b u tto n s to lose.—W ashington Star N ev er be a t your place of busin w h en a p erson w an ts to borrow mo n S J of you, because if you are in you 2 K ille d by H is B r o th e r . scantling, broad side up, with the sh arp b e o u t, b u t if you are out you will u November Ht.-Willh.in Dow was in .—Som erville Democrat. — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING.— edges planed off. sl,„t and killed by 1.1a brother a t Alaea, — AT— You will find the horses will rest much yesterday afternoon. A dispute arose F O R E IG N MISCELLANY. O kegox better during the night if you clean F lorbnue , L axe C ounty , between th e brothers over some money, B erlin is h av in g its doors numbered them up well in the evening. A good with the above result. The m urderer w ith lu m in o u s figures visible at night A I.I.K V A B L IT O N . T h e Sw edish m ile is 11,666 yards W n ig h t’s rest means better work th e next came into Corvallis this m orning and an d th e V ien n a post mile is 8,290 yank BOrrendered himself to the sheriff. B. F. A lley , - - - E ditor . day. F rench - speaking Canadians embraty When th e colt is first hitched to a A. 8. B litom , Ixx‘al E ditor and Manager. •29.4 p e r c en t, of th e population of Cars C ru sh ed by tlie Car». ada. wagon d on’t give him a load th a t re- On October 31st, Charles Laughlin, a O nly citizen s w ho are able to read ----- T erm »: |2.00 a year in advance.----- quires any effort to move, The founda- trainman on the governm ent works, at an d w rite have th e power to vote in tion for many a balky horse lias been Newport, was killed instantly about B olivia and several o th er South Amer­ ican republics. E ntered a t th e poet-office at Florence, laid in this way. noon to-day. He was putting a rope on L ane county, Oregon, as second-class A t th e c a stle of Simonetta, in Italv H ave you cut the grass around the m ail m a tte r. the engine and train to pull the la tte r in th e re is claim ed to be an angle in the house and raked up the fallen twigs and on tl.e side track, when the rope caught b u ild in g w h ic h reechoes a pistol shot six ty -o n e tim es. brandies? If not you have no idea w hat advertising hates made known on ap ­ on a tie and threw him off th e car under T he gold o f trav elin g foreigners in plication . a difference in the looks of tilings an Ita ly suffices to pay the ten million:, the wheel. The wheels did not pass Local notice» s cent» per line, each insertion. hour's work will make. a y e a r due from th a t country to foreign over him, but pushed him ahead of h o ld ers of h e r securities, and it is esti­ 'Yu* Am erica h , Farmer, « If you allow the fowls free range, feed them on the track, crushing his breast. m ated t h a t A m ericans visiting Italy them well when they come home a t I Death must have been instantaneous. have sp en t, d u rin g the last ten years, 1 (»-page jo u rn al will be went free to ‘ J night, otherwise they will get into th e i, He leaves a wife whom lie m arried live 134,000,000. all the HubweriberH of T hu W kht habit of staying out, and th a t wiU m ake , H olland claim s the distinction of Hve -n first h a v in g m ade bombshells in the. who pay <>n<* y ear’« HubHcription a great deul of trouble. y e a r 1495. trouble with the ballots . in advunee. Thia liberal oiler ap- I t w as n o t u n til th e council of Trent, Give the fowls a t all times plenty of E ugene , Oct. 31.—Probably no county in 1429, t h a t th e intervention of a priest plieH alike to all obi uh well aw ground or broken bone. If von have no in the state is more mixed up in th e w as deem ed, in Europe, indispensable new patrons. Keinember it costs mill th a t will grind them , then break up matter of ballots than Lane. 1 lie tick­ to a m a rria g e law w as passed in England in 1750 yon only two dollars for two pa­ as fine as you can with an ax, and let ets were printed before th e w ithdraw al to A th e effect th a t a t parties "ladies m u st n o t g e t d ru n k on any pretext per«. Sample copies can be seen the fowls peck a t them . of K. A. Miller, th e democratic elector, w h atev er, a n d gentlem en not before Tobacco stem s in the nests beneath and they have been sent out to m any nine o’clock.” a t th is office. the straw is excellent for the prevention precincts bearing his name. The clerk F A R M A N D G A R D EN N O T E S . of insects. It is hard to keep the nests A M U S IC IA N 'S CORNER. then notified the judges of election to of sitting liens free from them unless Feed the poultry liberally always. T he s n a re drum was brought into see that the name was canceled on each E u ro p e by th e Saracens about 703 A. 1). some such m eans is used. C harcoal for turkeys is highly recom ­ ballot before it was given out. But Tw o thousand pounds was the fancy Poultry, to be profitable m ust he m an- there is much doubt w hether tiie ballot price paid fo r a Stradivarius violin in I m ended us a fattenin g food. Dry, light, and clean poultry houses aged with an eye to th e sm all econo- is legal, and this morning the