour glass C#D ' the sun is sh in in g h o t, o r w h en P»late contains about 21,000 teeth, shaped ties of the T im arish or Shittim When, a m an w ith o u t a n u m b re l- w ule a full-grown slug has over 20,000 wood, the dowel sinks being only nlxiut LINES OF HISTORY. i '' k ^ u ith e r rem ain in d o o rs o r suffer. Of these silieious spikes. one inch deep. P » P « since :' W weapon of defense th e r e is noth- t h l y e a r J X ? A recent scientific expedition shows better. You can k e e p a m a n a t his LONDON NOTES. the existence of terraces in Palestine, B oston ' s stock exchange dates its o r­ showing that at one time the Dead sea r ri’nee with one b e tte r th a n y o u could Cto a n stalk, bring about a sh g a ‘‘.¡th a stick. N ext to a s h o tg u n o r a ganization in 1834. j had risen to the level of the Mediter­ pound in London. -J N 4Vn! l \ a ’. as ’n France, th e average ranean, the Jordan in the glacial period pistol there is no inore d a n g e ro u s Pr “Hl T,,K Stn>vts of b eam 'd s-ze of families has been steadily d e­ forming a kfl-e tw Wr nr . 7 , , milC8 *°ng- lH>t" een ‘7 ’ht in th e evening anti nine "^ re m e m b er one tim e I w as in a creasing for the last half century. T he exnrcs'J ’7 a lt 1 thc rush of thc in lhe Many of the carriage- hotel that caught alive e a r ly in th e average is now 4.94, w here in 1850 it express train as it Hashes past us at the ways arc w ashed daily by meuns of a ” ruing- The g u e sts w e re a w a k e n e d w as 5.50. rate of sixty miles an hour, but light hose, and th e courts and alleys inhut»- S poons were used by th e E g y p tian s aetunlly travels 11,1 79,460 times as fast! Mhe stifling sm oke an d noise. My ited by the poorer classes are cleaned ' m w as on the second floor a n d by in the seventeenth century before C hrist, The initial velocity of the shot from once a day. J time I had slipped on m y p a n ts th e and have also been found a t Pompeii, the 12-pound bronze service gun is only A light breakfast in Txindon means, fre had gained such h e a d w a y th a t all but this utensil was not generally used 1,709 feet a second. to an Englishm an, a cup of coffee, a uWnues of escape w ere closed. B ut in I- rance until the close of the fo u r­ TlIE size and shape of rain drops has boiled egg and three slices of toast. there was ray u m b re lla an d a w indow te e n th century. been the subject of special investiga­ The b reak fast substantial is a small md the rest w as easy. T he first steam boat in G reat B ritain tion by E. J. Lowe. The size of the chop, one egg, a penny-loaf of bread. a "Another time I w as w a lk in g th ro u g h w as th e “Comet,” forty feet long, b u ilt drop ranges, he finds, from an almost buttered muffin ami a cup of coffee. a pasture, w hen a b u ll, w ith h is eyes in 1812, for the navigation of the Clyde, invisible point to at least two inches in T iik London Dally T elegraph Is the ablaze w ith fire, m ade fo r me. I k e p t b u t before this time Fulton and Liv- diameter. Occasionally large drops fall most valuable new spaper property in had begun to build steam ers a t that niust be mnrc or l“ss hollow, as London, and is said to net its proprie­ BV senses and w h en he g o t w ith in . i ingston . _ about fifty yards of me I ra n to w a rd j P ittsb u rg h , Pa. they fail to wet the whole surface in- tors a profit of over half a million dol­ j,io, opening and closing th e u m b re lla closed within the drop. lars a year. And yet when it was first as fast as I could. T h e b u ll w heeled SH O RT MISCELLANY. started every oth er paper said it would PEOPLE OFTEN SPOKEN OF. around and ran from m e f a s te r th a n he be a dismal failure. I t is a rem arkable fact th a t soda ever ran before in h is life. I n the British patent office, w here of , V iiiitei . aw R eid is an Episcopalian “And for frig h te n in g dogs 1 had w a te r contains no soda. all places in th e w orld one would ex­ A n unreflecting Bostonian advertises; and Mi's. Reid a Presbyterian, and they rather have an u m b re lla th a n an pect to find things o rd in arily well “ up Human hair a t less th an m anufac­ go together alternately to their respec­ arsenal.”