SECRET s o c ie t ie s . legal no tices . business cards . w . P e rp e tn a Lodge, No. 131, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION every 1st an d 3.1 Saturdays NoOœ is'h l‘r‘.Jlt l‘!,Scb,,r‘;' OreK“ ” - S<’P- 80, 1892. t Geo. o. Knowl«, I X f l,u ,„ontli. ’ M em bers and visiting settler has lilet’l ' ' i n » t ' i e ë >'"Uow Png nam ed KNOWLES ' .h„.n in good stan d in g a re cordially final proof la support 'io ” ltVn-,iun to mHke -. A , ,ret o " “ m n d . J. „iteJtü A . M o u r is , W .M . said proof Notaries Public, 11 '» “w :S e a to n ’ n d SO UTH ......... ............. I N o rth Ar 17:3» a .n h /l t u î u ! Llburtt. Salem. Albany, T angent. Shedds, K ^ llu rris b u rg , Ju n c tio n c ity, Irv in g , E u- KOSEBÜRG MAIL, DAILY. P o rtla n d Eugene R oseburg iLLOB ...... 0 ,0 F L ORENCE, H - Oregon. LW . GOOD. WOUKMAX-UKK OREGON. Ptwetiee in «11 the courts of the state. Manner, mul his oih I cmvum will he to g i\o SATISFACTION. Xotarv Public, Land A»| llu M lowing witnesses io F lo m m o o , - - "thcrhm d, ali J ohn * 11. SImi’K, Register. DAILY I a LBAXY locai a r r iv e : - leave : A lb a n y .......... 9:00 p m »ortland........ P 1,1 [UUnY........... i;:30n 1,1 P o rtlan d ....... 10:80 a m T”---- Furnished on application. State Insurance ( onip’v TH E Q UEEN AND PR ES ID EN T. Ar 1 4:89 p ill J.v 10:26 n 111 ,, I.Y 1 7:00 a 111 c I lints - anti - S|i,',‘iti,‘a tii)iis O re g o n . 1 HENRY A. BAY, Agent Who will be President? Send void- answer. V A’ith eight two-eent stamps, for a sample copy Tin . .1 Salem, Oregon. P.n IL. , \ ' H' '"••""‘»m e «'"inpanv of the I V U o\ ....... . »»U liiondol sHTittl. ," 1’1 lar'" m-meriv a i « I ‘'o a,Ii,i',!,s "»■»' Gardiner. Orcuoii.aiid "HI call upon you amt insure your property. liable prizes: To the first correct answer will lie aw ard«! a Steiinvnyor Chickering Piano; the two next, SEYMOUR W. CONDON, each d pair of beautiful Diamond Ear-Rings; P u l l m a n S u i f l e t S l e e p e r s . ih c n c v t ten. each a first-class Sewing Machine, and to the last ten will be awarded each a full SECOND CLASS SL E E PIN G CARS, silver l ea Service (value »99.90). Foruccoiuinortation of Passengers hold in g Sec­ In adifltion to these, even person eorreetlv 1 ond Class tickets, attach ed io E xpress Trains. nam ing the next President will have th eir ! ¡.»w hi all Its branches given special attention choice o, a magnificent Diamond Bracelet, a West Side D ivision. pair ot Diamond Ear-Rings, or an im ported O o n s W » B l i t . , K u g e n o O r . * I etween P o r t l a n d a n d C o r v a l l is . Opera Gla.ts. Mill. Tlt.UX DAILY (E X C E P T SUNDAY.) Contest closes November 7th. Anv letter postm arked that date will he accepted. ' S it in I I.v P o rtla n d A r | 5 S 6 a nt During th t contest special prizes will be given j F. A. RANKIN 4 CO., 12:19 pin I r C o rv a llis Lv | 12:5» p in to the first ton answers received each day, with Ai Albany oti.l <'o rv a llis c o n n e c t w ith tr a in s out regard to name of candidate. rfOregon Pacific Railroad. ALL I’KlZES i o n THE 1'. S. FREE OF DUTY. EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) Address: Dipt. "A.” I 1:1» p 111 I Lv P ortland Ar I 8:20 a m THIS Q U E E i P U B L IS H IN G CO., L td ., Have the finest Photograph gallery In Eugene, TORONTO, C A N A D A . :2') p ni | Ar M cM innville Lv | 5:15 a m Omion, aod do the best work. I'ake your Utile folks to them and get good photo’s. T H R O U G H T IC K E T S EUGENE. fl o u r in g nulls F - u .il Attorney at Law, Photographers. I'oill Points EAST and SOUTH - AJl work intrusted to liiseare will bvexeeuted JOE MORRIS, Jr., Eugene L v ) 2:44 a îft i 107 p i» I |A San Francisco Lv 1 7:00 p ni ,'lô o ni I Ar j Ve trains stop o n ly a t fo llo w in g s ta tio n s ' ! o-li-N .ih „.'