The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, October 28, 1892, Image 6

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    rp T T T T i
T 7 ^ 7 " T T , C Z ?rT n
X - t l J±l
— e i B llE lJ EVKUV
J X ik Z> X . , MorriH) jnten(i to establish a gigantic
k -. vz
m iO A Y
tannery in Lake county, Indiana.
One of th e attractions of the fortli-
fuhning Chicago exhibition is to be a
— AT—
F i . o h e x c k ,
provision packers, A nnour, S'Mit and
O kegox
L axe C o c x t v ,
pyramid of 400 pianos connected by elec-
1 tricity and m anipulated by one woman.
P u b lis h e r s .
A i . i . n & n i .i r o N .
The name given to an American baby
B. F. A leev ,
E ditor . was “ Lynn C. Doyle,” and, wonderful
A. fe. B ti rox, Local E ditor and Manager. I to relate, no one present at the baptism
noticed the strange sound it made w hen j
----- T erms : $2.00 a year in advance.-----
A man in Dakota was recently sen-
E ntered a t th e pout-office a t Florence,
me county,
eountv. Oregon,
Oregon, uh second-class tenced to prison for hai
th e Supreme Court has decided th a t the
mail m atter.
tim e means nineteen years, seven
a d v k b t ih ix u h a te s m a d e k x o w x
I'l.lC A T IO X .
I xk ' u I notices s cents per line,
chc I i
W ashington
«lateof O ctober 25 says:
ai *- m onths ami four days.
Ila rte , daughter of
Bret Ila rte , a young girl in her teens,
has recently made her first appearance
under ¡n print in a sketch of cam ping life in
Mrs. H arrison the Adriondacks, for which she also fur-
Our W inter Stock
Of Boots andShoes
We have
just Received
An immense line of Dry Goods, Has arrived. Fine assortment for
Fancy Goods, Ladies’ Hoods, both ladies and gentlemen, p
not fail to ask tor our faniou"
Fascinators, Infants’ Hoods and
Jack and Jill children school
Sacks. Come early for bargains
shoe—all sizes.
—before supply is exhausted.
For a
Few Days
Groceries, Groceries!
Fresh stock always on hand.
We will close out our entire line
of Straw Goods. Those desir­
Well Selected
ing a, ’way down bargain will
call at once. These goods will
Stock of Hats. In this line we ex­
go at half price.
cel all competitors.
is no more. At 1 :40 a. m. came the end. nislied illustrations.
Fur the aecolid tim e in th e history of
An Indiana girl started out in a house i
the W hite House the p resid en t’s wife dress and w ithout a head covering, to
died w ithin its walls. Mrs. Harrison visit u near neighbor, met her sw eet­
m et death w ith the patience ami resig­ heart on the way and was induced to
E E n .H .C h a n G E
nation of a devout C hristian, and her hoard an approaching train, and was
last days were com paratively free from m arried at the next station.
pidp. For tw enty-four hours th e ¡»resi­
The W orld's F a ir m anagem ent is
d e n t und his family ha«l been alm ost j credited with th e proposal to ex h ib it a
Remains in doubt, but there is
constantly a t the bedside aw aiting the collection of good boys of all nations, a no question about the FOR 1 -
en d . Sunday night was w ithout spe­ selection being draw n from each coun­
cial incident. But early and late, so fre­ try 's high and gram m ar schools of
TION,—which opens September!
quently th a t he could have slept hut l i t - '
youths from 13 to 20 years of age.
tl«*, tin* president was in and ou t of the
Mr. William Reese, the pioneer iron
sick cham ber and was never easy fur
ing the best Exposition ever!
m iller in Pennsylvania, has ju st died at
any length of tim e. The day was clear the age of 104 ; lie was never laid aside held on th e I a t i li t C oast.
So lat
nnd criso and cool, and perhaps the in ­
until his last illness; he could count 11 v c / ^ > -Oregon is concerned it w ill be
spiring aunshine and dryness of the a t­
generations, including his own, and six the forerunner of the Exposition
m osphere som ew hat helped th e invalid
hundred m embers of his family.
at Chicago in 1893. The princi-
and acted as a stim ulant.* W henever
A young man of Englewood, 111 b pal attractions are the magnificent
she awoke from a troublesom e and u n ­
satisfactory sleep, she was conscious. suing the fath er of his dead sweetheart American Band of Providence, R.
She could still recognize her su rro u n d ­ for all th e property she left—hooks, jew­
ings, and a glance of recognition greeted
th e physician will’ll he entered the sick
room in the morning.
