Florence, Lane County. Oregon, Friday, May 6,1892. Vol. 3. No. 3. — From this date and Weekly Oreffnu\ be h a d fo r $d.o 0 pc A pply a t this offer. EW $ T he Lane county man that Honorable Binder Hermann nl the best friend the county ever had. T he shipping interests of the Great Siuslaw valley are now beilig very care­ fully looked after, and as a result a gen­ eral picking up of all business is notice­ able. g- C onqbessmax H ekmann has secured the opening to settlement of the Klam­ ath reservation. This throws into m ar­ ket for actual settlement over one mil­ lion acres of land. We congratulate the Star and its efforts. C aptain s S ymons has officially en­ dorsed the improving of the south cli an­ il of the Siuslaw river. Fifty thous­ and dollars expended on the south chan­ nel will give better results than $300,000 would if expended on the north channel. 1 F ifty thousand dollars expended in building the north jetty to the south channel will give better results than in improving the north first determined upon by r, ..... 3«*««© irdvements. Inct citizens, in Douglas will not forget their friend, lion. LI Reed. Every man there has fresh in hie memory the services done for them by M r. Reed during the last ses­ sion of the legislature, and they are made of that stuff which supports their friends. ="— —---------------- F lobbnck has been asked to assist Eu- gene in raising the railroad subsidy. ■I*" W ith the sp irit which has so m any tim es 118 l’w I i ' % v ' [U characterised us as a live, energetic people, the m a tte r was taken in hand »nJ and nearly $5,000 raised the first day. yedi I t is quite probable $10.000 can be raised imide of a week.___________ WHEN Honorable J. C. Fullerton was e the true church b y archaeological proofs. They intend to place on exhibition there th« book and history of Mormon and show the plates just as they were received years ago. A saint asked for the pray­ ers of tlie church to cure deafness of long standing. Several years ago he uukwd the church to pray for him and lie got better, but afterwards, backsliding from the faith, his hearing left him. T here is always, in every locality, more or less of this mean, underhanded, contemptible, low-lived prejudice busi­ ness going, on, and this little town of Florence is no exception to the genera! , j role. Prejudice conjures imaginary gjjis wrong*, Overpowers reason, strangles D eeming , alias Jack the Kipper, has [lie « tru th , makes strong men weak ami confessed to having committed the ter­ !• ^wenk men weaker. Give us the large- rible Ixmdon Whitechapel murders. 1 charity which thinketli no evil. The philosophical view of such a creat­ id that the tramp, owing to ure is that lie is neither devil nor mon­ ity peculiar to his nature, ster, but the victim of precedent causes the best friends in the world in the line of heredity, which render He liegs for food, hut when , him in a large measure irresponsible for T welve feet of water on the bar at the entrance to the south channel and twenty-one feet immediately inside the bar. Will ( ’apt. Symons please bear these tidings to General Casey and to the United Stutes senate? Will he as well make known to his superior officer and the senate the fact thut in his an­ nual report on coast improvements he based his estimate of $300,000 for im­ proving the Siuslaw bar upon work on the north channel? Will he still further state that $100,(MX) expended in improving the south channel—the natu­ ral highway to the soa—will give better and more immediate results than the $300,000 as recommended by him? To the faithful performance of these things on the ¡Mart of Mr. Symons, we, the resi­ dents of the Siuslaw valley and luuie county, do humbly pray. Sen wkin » uhth , tlie unsj>eakable lead­ er of that refuge at Kockford impiously called “ heaven," is defendant in the circuit court to a charge of alienating the affections of a Chicago matron, and will tie called upon to defend a suit for $50,000 damages. Tlie false prophet announces as his line of defense the “ allowing up" of the husband's char­ acter. That husband, the plaintiff, is a man of wealth ami comfortable income, whose home lias been ruined by the in­ fluence of the bogus Christ. His wife has gone from him in a manner worse than death. His daughters are fxiisoned with the baneful doctrine, and ull the earth holds dear for him is sinking in the bottomless slime of tliat “ proph­ e t's " following. The Mormons at Nau­ voo were never more dangerous to soci- etv than is George J. Schwcinfurth. Within or without the law there should he some metho«! of whipping him out of the country. The admitted right of all men to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences grants to no imrii ibcmuHqv /n this wholesale del tould Ini started to ini- ty of some newspapers, r in which all public spir- citisens are interested, as is the press. Newspapers who publish sensa­ tional libels against Honorable Binger Hermann are usually safe enough from the terrors of their own conftiences, being protected by irresponsibility and jaiverty of that self-accusing function. It is notorious in journalistic circles that certain pu|n*rs do publish any thing about Mr. Hermann that has no foun­ dation in fact. Against tiiese journals the law of reason is no protection, and the men wiio are willing to limit the power for good of truthful journaliam, in order to influence sucli as are condemn­ ing My* 'Werihemi, /into decency of sp (xfn,^re li^e^n/n who set a fox trap ti/catqJJffij^—line vermin play through iuipniity, but tho cats are lan e county, it is but fair for us in his absence to advocate a few of his meth­ ods of legislation which will be carried out so far as his efforts can reach. Ev­ ery man who is acquainted with B. F. Alley is as well acquainted with the fact that he is a progressive man. Tlie only conclusion that can here lie arrived nt is that lie would be as progressive a factor in the senate chain hers of the state of Oregon as in his every-day life. People who know Mr. Alley but know that nothing tending to the general good of lame county will lie left undone if he Is elected. He is not only an advocate of the many interests of the Great Hiusluw valley, but is as well so closely allied by ties of friendship to all parts of the county as to make him one of the staunchest friends and earnest workers that could possibly be placed in so re­ sponsible a position as tiiat of state sen­ ator. His method of legislation is based upon the one fundamental principle of all success— that of progression. There is certainly nothing more positive than that Ixuiu county will fare well at tlie hands of Mr. Alley. If Mr. Alley is elected it is a pleasant assurance to know thut he is not a man in direct op­ position, as has tiefore been the case witli some of our senators, to matters of so great an iu>|>ortance as the building up of our county’s interests. The Great Hiusluw valley feels the need of the elec­ tion to the senate of so enthusiastic a worker as in Mr. .Alley. We feel it would tend to our good, and we know that what is for the good of this valley is equally as valuable to the county entire. ~ 1