lumber from the Cushman mills to the mouth of the river yesterday. The lum­ about thirty days.—Roseburg Review Landlord D ale i8 in ber will lie used about the government —The boiler inspectors were in Flor­ — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING ence Tuesday night and gave the boats week or two. tram-way and wharf. — AT- Mr. G ibbs and family ret« —School commenced last Monday. and engineers of the river a general in nesday evening fron, W, F ix > bbmcb , L ank C ounty , O regon The building presents a much more spection. The boats were ail in good era! W eek, pleasing appearance than of yore, it hav­ shape and were so stamped by the of­ visit in the valley. Engineer L yell left n ing been given a coat of paint—both in­ ficials. Two engineers were examined ALLEV A KLITON, • l* u l« li* h « r a . Portland Tuesday ».enda""*» «> but the result will not be given out for side and out. 'and be expects to meet bi, V . P« —M. F. Parker is figuring on moving two or three weeks. B. F. A lley , . . . E ditor . all are expected to reach p i / y ** A. 8. B litox , Local Editor ami Manager. to town now pretty soon. If it takes —T he W est is pleased to note that we week. U *“ •«*<> net him as long to dig those potatoes as it are going to have some new sidewalks. did to plant them he will be due in town We need them bad enough. The men County Commissioner T erms : $2.00 a year in advance.----- one year from next June. folk haven’t noticed the great need of in Florence and vicinity for this week. Mr. p erkiZ Verald*! —Chinaman Charley is not only boss them, but the women have and propose Entered at the pout-office at Florence, of the cannery crew but he is the pet o ' to put a quietus to trailing their dresses ft little pleasure jaunt and’V t i hivi“t J.ane county, Oregon, as second-class every body in town. He comes the through the sand. T he W est says «nail matter. nearest being an all ’round white China­ amen to the project and God bless the ladies. man of any we have seen eets in m atters per,ai„ingto ADVERTISING RATKH MADE KNOWN ON AP —Major Blakeney, superintendent of Mrs. SnEAKEs and daughter nf / —Cecil Sweet, one of the quartettd by PLICATION. the Pacific coast life saving service a r­ land, Ohio, and W. D Ho. /i that name residing on Sweet creek, has Local notice« n cent* per line, each Inaertion rived on the bay last week to investi­ Nebraska City, Nebraska, a r e ^ u / been quite ill this week with pneumonia. Dr. Wiley is the attending physician gate the difficulties between Keeper Loch ^ Y ^ Y ^ . P ' e a s a n t ' y , , ^ W B9TLINO8. and yesterday rejiorted the patient im­ and his crew. Loch’s treatment to his Mr. J . E. Purnish and faruik u —Engineer Lyell and family will oc­ proving men were such that during the time ^ " ’a re a ia a s is te ro lM r.F a ra i,;',“ '’, cupy Mr. Kyle's vacant house on Wash­ * The plant for the rock quarry on when Captain O’Brien was on the wreck he baa not seen for ington street. Wetmore, they refused to go in the boat Mr. H . is a brother-in-law. Coos river arrived on the Chance last Just opening an immense stock of week and was taken up Coos river on with him.—Coos Bay Nun. EUGENE ITEMS~ full and winter dry goods at. Hurd A Saturday. Mr. West, the su|>erintendent, —When it is well known that three Davenport’s. expects to be shipping rock in a few immense fissure veins running for many From th e R egister. The Kose Hill cannery is still put­ duys.—Count Mail. miles unbroken through the Bohemia Hops are still being brought to to., ting up fish. They expect to get up mountains will produce at a depth of and stored in the warehouse, , —The lawsuit between Smith and about 10,000 cases. 50 feel, $900 per ton—and still showing fast as they are shipped out. Montgomery was considerably of a —The value of the salmon catch of the tempest . —- -------- ,----- The j jury . . . j gave the increased richness the further the shafts in a teapot. J . P. Schooling, of Harrisburg U Great Kiuslaw river will aggregate, this caHe to Montgomery, and Smith was are sunk—we can begin to imagine the been experimenting with raising eweet year, about $*15,000. 1------- compelled to put up the costs—some­ vast magnitude of Bohemia wealth.