J, V()l. 3. tloreuec, Lane County, Oregon, KHday. N„ranber 2- No. 32. 1CCOBDIXG to th e new B ritish postal ane and a thickly settled part of the state , , ,f’ tlu> te" n *8» a gone into the business of landlord. It regulations a foreign le tte r m ay be of from W ashington to Idaho. Im agine, if » asnre oon.plnnentary. The homely | will let ea.up sites af five acres each in v weight but m ust n o t exceed two you can, the “ cussin’ ” Spokane people jeet in length or one foot in b read th or will do should this thing come about. X 1 is the one endowed with all domt es- the Adriondacks for from $25 to $150 a tic virtues. She is the one that a in an year. They don t like Idaho nohow, but to depth. _ _ _______ ._______ would desire for a wife. A quiet little Twenty-four west-hound freight H ere is a little te x t th a t is applicable have their pet city pushed over the line creature, delighting in the control of /1 trains, loaded with wheat, passed thro in almost any co m m u n ity : If th e tim e and made a part of the Pan H andle will vants tho 'ants, the intricacies of household m a r-! vi n n • . . used in gossip were tu rn e d to kind deeds, „ be the last straw, and the . falls of Spok- feting, and the mild dissipations belong ■ 1 he Dalles in one dnv last week. Every etlort. is being made to get this season's loam, yea verily, oven more big to a quiet neighborhood. verv few people would com plain about She is a crops to tide water. than they did when Jim Hill threatened borne body in overy sense of the w on!; ,he doings of th eir neighbors. to pass them by several miles to th e S ir \\ ii . ham | | cn ran, an authority om one of those cozy little women, with soft, EcRorE, with h er g re a t m o rtality , north with the Great Northern railroad. plump cheeks, smooth hair, and rounded Indian statistics, says that if the Chris­ knows no such trem endous loss of life tians continue to increase in India at H ere is a man a few of which th e outlines, that a man always imagines us among railroad men as th is country to l­ | the ratio ut which they have increased erates. So frightful h as been th e m or­ L nited States ought to have to count on sitting opposite him at the table or in the past, C hristianity will in one tality in this country—a w ar killing a n ­ in m aking up the grand total of our law­ «bending over a bit of sewing in the mel­ hundred years’ time he the doiuinunt nually so many m en w ould be regarded m akers: John Burns, member of th e low lamplight. If we want to tell a religion there. as a great calam ity—th a t public senti­ British Parliam ent, is bound to out a Biiton that a girl is not good-looking, E at men are in demand in lxmdoii as ment finally dem ands th a t th e slaughter great figure in Parliam ent, to which be we must not say that she is homely, hut advertising mediums. They wear cloth­ has been elected as a representative of plain or ugly. cease. ing on which spaces me arranged for labor. He is living within the lim it of O n the .'¡Olli of November a national A n attempt is being m ade by some various advertisem ents, and thus arrayed $500 a year, and he will not take a penny Nicaragua canal convention will assem­ they parade tiie streets. On their caps fashionable jewellers in th e east to pop­ more. This income of his is made up ble in New Orleans, and Governor Fos­ they liear the inscription: “ Spaces to la» ularize the “ h u sb an d ’s rin g ,” a golden from individual subscriptions of two ter, of Louisiana, has invited the gov­ let on sixty m en .” circlet of a peculiar p a tte rn , w hich de­ cents, willingly contributed by those on ernor of each state to appoint delegates notes that the w earer has entered into O n O ctober 13 at St. Andrews fur the behalf of whom he toils. He fixed th e tQ the convention. There is no question the bonds of holy m a trim o n y . I t wont lu st time in the history of the oldest of am ount himself, it being the equivalent now before the American |H*oplu of more the Scottish U niversities, lady students work. We d o n ’t know ju s t w hy, but of his yearly earnings before he became interest to the citiaena of Oregon than took part with tiie male students in the men as a class are n o t prone to th u s ad­ an agitator. that of the construction of the Nicaragua opening exam inations. There was a vertise themselves. T he gypsy moth furnishes an instance canal under the auspices of the national much larger num ber of entrants than T wenty years ago, F ive P o in ts, New of the necessity th at some ivg.il reE+r;*» vernment. The benefit of such a any previous year, and it is uuUvipated York, was notorious as being th e most e • iOltil :>.«!»■ I' tions should be placed upon the impoi "tO ?.. i . wicked and uncontrollable .of hum ani •tw- ¿ « m i* »art > w v u,. <«. nrta- tion. Every pound of provision has to the free list. Sage, and the experience of Elizabeth trade or the Portland chamber of com­ be carried over tiie pass on the l>acks of " hilk it may be tru e th a t our saloon Thompson, Peter Cooper, W. H. Van­ merce should send accredited represen­ Indians, who charge fifteen dollars a lepers may have stepped aside from derbilt and others. It does not pay. tatives. It would lie a mistake and a hundred for tiie carry. le path laid out for th em to follow by The thing is demonstrated and of course sail failure to look closely after our own A large num ber of the citiaeni of Ore­ ky, and sold un to th e noble red Indian th e average American will now look in te ie s s , to have the state unrepre­ sented in a convention whose object is gon have made small fortunes through at which in au g u rates in him a ghost about for something else to do beside« purchasing lands from the state at the getting rich. We have often wondered of so much importance.—Ortgonian. ‘‘ance and a desire to shoot boles in fixed price, $1.25 per sen», and sidling f'ore fronts, it m u st be allowed to why we could not make being rich a pay­ The Whiteson hradtr has donned a tiieni a t tiie m arket VMlue. In some ing investm ent. We have discovered '’'dually as tru e th a t all th e drunks "„’ „ k e y n o te . All tbe above, »1«« »brou.1 an,I labl i . - l . « - X «-» In cases they have received an high as $50 "i'ielj some of these people have been the well-stocked graveyard of Oregon per acre for tim ber and farming lands. ‘^olgiug in lately are n o t directly lowing in tiie lap of luxury for years, W ashington on becoming a state adopted have made th e discovery, and through journalism . ' argeable to th e saloon keeper. For A YOi'NO lady in the eastern part of the wise business plan of having ail the them we have learned why, through all 'e Promise of a d rin k , it is an easy these long years of newspaper pilgrimage,I Klam atli county made tiie shrewdest state lauds appraised ami sold only by lnatter for an In d ia n to get w hite men bet recorded thus far. Khe auction. No bid less than $10 per acre have not had just as much happtness «lection , , , , procure for him all tb e red liquor his wc ---- na wagered her hand in marriage against is received at such sales. Il is proposed Nf* can pay for. | as our gentle disposition was ac .mg all th e property owned by a certain gen- by several of our incoming legislators I t is .,;. ~ --------------, . , cultivate—wc were to» rich that Harrison would win. In 1 to enact th e W ashington law in Oregon 18 given out th a t tiie proper bound tleman a - to M J I insure IIR U ID to the state « m the u profits w on ss m the «» *rv line betw een Id ah o and W ash- W hen we s ay a girl ¡8 homely we ei th er event the young a< y i »»uu > ,afl(,g noj taken up, and from ail she is the reverse of beautiful ' is about th ir ty m iles fu rth e r west i mean th a t ,„„.times have the best of it. iudications such an act will be presented has been supposed. Should th is be , unm istakably plain, d ate of New York lias finally and become a law in January next. T he rect it would rem ove th e city of Spok- painfully so. In Englai k t bv h