THE M IG R A T IO N OF F IS H . T he Scottish Fisheries Board has been try in g some interestin g exjxjrimentB w hich go to show th a t fish have a habitat as distin ct and alm ost as confined as th a t of land anim als. Last year som ething soldiers, sailors, professional men, street peddlers, belles and beaux. The m ost beautiful woman in th e city, wife of a nabob, is said to be of ’alf and ’alf ne­ gro and Indian blood. Formerly ladies used to pay th eir visits and go to church ICRICULTURAL like .'»(MX) fish of various species were in a hammock, the two ends being car- caught, and after l>eing murked returned ried by men servants, who swung th e to th e sea. W HO LESALE A N D R E T A IL D E A L R E S IN A considerable num ber of precious burden between th e m ; but now these have been captured after periods -coaches and carriages are common. ranging from two m onths to one year. As u rule it was found th a t they were cau g h t very near the sam e places where first taken, though in a few instances the m arked fisii had traveled considerable distances. T he inference plainly follows th a t if th e fisii are destroyed in any p ar­ ticu lar locality it will I mj a long tim e, if ever, before th a t place is restocked. This is som ething for fishermen to consider. ANOTHER ID O L B R O K EN , “ The deadly upas-tree,” found in th e famous Death Valley of Java, has had a most unpleasant reputation, and trav el­ ers told all sorts of dismal stories about it. They probably heard these reports from the superstitious natives, and did not dare explore th e dangerous region. Merely ty breathe the poisoned atm o s­ phere where it grows was believed to be G IG A N T IC IR R IG A T IO N S C H E M E . certain death ; and th e valley was said to be covered with the remains of such The Kan Joaq u in ranch is to be ir­ birds, beasts and reptiles as bad w an­ rigated ami 20,(XX) acres now produc­ dered into it. ing barley will l*e m ade susceptible of But an enterprising German traveler cultivation. The schem e is a prodigi­ lias p u t all these delightfully th rillin g ous fine and m eans flie ex|xm diture of horrors to flight, by actually going into Jf.r>(X), his love and en- every breese th a t is blowing, so th a t any ' treats ,da conrtdant to arrange an j„ ter. num ber of u..ex|xx te«l guests can b e ! view. Tbe POntbbuit goeg to tb e gir, ""lung u p " in a single bouse w ith o u t in- giveB ber a dower or ft bIatb, of gr#M convenience. K scept in tb e m ost ex- ail(, BayBf .«8w ear by „ ¡ , n w|lQ pensive residence. th e front room , only ' , b j. fb>wvr aild UB ft,80 tb a t yQU nQt are ceiled, MP LE ME NTS ENGINES, THRESHERS, ■BINDERS and MOWERS. REAPERS and DRILLS VahiclES nf all kinds. Corner Olive and E igh th Streets., EUGENE, OREGON. THE W EST------— j Will Pay, through its Advertising Col­ umns, a larger Dividend for the Money Invested than can be realized from any other source. WHY?----------- -------- Because It is read by the people with whom you expect to do business. Can you expect them to trade a t your store unless you invite them to do so? AN ADVERTISEMENT Is a standing invitation. Do you T H E PEO PLE'S T R A D E ? D. l iit it & s o it BEST , © © © © © O O P B A R G A IN S IN and CARPETS und latticed windows are reveal to any one th a t which I am about m uch more common th a n glass. A n­ to unfold to y o u .” If th e girl will not o th e r thing th at strikes the stran g er, is accept the proposal she will not take the th e ixxuliar appearance of th e people <»tb i but. nevertheh-M. keep, the mat- aa eoniparw l w ith tbeM* ba I,», In | , c r w .„ , „ , b, w ant IN THE CITY OF E U G E N E . U ND ER TAK IN G and E M B A L M I N G a SDecialty K All orders for Furniture sent us from the Siuslaw will be shipped from Portland direct. o th e r |»arts of the country. The regu­ favorably «lisjxxxxl to th e m atch she larly descended Portuguese ami Africans answ ers, “ I swear by Him who made ........ fro ....... : the H .,..., you bold and and the P g AM BERLIN. l.r .th n .« and e l.te r. in othar p a r t.; but ot meeting „,,w ' the,, a n . 1 .« hew. « b ile th e Indian rare r ,MW b r„k(.„ >m| ._ |.r« b .n ln .1 « . In l*ara. a. la no other no, lung below tbe ardent lover Iweome. city , th e alx.rigiuals of Brasil may lx* th e happy husband. seen, Ix t t h in pure bhxxl am i in everv Chrom e yellow, a v e ry , langerous arti- W A T C H E S (xtssihle degree of a d m ix tu re with w hites ele. is very generally used by tak ers and am i blacks ill every s tra ta «4 society. confectioners to a,id beauty of color to R E P A IR E D T hey occupy th e highest governm ent th e ir gixxls ami to give tb e nppearunce ixw iiions, ow n th e grandest m an.ions of a generous use of eggs. an d fin«*st e sta te s, an d figure as c ap ital­ A ists and serv an ts, priests and p«diticians,1 Kubscribe for Tin: W i ¡ST. F ront S treet , T E W 2 _ © © o e - - © L l c c o o o o e o o_o_c_o ó ©o’® ----------------- , * C LO C K S^ AND JE W E L R Y 1/ A f)D P R O M P T L Y ----------------------------------------------- and W O R K W A R R A N TE D . T 1 L ° U K * c ® V A It I E T Y STO KE. F lorence , O re «05