Patriotism and P ay. in h a b ita n ts of them in reckoning then- . • „ 0{ n a tio n a l e m b le m s th e T while c allin g on a frie n d , I tim e differ an en tire day every week. T iie theory th a t th e deepest place in ^♦h o u cht ours th e m o st b e a u tifu l th e ocean w ill be found to correspond ■ the world, an d t h a t w h e n the sight of th e s ta r s a n d s trip e s alm ost exactly w ith th e h e ig h t of th e •^Phest m ountain has been disproved heart ju m p fo r joy. (frie n d ’s sea m stre ss, w ho w as I / J n , 1,11/ t l l e l a s t -v e a r ’ ocean d ep th s in the room , re m a rk e d , sorae- 10.000 feet deeper th a n th e h e ig h t of M ount Everest havinc been found Uv would lose som e o f y o u r pa- A stylish Corpse. ' . L if vou m ade th o se sam e flags, triotisu* ** j M “ She wnnm° St Styli8h corPse’” ’ S i ? * den>»“ a c a we heard re m a rk th e o th e r X « « ” w as “ ie rei lT ,„ “y ™ d lately -Pe ^ ° f a le a d e r of fashiou - y deceased, and, prom pted by eu- to live on b re a d an d s a lt. T h e i t stars are se t on th e b lu e g ro u n d riosity, sity, we inquired w hat w ent to m ake n ir i, ___ • • I '¿hand There a re forty-five, I th in k , up a “ stylish corpse.1 Oh replied the gusher, w ith no ¡i " are placed on b o th sides a lik e , so hesitation, “she w ore a black v elv et to be b a s te d an d ,Ht makes ninety Sed on, and it m u st be done n e a tly , gow n w ith point lace trim m ings, and her eyebrow s penciled and cheek j an d The pay is from s ix ty to sevent.y- ips rouged, besides having h er h a ir ,re cents for th a t p o rtio n of th e flag, done in the most delightful fashion Positivelv, to be such a , by working from m o rn in g till possible. L t as hard as she can, m y p oor sis- beautiful corpse was w orth d y in - for our prosaic mind the solem nity o f who is a quick sew er, c a n ju s t fin- P To ilt it c o n r o n /l 4 -^ 1--------- » . . . death seemed to have ■ been robbed of _ “j/oDe in a day, fo r w h ic h she re ceiv es all its g ran d eu r and force by the a r ti­ dity c e n ts. ‘ ,,Si,e 8ays she c a n ’t say h u r r a h fo r ficial trappings and adornm ents of th e thered, white an d b lu e w ith m uch complexion specialist; yet in th is age of fads th e tim e is not far off w hen ju st fervor. ”-N . Y. R ecorder. such caprices may be expected, fo r if A C o n g r e ssio n a l Count» fashion sets the pace there w ill be, be­ The four-year-old an d seven-year-old sides o th er modish follies, fads in Was of a w estern c o n g re ssm a n w ere funerals th a t will probably be even tiving with ‘a s e t of n u m e ra l blocks more ridiculous th an the o th ers.—P h ila ­ and their m other w as w a tc h in g th e ir delphia Times. WARRIORS OF THE WORLD. r r s s s : « w« S . 1“ e° ,ric‘ “ T w t 7 \ 5 . H^ RLES H* H®VL, of the tailedtethlnl lnfantr-Vt has been de- bit at T Sent, !he w ar ^ P a rtm e n t exhibit at the world's fair. e v e ^ b ! J i8? Pe8tilential in Siam th a t cry soldier is compelled to assist in reducing reducing their their number by catching ■ S f i * “ *'Vt'rJ' l'" y to 011 “ Ih a recently issued decree all sol­ diers of the Russian empire must in future use handkerchiefs, which have heretofore been restricted to the officers. T he Prussian army is said to contain but one officer from the ranks—Col. Ladeniann. who was promoted for acts of exceptional bravery in the Schleswig- Holstein campaign in 1864. lie has just been gazetted commander of the hl*tieth in/an try. 1 IIF .