The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, June 24, 1892, Image 1

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    Vol. 3.
F lorence. Laite County, (W o n , Friday, .lim e 2 t. 18112.
|I t is th in k in g of «elf too much th a t accessible. To th e people of Lane
Ives uh little tim e to th in k of a n o th e r's ate not all visions of a more sure rd'a
m ts.
cheaper freight rates, b u t arc p lain
No. 10.
done lu the m atter for two years a t Acuity by discharging th e ir lured purlers
buying slaves with some of th e ir
A fter having v is ite d all th e other “bells to carry the rem ainder. In this
hVii.vr is th e wish of th e {»enple of alter studying situations. F a rth e r t!
towns and cities in lam e countv and cun country w hen a man has an inconvenient
lorence regarding incorporation? This the fact of the shorter route to m arkets, in truth congratulate them upon their q u an tity of gold or silver money to carry
latter should be discussed, and if it is it is conceded there would be of a mgMe-
growth and prosperity, we have no lie can easily exchange it for hank n o te s
be, articles shouid be drafted and sub- sitv a keen com petition betw een earalk reason to think the less of our own or governm ent notes which cun he again
iitted to the citizens a t a public m eet- ing highways which would lower
home, Florence. She has kept pace converted intngold or silver a t any lim e
w ith her sister ham lets, and he w hocan- and th u s large am ounts can lie carried
com petitor for freights to th is poinfe a « ^
not see the advance of pros|x*rity about w ithout inconvenience, but pa,wr
’ iie result of raising th e $109,030 sub-
the real com petition would be l>e
and growth here, is certainly sh o rt­ money is a product of civilisation which
ly tor th e Siuslaw A E astern railroad
the railways to Portland, Y aquina
sighted in his vision of a fact. At this is unknow n to the people who use shells
in placing th e m a tte r of building th e
Florence, with the advantages in lavor
moment there is a lurge sailing craft as th e medium ol exchange. If cowrie
d in positive form . No delays can of our road.
just outside the oiling aw aiting the ser­ shells had ulways ls>en us cheap in Af­
urged on th is score, and we may pre­
I n commenting upon th e inconsistency
vice of tug Lillian, anil when this sailing rica as they are to-day it is altogether
mie work will com m ence a t once.
of the average prohibition voter, th e E u­
vessel shall have gone out with her load unlikely th a t they would ever have In ­
’wo years ago Lane eouuty threw gene Register says: “ Probably a few
of lumber, it will be counted the tenth come the medium of exchange. J u s t as
11 votes tor congressm an, and th is prohibitionists ‘vote as they pray jljw
cargo of our forest productious th a t has in th is country gold ami silver are se­
ir 41.33 were cast. This shows an in- this cannot be said of ad h eren ts to th a t
found a market in San Francisco during lected for coinage on account of th e ir in­
tase of 852 votes in th e county in two party in this city. A m ajority of them
the past two m onths. The wheels of our trinsic value so in these uncivilised Afri­
nrs or a population of 4.'00. In popu- in this city voted for men who have been
lumber mills are continually turning can wilds the shells being in great de­
lion as well as in w ealth our county branded by temjHTance people as
and for the dr»t tim e since we came m and while the supply was lim ited,
tinls in the front rank.
bers of the ‘whiskey rin g ,’ and in AM t here mill men are advertising to pay they were adopted as th e medium of e x ­
T ukke is satisfaction in retu rn in g to precinct fourteen or fifteen voted f l l cash for sawing tim ber. Our m erchants, change la-cause u man or woman who
home and o u r work editing T he bar-tender. This will not help the tem ­ too, are doing a larger and more ex ­ had one of these shells could always e x ­
1 st . W ith all th e vicissitudes of for- perance cause very m aterially .” W hile tended trade, while employes and em ­ change it for ksxl or any o th er necessity
ie and annoyances connected w ith on the canvass, (¡aylord, the temperance ployers are more num erous. The exodus of life.
The early traders from Europe finding
rspaper work, it is p referab le to th a t advocate who accompanied a bottlg
of citizens from more thickly populated
canvassing for an office, especially whiskey most of the tim e, repeatedly ei
portions of our country to this is be­ th a t the natives valued these shells so
ien the position requires an exhibition ified his hearers by statin g th a t t b coming a daily occurrence, and th e im ­ highly and th a t thev could buy slaves,
mu sla», diç provements in town and country keeping palm oil, ivory, etc., w ith them , began
ine’s jierson an d oratorical talen ts on “ people of Florence and the Sinslu»ydi^
j r a ^ i t i o iia lJ/g tQ ip ,.” , v.
... ..
j4O«'■’•■ith older au d richer porUouu of to im p o rt cowrie shells in enorm ous
hi « ^ '
w hat th is had to do with th e cause of b in e county. To fully appreciate our q u an tities from o th er countries, espe­
PiiK political kaleidoscope m ade a cu­
tem perance is a conundrum too hard for town, our country and o u r clim ate, on« cially Ceylon where they were very
ius tu rn in Coos county when the
ue, bu t in the event th e two are not an ­ only needs to go to o th er portions of our ab u n d an t. T he effect was very much
ers scratched th e nam e of th e ir best
alogous it may be presum ed Gaylord domain for two m onths as we have, and th e sam e as if such enorm ous q u an tities
Mid, H on. B inger H erm an n , and voted
made use of this language so th a t those on one’s return a deeper love for the of gold and silver were suddenly discov­
a political m ou n teb an k . M r. lle r-
who voted for him in this precinct could blessings to be found here and less com ­ ered am i imported into th is country
inn was opposed for th e office of con-
have som ething to nourish th e ir sorrow plaints for ull inconveniences will be the th a t th e value of gold o r silver bullion
Bsman in all th e counties of the first
would fall considerably below th a t of
for not sending th eir friend to th e legis­ result.
