I phai'tnacopiu, without receiving the overwork themselves we feel that of all here eight years ago am. performed ^«lightest relief from the evil effects of the classes who could call with right or splendid work for the early settlers, in J ©Hus early political training. He has reason for legislative Interference with KT,VTX. compiling, arranging and writing Wal- 'swallowed McClellaii, Greely, Hancock, the hours of labor, the shopworn«., of For Supreme Judge, ling's History of Lane County, a book of! Cleveland and 1‘ennoyer, and a great our cities seem to us to have far the F. A. MOORE, of Columbia county. over 600 large pages, in which will he many other nasty things—war on a strongest claim. Men can always, mow For Attorney-General, peace platform and peace on a war plat- or less, shift lor themselves, and make preserved for future generations many ' -L. R. WEBSTER, of J a c k s o n c o u n ty . of the adventures, the hardship« and the form. They mjver helped him any but or mar their own lives; but women, by For Congressman, liis t d is tr ic t, l|is stomach held out until he tried Sa- the condition of their existence, have experiences of the pioneers, SevQfl® BINGER HERMANN, lem water and then it failed. It was , little or no choice as to the nature and , of Douglas county. years ago he married the daughter of For Congressman, second district, Hon. J. G. Gray, one of the earliest and the worst thing he had ever tried and he character of their «xvupations. If a girl w gave it up as unfit for his stomach, after lias to work for her living, and if she is most enterprising citixena of Lane u_of Morrow county. it had mastered all the atrocious things unable or unwilling to find a husband to county, who is known anti esteemed for piSTKICT. h b many noble qualities not only by-l'inventeJ by mortal man. That 6uKl,t Io support her, sl.e b a . very leu c arer» For Circuit Judge, J . C. FULLERTON, everybody in thia county where ho r<- » « le it. A man ought to know .when open to her. 1 he el.n.l ami most.import- f l H g g E '’' of R o se b u rg . begets enough. Now, let the Volins of ant market for female laber is to be sides but by hosts of friends and ac­ For Prosecuting Attorney, S. W. CONDON, lauxtyiounty try Col. Alley. He has a found in shops; and, as no «pedal edu­ quaintances IJIIIUU V»“'- vu all over ~ - Oregon, C, - ■ i » wo or of Eugene. like « “• ,IU‘ ,lr,,lk cation Is required, and as any girl with * For Member State Board of Equalization three your, ago Col. Alley W ited with can > A. C. WOODCOCK, his family at »« Florence Florence where where tuey tl.ey now „„w Saleh,-ate^, river water. fair health and ordinary intelligence his family o’ - er Willamette - w of Eugene. reside He is as thoroughly identified " hen the river is high or low, muddy or serve behind a counter, t ,e ....... >c. .. RJ8IUD. « re . I.:.. ...K. vllnontu C ir O... t U11VI n •» 111 ILA rthunwnin- v COUNTY. with the people ol Lane county »» any flear, without the least^d.nger to his applicants for employment ns shopwom- For State Senator, stomach. Is he bonesUM^ .he capable, en is far in excess of the number of situ­ B. F. ALEEV, man can lxi. All he has is here, and all of F lo re n c e . has he a peaceful bosoll, ana will l|is ations to be lllled. The result is that in his interests for the present and the fu­ F o r Represei i tat 1 ves, stomach stand Salem water? These are consequence of the inevitable laws of ture are in Lane county. He is honest, Y D. C. BAUGHMAN, the great questions now before the peo­ supply and demand the labor required of 1 V « 1 of Cottage Grove. capable, enthusiastic and enorgeUc. M. J. IlILLEGAS, ple. Echo answers “ yes” for each sena­ women in shops is hard in comparison Such qualities are worth much to any of Camp Creek. torial candidate, on the first three ques­ with that of men, while the pay is also JASPER WILKINS, community. He believes in going ahead of Coburg. tions, but when it comes to the fourth comparatively small. Owing to a vari­ a>nd doing something for ourselves, in­ For Sheriff, , and last the republican is in it and the ety of causes into which there is no need E .K . HENDERSON, stead of waiting for some otheAperson to of Eugene. to enter, the cluss which ojirns its living coine ami do it for us, and will not lean democrat is out. by serving in shop« has Hot the sail W. R. WALKER, back and vote “ no” on every thing. f '*om the Kageae Regi 1< Mt« of Efageue. . _ T." r fts th a t eujoji ’ >>' R odney scotit * ^ and experience, a man of the people, office« of state senator and representa­ c ith e r in skilled trades or in pnrsitn of Eugene accust<$fred to hard labor, and believes tives, and the people cannot l»e too care­ whose success collective as well as indi- For Treasurer, in and sympathizes with the farmers, ful how they vote on the sixth day of vidunj exertion is essential. Of cours«, FRANK REISNER, of Eugene. mechanics and all others who live by June. We need men In the legislature there are many exceptions, hut in the For Commissioner, manual labor. Ho will, if elected, vote who are competent to judge rightly of the great mujority