ÏÎF . T here 1»¿ is a t i population of 70,W ) in Iceland, yet the only military force employed consists of two policemen, stationed at the capital. Rcykjavie. and the only two lawyers in the island arc the state's attoney, as lie may be called, and another, who is on hand to defend anybody th a t may be put on trial. RUMBLINGS ON THE RAILS. of one's fath er’s books. One lucky man is Dumas, who gets about 910,000 uyeur from his g n at fa th e r’s novels. T he birthplace of Ixird Tennyspn, in Lincolnshire, England, has ju s t been offered for sale. T his b eau tifu l old manor is said to be “ T he M oated (•range which his poetic genius made so famous. 1 iik p»x»t Rogers, whose hospitality was proverbial, has the credit of e state Hshing the breakfast party ns a link in London society. The ''m ornings'* at his house are famous among the lite ra ti of Eugland. A SOLDIER S CORNER. T he oldest British soldier is Sir Patrick G rant, aged eighty-eight years. G i n caps wen» first used in 1824 In the British army. 1 iik armies of the civilised nations of the world num ber 3,600,000. Besides the loss of th eir time and labor, they cost a t least 91,000 a year for each sol­ dier, and th a t am ounts to 93,600,000,000. H enry P ackard , of Roeklund, Sul­ livan county, N. Y„ a veteran of the w ar of 1812, in which he served as a drum m er lx>y, has ju st received from the General Society of the W ar of 1812 a bronze medal. Mr. Puekanl is lame to this day from a wound received in a skirmish. A M aine veteran who m arched in the procession nt W ashington has forty- eight sears, an em pty sleeve and an artificial eye to prove th a t he was in t he late unpleasantness. 11 is name Is J. E. Chase, a m em ber of the old Fifth battery of the Pine T ree state. T rains in Russia run tw enty-tw o miles an hour. T oo ('h eap . “Oh, mamma!” e x c la im e d th e G reat B ritain is reported to have Some people value a pet grievance 16,8(50 locomotives. rounder one, “ I can co u n t; lis te n ;” and he rattled off: “ One, tw o, th re e , four, far above money or any th in g which Ox several of the railroads in Russia five, six, seven, e ig h t, nin e, te n , ja c k , money can buy. A good many y ears iron telegraph poles are to be substi- ago th ere lived in W ashington a"U nited queen, king.” i tuted for wooden ones. WELL UP IN YEAR3. The mother w as in e x p re ssib ly S tates naval officer who th o u g h t him- I M exico hus 22,500 miles of telegraph self u n ju stly treated by the naval re- j diocked, hut before sh e h a d tim e to B vedinokh , In Ilesae, Germany, boasts tirin g board and made incessant corn- and 0,000 of railroad. A district messen­ say anything the o ld er boy p u t in: ger service will soon be introduced. of a laborer who haa celebrated his 101st | “Why, H arry,” he said, “ t h a t ’s i plain t about it to his brother officers. birthday. I T he life of a locomotive crank pin, j “ Well, Sam,’’ said one of his friends, wrong." which is almost the first thing about an A mong Sir W illiam H arcourt's su p ­ "Very wrong; very w ro n g .” sighed w ho w as a little worn out by h earin g engine to wear out, is 00,000 miles, und porters ut Derby w ere tw o voters said the sem e story over and over, “ why in the mother. the w orld do you subm it to it, if it is the life of a 33-inch wheel is 00,733 Vo lx' 102 anti 103 y ea rs o f age. "Cert,” went on th e o ld e r boy. “ T his miles. D avid W ade , of Enterprise, Ky., has is the right w ay,” an d as th e m o th e r i so? T here is a man here who w ill in­ T he Japanese government contem­ been m arried to Mrs. Elizubcth Garvin waited for the co rrectio n by h e r older vestigate it for tw enty dollars, and may plates the construction of six lines of a t W ellston, G. T h eir ages ag gregate co rrect it.” child he dashed in to th is: “ D uece, tra y , “ W hat!” ejaculated the com plaining railway,aggregating 800 miles in length. 