About 12:30 o'clock the physician dis­
cerned a noticeable weakness of th e '
h e a rt's action, and notified th e grief-
stricken family th a t the end appeared
very near, it was not long. The presi­
d en t was beside his dying wife, as he had
liven for nine hours Continually, and his
was the last of tin* loved features her
eyes had dw elt upon. Her breath was
labored and vary slow. It grew fainter
and less frequent, and ns the time-piece
m arked the hour of 1 :4G o'clock there
was an interruption of the feeble breath.
elry, keepsakes—valued at $500; and
real estate worth $1009. His claim is
th a t they had agreed to own their prop­
erty in com m on; there was to he no
“ m in e ;’'e v e ry th in g each could claim
was known as “ o u rs.” The lover sub-
stan tiates his claim by letters.
A young V erm onter, who was refused
by the girl he loved, clim bed in through
her cham ber window a few nights ago,
ehloroformed her, and tried to steal her
I. An art collection valued at
$330000, stud embracing some of Connect nt Coos Bay mid Yaquin» with Sun
Francisco steamers.
the greatest pictures owned in the Ilates, both passenger and freight, are vcr\
i m ie n n States.
w ic n .
m e n s e Horti-
m » ru -|
cultural and Agricultural exhibits, g ygr
£ p “ COOS,
the result of the combined efforts
Wilt make
of almost every county in the
state. A mineral exhibit exceed­
ing all former years. A Stock De-
Part,nent showing tremendous
bodily from her father's house. But she progress. To these are added a
calm to an.1 roused the household w ith, larger ¡number of exhibits than
her crjes. The authorities have the ar­ ever before; including a magniff-
dent swain in jail, but are jierplexed
, , , • ,
1 1
cent electrical display under the
w hether to charge him with burglary or i
. .
A resum ption and then a stop— this i
combined Thomson-Houston and
tim e to la* «‘ternal, and the life nt C aro­
Edison companies. All manufac­
While digging potatoesD . P. Gearhart,
line Scott H arrison had gone out peace-
ttllly and quietly and w ithout ¡min.
of Brookville, Pa., made an unusual dis- tures in full operation. Govern-
eovery. T urning over a furrow he found n ,e n ^ m odels of B attle Ships.
Over 1 GOO miles of new railwav have six eggs, the size of a bantam 's product,
U r n constreeled in the U nited States although different in shape. They were
d u rin g th e past six m onths.
Knitted together hv a small ligament.
The e n tire interests of th e Armour
fam ily, representing u capital of perhaps
<50,000,000, were harm oniously united
nii t tetober 1.
Hv carrier! them into the house on a flat
stone. They accidentally fell into a pail
of water, lie was amazed nt what fol-
One of the eggs broke and out
General office at Seaton.
K N O W L E S , N E E L Y amt GETTY».
A M A S A F . H C ltD , Commwd«*
S t a g e : L ine,
wonderful Hall of Mystery. The
Over Lake Creek Bowl?
marvelous “ Little World,” the
B E T W E E N E V O E N E X H E A D of TIB
product ol a mechanical genius;
all interspersed by novelties inci-
T.enve Eugene Monday and Thttrsdn>
dent to the popular special days. ings-
> Frid»y *'
Leave Head of Title Tuesday and r
Everything new ami nothing dead,
W h is m s n Bros., Propri
woman has craw led a I lack snake over tour indies G re a tly reduced rates on all tran s-
brought up her chickens on th e hugs h»ng. He at mice broke the other eggs p o r ta tim i lin e s
collected from the m achinery at the elec­ and each mie contained a snake, All!
were alive and active. They "bowed! —M innesota Hotel, in Eugene, is one
tric light station every m orning.
Dr. K enny, of th e Halt Francisco tight and came very m ar biting his jjn. block from dejiot. Kates, $1 per dav
o f them
th e m .
I All w hite help. This hotel has been re-
Board of Ii<*altli, recom m ends that the get . lie killed all of
Head o f Tide Hotel
W . W . N E E I.Y , I’ro p ’r*
Tables furnished with all the
p 1*1
fltted and newly (urnfehed. Patronize
e n tire C hinese fjm oter la* condemned
icacies of the season. Mil<lga,lie’
-dust ipentng an immense stock of!
am i »emovi*d from its present locality.
and Fruit in season. Best acconitu
fallam i w inter dry goods „ t H urJ
It is reported in Chicago that the great Davenport's.
tions for the traveling public
» “Send T he W ixi to your triend». reasonable.