— potatoes this year and lias met with sue Cottage Grove Echo-Leader. cess. Morris Bros, have receivod a new thing over thirty dollars. stock of stationery—every thing you can —Miss Agnes Millican closed her sum* —There may have been at different In I'm atilla county a traction atean think of in that line. mer term of school at Seaton last Friday. imes more or less crookedness in mak­ engine will be employed in plowing. I —J. II. Moss, he who used to be in Miss Millican has made many friends ing final proof on public lands, but a is thought th at the machine can pu] the drug business in Florence, is now in among both pupil« and parents and we case is now reported that would seem to thirty plows with ease. Madison, South Dakota. dare say all would be well pleased if her be a cap sheaf for them all. Imagine The Siuslaw stage continues to make —The government folk expect to de­ services would be engaged for another a man making proof on a claim and his regular trips and always gets in on time improvements on another m an’s land, liver the first scow of rocks at the gov­ term. though the mountain roads have become ernment works to-morrow. —Meyer & Kyle are expecting by the and a quarter of a mile from the line— quite slippery. and he knew it at the time. There is —Schooner John McCullough was next arrival of schooner Danielson a I t is stated that farmers on the Uma­ something decomposed in Denmark towed to sea Saturday loaded to tho wa­ fine line of ladies’ plain and fur trimmed tilla reservation are experiencing great —Up — at ---- head of tide on vuiuiiidus Columbus cloaks are prepare« prepared -------- and ulsters. u.av>;iD. They nicy «re ter line with Great Siuslaw pine. measurments and to furniHi; . tl,e P®0!’!® celebrated by giving a difficulty in obtaining threshers. Thous­ —The drug store foundation is nearly to take unv _ • . in . i ItJiliHtrpI m t o r t . i i I Such n _ . celebri i i • ands of bushels of wheat are now minstrel f entertainment. ladies any at"L. stylo 41..«.. they _ may wish completed. Mr. Gates, of Acme, is the (lies as Charley Gettys, Tom Neely and stacked in the open field, and it is feared cloaks. gentleman in charge of the work. much loss will ensue if rain falls soon. Julia Martin, who is now stopping Phil Nichols shone forth in all the gor- —Mr. Alley is suffering from one of Eugene has done well this summer in geousnees of burnt cork and red paint, those very uncomfortable little pets with Mr. McDonald’s people at the gov­ Had Columbus postponed his great and the m atter of erecting brick business ernment works, was quite ill a few days with which Job hud such a circus. this week. Dr. Wiley was called Tues­ only discovery four hundred years, and blocks, but the residence portion of the The Columbus Day exercises held at day night and, as is the case with all upon landing he had encountered this town has not experienced a building the church Inst Friday evening were boom. However, a number of nice resi­ tho good doctor’s patients, she is im­ trio we never would have been found. well carried out and fully appreciated. proving. - A cold, damp, dull thud seems to dences have been erected, and that por­ lutliorors nt tho government works tion of the city ’s growth has kept ahead —Steamers Chance, Harrison and El­ have fallen in the vicinity of the Kyle of the business part of town. arc pushing the tram-way work as fast more put out to sea early this week. cannery. Only a few days ago salmon as ¡Nissihle while this fine weather lasts. I he Chance and Elmore were bound for were strewn about the building promis­ From the Journal. - Mrs. \ \ . A. Cox has been ill for the Astoria loaded with salmon from the cuously—and in all stages of dissection The same elerks and judges of electioi past week or tw o-bud cold and slight Rose Hill cannery. The Harrison ex- hut now every thing is «« slick and clean attack of pneumonia. She is improv- pected to run in at Alsea and load out as one could well imagine, and save for as were appointed last June will serves the Presidential election on Novembers ing. the huge pile, „f ra „ ned , a|,llon one with salmon. The Supreme Court of the Unite« -F lorence needs a good grocery store, —I rank