S T A T E _iiE W S - N i i i m I I | k ix a t C o q u ille * M AUMiirixiD, ( k t . 3 0 —There are now four i ' hwn of sm allpox a t Coquille City, and eo far one death has occurred from th e dreaded disease. The telegraph line» are down betw een here and |y|a gVARVERUD & NATURAL HISTORY A b o u t S p a r r o w s. A friend to sparrow» think» they have an an tip ath y to red and a fondness for b lu e; one tam e bird fainted at the eight of scarlet; another chose blue cloth for W HO LESALE A N D R E T A IL D E A L R E S IN I CRICULTURAL its nest, and always preferred to sleep C oquille and news cannot be obtained, on th a t color; a third would never touch a» th a t city i» q u aran tin ed . Officer» are I th e card» with red tokens, and th e wild guarding every road leading into town. bird» would fly away from the crum bs if T he daily m ail, due from Roaeburg a t 0 J th e ir feeder wore a red jacket. A K o p e to th e S h o r e . o'clock thin m orning, was »topped three mile» from here and sen t buck to Co­ A gentlem an who was fond of stu d y ­ quille C ity. The jieople here are very ing the habits of insects one day found a in th e breeze. ENGINES, THRESHERS, ■HINDERS and MOWERS. REAPERS and DRILLS liahiE las nf all kinds. Corner Olive and E ig h th Streets., OREGON. EUGENE, THE W EST--------- Will Pay, through its Advertising Col­ umns, a larger Dividend for the Money Invested than can be realized from any other source. It waited until th e wind ' stretch ed tiie th re a d out tow ards the ' »ide of tiie pond. The insect then went Coquille City will be kept until th e of­ craw ling along th e th read till it reached ficers are »atisfied th a t tin re is no d a n ­ tiie end. A fter floating in th e air for a ger of contracting the disease. m om ent it alighted safely on th e ground NKWH rKOM COQVILLK CITV. o MPLEMENTS m uch alarm ed. The city council ha» large spider near a pond of water. He notified th e city hoard a t Em pire City took a long »tick and put th e spider on th a t it will q u a ra n tin e th a t city if it one end of it. He then went to the side doe» not take tom e step» toward» »top­ of th e pond, and, stretching out as far as ping people coming from Coquille. The he could, fixed the other end in th e bot­ steam er A ntelope, running between here tom of the pond, and left the stick stan d ­ and Coquille, is tied up, and th ere is no ing straig h t up out of the w ater, w ith comm unicat ion w hatever between the the spider upon it. He then sat down , tw o cities. The death reported a t Co­ on the hunk to watch what the spider quille waa th a t of a man nam ed McKeon. would do. It first went down the stick H e died early in th e week. At first it i until it came to th e w ater, but finding was thought hi» death was canned by there was no hope of getting oil there, iiiciih I oh . McKeon wa» a Mt ranger in the it returned to th e top. I t then w ent up place and hud recently come from Seat­ and down the different sides of the stick tle, w here he i» supposed to have con­ i feeling and looking carefully, until it tracted th e disease. found there was no escape a t any part. M a itMii kiki . o , Oct. 31,—The telegraph Then it went once more to the top, and line betw een this place and Coquille City rem ained quiet for a while, as if th in k ­ will not be up until to-m orrow morning. ing what to do. A fter a short pause the I'he »mull|M)x scare here is »till running insect began to spin a th read , long high. By order of th e city council, enough to reach from th e stick to th e which convened to-day, City Mumbai edge of the pond ; when this was done Dunham him made severe! arrests, hik I it fastened one end of th e thread to th e ha» a force of about 30 guard» punted top of the stick, and let the rest tioat w ithin th e city limit». A pesthouse ha» been fixed up, about a m ile from ^thi» c ity , where every one com ing thnWtgh CO., WHY?-------------------- and scam pered oil’ to its home. It is reported here lute th is evening, Because it Is read by the people with (■'I m I i I h r M o n k e y » . upon good au th o rity , th at Dr. K im e, of Some years ago a party of officers were whom you expect to do business. Can Bandon, visited Coquille City to-day, am using them selves witii fishing for and th a t he rejiorts th ree well-developed , you expect them to trade a t your store w hitings behind th e Rock of G ibraltar. eases of » iiui 1I| m > x , with five others down unless you invite them to do so? W hile so engaged they were obliged to w ith the sym ptom s. He sent a s|>eciul shift th e ir ground on account of being c arrie r to Em pire City to w arn th e a u ­ pelted from above, they did not know th o rities to q u a ra n tin e against th e in ­ from whom. At last, however, they Is a standing invitation. D o y o u w a n t fected district, and the re|»>rts are th at | cam e to a place where they were left in all travel on the Coquille river is T H E P E O P L E ’S T R A D E ? I peace and where they eaught plenty of slopped. fish. After a while th e drum s beat to M AusuriKi.n, Nov. 1.—There are now © O C C C © CO _C_ arm s, ami th e officers rowing their boat eight cases of fully developed smallpox ashore, left it high and dry on the beach. ! at Coquille C ity. The mail was allowed G IV E T H E B E S T B A R G A IN S IN i On retu rn in g , they were greatly surpris­ to come in to-day after being fum igated ed to find their boat not so far up t h e ! •Isä * at E astport. Every point here is strictly i beach as they hud left it, and at some: q u a ra n tin ed and no one is allowed to i little distance from its form er jHjsition.! come in to tow n. T he city au th o rities of Their am axeineut was increased on ex­ G ard in er to-day refused all passengers am ining th eir tackle, to find some hooks going to D rain's station to pass th at IN T H E C IT Y O F E U G E N E . baited which they had left hare, and to place, c they were consequently re­ tu rn e d t< t i ls city. The steam er Areata see th e oars and lines laid quite differ­ UND ER TAK IN G and E M B A L M IN G a Specialty ently from th e way they had left them. lsain d for t»an Francisco with a full list All orders for Furniture sent us from the Stuslaw will t»e shipped from Portland direct. f The cause of this was afterw ards ex- ! of passengers, is not ullowml to touch at plained. A nother officer had observed E m pire C ity. T here are several sus- |