Vol. 2. Florence, Lane County, Oregon, Friday, April 15,1892. No. 52. lOOK ut the bead of ttiié voituiin next tirat payment lor a tug. The time has Florence precinct to cast h i. ballot lor j lack ol Intereat, that they ate .Icing ».». I 4 » e k for club rates for T he W est und come when we can no longer put. a^ide Mr. Hermann. We repeat that request ¡service for us to secure just, appropria- the weekly Oregonian. the demands our advanced and increased now, and it cannot lie overridden by tions. shipping bring, ami a tug is one of tfieSe. ■ T he oldest couple ever married in obvious and urgent considerations of IN DEFENSE OF HOBBIES. jjlpregon was Robert Scott of Eugene, llo x . Ringer Hermann was nominated expediency, it it bad not _______; last been B e d seventy-four, and Mrs. Smith, o f ' for „ congress Wednesday by i tl‘at our ,neuibcr of ConKresB occu One of our ««teemed anti usually well the same place, aged seventy-one years, mation. Those fellows in Southern Ore- pied “ P°8ition on the liiv e « ’ and Har­ edited exchanges jumps heavily onto I I t is proposed by Senator Warren of gon, it seems, are mere pigmies along ' "’ls t ommittce of the House, the Sius- several of its reader? who persist in rid­ sideof Binger. They ought to shut np l Iaw Would have becn ruled out of the ing tlieir “ hobby horses.” See here, Wyoming in a bill now pending before th e committee on territories, to extend now and go off and die. Now lot t)iv HPProPriat*on bill entirely, and the pow­ brother, don't go fooling with these the boundaries of the Yellowstone Na­ democrats nominate a good man, and in erfu l opposition arrayed against it by things. They are the balance wheel to tional Park so as to include 1,000,000 the election of either the first district is the Engineer in charge would have many an irregular motioned life. Those in safe bands. The prospects for the ^kept it reposing in the lap of obscurity person« who are prone to value only acres more territory. » 1 w hat pays afleet a lofty contempt for success of the democrats were never bet­ /or an interminable period of time. • R abbits are becoming a pest in Cali­ ter than at present. Let all put th ek T he disease known as la grippe is hav hobby ride«. Give us practical men, fornia, and rabbit drives similar to the shoulders to the wheel and push.— IFrsf jug its day here. But, fortunately, the they say with a most irritating air of wolf drives in Kansas are resorted to as j o ^conditions of climate art1 such that in no sujieriority—men of one idea, cobblers f means of abating the nuisance. A s®J instance« has it yet proved fatal. But who always stick to tlieir last. Now drive near Traver resulted in tlie de A travelling theatrical manager with all due deference to such authori­ cently wrote to the owner of a hall in jk this state of facts is not true in other lo­ struction of several thousand rabbits. calities, as the too frequent reports of ties we make no bones about asserting small tow n in tlie state of Washing T. R. B khhy informs us that W. R. deaths prove. Why not have a board that instead of being objects of derision for a booking. He received the foil Walker, onr efficient county clerk, will of eminent physicians, from the best bobbies are very excellent things in ing answer: “ Yours to hand. I w give |600 to assist in building the rail­ schools, to examine into and re,»ort upon tlieir way—in fact that the possession play on shairs no more. Your cumpa, road from Florence to Eugene. The he origin, nature and trustworthy rem­ of a bobby may be made a positive liene- will hav to send me ten Dollars for ' ¿Itizens of this country will appreciate edies of la grippe? Are the physicians tlt to every one w ho is ol any account in night and supply tliair own kerros this and will not be slow in returning this world. Of course a very clear dis­ and lamps. They will also hav to bu >•] uPon whom we depend for their profes- the compliment with votes for Mr. «(|ional knowledge to sit still with foldcil tinction must be observed botween le­ tliair own staige, becuus the last cm iip,,. Walker. gitimate bobby-riders, and what an» ny broke it dow n. Tbuir ain ’t nomowdj f handl' ’ ftnd’ Wlth «'»nost Oriental fatal- |B vpekhti nous people in the vicinity in pining on «hairs in this town, and ' *H" 1 r1' * s ,1h‘ ,,eudlv "I” termed in current slang "cranks” and “ faddists.” On behalf of the latter we of E ort Dodge, Iowa, are worried over a want a shure thing.” , k7eration of Ods appalling disease? La have nothing to say. They are all nge sight in the heavens the other -■ .1 ' > c im s tin g o u r po p u la tio n w ith - ■ri,K senate commute» on to ,tav ,.va«ea i. wrong, more or less portent ious bores, incapa­ it. A well defined blaek cross ap- J I ... .... ....... . , . ble of taking an intelligent inbgaskuk k • s who saw it insist that it was not extend the carrier system to towns one- i eso urces of civilization aftànat by the clouds. It was claimed a half the size and importance of those the deadliest enemies by which society or whim,' and any way tfirr/• sow thoroughly competent to look after lilar cross was seen just before the that now enjoy the free delivery service. has