The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 11, 1892, Image 3

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    ing on starch at this age.
The ability to
change starch into sugar is a function
The proper feeding of a calf affords a
valuable lesson in th e science of feeding
which is well w orth th e study.
¿ninials, "
•b is written an d said on th is sub-
M uch
which is not based on accurate
knowing*- and is therefore m isleading,
are to be kind to hum an beings and
not as yet acquired by the young animal
cruel to anim als. Xo m an, woman or
and consequently foods containing starch
kindness to anim als .
child who is cruel to anim als can ’»«»
are injurious, because they cannot be di
called a C hristian. Nor can such a one
> i
I if
j geste<»- It is this fact which explains!
any • or ^¡rl ever asks this quea- be tlusted.
the extrem e difficulty of rearing a calf!tlOn in carnest- there are a number of
oi »he quickest wavs to learn the
w ithout milk, and on any preparation of ai“S" ers tliat ,ua.v be given. Let us babit “ * b»‘‘'m 'kind is to be patient and
gentle to animals. Study the ellects of
any kind of meal or grain food. B ut it think of a few.
•iml moreover as all m istakes in th is re ­
kindness upon them and you will get
spect are costly, so th is is. I t is com­ may be done, and is done, by th e use of The first reason should h e :
V thought th a t a calf m u st have th e j tbo8e special calf foods prepared for this Because they were made l»v God h um- some idea of its value w hen shown to
)u!l milk of the cow, or it c an n o t be h e a l-¡P u rPose «nd made up of album inous | “ *fa8 a ^ rt H i8Hving world, and he l"i" '‘an bvi^ ' s ; a,ui
‘" ter *
tbv or vigorous; th a t it c an n o t be well
,.ired on skimmed m ilk a lo n e ; and th a t
|inie starchy food m ust be given to m ake
" for the loss of th e fat, w hich is taken
the milk by skim m ing. This is not
opposed to th e practice of th e best
irvmen, but it is c o n tra ry to th e seien-
in atter> as linseed meal, and some k in d s! h“8 g‘Ven t0 the,n in les8er degree many while you will realise the great beauty
01 n,eal ricb *n sugar, as th a t of th e lo- of our own qualities. These qualities of C hrist Himself, in whom God re­
cust beaus» the fruit of the honey locust i JH !'" dc' l'i"P‘‘d by association with vealed His love.
which is Quite rich in sugar. Such a ! Pe°P'°’ ,bat “ "¡"'»Is often U'come very
ndxed food contains the album in which | 8
Pet deg which has been
“ Oh, m am m a,” said Mary at th e
niav serve ln tbe place of the casein, be-: n"U*' " ‘th g" '" 1 P*‘°Ple ">»y he more breakfast table, “ I d on’t like to eat Hah
ing clieniicalIy of the same composition, P 1' * ' 1 ' i' ’lllcri,lg ll,,,n ill'treatm ent, vxith so many hones in it. I wish I
s .»
tific principles on w hich th e feeding and *uul ,e sugar of which milk has a large U>an a boy who has U'en accustomed could have fish with no bonea in It.”
nutrition of anim als are based. An a n i- ! flu“n ilty and the mineral m atter which all his life to evil companions and rough
“ Very well,” said her m other, who
ways. A special good quality of a well-
„,»1 requires three kinds of food. One | are indisPen8ible-
had become quite used to M ary’s com­
made up of substances co n tain in g n i-j
*8 b)Und in practice that a food com- cared-for pet is sympathy. Sometimes, plaints and had resolved at last to teach
trogen, and these are called generally . Pound 011 tb is principle is sufficient to indeed, an animal is more sympatli«*tic her a lesson. “ I will bring you one,
than our own human relatives are. It . th e n .” So she came in presently, bring
protein; the second consists of substan- i rear 11 caP tbaf lna-v be deprived of milk,
and ! until it is able to digest the common I
Mk " betl“' r
hrtVe llo n e ' ing Marv a large ch in .
ces containing carbon and hydrogen
right or wrong, or w hether w e are to
Mary could not hear the tasti' of clam,
arecailed carbo-hydrates; th e th ird is food of the older animal. But skimmed
milk has all the elements of a n im a l'
our ow" ,roublt‘8‘ H is very mid so began to pom.
fat. But Hie two lirst are only really
sorry for ns, with a truce of the same
" I'il n o te a t any llsh,’’ she said, in a
necessary to the h e alth fu l grow th of an growth and substance in it and on this
pity that the best man or woman shows . w hining ton«', “ if 1 c an ’t have what 1
animal, while the th ird is accessary only, food alone as good a calf may be raised j to one who is unhappy.
