y. Vi Florence, Lane Comity, Oregon, Friday, Xovemlier l!i. l i m Vol. 3. X«. 31. \ glacier has bt-en discovered in th e this metal, and properly joined with lui- ¡continual training. It i> is folly to think >ul Rpmanlino range, C aliforn ia . other metgl, worn on the Huger for o«e that he can exhibit the effects of pro- selves in a way whereby wo can eoin|>cl non-residents to help us improve the up­ I, U Cleveland »nd Stevenson w itb- week, will cure the worst ease. It gen­ wsses without having the processes as a |H*arance and convenience of our pub- . dottbt. See full re tu rn s on inside erates a gentle current of electricity. cause. lie stre e ts. 1 wenty-eight cases of cure are rep o rt« ^ ABE far too „„ro w i„ uur T„ ,8 R ev . A. X. K eiuwin , a Presbvterian T he United Suites G overnm ent bus a m inuter of WllmlwM ,, , . . J " " « ,» « w . I, I,,-|;,.v. |;i.l,ll.., ...................... pJy of 75,000 new m ail bags an n u ally , m inister of \\ llimngton, Del., prophesies many claims upon ns which no aw van . said in lielinll ol our missionary society: the end of the world in 1897. lie ex- ever enforce, an. at a cost of $40,000.__________ , . , T , " ill‘ whieh public 'T h e W oman’« M im b a a n Soetetv m prets th a t in th at year the Jews will lw-sentiment can never meddle It .1.« vi n u i i , , I muune. it de- Horence, the youngest of our societies, I i - kotective club of niotliers-in-law cstored to the Holy Land, ami th a t mauds much more than the discharge of organized ^ ell organized in London. The in May with six members, they will build anew the temple against pecuniary obligations. It enters into only in its infancy, yet it realizes th«< .„others of wives only a re eligible for the second coming of Christ, lie draws every detail of life, ami regulates our importance of work, as one of its officers u ie u ib e rsh ip .___________ these conclusions from several much Conduct in all relations we hear to said, “ Tlie more 1 learn of this great F oe the year ending last S eptem ber discussed passages in the Book of Reve­ others. It pronounces upon our behav­ cause the more I sec there is to be ac­ the number of persons wlio visited lation, and has been preaching sermdns iour to relatives and friends, ami the complished.” Two of its members come Burn’s Cottage and M onum ent was 28,- for some time past with the special ob- «omgiunity in which we dwell. It en­ down the river a distance of ten and a 21}and 38,114 respectively. ject of preparing bis lloek for the events forces debts of gratitude, of allection, of half miles to meet with them. They do S isce Dickens’s death th e firm of j of 1897, ________________ thoughtful consideration, of kindness, of not feel to have any «liseonragements, Chapman & Hall have sold (>43,000 eop-1 C hilean advices tell us th a t vandal* compassion, as well as those of shillings they are woikiug actively in their own je3 of “ Pickwick.” T he profits on ism, influenza, highway robbery, rail­ and pence, loculi a man just who is field, which demnmls all they raise ami ’s works still am o u n t to ab o u t way disasters, have now suicide ns a I6t kind, or tender, or pitiful, or loving, are looking forward with a li«qx« to lie powerful allay in their work of destruc- *8 a 'nh-nomer. 1 rue justice implies the due exercise of all these sentiments in Oxa needs but to cast an eye over any tion in Chile. Scarcely a day passe« th at cases of self-murder arc not reported tlieir proper season, and the cheerful part of the Great Siuslaw from tid e w at­ discharge of the conduct w liich they siig- er to the ocean’s beach to have answ ered either at the capital or Valparaiso, while reports are constantly reaching the city ®st.. anvquestion of doubt as to th e sure from the interior of similar occurrences— E xpressions such as the following turn of the wheels of progress. and still the good work goes on. By t tie ¡quoted are not common in the annals ol M e . G ladstone is in favor of abolish­ time Chilo gets ready to attem pt another {rood American society, yet Tin \\’i >r is $40,000 a year. __________ ing the office of strengthened, so as to help in the future with their little mite. Theirs is a grand mission, the first Missionary Society in the Great Siuslaw country; what possi- bilities for C hrist ami for planting the hanner of His cross, May God nianl- fest His approval by greatly blessing their efforts. poet lau reate. The bluff on Uncle Sam this continued self- «impelled to admit, having heard the X kx r Thursday, November 21, 1 m the Grand Old Man is alw ays sensible. Prosy destruction shall have liad a tendency tofwme from the lips of a conceded good day set aside by the President as a day England does not need a paid and titled weaken their knees sufficiently to make! Juember of the crowd that makes up our Thanksgiving, ih e question which poet to write a t the buck a m iu a ll of snob her a f-libjCct of an easier sedre than ttfen c st ami most geliefohs Americans: naturally arises, as we tliinl. of this day one recently enacted. ¡“ Heroism ¡8 not common in these «lays. ,,j general festivity ami are ourselves royalty. * / u i i i l / l l u t i n r t l m r f m n i ♦!»