.¡h of Roseburg: East P o rtlan d , Oregon City, 1 Lv O re g o n . v O æ P ro T ’“ ;?'" “Îatur,lav’ November 19, is«r> Express Trains Leave, P ortland Daily, l ’or!lan . j °HN H. S u iv e , Kegister. n o t ic e for p u b l ic a t io n . Shasta Line. k’Ni p m Lv Li:.W p 111 1 Ar - c. E. POND, °.ffiee at Hoseburg, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE south I__ 7:W P 1111 J’v - CONTRACTOR*™ BUILDER, attorney and * 11 a A. S C H U L T E , Florenco, I 1 FriìVisii, Ree. Sec. tA S Ï Cha* <*•»’>«. 4 GETTYS. 1 ,h i? ,1'"» b »ml th at » ill a 0 F. Heceta Lodge No. I ll ,m e e ts i even’ Wednesday ev en in g in Lodge ■4 «ee. 12, tp. i s 8, range ù w- ’ 1 'l l Florence, Oregon. B ro th ers in 1 ’«tuiiding d . i.E , N G .joJstamn B invited to a tte K n Y geie' miscellany adver tisem en ts tt SALE. For tickets and info rm atio n regarding rates, nips, etc., call on C om pany's agent a t Eugene. A fine farm ot 160 acres situated on K. K oehler , E. P. R ogers . This Manager. . Asst. G. F. and Pass Agt. the Lakes South from Florence. P ortland, Oregon. ranch is mostly alder and vine maple JOHN C. GRAY, Dental Surgery. R o lle r I » P ro c e ss. Manufacture tho Finest tirades o f F lo u r from Lane County Wheat. P atterson , E dris flK S T national & Co. bank Tltc liest work nt the moat IteaNonahle Prices. bottom land, having nearly a mile lake OF EUGENE. Ollh'e over ( in n ig e Sture. frontage. Ten a u ’es under cultivation E n g e n © Fro.n Terminal o r In te rio r P o in ts th e - - O r e g o n , T. O. HENDRICKS. Pill». « II (A K IN . J» . O »»H » ami 5 more slashed*; a good orchard just PAID UP OA8H OAPITAL, . . « 0 0 ,0 0 0 come into hearing; tb moms in a frame A. R. BUTTOLPH, SURPLUS AND PROFITS. • . « 4 0 .0 0 0 house that is ceiled ami papered ; good out-buildings, and stock of all kinds will A C C O U N T S B O L IO IT K D , Is th e l i n e t o t a k e be sold with the place at reasonable pri­ And Collector. EUGENE. • • OREGON. 5 ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH. ces if desired. Price of farm, $2000; one Office two dnors west of Florence lintel. • - O r e s o x i. half cash and reasonable time given for P l o r e n o o , balance. Apply for fu rth er particular« j — I I H O V E Y , HUN HUM PHHEV & CO. A T. C. MACKEY, M. D > is the Dining C ar R o u te. I t runs at this office. A a HOVEV, P h ,» id ,NI. H. O. HUMPHRgV. O a » h »■ Through V estibuled T rain s every day EUGENE, • • ■ OREGON. |in the year to M n Pacific Railroad Notary Public,Surveyor I ANE CO, NTY BANF P A T R O N IZ E PAUL a n d CHICAGO. ( NO CHANGE OF C A R S ) imposedof Dining Cars unsurpassed, Pullman D raw ing Room Sleepers Of Latest E quipm ent, 0URI3T S L E E P IN G C A R S ? that can be co n stru c te d and in w hich , ’ """"iitions are both free am i furnished i litters of First