of instances any shop­ ELI PERKINS, of Long Tom. and work for their interests and for the needs of the musses of the people, who man is aware that if he fails to give sat­ For School Superintendent, interests of the people of the county and can muke laws that will I xj a bwietit to isfaction his employer will find no diffi­ J. G. STEVENSON, state, without regard to the"politics or the state and not a detriment, who culty whatever in filling up his place. of Eugene. For Surveyor, location of those who will be benefited. know by experience what will he the If this is true of shopmen os a class, it is C.M . COLLIER, He is just the man for the farmer’s alli­ best for the community they are elected still more true of shopwomen. They aro of Eugene. For Assessor, ance or people’s party to vote for. He is to represent. For such an office we very helpless; they are not in a position J. E. BOND, as fully in sympathy with them as any want men of mature years and good to resent overwork or underpayment; of Eugene. man in the county, or any man who has judgement, acquired by a long and suc­ and, if it is in the power of congress to For Coroner. Dr. J. W. HARRIS, travelled through here lecturing in their cessful career in the practical pursuits improve their condition by direct legis­ of Eugene. behalf for big pay, and, if elected, would in which the majority of the people they lation, their case is infinitely stronger EUGENE PAPERS get in and do something for them. He is are to represent are interested. Such than that of ordinary operative«. a sober, temperate man, and, if elected men you will find named in the republi­ E. K. H knoxbson is the candidate for the water at Salem would not make him can ticket. Mr. Alley, candidate for sheriff on the republican ticket. He h»^ Complimentary Mention of Col. Alley and sick, as it usually does a Lune county senator, Messrs. Baughman, llillega« a square, upright, honorable young man and Wilkins for the lower house, are and deserving the support of the class the Representatives On the democrat. It lias been ascertained by actual ex­ men in whom we can safely trust to Republican Ticket. people who respect ami honor t P * perience that the water ut Salem, or make the necessary revisions to the laws principles in office holders. There something the democrats put in it, doe« under which we are to lx, governed, Mini probably not another man In l-aim5 not agree with the stomach of a Lane experienoe ami long acquaintance with county so populur with the people where From the Oregon State Journal. Col. B. F. Alley, the republican nomi­ county democrat. There is more aqua the men will tell us that no measure he is known as is King Henderson. A nee for State Senator in lame county, is puria in the water down there and less will receive their sup|x>rt unless the vote for Mr. Henderson Is a vote for a » fit representative of thia enterprising j pure democracy than they are used to measure will be beneficial to the people man you may feel proud to have hold HHBprogressive community*. Commenç­ drinking up here and it always makes they represent. They are not men who the office of coniBv sheriff. ât an early age as an orphan then. sick. Therefore, we protest against will make rash promisee, they wilt not T iixhk swiils scarcely a diaeentlng without friends or assistance, he having the friend of our boyhood days go about the country telling wl.at great voice as to the desire of the re-election ired a good education ami habits of and all the years since then, who is as things they are going to do, they do not of W. tt. Walker to the portion of itry, honesty and self-reliance, ami dear as a brother, sent to Salem again, attem pt to getxotes by flowery speeches county clerk. Billy has served our peo­ ma«le his way westward with the to lx; sick and perhaps die before his and fictitious utterance«, and they are ple well in that capacity and the popo­ J i of empire to the point where t h e , term is half completed, lie is a good at least each ol them old enough to vote. lar wish la that he may be permitted to iws of the great ocean «lash against man, one of the best in the world, pree- Their lives and actions among us are continue in office. western coast of America. There, ent company excepted, but his early ed- sufficient guarantee of what they will do, F rom all «ides of us and not a great ing the hardy pioneers on the Sius- ucation was neglected and he in conee- and we hove no doubt hut what they nrrniirded bv the rugged mouti- quence became a democrat when the re- will lx. elected and do good service for distance Iron. Florence come rtq BMB: 4. “ XX« «- ....... —1 >““• • . “r , b# I *• ' *b ‘,“ta "* home, and, and, witli with all an w e en en-1 ha« often been imposed upon by design- ««Hcvae of U b o r ” 1« one of the chief ‘fuar *• ‘ ur* y ¡n rj his his home, th«* of an enthusiast, is laboring to ¡ngdemagogues, and bus swallow©«! all diecrasions ol to-day. While T iik W arr ,nore ex ?n« e * eve o ». reit the wilderness into productive the dotes and antidotes in the political has little fear teat the laboriug men will rich surroundings. . of these t g