SOME OREGON NEWS. this money,’’ he said in his will “ from , Savevy> special agent of the gen-'those w bn «pent their lifetime in law- K i' 1 office for Oregon, tells the j Sluts. Thia legacy is only a slight resti- -ral lan ... h . o ’ tution.” • )Stl, Falls Express th at the govern will undoubtedly set aside the sum- The Queen Regent of Spain is endeav- the Cascade range in Oregon as a 01 ing to accomplish a noble reform in ‘lte i „„rk This will include Mount bringing her influence to bear against ,ational PalK’ '|ood Mount Jefferson, Mount 1’itt and bull-lighting. However, her earnestness i has apparently done little so far, for lllfr points of interest IllIC' I I c, ,A_ Mitchell, while at Pendleton, j every Sunday the Arena at Madrid, ac- •«itptl bv three chiefs of the Uni a- j conunodating 16,000 people, is patronized ' who expressed a desire th at their | ils much as ever. V . LEADERS in all k in d s o f s t a p l e a n d FANCY GROCERIES. DRY COODS OF L A T S E T P A T T E R N S A N D F A B R IC S -IM M E N S E S T O C K . THE L A B O R W O R LD. Yorkers in wheat-fields in India re- ve$2 per month. Flie union bakers of Butte, Montana, ve demanded a ten-hour workday. )n English street railways the hours work are from thirteen to fifteen and lalf daily. t L IN E S . BOOTS and SHOES o FOR B O TH L A D IE S A N D G E N T L E M E N . B E S T STO C K IN F L O R E N C E . THE SEATON STORE. A Cornell college girl is studying vet­ erinary surgery. Keeps a lull line of Extra Quality DRY COODS g GROCERIES. A sea turtle weighing 150 pounds has been captured near San Diego, Cali­ fornia. HARDWARE, TINW ARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Seventeen carloads of Japanese and i Chinese goods crossed the St. Lawrence HATS & CA PS, M El HCI N ES, N I T S & ( A N DI ES, from Canada recently, for distribution throughout the states. . TOBACCO, CIGARS, EV RN ISH IN G GOOI U. The land on which the new Anglican • Cathedral at New York is to be built has cost £175,000, nearly the whole of Goods as Represented. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable. which amount lias been subscribed. While a man was digging a bole in the cellar of bis house, at New Haven, Con­ necticut, recently, he discovered a Img j containing several large pieces of silver­ ware, worth about $120,000. Volcanic ashes often travel a long dis­ tance. A remarkable shower of volcanic ashes has occurred recently in several parts of Finland. The ground in some places has been covered to the depth of | nearly an inch. The phenomenon is at­ tributed to volcanic eruptions in Iceland, Knowles & Cettys, her first act was to send the ex-mayor a magnificent gold-handled silk um­ brella. Chemist» by mean. of certain expert- vo ladies in Spain who fell in love ments have converted diamond» mto 1 the same gentleman have fought a coke and graphite. These ex|«tr,men« with pistols, and one of them , whose are certainly expensive ones, lor j only seventeen, has been danger- reversal ot the method« have they . ywounded. able to change coke into MANAGERS. GEO. T . HALL. C. E. S M IT H . rvr© J & II A L L ,1 The Largest Wholesale Doalors in ¡GENERAL GROCERIES: In the State, Outside of Portland. Wo are also the largest dealers in borrower received a heavy award from the Spoliation Claims Committee, ami • ON FOREIGN GROUNDS. novel form of duel is reported from n> the combatants being mounted '¡cycles, and each armed with a knife, collision appears to have been tre­ foils. When cyclist meets cyclist, list is the inevitable result. 0 IS R E P LE TE IN ALL IT S V A R IO U S C LO TH IN G , H A T S A N D C A PS. I here has recently been a unique ladies’ strike in Germany, in one of the garrison towns. The conduct of the men, who neglect the unmarried ladies in or­ der to dance with the wives of their friends and acquaintances, displeased the slighted maidens and their mothers, and at the last regimental ball not an 1 unmarried girl was present. !x>rd Rosebery provides his plowmen h the daily and all the leading agri- hundreds of miles away. itnral papers. Ex-Mavor Smith, of Philadelphia den going to Chicago to find work in loaned his umbrella to an old woman y trade will find about five applicants on crutches who was hobbling along m every situation in the city. the rain. A short time ago the aged 'erman artificial flower makers who $15 a month a short tim e ago now y get $10 per m onth. Their wages vebeen reduced all around. C H O IC E S T CENTS’ DEPARTMENT ,ple be allowed to lease their lands I unishment has at last been meted raterm of three.or four years, until out by the Chinese Government to Chou ponld get money enough to buy 1 ” Han, the author of the infamous pampb l0V8esand plows and improved agncul- lets which incited the people to attack .'^1 machinery, and had learned how the t hristiaus. lie has been degraded . , . Th“ ° senator assured them that from bis high office, and the house of Njiarm t, would represent their interests at publication has been closed. One of his Washington. The Um atilla Indians servants is a member of the Christian church. will have a vote next year. The Umatilla Indian reservation, near Pendleton, com prises some of the best ¡arm land in Eastern Oregon, There are250,000 acres in the reservation, of which "4,000 are tillable and about 50,- 00are now under cultivation, and about 1000,000 bushels of wheat were raised this year. Of this amount, 75,000 bush­ es were raised by Indian labor alone, 174,000 by half-breeds, 253,600 by white nen married to Indian women, and the balance by renters. Dr.Goucher, of Amity, grew ill one day last week and began spitting blood and mattery substance from his lungs, and among that ejected was a strange looking beast about an inch long, of an oval shape, with three legs on either side about half an inch in length, and on the whole a very queer looking speci­ men of animal creation. The doctor ays he feels an absence now in his left lung, where the thing was probably lo­ tted, and is much easier now because of its removal. u W O O L. -A-dSTD H O P S WE i i m i lead in prices . The nearewt «upply point to Olenada anil Florence by land. All order« by mail or Mage guaranteed filled prom ptly, and correctly, at the loweat market price. S M IT H . <& 3EI-A.I_iL, Oregon. This is a rule that does not wo Wa y s .,n d ,ia d g ,n g h y th e .'n c c o f d - monds, is a poor one. Co e ta i„ plenty, »nd some of it I,«» 1 « - ^ bard enough to cot gb«». poMesBes in i t s Colmar, Germany, a lawyer be- properties of the sal« lthed the sum of 100,000 francs to Subscribe for T he " h - r mad-house of th at city. “ I earned 0, , THE AMERICAN FARMER. TW O