and Second-Class Tickets, , LEGANT D A Y C O A C H E S Continuous Lino connecting with Lines, affording direct and un- intsrruptad service. Ionian S le e p e r r e s e r v a t i o n s c a n secured in a d v a n c e aily a g e n t o f t h e r o a d . ’R ough THE CITY MEAT MARKET, P h j ’s i c i i l l l e . e . marr , FLORENCE. - p r o p ., . OREGON. A. E. GALLAGHER, A t t O l ’lie V F R E S H ’’"in depot. Kate«, $1 per day. ndite help. T h is hotel has been re-. atI(l newly furnished. Patronize - O K N E R A L B A N K IN O . L < IW , O i ’o g o n . Oilice over lame County Malik. FÆE.A.T 8 T A O K H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, A. C. WOODCOCK, Leaves Florence M onday«, Wednes­ day« am i Friday«. Arrive« at Florence Tueaduys, T b itr« - A L W A Y S ON H A N D . day« am i S ahinhiy«. H J u tg o n © , - • O re g o n Connect« w ith Steam er am i Scotte- rffir-Koom« 7 and 8 McLaren*» Kiiihling. Alno w ith E a s p o o is -l a t t e n t i o n t o Rpecfnl Attention given to collection» ami pro- burg Stage Line fo r D ra in . Stage L in e for Cooa Bay. Charge ' bate budiieMM. S U P P L Y IN G S T E A M E R S . reasonable. Attorney at Law, L. BILYEU. Scientific American Agency for Attorney at Law, E v ig o n o , - • O c o g o iT . Office over First National Bank. J' uiforinntlon concerning rates, tim e of '"¡ms and o th er details furnished on ap- «'on to any agent, or ^ in tie g o ta H otel, in E ugene, is one | < lt E v ig o iT O , tickets : B o r tla n d , O r. O re g o n . T R A N 8 A 0 T » IN ALL BRANOHE» 'L bugiami mid E utope can be purchased ticket Oilice of th is Com pany. Assistant G eneral Passenger Agent. No. 121 F irst St., cur. W ashington, S lirg C D ll, O L D E S T B A N K IN C O U N T Y a a i ’d l i x e r , th ro u g h A. D. C H A R L T O N , illlll CHURCH DIRECTORY. «- P C A V E A T », TRADE M AR K », d e s ig n p a t » n t » , , , , C O P V M IC H T », «to. For Information and free MUNN A CO- 3fil U koadwa T. N« w ro Oldest bureau tor »ecurtna patents In Am» Kverj patent taken out by uiLb» the public by a notice given free of charge hi uj . J c ic n tific Largest circulation of any ent world. Snlendldlv man should bo without IL m I'NN A w year: »1.50 six month». Ad drees mu ™ • » i ’uin.isuiius, 3C1 Brmidway, ’ urt ‘«3.0 » • RESBY I'ERIAN I ' l l l ’KCII. I lorem e, Oregon. Sabbath- I p vrvK ,,n . . Sabbath o nervine: a. ...............-........... «eliool, 10 o’cloek a. m. I’reaehing, II o’cha k ft. m. mid 7 p. m. Sacram ent of the Ixird’a aupiier on 4,h Sabbath of .March, Ju n e, Septemlier ami fJecemlwr. Everybody in welcome to all the«ervice«. | ,nat>f tluil» r lamia In the kin I*-» of California, Oregon, Nevada, amt U n-hlngfon Territory,' lx*vl I*. Tallm an of Meadow, County of I. mii «, Klnlc of Oregon, ha» till» ilny Hied In Ihl» *>ffico Id» »worn sDitdim hi No. A, for the purehaaanf the n«1*, of nc1, nf •»•(• No a. In Town»lilp No I kh , It n w . and w111 otter proof in s I iom that the Inmt Miught 1» mor," Vhliiable for If» limber or »Ion« than fog agricultural nurpoeea, mid to e«tab,l»h hl» d a l in to »aid I hiiii before the ,tegl«ter and Itecetvet of thia office at ItoM'tiiirg, Oregon, on Weilncwtay lb/r»oii» claim ing adverse I j the at«»Ve i|, *erll»'*l land» are ri-*ine-led Io Ole tnelr claim» In ltd» office ou or l»