—Steamer Chance came in Monday, want to hear a complaint coming from ed in life size on the park fence and a t­ and after unloading some merchandise our neighbors across the bay because ,• tracts a great deal of com m ent-favor­ steamed up the river to Seaton, where Florence’s lack of generosity and g,„,i able and otherwise.—Fairmount corres- she loaded with twenty-five tons of will. The ladies cleared nearly thirty — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. 1 pondent in Eugene (mard. chittem bark from Hurd & Davenport’s dollars, which we understand will k — AT— —Meyer A Kyle are expecting by the branch store, returning by moonlight expended in the partial payment of » F lorence , L ank C ounty , O regon next arrival of schooner Danielson a new church organ. Monday night to Florence where she line line of ladies’ plain and fur trimmed P u b lis h e r » . cloaks ami ulsters. They are prepared took on some passengers, and early the A L L E Y A B L IT O N , —It is quite essential that you keep to take measurinents ami to furnish following morning she crossed the bar the walls of your rooms well and artis­ B. F. A lley , - - - E ditor . ladies any style they may wish in bound for 'I aquina. tically papered in order that you make A. K. B liton , Local Editor and Manager. cloaks. • —S. B. Colvin, residing on Clear lake, home a cheerful place of abode. Merer —T he W est feels that too much im­ south of Florence, offers his fine farm & Kyle have by far the finest line nF -----T erms : $2.00 a year in advance.----- portance cannot be fastened to the fact for sale. A man who wants a first-class wall paper ever brought to Florence. that the ocean steamer Geo. II. Chance article in tins line need not look further. I They have it in enta, walla, Entered at the pout-office nt Florence, made a successful trip up the Great Si- . . ! and borders to match. There is probably not a better ranch in J .une county, Oregon, aw second-clasH uslaw to Seaton, a distance of twenty- mail m atter. this part of Oregon than is this one. He P E O P L E PARAGRAPHED. live miles from the mouth of the river. has ten acres under cultivation and five Truly ’tis the Great Siuslaw and no ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ Mrs. J ohn L awson and children of acres more slashed ; a fine fruit orchard ; PLICATION. mistake. good buildings, and in fact, a model Gardiner are visiting Florence friends Local notice« s cent» per line, each insertion. —W. E. Warren moved to Florence home on the banks of a beautiful fresh this week. with his family last Friday and has since W EST LIN G S. W m . E dris and wife of Eugene are water lake. been celebrating the event by indulging stopping for a few weeks on their ranch —Dr. Barrett, the dentist, at Hotel himself the pleasure contingent to seven —Mrs. Brown, of Nelson creek out in the Siuslaw country, is in town again south of Florence. Morris—to remain one week. or eight of Job’s }>ets. It has been just Mrs. C ooper and children took passage —( ’apt. .hdmson’s new residence, on about a stand oil’ between him and Col. this week having an injured limb doc­ the south side, will soon he ready for oc­ tored. Several weeks ago she was ac­ on steamer Chance Tuesday morning for Alley as to number, with odds in favor cupancy cidentally shot By her son Charlie, the Yaquina, where they will join Mr. C, , i of Alley as to location —Assist Rebecca to Triumph in her bullet lodging in the calf of the leg. who has employment at that place. -Tug Lillian is laid up for repairs Triumph to-morrow night—attend the The wound did not heal properly and W. T. Y ork left for Eugene Wednes-| this week. A crack was discovered on , . entertainment. , . . . . Ion Monday of this week Drs. Paine and day morning. His mission thither was the under side of her boiler by Engineer | —Morris Bros, are head-quarters for , , . . . , .P ayton removed the bullet. The limb that of conveying the ballot box of Flor­ Anderson, and this gentleman, ‘th e b e st! ' all things in the stationery, confection­ ... ...... . ,, . is now healing rapidly and the lady ence precinct to the county seat. He I machinist on the Pacific coast, at once , . ery and fruit line. , . , , . , i will soon be able to walk without will return next Tuesday. j»ut himself to work to make good the ; —Quarterly meeting of the M. E. , . • . * • crutches.—Eugene Journal. S. B. C olvin , the jolly, good rancher j break, and as we print this the tug is church will be held in Florence and —A tramp harnessmaker, a young of Clear lake who grows all kinds of veg- nearly ready to again ply the river. (ilenada next Sunday. man who has been working for A. L. etables and fruit th at defy competition, —Johnny Mason, August Olson and —Schooner Danielson sailed from , . I Hunter in this citv, came to Albany in left last Monday for a quite lengthy visit J. H. Bomar know more about Odd Pel- ’ ’ J Hun Francisco Oot. 30th, and is accord­ , . . .. 4l , . a remarkable way. lie was in Chicago with his daughter at Biggs, California. ' low-ship now than they did last, week at J ingly due here p. d. q. . . . time, .. . but . not . as much i as .1 ... i a few weeks ago, Mrs. Dr. W iley , who resides with herj tins they will ® ’ and saw in the car , . shops the motor now in use on the Al- —There is no question but that Re- know when they shall have run the | 1 children at Vancouver, Washington, ar­ . , . 