—St Louis R epublic. to d ate,” the steel pen is unknow n, and tive churches. tu re rs ’ prices.” the antedcluvian gi'OM'-qulll absolute Into th e B lu e E m p y r e a n . A T urkey gobbler belonging to E dw in ' Mn. J ohn J acob A stor is not only a and supreme. Verily, th e wavs of g o v ­ Algernon was w h isp e rin g low to th e Caldwell, of Harrisburg,N.C.,is engaged director of the Rider and Driver Pub­ ernm ent officials are not ns o th e r men’s! giri in the gaudy g lim m e r of lace and upon w h at m ust prove n il unsatisfac­ lishing Company of Now York, but a A L ondon woman well know n in so­ regular contributor to its editorial and tulle. She had b e n t h e r lovely sw a n ­ tory job. Five weeks ago he scratched ciety opened a curiosity shop. One day i news columns. like n e c k to catch h is w ords. M urm ur- up five potatoes, and has been p atien tly a friend came in and left an um brella I t is claimed that two of the most ously th e y floated o u tw a rd an d fell striv in g to hatch them ever since. which had cost fifty shillings, lie re­ upon the pearly p in k -w h ite c ar, as H ere is a suggestion w orth noting. j successful merchants in the United tu rn ed to find the handle of it in the crystal drops touch silv e r c h o rd s and In m any coses, instead of announcing a i States, John Wnnr""nker, of Philadel­ window laltclcd: “ A ntique Venetian waken sw eetest m usic slee p in g th ere. w om an’s gtxid deed w ith the text: “ She phia, and Marshall Field, of Chicago, silver um brella m ounting, 10 guineas.” "You are so much to m e,” he said. “ In h a th done w hat she could,” quite a fit­ have never advertised in the Sunday all thc dozen y e a rs since m y h e a r t re ­ tin g a te x t would be: “ She h ath done newspapers. COM M ERCIAL ITEM S. M rs . J. E i . len F oster , well known to sponsive grew to w o m a n ’s s w e e t solici­ w h a t she thought she couldn’t.” nil W. C. T. U. workers and to many tude, there has b een none w hose fin­ As nearly as can l»e ascertained, tho others, is a woman of large and rath er irrigated lauds of C alifornia comprise PEO PLE OF ROYAL BIRTH. gers spanned th e o c tav e of m y soul and imposing person. She speaks w ith won­ 8,500,000 acres. Irrig atio n has eoat 930,- wrought the m anly h a rm o n ie s d o rm an t P rince B ismarck has seen statues derful fluency and dectalon, and seems 000,000, h u t it has increusetl the value of there into a living th em e. N o faee but raised in his honor, which is a recogni- to be absolutely self-possessed. thv* .land r»oo ooq ooo jours has b ro u g h t to mo th e face of Hon few men live to sec. I A t the time of election to his present angels, fair and p u re, beyond th e skies A new company him been fertned In T he m arquis of Lom e sympathizes position as grand chief of the Brother- Paris whose object la to complete the that bend above th e e a rth , f a r fa r re ­ luxxi of Locomotive Engineers, Mr. moved from all its sordid th o u g h ts, its w ith strikes th a t are reasonable, and Panam a canal. T he capital of the new Peter M. A rthur was an engineer o n the com pany Is to be 930,000,000, and It in has often been known to contribute his groveling cares, its m o tiv eless m ateri- New York Central railroad, having a said th a t work will lx* Ix'guu again a t ism. In you co n cen tered , a ll my m ite to a socialistic fund. home in Utica. His present residence once. L eopold , the king of the Belgians, is dreams are realized, m y hopes to full ¡son Euclid avenue, Cleveland, nml ho J apan I s rapidly Increasing her m an­ fruition come, my d e a re st w ishes m ade one of the most inveterate gamblers in is said to be worth 9300,900. Europe, and w hat he doesn't know ufactures. There is a steady decline in my own.” ¡Slowly she lifte d th a t fair, th e im pnrtuthm of m atches, printing sweet face u n til h e r soft, b lue eves about a hand a t cards is hardly worth FUNNY MISTAKES IN PRINT. paper, toilet ooup, lead pencils, bricks, looked into his. T h e n she la id h e r l i t ­ mentioning. A N ew England paper told about “ a tires, um brellas, lxx>tH, leather, nml F or several years to come the emper­ tle h a n d upon h is arm . “ A lg ern o n ,” drove of hogs” flouting down the Con­ p articu larly beer, cotton yarn, Portland or of Germany will reside a t Potsdam she murmured, “ w o n ’t yo u please come necticut river instead of “a drive of cem ent, gunpow der and saddlery. both w in ter and summer. The reason off the roof.'’ And as A lgernon clam ­ logs.” for this change is said to be the emper* W a li . in B i « ookk , a w riter in the Ixm- bered down he re c a lle d th e fa c t th a t A n editordis',ussed thc political situa­ don 'l'lines, is of t he opinion th a t “ we h*“ had tackled a C hicago g irl.