182 years. T he bridegroom has passed four, five, six, seven, e ig h t, nin e, te n , officer, whose reasoning powers had The purchase of the private railw ays the century mark. jack,queen, king, a c e .’ by the state is also projected. No death hiiH occurred in the family That night th e m o th e r h a d a confer- evidently become a little confused through m editation on his wrongs, (U* Dx foggy w inter days English^ rail of Rev. Samuel Wakefield, of Lutrotx», «ce jvith the c o n g re ssm a n .—D e tro it “do you suppose for one in stan t th a t I ways employ thousands of extra hands I‘a., in 61 years. He is in hia 04th year; Free Press. would tak e tw enty dollars for a griev­ to plaee detonating signals on rails, the his wife is a few years his junior; they D y e in g B u r g la r s . ance like this? You don’t know me!'’ ordinary semaphores being invisible. A were murried in 1821, and have ten chil­ new method of signalling is by an elec­ dren. Burglars broke one n ig h t in to th e —Y outh’s Companion. tric bell on the locomotive, a eontaet M rs . E lizahrtii S tanton died a few workshop of a d y e r in K oslin, an d had device causing each signal station to days ago in P atto n tow nship, Center B a b y J a c k 's T h e o lo g y . got together a p re tty la rg e sized pack- The doctrine of o rig in a l sin is a diffi­ sound automatically the number of county, Pa., n t tiie age of 117 years, ve of valuable d y e-stu ffs w h e n th e cult one to controvert, taking the beats required to tell whether to stop i sh e was of Ainoricun-1 utiiun stock, ami dyer, awakened by th e noise, a p p e a re d was fumed for feats of s tre n g th and en ­ world a t large into consideration, but or proceed.__________ on the scene, arm ed w ith a double- durance in her old age. it is one which Baby Jack, nctat twen­ footer. As he e n te re d th e door he SPARKS AND FLASHES. ty-three months, steadily and sturdily «pied two men s k u rry in g off to th e O F ROYAL B IR T H . P lowing by electricity is in contem­ other end of th e dye-house. A t th e refuses to adm it into his theology, lie plation for a large property in Central says: “ Now 1 lay m e,” w ith the utmost suomons, “Stand, o r I fire!” th e y both D vctiers da M ontuensikr , sister of jumped into a v a t w hich th e y th o u g h t fervor and in a language of his own, Spain. Queen Isabella, is a g re a t grand-m other T he Pennsylvania railroad is equip­ n t 55. empty, but w hich w as filled w ith som e which only the. audacity of a mother would claim to m ean anything, lie ping its anthracite collieries with elec­ color liquid. S ta n d in g in th e bine Q ueen V ictoria ’« new dining-room a t tric light plants, and will cut coal Oslx>rne cost 9100,000. Mhe paid for it asks: “ Dod” to “ b’ess” every one of ath, they both cried fo r m ercy. T he oyer, however, to o k aim , an d th ey his relativ es to the forty-fourth de­ tw enty-four hours a day. herself. T he importance of electricity on ^eked under, b u t soon cam e up ag ain gree, n o t fo rg ettin g his pet cat and Amr H ukar . the su ltan of Johore, | earnestly e n tre a te d p ard o n . B ut “ Iloo-Polly.” the unclean rag-doll, but modern steamships is shown by the fact who will visit the world s fair next sea­ o relentless d y e r gave th e m th e bene- w hen m am m a prom pts: “ Please make th a t the new English battlesliip. Royal son, is nlstu t 65 yeur^ of age, a mail of htof a few e x tra dips, a n d th e n tu rn e d Ja c k a good boy,” M aster Jack says. Sovereign, has no less than eight progressive views and w orth ubout them out into th e s tr e e t w ith o u t g iv in g “ Das” in response as earn est as that of hundred electric lights and thirty miles 920,000,000. ‘Das’ 'of wire. - ’dee to the police. T h e s to