Voi. 3. ’ . Florence. Lane County, Oregon, Friday, May 20,1802. No. 5 MT kst is anxious to h e ar t^e re­ ances and walk m anfully to th e polls p o rt of th e O ld bellow s’ cem etery com ­ ami east a vote for th e b e tte rm e n t of m ittee. _____ your condition. 11. F . Alley is a candi­ K veby vote cast w ithin the radius of d ate for state senator. H is in terests are th e G reat Siuslaw should be c a s t to r B. your in terests. He can do you good U F . Alley. lie is a friend to th e valley elected. Vote for your homes am i th e a n d h e r people. men whose hom es are n ex t door to S uch m ean, dirty insinuations as those throw n a t H o n o ra b le B in g e r H e rm a n n a t th e political m eeting last Saturday by th e prohibition advocate had only th e effect of belittling th e speaker in the estim ation of his hearers and m aking new But th eir heads were com pletely tu r n e d .! fourth-class postm asters in th e country They imagined th a t they saw millions wus agreed upon a t th e m eeting of thu within easy reach, and th e money d ls a p -! house com m ittee on civil service reform peareii in a lew m onths, p art of it going a t W ashington Mav 12th. The bill pro- whence it came, and th e rest of It being vides for a division of the conntrv into spent in riotous living. dishonesty. T l^ n followed postal d istricts, and that where va.an- They use,1 th eir em ployers’ cies occur open com petition shall be an- yours. monev to speculate w ith, ami are both nounetd by th e postoffiee in sja v to is, C ol . A lley ’ s tight for our h a rb o r a p ­ now fleeing from th e law. Nine men who shall recommend the best, m an to propriations ought to insure him every out of ten who have l>een mine,I by the postm aster-general, after receiving vote in L ane county. Show your appre­ speculation have seen tim es when they the applications and exam ining th e ciation and encourage renewed energy »>»ght have q u it very much ahead of the facts, Congressmen ami oth er federal game. I t’s th e same old story, so tersely by electing him senator. ■ 1 expressed by Daniel D rew : “ I ’d ’a ’ friends for H erm ann. His assertions, T he question of “ good common roads” been all rig h t,” he once said, “ if I ’d as all well know, were as basely u n tru e is beginning to take prom inence in all o n ly tlraw ’d out when 1 o rte r.” as is th e m an who uttered them . th e u id c awake, stai.es. I here is no T he G reat Siuslaw is now blooming in I t will surprise some persons to be question in which all classes of people Bs gorgeousness. All n ature seems told th a t one-fourth of the year in New are more directly in terested . T he ordi- Y ork sta te is now a legal holiday; b u t it nary m ethods of road m aking and road ■ v*°ing with itself for suprem acy. The is a fact. T here arc fifty-two Sundays, repairing are only “ playing at road tnak lulls ami canadas are aglow with beauti tifty-two half-holidays (S aturday after­ in g .” “ The iron h o rs e ’’ has solid road­ ful, fragrant wild flowers, while the o flie e rr are forbidden to make recom- m endations, or to interfere in a n y w a y with the appointm ents. U nder tlm hill appointm ents or removals upon political grounds are prohibited. T iirhk will be a boom in postal cards if a certain schem e is carried oht as its originators hope. The state s«*crotary of the Ohio farm ers’ alliance has desig­ whole scene is made a m erry one by the nated a day on which lie urges every noons) am! nine full holidays, m aking beds, beautifully ballasted and bridged shrill notes of song-birds perched in the eighty-seven full days of rest, and yet —but th e faithful four-logged horse goes farm er in th e state to address Jo h n branches of tow ering pines. As one Sherm an or Calvin Brice, or any m em - th e people of th a t state are asking for on m iring and w earing out his* life pul­ m ore! M any are urging th a t th e b irth ­ ling th e fa rm e r’s w ealth to m ark et. The strolls through this labyrinth of beauty her of congress from Ohio, a postal card days of Lincoln and G ra n t he m ade holi­ tim es are ripe for a reform in country and fragrance it is little wonder th e e x ­ dem anding the passage of an anti-option days. ________ road building.—Fargo, N orth D akota, pression, “ Can an y th in g he more beau­ hill. He says: “ Bury th e senators w ith tiful, more grand, n o ro Eden-like, th a n a hundred thousand of th e m ,” and adds I t is said a t the reception given by Republican. - — ' ■ I truly is th is ? ” comes to our lips, and is th a t the short-selling nt produce is an M rs. P o tte r Palm er to th e 110 congress­ S ince th e Shah of P ersia is threaten*; • . . . . . . . , T , . , unconsciously given out in answ er to iniquity which the farm ers m ust not m en, even W estern e tiq u e tte was shock­ in g to v is it B e rlin a n d L o n d o n th is sum - . .. , t the unspoken solicitation of n a tu re ’s ap- stan d any longer, and if congress can n o t ed at the perform ance of some of its m er th e royal families of G erm any and? , , , . . stop it they m ust know th e reason why. , i peal for due appreciation. guests. These 110 representatives each G reat B ritain are devoutly praying that., — ■ IWOttgbt bis wife anil ch ild ren , and the he will change his m ind. D uring tin •' T he g reat im portance and real neces- If th e statem e n t of this alliance m an be true and th e sh o rt selling of produce th e “ honorable m em ber from eastern p o te n ta te's last visit to Eh??»ptK of corst railroads is beginning to l>e keeps prices «lown, is it not to th e In ter­ no in a linen d u ster and put his im perial jaglets insisted on m arch realized by th e enterp risin g business her child to sleep in th e library a t 10 ing around th e royal grounds ami men of ull coast tow ns. N’o b etter evi­ est of bread-eaters th a t this “ in iq u ity ” o ’clock. A nother offspring of th is same through th e different palaces dressed in dence of this glad aw akening is given should continue? There a re two sides to th is m a tte r, as well as to m any T exan fam ily am used herself by skating —a little brief and invisible au th o rity — th a n th e fact th a t one of th e prosperous o th ers.