M. SVABifiHffi-» Co?, Trade in the Dominion. It is admitted that the quality of the Lagoda wheat is The peculiarities of the climate in the somewhat inferior to that of the td e , W HO LESALE A N D R E T A IL D E A L R E S IN great wheat producing territory of the but it is to tie taken into account that North-Weat, are a subject for the deep­ the Red Fife is the best wheat in the est consideration to the farmers of that world for the special use for which locality. The danger of early frosts is a it is preferred, and tl.at it is a most pro­ m atter of interest, as the comparative ductive variety. That the Lagotla has a shortness of the growing season calls for slightly yellower shade of color, and an early maturing variety of grain, and yields onlv a little less than the unsur­ the special use to which the grain is passed Fife, is a hojieful result, knowing best fitted requires a certain quality to what has been accomplished in the im­ secure such a price as will compensate provement of wheat by persistent effort the farmers for the enforced idleness du­ of skillful wheat growers. Indeed, one ring the winters in which little or no oc­ of the objections to it, viz., that it is cupation is found. The time may come subject to rust, indicates very clearly when, by the change of climate pro­ that its present inferiority is due to its duced by the more complete occupation change of locality and climate and, per­ of the land ami the shelter afforded by haps, soil as well; for attacks by fust large areas to ixj planted with protect­ go to show that some unfavorable en­ ing forests, the present exigencies of the vironment attacks the plant, something farmers may lie greatly modified. This that tends to weaken it and render it iius happened in other localities, as in less robust and unable to resist attacks western Kansas and Colorado, where the of parasites. cultivation of the lain! has largely in­ This points to the necessity for higher creased the amount of rainfall, and made cultivation, and the need for that pro­ a mixed agriculture and a variety of tective treatment of the seed (by steep­ crops possible, where pasture only was ing it in a solution of blue vitriol) practicable previously. This result was which has been found a specific remedy foreseen ami prognosticated by experts against this fungus parasite. Higher at the first occupation of that arid re­ cultivation with selection of seeds has gion, and the same principle upon which always been found effective in the im­ this expectation was based prevails in provement of grains, both as regards ♦ lie great North-West. Climate is un­ hardiness and yield, and the Lagoda doubtedly modified by the cultivation wheat has been found to fail only in wnd the planting of the land, and the these two ways. Quality of the grain is protection of the crops in the late slim­ also improved by cultivation, so that mer, by the sheltering forests ami the the farmers of the North-West should Corner Olive find E ig h th Streets., warmer soil, may he looked for as a re­ either by personal effort, or by proxy, sult of the more complete occupation in some way undertake the necessary OREGON. and covering of the soil. means to improve the grain for seed by EUGENE. But in the mean time efforts are be­ “ breeding" the precise character re­ ing made by the energetic farmers to quired, as thia process of improvement find relief in the introduction of new va- is and may rightly lie termed. Plants retics of w heat, that may he more suita­ are as susceptible of improvement in ble to the soil and climate than the kind this way as animals are. The English Will Pay,through its Advertising Col­ grown further South. This kind is the farmers liave their pedigree varieties of Scotch Fife, a hard spring wheat long umns, a larger Dividend for the Money • ... i. in Wirth-Western states, and all the small grains ami roots, and there are many 'enhiFjiri'sing ft»Vmer> invested than can be realized from any now mostly grown in the countries fur­ who give their sole attention to this ther north, hut which is subject to inju­ business. The late Mr. Arnold, of On­ other source. ry by frosts on account of the lateness tario, did much in this way, and his of its ripening, it is quite possible, and success was pronounced. Not so much probable, considering bow plants are has as yet lieen done in the United