ry g o t any good M ethodist brother. M arquis G uiccioi . i , |h a new Italian he is . a v ............. A C anadian electrician states that smbuxsudor a t Berlin, Is a ’ •d in koslin, an d e v e ry b o d y k now s m eans “y es,” and Jack thinks gram! indigo-tlyed sco u n d rels. T h e y are good boy, and no m oral suasion can in- el4Jctrj(.jty causeB the tides s and demon- nephew of the b eau tifu l Countess ducc him to suggest to Providence iat ________by gtratcg ¡t b electrifying electrifying a a rublx-r comb Guiccioll, th e friend of Ilyron. Tiie ■ to rem ain m en of m a rk fo r som e th e re is th e slig h test necessity for mak­ by nibbing it through the hair and then m arquis was form erly m ayor of Rome. oeto come.—V erm isch tes. draw ing it over the top of a glass filled ing over.—N. Y. Recorder. T he czar is said, on w h a t Ixmdon w ith water, the result being th a t the papers quote as th e au th o rity of Ids FATHERS OF GREAT MEN. tidal wave follows the comb. POPULAR SCIENCE. English physician u t Mt. Petersburg, N apoleon ’ s fath er was a citizen of I t is said (hat a man in Columbus, O., to have lately grow n th in and nervous. h the head of th e g u lf of B o th n ia has patented an electric device intended There is n othing bracing and fa tte n ­ is a m ountain on th e su m m it of very hum ble means. Asn.MOLE, th e g reat anti«?” *’*»“ » was to autom atically lower and raise rail­ ing ab o u t Itcing tiie ezar of Russia. ’ 'h the sun shin es p e rp e tu a lly d u i- road gates ut grade crossings at tiie ap­ ;i?the five days J u n e 19, 20, 21, 22 a saddler's son. proach and after the passing of trains. TH E FIR ST. M arshal B ernadotto was the son ttd23. The apparatus is expected to entirely provincial notary. T he B abylonians first divided th e is a c ertain isla n d in th e B altic of T a he fa th e r of llarry, the h,«Wr.«l supplant flagmen and gatetenders. hour and m inute in to sixty parts. ^1° whose in h a b ita n ts th e body o f ---------- AUTHOR’S CHAT. ^ 5un is clearly v isible in th e m o rn in g pain ter, w as a sailor, T he first book Im ported from Europe a cooper’s son, was b ro u g h t over by Jo h n Mabin, of M arshal N ey was he arises, a n d lik e w ise in th e WlLHELMINE IIENREL, a relative of n'D1Dg after he is set. Philadelphia. and him self a notary o f soim- son»» r.~ re- .no ™ icpon- Mendelssohn, and a woman ox A u e z ik i A i . hamhai . i says coffee was T he fa th e r of Adrian, the a. I * celebrnU-d her ninetieth . ; central S a h a ra re g is te rs a m ean n Inlvirpr . . . A I__ _ U fgtfl first m ade know n as a beverage in 870 ¿ degrees in . . -- ....... J u ly . C e n tra l A u stra- tiff, was a laborer. birthday nt Potsdam a few days ago. of the Hegira. S ausrurk . the naturalist, was >asts of 94 d e g re es in J a n u a r y —a O itd a . the novelist, is distinguished A iihaiiam p rearn ted his son’s wife ___ f()r for the exquisite lieauty of her hands iti *s a tta in e d in S o u th Car- of a Swiss farm er. w ith a pair of earrings, th e first of VlR0n/8 fath er was a porter, and inner A rab ia in m idsum m er. ....... and feet. She constantly wears thin, which th ere is historic m ention. slave. . dainty slippers and abbreviated sleeves. j 8 a c e rta in v illag e in th e king- J m any years a slave, MASS.U.ON. the g reat French pn-^h- T he first railroad to use the steam n'l ^ aP^es s itu a te d in a very low W hen Lord Tennyson was ask.-d to locomotive regularly in th is country tka read his works aloud he almy BQ(1 ÜUit Is lhe fruitM established the first .Mont de Plete. to Asia, b o th ly in g u n d e r th e aaT*^nin an d in a sm all d istan ce th e son of a freedman. “ other, an d y e t th e respective innocent s p o r t .