•» t I l i t 11 no help for it i Nothing could he lurther from the truth. T wenty .thousand d o lla rs’ w orth of T here seems to be nltand canned salm on, aside from sev- i T l*e .‘pJor fariner” must go on plowing Kver-v ueek the ncWH t'ol,tai,,H . 1 of men who have risked their lives in or- eral thousand feet of lum ber, will be t h e | a n J Howing nn(] gathering into barns; cargo conveyed by schooner D anielson | ^ 1Ung hifl Hurplus prs , al, {| p tj|n(, a potcntia| hero, »omen graduated from B uchtel college, as uncomplainingly as possible upon H m * - Akron, Ohio, last J u n e . Two prizes of­ fat of the land until some other scheme T|IE work o( constructing sidewalks fered in the law class for th e best essays can be devised whereby the earth ami ,U1,| crosswalks has fairly begun. __ on“Equitable R em edies: T h eir G row th the fullness thereof may lx« bis, without | u,| i es A id S o c h t y is putting and Place in Our Ju ris p ru d e n c e ,” were labor or money.—(h'enotnnn. best ellorts and w ith tin a itnth taken by women. iaracr A C hicago w idow has sued a m an for •' „ 1 ; „recedingpr««- ¡I'll- 7 i | e trade has recently been estab- ^ ’ ¡n V ienna of serving charged stor- aA'battery cells to p riv a te bouses on !11«ci> tin* same plan th a t th e m ilk is ‘ ................. ,,rw’ght in the m orning an d th e em p ty 111 taken away. Very likely we shall " « « b„l»«'he Ud,„. ......... MU(,U. thill u c have during the past year | M.t,n blessed with that (or which we ghould now devote a day of Thanksgiv ing. But be our blessings of hiiui II m ag­ nitude in our own im agination, they multiply largely when we unco settle down to a good solid session of sober ami generous thought. We should he thankful that the good Ixmi lias |xir- mitti'd us to exist ami enjoy the bless­ ings which present themselves at morn, noon ami evening of our «laity life. In n«cord of the tw elvem onth's past. ...... . l,AI.- i-.....ol. ...... . c,,a rjty j |low well we have learned the blessedness of giving ; the priceless prlv- liege of pardon, the unspeakable pi-xs- lire ol a fragrant memory. Iluving ..... | t m a tte rs little Imw w ent th.« triv - yeur. Iliiving ,lll(liht< „ hlU, o n the credit sido, our |M>Hni is rich indecsl, fhougli it bear but wU, (,o w d, to re. bread ami water. Having tb e e - tin« choicer blessings «if the year--let ns make thanksgiving lor a summer endro - jias j oiieJ faithfully in various spheres, j ing » ember th at there is no w h a te v e r .nay be a man’s native ahd.I>, town Com|s>lling mm-r«,.- or however great may be his g»’" • buil<, MajkM or ally other ni(jgt exercise bis ability patient V ,,roVe their property. I l l s more IIIUOV ..rldhit it brilliantly, | w»> '"•« 11 , ....... f foro l,e can hope to exhibit it "r“ “" ^ " '’ probttb|c that the question <>f in- an(n , e m ust do the drudgery of coriwrttting the town of Flur« nee will Is- A finger ring made of of varied endiavcr, seem a lm o st sa c n lig io u s in us to pru- 1..... How worh ol »¡.'I................................................ “ ’n be legislating to protect ourselves _ w ithout which the greatest - siou of 01 tin- young I broUgllt brought up ttt at the the coming coming h session u.o ltr ^wr plainer blessings, ami cast up - ()).kll|,in(jbjp ! tion and financial condition «bail not ’•>0,000 for 1 Giving told h e r husb an d to result is e \n t c If a man shows s k ill in l' or 1,1 L!(j Of)y | many hub the improve- jump in the river, w hich lie did. This i i • ,i „mi inav know have waned performance of any kind, y ,nent8 in.d e in this line. Th Tlm person Mvshouhl consider herself fortunate, of l,a ’ 11,1 i,. exhib its cxc«‘i»tionnl who is given in the laaet • '"Ubly so if she gets th e fifty thousand. before now. If be exh.b Uli8 nK)Ve,nent«nd w h o ^^^ ^^ A fool man w ith no m ore brains th a n versatility of powers, j«”' ((wnt>rH ought to buj|d „ || necessary one is not a fit subject to h u sb an d a he has bad an exceptionally wi<« « required by p««