! w ant.”
and may be su b stitu ted by th e second. as may be wished by the most exacting | A second reason is:
“ T b it is the only llsh w ithout bonea,”
A n im a ls are made up of fleshy, bones, dairym an. And we see why this food Most animals and birds and insects
said m am m a, “ and 1 brought you just
and some fat which is d istrib u te d among cannot be improved by any m ixture of are beautiful in color and in form. We
what you culled for. I will try to give
the tissues and in th e bones. B ut only meal of any kind, and why on the other should not mar or destroy that beauty
you every thing you ask for to-day, and
a small quantity of th e fat is indispensi- hand it is improper and injurious to add any more than we should cut dow n or
see if th at will make you h appy."
ble to the healthful co ndition. And this, any thing to it during the first four deface a handsome tree or a lovely plant.
Mary clapped her hands at this, and
weeks of the calf’s life, and thereafter
it is believed may be derived in as full a
Beauty in the animal world is not al- was sure she should he the happh'st girl
only in the most gradual and cautious
proportion as is necessary, from th e car­
ways recognized, because people «lo not ¡t, t | (u world.
m anner.
bo-hydrates of th e food. If, however,
look with “ seeing eyes.”
And so sho was until she came to h u n t
And this explains why a calf fed on
this should be a m istak e, it is known
l’ut your favorite dog before you nnd her school-hag. “ Oh dear 1” she cried,
meal at this earlv age is so apt to suffer
, ,,
th at the tissues need b u t such a small
Note how on«' tint of the furry c o a t, "w tfy could not some one know enough
tic might as » e ll g'> e
illto u „ 0, | llir. ,
|„ JW ............
, |„ a
quantity of fat, th a t it m ay be obtained lim n , lie j.
.¡ |ky the hnir i. uben it i . e n r e
from food having b u t a very sm all sup­ the young thing «u timcli «anil or «a»*
dust, the stomach not yet being pre
fully combed and brushed. When you nine««.”
ply of it, and it is never necessary to
pared to digest and assimilate starch, go to the menagerie look at the colors
She heard a sew ing-m achine rattling
a c tu a lly feed fat, unless to a fattening
and to make the necessary change of of tf|e t,ilIerellt anim ab an,| count ,loW
for a few m inutes, and then m am m a
animal, or one from w hich a large pro­
this into the digestible sugar. It has many shades of color you can find on came out w ith M ary’s cloak and it had
duct of fat is desired.
A nd even then
been said th a t a calf cannot he reared on each one; you will then know that, there a pocket sewed on the outside largo
the larger part of th e fat m ay be pro­
Skimmed milk. But thousands of calves
are about as many as there are in the enough to hold nil her (sinks and her
cured from th e sta rc h , and sugar o f !
have been so reared, and thousands are trees of an autumn forest. When you „lute.
w hich the carbo-hydrates chiefly con­
every year. And every calf that is not | Jook
the bird(j allll
y„„ wi|j
“ T h ere,” said m am m a, “ is ju st what
intended for the butcher at the age of fln(, |j|()Bt (jf
teautifullv yn„ wjg|l(.,| fnr. How delightful it is to
Now in feeding a calf we do n o t w ant
live or six weeks may be thus >^are<1 ! as the sky and the flowers, (hi the hut- have things as you w ant th e m .”
fat, if the anim al is to be reared for a
very cheaply and satisfactorily. There te,.fl..’8 wjng are hues as softly shadeil
But Mary d id n ’t look so highly de­
cow. We w ant a h e a lth y fram e, and
are, how ever, some precautions to be ob­ as those of sunset cloud»; and th e blue lighted. Her gloves went on hard, and
rather a disposition n o t to lay fa t up in
served to secure the best results.
of the darting dragon-fly is as brilliant Stic fretted as she tugged at them , and
the tissues, b u t to get rid of it in tiie
The milk must be given of the same as the dark blue of a violet. Then, H|,e | M*gan to wish th a t gloves d id n ’t
milk as quickly an d as com pletely as
degree of tem perature as that of the w|,en you think how perfectly cad i ani-1 have provoking lingers to bother one so.