—Oregonian. O£k th e mosaic floor of th e d ra w in g room ! much to th e asto n ish m en t and horror of business men of our sister town on the I n ykaks agone th e cry from our m an ­ W hen a woman says a man takes his th e attach es of th e castles. Efforts are south, Mr. Al. P eed, lias expressed hini- wife’s death “ h a rd ,” she m eans th a t he being m ade to head th e Shall off and in­ solf in a letter to one of our tow nsm en as ufacturers and farm ers was th a t tfiey moans, and groans, and scream s, and duce him to atten d th e w orld’s fair in being ready to pu t up (10,OtXl as a sub­ had no means of g etting th e ir products sidy to the Siuslaw A Eastern R ailw ay to m arket. This wus offered as an e x ­ tears his h air. If he sits dum b under Chicago next. year. his affliction, she says th a t he is not when it shull have extended its line cuse for the in ertia In business. This F ew men are found w ho, have been in from Florence to G ardiner. This road sen tim en t hud full sw ay until a few affected very m uch, am i th a t he will l e o u r m idst only so sh o rt a tim e, see so married again in a few m onths. The w hen built from Eugene to Florence m onths ago when ««»me of our more e n ­ plainly w ritten on th e walls the brilliant would find no im pedim ent in th e wuy of ergetic business m en arranged w ith San emotional so rt of grief appeals to the future aw aiting Florence as does Mr. C. ex tending its line south from th is point, Francisco coinmissibn m erchants to head woman so much th a t if a man scream s H . Page, th e g entlem an who has the and only too anxious would the company a fleet of sailing schooners in over th e when bis wife is buried, ami m arries co n tract for th e building of the Heceta again th e n e x t day, they say th a t his find these people to subsidize the pro­ bar of the G reat Siusluw river. As a H ead light-house. As an evidence of result of th is there are now being placed ject. great sorrow affected his m ind, and th a t his faith, he has subscribed |](XX) to the n th e San Francisco m ark et m any be ia Irresponsible. railroad subsidy. The coming of the A «» heat m istake is being mode by thousand feet of th e best pine lum ber Tvs fellow th a t gets off the following Siuslaw A E astern railroad means h< l ter rcul e state dealers in Florence by hold­ Oregon can produeo—and from th e G reat never was a country e d ito r: A lm ost tim es for us all, and no person realizes ing th e price of th eir property too high. Siuslaw river. T here are four or six everybody eats too m uch and is th e het- the m etaninrpliosic effect it would huve Men who como here with the intention vessels kept busy h au lin g Out our lum ­ te r for a little abstinence. Men have lived h ealthy lives on one-half w hat our idlers consum e. Soldiers have made long inarches ami fought desperate hat- thun does o ur generous friend, Mr. Page. Hia liberal su b scrip tio n , considering 1 th a t he is alm ost a stran g er, is certainly very com m endable. of locating perm anently should be given ber and bringing in our gr«x-eries and a chance to purchase a business lot a t a clothing, l^et som e of our farm ers place reasonable figure. O ur real property a cargo of w heat, oats a r potatoes on th e ow ners should rem em ber th a t the sale of wharf a t Florence, uud th en let Sun ties on a regim en which a dry goods m " I J ,,E abort and sensational career of lots to gentlem en who propose to engage Francisco or P o rtlan d know it is th ere, clerk would consider inadequate, T h e ,.. . .... th e -two Chicago Board of Trade clerks, in business in the town and who will at and see how long th ey will be in coming stomach c a n h a n d le so m u c h n itro g e n - ... . \\ tu tta k c r and S m ith, is only another once p u t up suitable buildings in which after it. We m u st first, of necessity, ttte r, so m uch lat a n d so m u ch o f 1 ... . , illu stratio n of th e dangers of too great to conduct th e ir business add m aterial produce th e article before we con offer it be various carbohydrates. More .. , , p ro sp erity . 1 hese two young gentlem en value to th e property surrounding th e ir for sh ip m en t. H ave we done thia dur- till age, (logs th e m a c h in e a n d . , , , [ h a d a lw a y s h o m e food reputations until kuilding, as well as increasing the value ing th e long years past? No, wo have is s e s th e e x c re to rv o rg a n s . . , , ■ they m ade a phenom enally successful of th e to w n ’s proj»erty generally by °o t. Because we adhered to th e iinprol«- sw elling th e population and business »bl» theory th a t th e re were no trenspor- is a tide in th e affairs of the speculation in w heat. On an original . • . . . , . . . tation facilities. This has been given . . . . . . . , , . . ■ lusiaw , taken a t the flood, will in v estm en t of (50 they cleared up (32-, en terp rises. An instance is a t band the lie. »• or proof, our lum ber «leinand »S in a jsjsition wherein we «an 000. The half of th is am ount, carefully which proves th e above suggestion u and m eao, for ¡t- transportation of to- J day compare«! w ith th a t of a few years r condition. It will be flood- invested in jm y legitim ate business, tru ism in ev ery sense. . . i ago. I t only rem ains for us to produce Ju iie Oth. See to it th a t you would have m ade the nucleus of a for- A bill to exclude political influence the article> Th