Saubert was improving nice­ would he almost willing t„ ,„ake oath States has re-affirmed the judgment o fo r terms, rent on store building, etc. ly from his recent severe attack of fever that a Sell never entered the building. write Geo. M. Miller, Fairmount,’ until last week when he caught cold and The noise and bustle incident to canning the Michigan Supreme Court upholding the law providing for the election o Oregon. n relapse resulted. For a few days his operations have gone and now only is ^residential electors by Congressiona —The new M. E. ehnreh is being hie hung by a thread, as it were, hut he board the rapid and continued click of painted- a pure white—emblematic of rallied again and is now in a fair wav to the can, os tl.ey arc labeled, boxed and districts. The Journal job office is printinj made ready for market. As one walk, ■ II tilings pertaining to the Great Sius­ entire recovery. 25,000 sample ballots for the election. through this cannery and sees sixthou-- law country. - I t is quite essential that you keep and cmos of canned flat, piled up and The ticket is just about half as large sf —A small schooner is laying nt anchor the walls of your rooms well and artis- it was last Ju n e and contains 24 names. outside tiie bar and will probably be ically pa penal in order that you make one hundred and fifty barml, brought in to-day. It is either the Rio home a cheerful place of abode. Merer cannot but remark: “ Great i, the flab Sixteen candidates for presidential elect­ nido,try of the Si,„law,“ and at the ors and eight candidates for president Rev or Antelope. A Kyle have by far the finest line of and vice president. The voter will have -lx x )k over Meyer A Kyle’s big stock wall paper ever brought to Florence name time whisper that “ Kyle lias made afew till,,,,and out of i,”_ a n ,l every eighteen names to scratch out which of wall |Mt|ier—just received. This pa- They have it in suits, walls, ceilings, body » glad. He ba, big money i o v Z ever way he votes. I**’’ **" way down and will be and borders to match. ed and ought to realize on it. ■old correspondingly |uw. - A n elector in Hillsboro being an- —Any and all kinds of building niateri GETTING READY FOR WORK. —The docket for the coming term of Pix«rbe.l and importuned to e « . 1,1, b , . al both rough and dressed, at David i circuit court contains an even hundred <>t lor the, Presidential candid.,, Messrs. Stevens A Cline now have Son’s Glenada saw-mill. brnkennt with “ I I I , . . dodO T« .d If r n cases. There are thirteen divorce X “ r inR0UtpiIi,,^ l’ich- e case».—Junction City Ti,»«»-«. rote for a nmn who I... stumped all over to bt used in the construction of a boom T he American Farmer, 1 - l i o n With . woman wlmougbt to and wharf at the Spruce Point saw-,„¡11 —Steamer Coos run into a fishing net . A forty foot addition is to be built to th« IR-page journal will be sent freet< near the Kose Hill cannery Wednesday he some other man a wife. p , nrt.“_H ill.b,,r,. « • r e n d of the mill, . „ d o tlle r i“ nil the subscribers of T he W es ' night delaying her an hour or more and reloru. tearing (lie net into many juecee. - J 1'«1 '«"I Iflfislafnre having mad, „„ prove.,..nt, will be Upon X who pay one year’s subscriptioi return ,o g .n F r’ ™ I . I I . \\ right ia the new tonsorial «l>pr„pr..„on lor ««„ring w‘l 'l , “ v<’ "bippeil, for use in t"d, „.’¡n in advance. This liberal offer ap­ «.rly Indian wars, . hi„ 0„ q( ’ artist at the Florence Variety Store eonsidersble m.ebinery, «1 Lb plies alike to all old as well a? He manipulates the ••roser" very clever­ want .. aoon to he published ,.v will be • gang vdg<.r .„ d . ■'•lv and the copy will ,,, e ly ami ids hand has a light,’ smooth tl,e mill j, in runili on| « new patrons. Remember it cost* band, of the a u ,e printer. Judge T f soon touch ttiat is fairy-like. |, '" 'f r Miaw collected the dst .„ d U ,l will w commence you only two dollars for two p1- tbe dsfs victor v " getting 0,11 '" —Tug IJIIian towed a large scow of I '• the eolrtetml author of the work. It I, „? I ,!'e ' *■ ran"»"> «wrket an,I „ :;| ,.r - « • i tmuc to saw and ship f o rth ,« .¡.J « ,,,•on- pers. .Sample copies can l>e see» •udefiuite. at this office.