and for th is purpose th e
cow’s milk. This is necessary because
j b jri| and ¡I1He(.t ¡H colored to suit Almost Iteforo she got it out maiiiina
skimmed milk is as perfect a food as
cold milk will chill the stomach, as yet (be comjitionH under wliieh it lives, you WHM ready with a pair of yarn m ittens,
''ould be desired. S kim m ed m ilk con- too weak and w ithout a surplus of en­
have a glimpse of another beauty—th e which looked so clumsy beside the kills.
huns on an average, an d very nearly al- ergy to warm five or six pounds of milk
“ Thu very th in g ,” said m am m a, us
30 or 40 degrees. This exaction neces- beauty of
"ays, a standard q u a n tity of protein,
All th a t is true of color is equally troo pleasantly aa though she d id n ’t guess
and carbo-livdrates, viz., 4 per cent of sarily decreases the ability of the stom­
ach to digest the food, and tbis produces ’ of fyrn). Those who have learned to Mary was provoked at the thought of
casein, and the sam e of sugar. A calf diarrhea, with spasmodic action of the j raw a||(j w|,(we eyeM are trained to see wearing the m ittens.
ll^n getting 20 pounds of skim m ed stomach and bowels to reject the una-
an,j movements, need
"A n y w ay ,” said Mary, now alm ost
milk a day, receives 6-10 of a pound of vailable m atter. The 8U,I‘‘r'n,i
a • Qot b,. toid how graceful ¡ h every move- ready to cry, “ it looks just as if it were
why l« o ,.l.
I'otli and these foods, an d a little fat e Z L Cl . ” w r X 1o'.<',m"’“ ? ' » 5 n , e n t c( I.,» c l, bird end .n in ial ; Iron, | B„ i„ u W rein. I d o n 't
"iiich cannot be w holly ta k en from the remedy the trouble tern! to make things
worse. The unthinking person gives
ith these substances th e m ilk has some alum to dry up the bowels, not
is in “
‘ nttidance of th e m in eral m a tte r requir- knowing th a t the sole difficulty quickly
' I, lo form the bones and th e cartilage, getting rid of their contents as q—
. at . the
as possible, ami . . th
best fill
thing to
'nich are m ade up of som e of th e n itro ­
do is to help nature by giving a gentle
gen of the food an d th e e a rth y m atters. laxative as some olive oil, follow^ by
Il is often advised to give m eal of some Borne soothing gum water or well tx»i
' nd to the calf, so th a t th e starch re­ linseed or oatmeal tea. Tl,enf^ e ’|0#w
the fluttering of a butterfly a
| to bave t e s a so much worse off
flowe|>i to t he gallop of a horse along a than ducks or anim als In th e rain. Why
t f)i battle, from the wheeling of a Co„ ld n ’t they bave been mad« with a
sea-gull over the ocean, to the slow ma- waterproof covering?“
Her m am m a « « n t gravely into the
jestic march of an elephant ucross the
hall, and, raising her school umbrella,
said, “ H ere it is, you have only to carry
Xnother reason is th is:
if we are not kind to every living it, and th e ducks have to do th a t with
thing, we diwdbey God. When we reVd ( u ,e ira .”
A nd ju s t here ach needs rest, an i ,li,t r a
o.- freHi " L ittle children, love one another,
But 1 am sorrj »o say Mary was not
'"¡strike the m istake above referred to, „‘ ¡Ik direct irom the co», and n t « » “ bovc thy n. iglibor ns thyself,” “ Ix»ve p |ei,iM,>«| yet. But she wan hard to suit,
estoreiL Then worketli no ill to bis neighbor;therefore d on’t you th in k ?
r a calf cannot be fed any b e tte r du- until th e digestion is rest
love is the fulfilling of the law ,” we may j
. —
“ 'K its unw eaned period, th a n by its the Icftiilijt ,nay »ter. „ » I» »
be sure these texts do not mean th a t we , Subscribe for Tim W xrr.
T h e same
same result will happen
’I'^r's m ilk, and th is has no starch The
The calf is n o t ad ap ted for feed- is given sour
':i'red may be supplied.