The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 18, 1892, Image 8

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    anese ware, all of which will be e ith e r heavy on M w a n t’s fla
It P roved t,,
be Dalton’s flag, and
im plem ents, have added a large line
useful °r ornamental and in 8O.,ne
postmaster hired Page to kick I
stoves and tinware to th eir stock. T y X e d hnth T h e Refr:’hments
will to also
'u r is expected
he around seven blocks as . pnni,h, *
have built up a good trade since startin g
for Ins lack of confidence in the party i
business here, and are determ ined to „¡yen in th e new drug store.
has tra in e d w ith for b. these
keep abreast of the tim e s .-E u g e n e Leg-
—U p at Indiantow n last Sunday
— at —
Church performed the cerem ony wduch
O regon itter.
L ank C ounty ,
F lorence ,
- M e y e r A Kyle are expecting by the made Mr Frank Drew and Miss Lucy PEOPLE PARAGRAPHED
,1 of schooner D
vJfe from th a t d ate u n ­
next arrival
anielson a
chapter. T he wed-
S en ato r B. F . A lley is in Eugene
tine line of
A I .I .E V Ac B L IT O N .
cloaks and ulsters. They are prepared ding took Place in a public hall n e a r th e th is week on business.
B. F . A lley ,
. . .
E ditor . to take m casurm ents and to .urm sli Home of the bride’s parents and was a t­
W . F . S tevens returned to San Fra-,,
A. 8. B liton , Local E d ito r and M anager. ladies any style they may wish in tended by a goodly num ber of friends cisco S u n d ay . He expects to
| and relatives. This is th e first In d ian to th e G re at Siuslaw soon.
1 aihi rciHvivva.
—E. A. W est, he who lives up on wedding cercniony ever consum m ated on
----- T er m s : $2.00 a year in advance.------
M r. an d M rs. M c G eorge , of Yankton
uncan slough, is nothing slow on grow- |
Greflt sinelaW a t which a m in ister S. D ., a n d relatives of Mr. L. R. j Ohn'
tables. T he W est acknowledges f b
8pei presided, and for th a t rea- so n ’s p eo p le, on the south side, arrived
E ntered a t th e poet-office a t Florence, ing veg--------
• j __ r.f „ of
a tre
a t th
for e th e on th e G re at Siuslaw Tuesday.
Italie county, Oregon, as second-class a gift from him this week of some mam son it was considerable
m ail m a tte r.
moth ¡MJtatoes, cabbages as big as a denizens of Indiantow n to w itness th e
G eorge O kex K nowles , the very pop.
bushel measure and rutabagas as large proceedings.
u la r ex -p u rser of steamer Coos, no* »
—The three act dram a, R ebecca’s g en tlem an of leisure and much capital
—M. F. P
arker and family
ramiiy moved
...u w « to
w | Triumpllj wa8 presented a t C ath ey ’s is doing Florence honor by a seven
L ocal n o tic e s s cent« per lin e , each Insertion.
Florence from th eir Clear lake ranch
hall Saturday
evening last by m em bers d a y s ’ visit.
¿ ¡d Society. T he play,
W ednesday. — -
M . J . B liss and C harles M organ
book on “ W hat I know about ranching considering the inconvenience of having
a re ou t a t E ugene this week. M org is
—Mrs. A. F. H urd is slowly improving and w hat I don’t w ant to le a rn .” B li­ insufficient stage room and no scenery, o u t proving up on his fine river ranch,
ton will preface th e work with his was well rendered and considering th e
in health.
w hile M ell is out on business the nature
th a t nearly or qiute
quite all th e paruvi-
partici q( w hich
Opinion of chicken culture.
fact tb
nQt giyen oaL
—L um ber is lieing unloaded for the “ Opinion
s lv of lStockt
covering of the Kyle w harf.
8 o . . V G. I. L indsly , oi
of osocki
Stockton, California,
—Schooner Free Trade sailed from the walls of your rooms well and artis- tbg average in rendition. A m istake, we nephew of S. G. Lindsly the thrifty
tically papered in order tb a t you m ake dfink, wa8 made in the selection of th e
San Francisco for this port on th e 10th.
N o rth Fork rancher, arrived in Florenci
. . . place of , abode. M eyer p|ay _ th e re was very little for any one,
home a cheerful
—Any and all kinds of building m ateri­
T uesday n ig h t, and is now enjoying the
A Kyle have by far the finest line of even old bands at stage work, to get o u t.
al both rough and dressed, a t David A
h o sp ita lity such as only these good pw-
wall paper ever brought to Florence, The hall was well filled and thirty-five
pie know how to extend.
S o n ’s G lenada saw -m ill.
j ( j j i They have it in suits, walls, ceilings, dollars were taken in.