1 i .11 ,i ' hany street railway line. It was then Imcca will Triumph if you will only at­ gauntlet ami passed all th e watches. rived in Florence last week for a few j J J tend the entertainment. They all took the initiatory degree in the about to be shipped to this city. lie days visit with her husband. She re-J procured a pair of blankets and a quan­ turned Tuesday morning, her stay being —Any ami all kinds of building materi­ Florence lodge last Wednesday night. al both rough and dressed, at David A tity of provisions, and concealing him­ cut short from fear of rains and badj —Steamer Coos, we understand, was Son’s Gleuudn saw-mill. self in the water tank of the motor took roads. The lady is quite well pleased on Wednesday of this week laid off the —The Methodist people will hold a free ride to this coast, arriving here with our surroundings and it is more! Florence-Seaton run until next spring. prayer meeting in the Florence school- safe and sound. It was a novel ride, than probable th at another spring herj She will he put on the ways at Seaton house this, Friday, evening. self and children will join the doctorj ami thoroughly overhauled. Steamer and he says he experienced but little —A dance was given in the (ilenada Mink will be brought into service again inconvenience in making the long here for perm anent residence. hotel Tuesday night. A good crowd was ami w ill make the run to Seaton ami re­ journey.—Albany Herald. present ami all had a fine time. —Several of the employes on the gov­ From tlie Register. turn oil Tuesday ami Friday of each Eighteen street railway conductors —Meyer A Kyle and Hurd A Daven­ week. ernment works, together with a few have been indicted by the grand jury atj port have had the pile-driver at work —Fred Mason has men at work erect­ friends outside of the employes, chipped Portland for issuing false and forge this week enlarging their wharves. ing a couple of residence houses on his in Saturday and raised a purse with transfer tickets. They were arrested —Geo. Anderson deposited the neces­ place near Point Terrace. There build­ which to purchase a present for their once for embezzlement, but the thar.d sary collateral this week for a two year’s ings, when completed, will be occupied esteemed overseer, Engineer G. A. subscription to this im slern lum inary. by Messrs. J. C. Brown ami W. B. Mc- Lytll. A purse of sixty dollars was could not be proven. The ten logs donated bv the Fuge] —Florence needs a good grocery store. Carty, whose families will move from raised, ami as it was their desire to pur­ For terms, rent on at,,re building, e tc ./ Florence lo tbat p|ace. Both thew chase a gold watch, and none being at* sound loggers to the state worlds U commission are fair samples of the 1 write Geo. M. Miller, Fairmount, ' , .. gentlem en will be employed on the gov- tainahle in 1- lorence, the money was P ivguu. t ‘ B given Mr. Lyell with instructions to men8e logs cut in that state. The i eminent quarry works. —The ladies w ish to build some new purchase such an article in that line as are 121 feet long and 41 inches squared! ,, . , . . —Dr. Barrett, the dentist, is here—ar- sidewalks. Assist them to do so by a t - ' best suited l.is taste. There has always One of the logs, before being B(luarj tending their entertainment tomorrow rive,I last week. He is stopping at Ho­ existed between Mr. Lyell and his sub­ was 125 feet long and contained 1— j tel Morris and is getting all the work he night. square feet. They are the largest can handle, w hich tells in a few lines ordinates a very friendly relatiou, and — Rev. Moys is alxmt tow n to-day so this little present is but the overflowing ever shipped out of the state by rai J ,1» («<•, II,«1 II... doctor . . . l,r»t-vl„9 o t o, gl.„eral g0)xl win and liciting aid to finish (utyiug for the new ap- Four flat-cars were required for one workman and the people know it. Ho preeiuted worth, M. E. church. The amount required is The end cars are built up so that _ will remain one week longer. Don’t —The dinner served on election day middle cars can swing while row j alHiutJItiXb mis» a chance to have your work done by the ladies of the M. E. church wai — Frank Wilson is improving the a(> curves. by a very competent workman. The - — in every way a glorious success. The |u*aiance of his Front street residence Hl „„I y„„ „11 km,» WM , H„e one h. .„mlity and in by adding a coat of (taint. Mr. Nelson T h e Aiucric>ii h j quantity the supply was more than suf- is the artist. lG-pngc journal will be sent fio —Saturday night a goodly number of ficient for dinner and, in conse iq lienee, • I —A general good feeling luu'imt to la» t • , ... , * the ........ friends Mr. Lyell were , . . , —' ” of ................,,v,v invited, luw arus evening oi me of same dav day supper all the subscribers of 1,lE towards evening the same cropping out more each day between , . - who pay one year’s subscript .... , it ... “T " d h that gentleman, to spend was prepared and served to a grei great Glenada. and Tux W est . . . . . » gres manv Florence and amt Glenada, evening at the residence of Mr. of our townspeople as well as to several in advance. This liberal oflo 1 is glad of it. and Mrs. Kyle. I tie party was given irom Nearly every person, from me the country. country. Nearl plies alike to all old a> — Balt A Leeman have taken off their , . . lok,n °, *l’|,™'U,i°|Oor men, women «nd children, turned out C ... ,4 ...... . . ............. Mr. I.ycll. There u a , „„¡u, . patronl.«! Il,e,e either new patrons. Remembei it ,„ „ e r. out . t lleeel». «„«I »ork I,,. I«ee„ ,4 !«,,!, ladle, and genUemen pr.-aen,. dinner or anpper nnd in ,,,„„L . „ von only two dollars for tw< T ... . , present, at dinner or supper and in manv cases , I .„„«■nd.,1 until ,pr,ng tl,o , „ ning p ,,.» ^ ,,^ >pcnt > lb o , h T|I, (eel, T H E W E ST . pers. _ A p k U « 0 , 11» ".k v rk l« » pn.nl-, n„d n„rrv wng .nd jolly ch .t. | p ^ p ,,- . genoro.lt,-, and ne don't ever Sample copies can * at this office. I