—D etroit or's intention to have extensive altera­ tions made in the ryoal castle in Berlin. tion in a comprehensive editorial and shall soon see milk iin|x>rted from Aus­ Free Press. headed it: “ Let Us Explore.” lie neg- tra lia in frozen blin ks and retailed in Stave Trade on t h e E a s t C o a s t o f A fr ic a . PALETTE AND BRUSH. loetcd to read the pnxif, and it ap­ Ixtndon streets. It cun be done as Intelligence from A den sa y s th e slave point'd under the caption: “ Let I s Ex­ easily as lm |xirtiiig b u tte r and apples.” T he keynote of th e popular concep­ trade on the e a s t c o a st of A frica is plode.” MEN WITH WAR RECO RD S. again increasing, o w in g to th e high tion of Dore is struck in the assertion I n a lecture nt Boston Rev. Joaeph -r- prices now offered fo r slaves. an d c a ra ­ th a t F rau Angelico could never paint a Cook asked his audience: “ Was Saint T iie late Gen. Jo h n Pope left an es­ sinner and th a t Dore could never por­ vans from th e in te rio r a re a rriv in g Paul a dupe?” In the report of the lec­ ta te of aU m t 935,000 or- 9: mi ,(MIO to hla daily. These c a ra v a n s, i t is declared, tra y si saint. tu re , Mr. Cook was mode to propound children. “ T he Dickens of Vienna,’’ as he was th e startlin g conundrum: “ Was Saint have experienced no difficulty in p ass­ G en . B eauiikoakd is now 75 years of sometimes called — Herr I ricdric h ing through V itu, a n d slav e s have also Paul a dude?” nge, b u t is quite spry and active nml ¡*cn embarked a t p o in ts in th e neigh­ Seliloegl—died a short time ago at the IN FAR-AWAY LANDS. still m nintains his old-tim e m ilitary borhood of Z eilah, D jib o n til, Masso- age of seventy-one. The truth and | la-nring. "ahand Suakiin. T h e A ra b s are m uch hum or of his character gave him an i m ­ T he public executioner of Paris, M. J ohn B aird , of Richmond, Me., Is a •■»censed, how ever, a t th e g r e a t n u m ­ mense popularity. Diebler, has guillotined 220 persons. veteran of W aterloo, lie enlisted in the M r . H enry M osler , the artist, for-j ber of their c a p tu re s w ho a re lo st be- Lie V olxub (the thief) is the name of British arm y w hen 14 years of age, ami iore reaching th e m a rk e t, th e propor- m erly of Cincinnati, 0., and now per­ a new popular weekly paper started in is now liule ami vigorous a t 92. “on being u n d e r p re s e n t conditions m anently settled in Paris, lately r< Paris. I t is recorded th a t Gena. Ixm gntreet •‘I'out70 per cent, o f th e n u m b e r w ith eeived a long complimentary notice in H orses are so plentiful in Buenos ami W ade H am pton are th e only con­ " iich the c a ra v a n s s t a r t from th e in- the Jo u rn al des Arts, of Paris. Mr. Ayres th a t everybody owns a t leust federate generals who loaded, trained cr»or. The tra d e rs w ill now a cc e p t in Mosier obtained an honorable mention one. It is said th a t even the beggars and final cannon d u rin g th e w ar of tne ^change n o th in g b u t firea rm s of th e in 1879, a medal of the third class in l»«'g on horseback. rebellion. 1888, a silver medal of the exposition m an ufacture an d am m unition, P aris has 87,655 trees in its streets, B oatsw ain J ohn C. T hompson , U. H. aids on a la rg e sca le by n u m ero u s and 1889 and was represented in this year and each tree represents a cost to the N .,. who lias been attach ed to the We farmed b a n d s of tra d e rs are ex- S a l o n . _____________- city o t thirty-five dollars. This makes, Brix>klyn navy yard for th e last fifteen voted as soon as w in te r se ts in tow ard s in round numbers, three million dollars year», has Iteen placed on the retired PITH AND POINT. »o countries f u r th e r to th e so u th — list. B ontsw sin Thom pson 1» a veteran T here is no habit of more fungus like w orth of trees in the streets. at is, into th e te rrito rie s of th e Congo T here is a curious snake (llydrn< i of th e Mexican w ar, and ban seen fifty- rpe State a n d B ritish and G erm an grow th th an th a t of melanchoiy.- yeti) in South Africa th a t lives wholly tw o y ears of active service. Marion Ilarland. . upon birds’ eggs. It has no teeth or *st Africa.—L eeds M ercury. No faculty of man has ma< e h sighs of teeth in Its mouth, tin- whole P lusii is again coming into use for blunders in its development .a s th e r e ­ den*-’ nrrny being located in the flash l ig h ts . inillim 'ry, especially for children. The ligious. No wonder; it is the g tiny plush Ixinncts, w ith plaited fronts st h. , , R IT is an a c to r’s b u sin ess to hold of all.—Theodore Parker. /. first ice cream venders in E n g ­ o r in poke shape, are extrem ely becom­ mirror up to n a tu re , he m u st ex- E v il , once m anfully fron,U^!’t l^ h“ pe land were Neapolitan peasantry of th e ! 1 all so rts of reflectio n s.—B oston to be evil; there is generous bat 1 1 I* p x .re st tvpe. but the venders now come ing. D ressy frntly explains all th® chan£ “ in which h placed Hi- handle of a «tart k n o tted ut the bock» u M Îsto n e . him ta k e tw o h am lfu ls of p e an u ts ^ ïïic a - rœ - n v ic tio n s-C „Gladstone. A