—Thanksgiving services will be
W . T . Y ork returned fro m Eugene
and borders to m atch.
—Why would it not be a good schem e
in th e Presbyterian church next T hurs­
T uesday
n ig h t. He reports things
—Schooner Danielson is a t K y le ’s for us men folks to tu rn in and give th e
day a t eleven o ’clock a. m.
u iet on th e outside—except
wharf loading with salm on. She will ladies a few days’ work in p u ttin g down
—Florence needs a go<sl grocery store. take on 3500 cases of canned salm on, one sidewalks? T he W est will give two S a tu rd a y n ig h t a t Eugene w h en the
F or term s, re n t on store building, etc., hundred barrels of salt salm on, 50,000 day’s work. How m any will you give? d em ocrats had th e ir b i g s p re a d ,
he got so m ixed up with the unbleached
w rite Geo. M. M iller, F airm ount, feet of lum ber and th irty bundles of furs
Suppose they d o n ’t build th e walk in
in th e procession th a t it to o k h im three
I )regon.
and pelts. This is probably th e most front of your property, it all co u n ts to
—The m usic furnished hv th e voco- valuable cargo ever taken ou t of the the good of some one and lig h tn in g days to satisfy his mind as to just what
pliono hand a t th e e n te rta in m e n t laHt G reat Siuslaw harbor.
The salm on perhaps will strike your way n e x t tim e. his politics really were. He d id n ’t get
back sq u are onto his level in that line
Saturday evening was one of th e leading alone will am ount to near $20,000.
Every foot of walk put down helps out
u n til be beard Chowley Page shouting
—This week workmen commenced the the appearance of the tow n, to say n o th ­
C leveland—he knew he was “agin"
—Look over M eyer A K yle’s big stock construction of new buildings a t the ing of its usefulness, and we all have an
of wall paper—ju st received. T h is pa­ Stevens-Cline saw-m ill. An addition is interest in putting on our best store Page, consequently was a re p u b lica n .
per was bought 'w ay down and will be being
in illfi, built
UU..V on
W th e —
----- end
---- -- of the
-- - mill clothes when it don’t
• » us to buy
sold correspondingly low.
40x45 feet in size, and a lennto built yf them. L et’s help the ladies build th e
T he term s of 27 senators will expin
—There are said to be about 25 chairs the west side 10x70 feet in size. These walks
w ithin a radius of 25 miles from Sheri- new additions will be occupied by a new
—There is great joy in th e home of M arch 4,1895.
dan upon which G eneral Sheridan used gang edger, cut off paw and planing ma­ Mr. and Mrs. J . A. M yer, over in G len­
T he sen a te M arch 4 next will consii
to sit when in Y am hill county.
chinery which is soon expected to arrive ada, and there is sufficient occasion for of 44 dem ocrats, 40 republicans and
—Messrs. H urd A D avenport have from San Francisco.
it. Yesterday morning there arrived a t p o p u lists.
th e ir w harf nearly com pleted—great im ­
—I t is proposed to build a walk from th eir house a blooming, bouncing boy
C leveland will have his hands full
provem ent and one well appreciated by the co rn er of M r. K yle’s place to the baby. M other and child doing nicely.
in giving out appointments. As
all who hap|*cn to he going th a t way.
drug store and from there to II. A D’s. Jim h asn ’t been over on this side since
s ta rte r S e n a to r Voorhees, of Indian
—C. 11. Page is showing to good a d ­ w harf. A nother one from the same the advent of Jam es A lexander, jr., hut
vantage his generosity in donating sev­ startin g point to Hotel M orris; and still when he does show up th e boys will rep o rts h av in g received three appli»
tions before noon following election day,
eral days’ team work in grading streets an o th er one from near the Florence hotel probably discusj the irrigation question
preparatory to putting down new side­ west past T he W est office to connect with him to a point of issue. May th e
W ill C leveland call an extra session!
with th e walk going to W est Florence. shadow of big Jam es never grow less, congress im m ediately following his in
—The wrecks of nine vessels lie along Lum ber for the walks has been donated hut may the reflection cast by th e s u n ’s a u g u ratio n is a question at present ha
th e coast north of G ra y ’s harbor. The by Messrs. Stevens A Cline and the same rays over little Janies continue to develop to an sw er. I t would seem almost cer
until its immensity equals th a t of his ta in th a t a move of that kind tun
last ship to Is« added to th e n um ber was is now being brought to Florence.
—There is a new industry in Snohom­ big hearted father.
th e Ferm lale, which was cast away
ish, W ashington, th e manufacture of
a lsm t a year ago.