chairm an ex cellen t p reserv atio n recently at Stutt- 1 ! mies. One of these is to feed them as of the democratic county com m ittee g a rt. are iudis|»ensahle to success. I t is a sse rte d th a t all of the SI,200,000 1 Breeding in-and-in of poultry should k,rKe b ils possiblt fi om such items U8 I Inaj e a foriliai j enianti upon th e clerk ro y a lty on Moody and Sankey’s Gospel I H ym ns h a s been devoted to charitablel would otherw ise be wasted. that the ballots to he used should not be avoided, as tending to degeneracy. purposes. If you are not satisfied w ith the profit bear the name of Miller, but should have T he la te P rin ce A lbert was an accom-l Feeding cold milk is a frequent cause plished mi cian, and composed muchl from a given crop, try to reduce the cost the name of Nathan Pierce printed with of scours iu calves. Feed milk a t blood music. A lllection of this will shortly! of grow ing it, ra th e r th an depend upon and among the Cleveland electors. This h eat. be publish d by Queen \ ictoria. an increase in values. The surest way dem and, if acceded to, will m ake it nec­ T he higlicst-priced piano in the! Mangel wurzels are economical feed i U n ited S ta te s belong to the Marquand for poultry, boiled and mixed with m id­ to reduce cost is to grow more from the essary to print new ballots throughout fam ily of N ew Y ork city. It was de-J acreage you have devoted to the crop. and destroy those already in tlie hands dlings. signed an d p a in te d by Alma lademal Try the th in n in g process on any of the of precinct judges. an d cost S46.000. It is not the am ount of food consumed, | sm all fruits and see its effect; only a hut th a t digested, which keeps the TH IN G S VF IN TER EST. How’s This! certain am ount can ho fairly carried on horses strong and plum p. To escape from a supposed enem y a W e offer One H undred Dollars reward I any p lan t, and this may he centred in a frightened ostrich can travel a t th e ra te W. F. Massey, of North C arolina, lias for any case of C atarrh that cannot 1 given q u an tity of perfect specimens, or of twenty-five miles an hour. cured bv H a ll’s C atarrh Cure. words of piame lor the b anana musk- in tlie whole mass of an inferior quality. F . J . C heney & Co., Toledo,(J S tatistics show th a t seven th o u san d melon for home use. W e, th e undersigned have known 1 R oup is a disease affecting tlie mucous persons are m urdered in th is country J . C heney for tiie last 15 years, and M every year, and only one m urderer in The Freem an |»otato is well liked by lieve him perfectly honorable in al 'q m em brane of th e eyes, nostrils, mouth fifty is punished. some tan n ers, w ho say th a t it is early, iness tran sactio n s and financial' a 1 I n th e days of Queen E lizabeth it w as and th ro at of poultry. It is at first n carrv any obligations made by J of good sha|>e and good quality. custom ary to strew green rushes on th e tirin'. ou W t est & T ruax , Wholesale Prod cold, ami is not a serious tiling, unless unearpeted floor of th e actors’ re tirin g i gists, Toledo, O. W alding , k-1NNV ,( ih e Ponderosa tom ato is noted for the un,|er unfavorable circumstances. It is room in th e theaters; hence th e term M arvin , W holesale Druggists, lolWM large pro|»orlioii of tlesh as com pared a fall, w inter and early spring ailment, greenroom . H a ll’s C a ta irh Cure is taken mten j T iie oldest arm -chair in th e w orld is ly, acting directly upon the hloOX*T H j I1C M ! u c d h l« O p p o r t u n it y ! £ Lieut. Lyell, who has charge of the H t Y «tir». Header. I “« ‘*1U P „ „ ny, *“d tiO d“j j TH E B EST OF WIT. p nrtnnitlM , and Iron» Unit n u n » m e Il will be sale to keep young stock off obscurity! n Iln c u doftnstir n tn® governm ent jetty work at Florence, re- rr> i m i • • . ooMcnriiT! » rro r ro w w m iin « » -» .......... . I HE m osquito b ill IS one of the meas- look back on lo»t. li.re re r lo»t. <’PI**r’ of low. «lamp (Mstuies, es|a*eially at |H»rts the work progressing satisfactorily. tires which goes into effect im m ediately n ight and till dew and tog are gone in He says that when the work is coinpie- a lte r its p a ssa g e.-U n io n County Stand- B rd . «mbrac» therhance, und ah«ixHir-on ., yw H tlie m orning. . „ . »o and »1.» depart». n*r«r to return. J teil the Siuslaw bar will be a moderately A si 11 i . rer from a severe cough savs th»«;oi.nKs importnnitT? ’13 It is easier to wash and keep th e legs 1 O|M, mi» »- ,1,.! . . .» . « a »> u ••* i •* th Ills I'o t n o llin t b is .1 w o rth » , and o f fa ir nruiui-»- M m a a t t m s com plaint H as one , of t the mod- »ppeara « ¡M fu im e n d . li« r .i» » n ..p p -,- .L x ,.,.p<’rt#»Wj clean now th a n to cure the scratches the roar It aM,n why a nian b * onhow . f o r . K .lluro ,.nk • * " - ___ — . . . . . . . i a boro ’ ’ »M» all roosts low . and they should a.so be the prisoner from the theriffol Klamath i Hke,y to become oeerheated in a negli- k7‘ro«n^rm.'ut’ ui*"»» ’ g w sln rt is th a t it h asn 't any co llar 1 nm cannot. .«J amort J d lM ... .. »f« v • •’’J S