poured on until it is nearly a quarter of an inch deep. The affinity of the quick­ Queen Elizabeth, during her last ¡11- silver for the tinfoil, and the obstruc­ nezs, wore around her neck a charm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALRES IN tion made by the strips of glass, pre­ made of gold which had been bequeathed vent it from flowing off. The plate of her by an old woman in Wales who de­ glass having been carefully cleaned is clared that so long as the queen wore it now slipped in upon the quicksilver «he would never be ill. The amulet, as through the side where no glass strip is was generally the ease, proved of no placed, and is held firm while the table avail; but Elizabeth, notwithstanding is inclined by means of a screw, so as to her faith in the eharm, not only sick­ let the superfluous quicksilver run off ened, but died. During the plague in into the groove along the edge of the Ixmdon, people wore amulets to keep off the dread destroyer. Amulets of ar­ table. That having been done, the table is senic were worn near the heart. Quills brought back to a level, heavy weights of quick silver were hung around the are put upon the glass, and it is then neck, and also the powder of toads. left for several hours. The next step is to take the glass from the table and put PIPING COAL. it in a frame, the coated side up. The The old idea of piping coal to market coated—or amalgam, as it is sometimes has been revived and reduced to a prac­ caller!—soon becomes so dry as to allow tical basis. The coal is first pulverised the plate to stand on its edge, but it can­ at the mines and purified by washing, not be used for several weeks longer. and when all the sulphur, iron pyrites, This method of making mirrors is the slate, etc., have been removed, it is run treat in use, and was invented by the into pipes with half its volume of water Venetians in the sixteenth century. ALL ALONG THE LINE. and thus transported to market. The An Oklahoma girl was recently mar­ expense of transportation by pi|»e line is very small compared witii that by rail. ried by a judge, divorced by the same Instead of its riding in a caron wheels it judge, and married to the same judge, rides in water in a finely atomized con­ all in six months. dition. The quantity of coal that can An apple, grown near Portersville, Corner Olive and Eighth Streets., l>e carried in this wuy in a given time is California, is reported to weigh almost astonishing. A pipe of four inches in two pounds, and measured fifteen inches diameter at 1200 pounds pressure |>er in circumference. EUGENE, OREGON. square inch will deliver over 300 tons A mushroom was found in Marine City, |s>r day; a twelve-inch pipe will deliver Michigan, recently that filled a bushel 5000 tons, and a twenty-four incli pipe basket and weighed fourteen and a half will deliver 28,000 tons per twenty-four pounds. Will Pay, through its Advertising Col­ hours. It is proposed, in carrying out An inmate of the Rates county (Mo.) this principle on a large scale, to have umns, a larger Dividend for the Money poorhouse died lately whose head was pumning stations from twenty-five to Invested *han can be realized from any three feet ill circumference and the 7- inirfy niif^s ap&rt, according to grade. weight of his brain was said to be 144 other source. ounces. QUEER NOTIONS. A gricultural implements ENGINES, THRESHERS, -— -B IN D E R S and MOWERS. REAPERS and BRILLS Vehicles nf all kinds. THE W EST--------- A J e l l y P a l a r « f o r t h e W o r l d 's F a i r . The women of California are going to build a Jelly palace at the fair—not a shivering, unsteady structure like a new custard pie, but a solid building, with sides of glasses full of jelly. These glass­ es will be of transparent and of ruinbow hues. The building will be thirty-one feet high, surmounted by a glass ball, two foo In diameter, full of jelly. The four arched entrances will form a shrine twelve feet aquure. The frame of the structure will l»e the lightest possible steel. It will carry plate glass shelves its entire length. On these shelves the txrttlcs containing jelly of every color will tie arranged. Some of them will l»e set upright and others horizontally, ac­ cording to the effects to lie produced. In the decoration of this novel palace iftM-l glass««», 2\. inches in diameter, will Iwiistsl; MM1 four inches in diameter, ami 1018 of assorted sizes, making a total of 4088, A Tennessee liveryman fell off a bridge recently and landed on a pile of rocks fifty feet below, while intoxicated. He escaped uninjure«!, hut got red hot and made a vigorous kick because iiis watch crystal was broken. A marriage of more than ordinary in­ terest took place in Golden City, Mo., recently. The parties were both blind and their romantic engagement extended over u period of seven years before their patient hopes were realized. Mrs. Dennis Garrigan died and was buried at Amsterdam, N. V., twenty-five years ago. When the grave was ojtened the other day, the body was found to be petrified and in perfect preservation. Every feature was perfect and was recog. nized by people who had been acquaint­ ed with her when alive. I here is a peculial case in northern New Hampshire where husband and wife are both preachers of the Gospel, and The women estimate that this palace each is settle«! over a parish in that re­ will e«wt $2.400, of which $1,000 will be gion. Their parishes are about ten miles fot the a(««el frame. apart. The pastors frequently exchange with each other, and it is a very conven­ HOW A MIRROR IS MADE. ient family arrangement. A large "tone table is used, which lias In Austria an application has been underneath it a screw, by means of made for preserving trees and plants which the tabic can be inclined when from the ravages of insect The pro- desired. Around the edge <»i the table cess is very simple, consisting only in is a groove, the use of which will b« placing two rings-one of copper, the known presently. While the surface of other of zinc—attacl H‘«l together around tl.e table is perfectly level, tinfoil („ the tree or plant. Any ¡„sect touchin carefully laid all over it. A strip of >t m *ivea an electric shock that • # glass is then laid on cadi of the three It to be either killed outright or fall sides of the foil, and quicksilver b ' the ground to die in a short time ° WHY?----------------- — ‘ Because It is read by the people with whom you expect to do business. Can you expect them to trade a t your store unless you invite them to do so? 1 AN ADVERTISEMENT Is a standing invitation. Do you want T H E P E O P L E ’S T R A D E ? ID. LIKTKT <& S O N , GIVE TH E BEST O © © © © B A R G A IN S C C C o o g_ IN 1 and CARPETS th e CITY OF E U G E N E . UND ER TAK IN G and E M B A L M IN G a Specialty All orders for Furniture rent us from the Siuslaw will be shipped from Portland direct H. M. C ,,AMBERLIN' ___ _________ _ C C O O O O C C C _ C _ :_ C W A T C H E S , * CLO CK S * A N D * JEW ELRV r e p a ir e d p r o m p t l y a n d w o r k WARRANTED. A T F ront S treet , * L O It E N c E V A It I E T Y STORE, F lorence , O bego >