—Last Friday schooner D anielson,
T he C om m ercial Bulletin sa.vs: It
—Not every voter in th e state yet wooden dum bbells. The superintendent bound for this port and from San F ra n ­
clearly understood th a t a m a jo rity °G
knows how to vote under the new law. of schools has decided, report has it, cisco, camo up along side of our b ar a t
people of th e U nited States have deci«
At the little town of A m ity, w here the th a t 1MK) pairs are necessary to supply all the mouth of the river, and when pretty
to tal vote was 237, 37 ballots wen» found the pupils and th a t somebody is making well in ami waiting for a favorable wind th ey do n o t wish a continuation o
a comfortable speculation out of it. A to sail in cm, the wind suddenly quit h er p resen t tariff. W e look for no u
to be defective ami were throw n out.
e x ten sio n of th e mills nor other >n
—The pastor and memliers of th e P res­ profit of th irty cents a pair on 900 pairs altogether and she was left a t th e m ercy
tries u n til th e new congress »
b yterian church have commenced ur- would am ount to $270. Considerable in of the tido and breakers. The title, u n ­
rangem ents for a C hristm as tree, to- ’Hg.iation is expressed by parents who fortunately, was flooding and th e somo s u b stitu te for the presen
g ath er w ith appropriate exercises to be i bave ,H‘an l of thw 9chcn,e’
' schooner after drifting sometime w ent Legislation th a t is positive y un
T he output of the Cliabot cranherry aground on the north spit where she re- able is b e tte r th a n a long period
given in the church on C hristm as eve.
c e rta in ty , and we call upon >
—This seems an off year for the “ sure farm on the Pacific county, Washington, mained u n til Sunday, when by th e aid
d en t-elect to summon congre.
th in g " m an. It isn ’t safe to het no how peninsula thia year will be about 2,500 of anchors and a high tide she was got-
you can fix it. The gladiators d id n ’t bairels. In 1891 it was 1,800 barrels, ten oil ami towed to Florence. T he special session a t the car ies
on the place, boat w:is heavy loaded, having on th e m o m en t, tb a t there may be so
ereiii to cut much of a figure c ith e r in l’tie value per barrel is
th e prixe ring or presidential cam paign. The cultivated part of the farm is 40 largest load of merchandise ever brought n ite basis to business.
acres in ex ten t, and about 1(M people to Florence, but fortunately escaped
— E. Nichols ami family have moved are employed during picking time. S e v -' w ithout so much as a leak.
from th e ir residence near head of tide
T he
- S c a m e r Chance cam. ¡„ |» ,t Thera-
to Uie M apleton hotel where they will erel tbuiiMti.l a.-ree.... the ,».„¡,„„1» „re
16-page journal will be sent
rem ain during th e absence of Mrs. „v,u » ,le fo r t h i . uxlu.try, which ih cot,• d ,y „ .th her color, ilyinn in honor of
’ !o f“r “8
, Cleveland’, election. There was consul- all the subscribers of T he
Bean*« ,ample. They will conduct the "
state is concerned.
, ,
, ..
. .
erablo speculation as to the m eaning of who pay one year’s sut*#^1
Seaton ¡wet-office as well as th e hotel.
—Sometime »hiring tin» week preced- the flag when our people saw line
—A m an in Douglas county has sold mg C hristm as the Uidies’
Imdies’ Missionary ing u p th e bay, but most of us were dead I in advance. This liberal off«’
14.IHM1 ,Miiiods of tom atoes raised on less
b.H-u-ty «.f 1 lor. nee propose giving a fair sure it was for Harrison, knowing C apt. ' n i:„ „ „ liD p to all old
♦l.aii tw o acres of ground, and m ade ISM at which lime and place an opportunity W in a n fs leanings that wav. If
inbcr it «
ItoUlea of ketchup lw»sidee. He «old w .11 Is- given our h »ople to purchase al- c h a n t Kyle had had a dismisition to he n e w P a tr o n » . RenienVX
none of his toinatoee for less th a n »50
most any thing w ind. y.»u couhl well con d have “ bled” the boys for the size you only two dollars for t*
cents per bushel.—Eugene R tgitlfr.
imagine as smlahle for a Christmas of th e ir small change, hut B illie’s knees
,— ,
M. Svarvernd A Co., who have been present, rhere
Is» any
..f | were .» knocking
i:nn..kin.. together
♦__ .
I riel’s a . nlentv
S a i n t d P c e c n o p tc Sample copies can
amount of
....... . " ' 7
’ ,
I ;
, There will
•’ aan.ino
M i n g in haid w are and a - , alt, y « ,k
. f j a p . j a n »l h,- d b ln ’t «.».,1 lit-.. L a — J .
’ '
American Faring