Itrict, and especially so in Lane coun- lature.
copper. The gold ami silver currency
Iby political enem ies, because of bis
would under such circum stances become
C ertainly one who has recently trav­
rtiality to Coos county in obtaining
depreciated in valuo. It was ju st
eled th e road to Eugene m ust have no­
fe ap p ropriations. No m ore forcible
ticed two very valuable improvements «bilged in regarding the value of money ho with th e shell currency of th e Afri­
positive rebuke to th is accusation
made. From Seaton out a short dis­ during the campaign, we give a few facta can savages ami the king who h a d ito re d
lid have been given th a n th e m ajority
tance, th e road supervisor, M l. Tanner, about African currency for our read ers’ up in bis treasure bouse thousands of
irotes throw n by Coos voters for Kork,
has turnpike«! the road for some distance attention. If any man in th is country cowrie shells found his fortune slipping
o disgusted everybody by th e assidu-
made necessary ditches to convey the were presented w itb a fortune of ten away from him w henever a shipload of
witb which he condem ned appropri-
w ater aw ay from th e road, built culverts thousand dollars in gold or silver coins shells arrived us surely as il th e ship
>ns by th e governm ent for harbors
and brought th e highway to as even a on condition th a t lie carry th e money had carried thieves, each of whom had
lerally and for Coos bay an d Coquille
grade as is possible to do. “ To «lo well home a t once on his own (toreon he stolen a num ber of his treasured shells
particular. F o r all th a t, Kork is a
w hatever is done” is an axiom th a t has would find th a t he had a p retty- heavy and carried them uwuy on th e ship. If
fer in Coos co u n ty and bis promo- practical force in building roads as well burden, h u t if he livtxl in th e p art of the shi|ts th a t brought th e ahells in such
over Mr. H erm an n shows a d istru st as in o th e r alFairs of life. Me plead Africa where cowrie shells are th e med- large q u an tities hud carried uwuy th e
the la tte r th a t m ust cool his ardor in then for the continuance of the good iuni exchange a ten thousan«! «lollar shells ins tea« I of bringing them to th e
work for th e people of th a t county. custom of building our roads well. But pile of gold or silver would look insignif­ country, thoee th a t rem ained would have
fiiK proposition th a t citixens of l^iue as we go farth er on and cross the moun­ icant compared with the enormous hulk increased in value on account of th e
of ten thousand dollars in the currency scarcity. As it was, shells became very
inty generally are not deeply inter* tains on th e laike Creek route, we see
of th a t country. These shells are worth cheap, ami it becam e a burden for a iiihii
fcd in the im provem ent of our harbor some excellent roadw ork done by the j
on an average atxiut o n e-th irteen th of u to carry borne bis wages in th e money of
the governm ent is no longer tenable. W liism an boys. The road has been so
cent, und ten dollars’ worth of shells are the country. In th is country such a
solution of th is question has been change«! th a t the grade is lees. The
said to be a good load for one man to sudden depreciation in tb o value of gold
)wn into practical shape by th e large W hisinan boys m ust take first rank u
carry. Ten thousand dollars would lie and silver as has been described would
ie given Mr. H erm an n and a citizen m ountain road builders, for with $.W
represent«-«! by about th irty million cause tem porary trouble and einbaruss-
lorence for th e state senate. The appropriated by th e comity, they have
shells, an«f it would lake one thousand m en t, but eventually some su b stitu te
Imated benefits to all people in this made more improvem ents and better
men to remove the money at one time. for gold and silver would Is« found. We
[nty seem to have ventured in th e cal* ones th an is usually done with twice
Indeed, African travellers who hired would not co n tin u e to use them for coin­
Itions of citizens down to a pretty the am ount. If these boys bad about
point. It is estim ated th a t our b a r-i $200 in addition to the sum already porters to carry th eir shells before start- age very long after they became so
improved ami th e ruilroud com pleted ; given them , they would have a good ing in to th e regions where shells are the
m edium of exchange, have sometimes
vastly cbeu|H:n th e carriage of grain road from Hale to the laike C
ail farm products to P o rtla n d , San I bridge. A go»sl highway from Eugene found th a t th e wages of the porters in
gold or silver in a sh o rt tim e am ounted
liicisco and o th e r ports, for the rail- ( to Seaton has been and is an importao
il tra n sp o rta tio n will lie shortened m atter to us, but under existing«¡ream to considerably more th an th eir burdens
the cheaper w ater highw ay more stances it may
Is -
presumed n o thing w
were w orth.
' ch eap , b u t th e savage Africans were too
conservative to m ake a change. Shells
were th e currency when they were
scarce am i valuable, and shells rem ained
the m edium of exchange when they be-
They overcame the diffl- cam e plentiful and cheap.