ever been attacked. Under the present law, letters are de­ themselves that they may safely be loft — ------------------- to do so. OUR COUNTRY. ■L ooking at it from this distance and livered by carrier in towns of 10.000 pop­ The genuine hobby-rider is quite a As we retrospectively glance over the eo far as it may now be judged, the san­ ulation or those of smaller size which show post-oflice receipts amounting to different species. His bobby is not nec­ history of facts gained by conversations guine hope of our people for an increase $10,0eeted from Senator Dolpli, with all his influence, that he w ill make a good showing post-oflice receipts of $¿>000. If resources, our excellent natural harbor value, for in it lie finds the diversion enacted into law this measure will more and mineral productions are gaining a and recreation that refreshes his soul }wing when the occasion for so doing than double the number of towns ac­ fixed impression upon the minds of and strengthens his spirit for the con­ Slits. corded free delivery of mail. many men in the outer world, that ull tinued performance of tho tasks that B . oxokahle Seymour W. Condon is re- have fallen to his lot. Every busy man A bill to prohibit the sale of firearms the protests in the shape of engineers' ninated for Prosecuting Attorney for and woman is or might be the better our judicial district, and A. C. Wood- and Ammunition to Indians residing adverse reports cannot annul, even for having a liobby, that is, some pur­ : as a member of the State Board of upon reservations lias been passed by though they should be published once suit, not by any means necessarily a se­ alization for the same district, the senate. The bill authorizes the pres­ a week. We are just now enjoying the benefits rious one, altogether apart from the se are among the most prominent ident to disarm all Indians who are that such a people as ours always enjoy, routine of work that fills tlie days. _ men of Lane county, _ __ _____ tlie supervision of uu Indian ing and ___under us we It is safe to say that in every case tlie anhounced at the commencement of this M,RI 1,0 Indian upon the reserva- that of standing in the front ranks of hobby is a positive benefit to its rider sr th at its support would go for the lion will be permitted to liear arms ex- progress and pulling, as one man, their without in any wise interfering with his ttkiorahle men in this county nominu ■ cept by permission of the commissioner country to the front. Men on the bius- ilaily business or diminishing Ilia com­ ted for state offices or those in districts, ^ntI*an affairs. Any person who sells l«w are distinguished for their energy, petency therefor, and one may confident­ ishall vigourously work for their pre- or ° ^ ler"**o furnishes fireurms or am and their intellectual prowess and cour­ ly proceed to argue for the possession of munition to uncivilized red men may be age have been displayed under many ad­ bent. verse circumstances. But these have a hobby of some kind or other by all tfirn.E need for shippers here to cry punished by imprisonment for two years won for us a reputation abroad that com­ who would get the most and the best crafts when San Francisco bay has or by a $300 line. Tlie bill is intended mends the continuance of such a course. out ol life. The range of good, useful appearance of a forest of masts, to prevent any rejietition of the ghost O u r fishing industry is a m atter of in­ bobbies is extremely wide. One person lie bay is full of idle ships; sailors are dunce excitement of two years ago. q u iry ; our timber industry bus greatly may take to collecting jmstagr stumjis, Irug on the market, and Martinez and loo much importance cannot be at- grown in the minds of those interested ; while another collects plants. Select .land creek «re colon,,-. « ttl, Engli.l, tacked to the initial eucce« in aecnrlng! the aecmingly inexhauatable -tone near- some bobby that is well within your It to coa-ter«,' „ay. the (hc^nian. j the nomination (or Congre«, o( Mr. ry at Seaton I. a (actor ol »kick capital- own reach. Ride it judiciously. Do not Puget Sound then- I. little tug aer- Hermann, by the people of the Firat. i„t. of Portland talk favorably; the co.,- degenerate into a crank or a faddist. ■ and a round dozen are tied up lii.tric ta n d the citizen, ol the (.real ditiona of our bar and harbor for thin- I«et not your liobby run awny with you, Uttng an op|„,rtun,ty for the owner. Sinaia» valley. Thia nomination . . . ping have been thoroughly brought to and so surely as effect follows cause you -11 nt acme puce. It "ccnra t o n . not aerated by any electioneering con- public attention, that the old-time en tw will -------- * —.•»me be ' a ----- more amiable am, and imeiiigent intelligent a . email exeueaiou la,at» are tin- „¡deration., hut it waa in the highaelJ h a. gi»en piece to aeriwi. Inquiry, and c,,ml’“"i«n. both to youna lf and to your ones in reaaonaolc demand, the degree a gilt of the people. Two y e a r.' n,any are ao anxiou. to make a m e n d .' “ oci*1“ - (an uiigut he dlajawed of or traded aa ago we urged every voting citizen in th e 1 for tlieir former ill-adviaed word, and P„W«M fe „„ fc8cn