eliauged in habit by new environments, States in this way, hut some of the most Because It Is read by the people with that the Fife wheat may in time become advanced farmers have undertaken ex­ better suited to the short seasons of the whom you expect to do business. Can periments in crossing wheats, for the more northerly locality, and equally purpose of improvement. But so far, you expect them to trade a t your store that some new kinds not now so well little has been done on this side of the adapted to this climate, may become Atlantic to improve the character and unless you invite them to do so? gradually acclimated and reconciled to quality of the various small grains by the shorter growing season, and the selection of seed and high cultivation of present difficulty removed. This has l»een frequently experienced in regard crops. In the North-West, where the wheat Is a standing invitation. D o y o u w a n t to many other agricultural plants, and producing land« cover hundreds of mill­ why not to wheat, which has hitherto T H E P E O P L E ’S T R A D E ? show n itself to he as easily modified by ions of acres, but the climate is suitable only for the earliest maturing varieties new environments as any other plant; but farmers cannot wait for this neces­ or the improvement of quality. Yet & S O I T , © © © © © © O. sarily slow change. They must live here is a vast region that may be made ID . L I N N meanwhile and, therefore, it is an inter­ to support many millions of farmers C IV E T H E B E S T B A R G A IN S IN esting matter to know what has been with all the accompanying imputation, done so far in regard to the intrishiction whose existence de,iends on the culti­ of new varieties of wheats from foreign vation of a variety of wheat which may aoiuves, and what measure of snivess lie suitable to the short growing season, has Itcen le a c lu s l, remembering always or the slow, hut sure, change of climate that the quality of wheat is an itiqxirt- that results from occupation of the soil' aiit factoi in the question. For it is al­ by forests, farms und crops. At least I IN T H E C IT Y O F E U G E N E . most as had to have an unsaleable w heat we may say nothing, considering this 1 great work, and in a practical aenoe. ms to have none at all. The Dominion Government has, how-1 U N D E R T A K IN G and E M B A L M IN G a Specialty In regard to this it has to lie said that ever, l«xl the way by the introduction of AU orders lor Furniture «• nt us from the Siuslaw will be shipped from Portland direct- the wheat lately introduced from Kussin, this Russian w heat, which is naturally known as laigtsla, from its inhabitant adapt«*«! to the whole North-West, and if oil the shores of the great lake of that it can la» only improved to a trilling ex­ name, in latitude <10, ami north of St. tent it seems to lie all that can lie wish- i H . C 1' " I I , E 1 , I I S - Fetersburg, has l»een reported as having ed. So far the results are exceedingly | Mil inferior «piahty as compared with the valuable and encouraging, and contin­ Keil Fife. As the wheat ripens ten days ued efforts promise to meet w ith success. earlier than the Fife, and retains this H usky S tewart . earliness in the North-West, amt thus fulfills one of the indiepenaatile require­ —Any ami all kind« of building materi-! ment« ol the North-West farmer, it is a si |s>th rough and dressed, at David A W ATCHES, * CLOCKS X A N D * J E W E L S m atter of great concern to test its mill­ Son's Glenada saw-mill. ing quality in a satisfactory manner. —Florence need« a g«xxl grocery store, I This has la*ei«lhe effort of the iHnuinion F«»r terms, rent on store building, etc., R E P A IR E D P R O M P T L Y --------------- -------------- writ«* Geo. Itepertm ent of Agriculture which has ...... M. Miller, Fairmount, — —— — — — -— a n d W O R K WARRANTED« testeil the quality recently at Minne»p- Oregon. olis, wliere this kind of wheat is ex­ —Jn»t opening an immense M«x*k of AT r i.O R K \C E V A R IE T Y STORE. tensively milled, and aubmitted the re­ fall and winter dry good« at llurd A F lorencf . O ke & o - F ront S treet , sult« to various experts and Hoard« of Davenport'a. WHEAT IN THE NORTH-WEST. I MP LE M E NTS engines , threshers , BINDERS and MOWERS. REAPERS and DRILLS. V e I h e I es nf all kinds. THE WEST WHY?------------------ AN ADVERTISEMENT and CARPETS M.