The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, April 08, 1892, Image 1

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    Vol. 2.
Florence. Lane County, Oregon, Friday, April 8,1882.
No. 51
T hanks are tendered Druggist J. 11.' Tin« is indeed a strange life we lead. do so? No longer than would be re- nal, but within a perksl not exeee<ling
Moss for his efforts in securing a physi- While some have joys others have sor- quired to circulate the petition. Eugene j three months from the exchange o f tin»
-cian to look after the ailments of the rows. We are inflated with some joyous is made up of men possessing the same 1 ratification of the treaty. Within the
Great Siuslaw
tidings to-day, to-morrow we are morose public spirit, and—the subsidy is raised. : next three months, unless more time is
P rospects were never brighter for an over tbe 8iu,den «»’crspreadiug of clouds of j Eugene, through her representative cap-1 required, the counter eases are to bo do*
innnense future development of Lane ¡'"landing .Lingers, yet ere this thought italists, have said they would raise the livered. The arbitrators are commis­
county than just at present. The almost occurs to 1,8 'vo canwot but tl,ink t b a t , 8ub«kly
they will. The destiny of sioned to proct*od impartially and care-
is in the hands of Eugene, fully to examine and decide the ques­
positive assurance of a railroad from Eu­
gene to Florence, coupled with the cer­ pets, has a right side and a w rong side, and Tint W est feels her interests will tions that have lieen or shall Is* laid
before them. All questions considered
tainty of the establishment of steamship Did you ever think that you can take not suffer.
T his is indeed a world of wonderful by the tribunal, including the dual de­
lines between lier sea-port and San Fran­ any joy, and by turning it around, find
cisco and Portland, places her in tbe troubles on the other side, or you may achievement«. The latest is the m anu-! visions, are to lx> determined by
fore rank of progress. Verily, the en­
ergy and push peculiar to our people are ing it around, find joys on the other ble tree—that is, without the wood hav­
Five questions are to he subm itted to
sure to send J.ane county to the top side. The gloomiest mountain never ing to bo cut up into numerous staves.
round of tbe great ladder of advance­ easts a shadow on both sides at once, By this metho«!, which is known as the the arbitrators, as follows:
nor does the greatest of life's calamities. Oncken system the tree stem is first
First—The exclusive jurisdiction in
The earth in its revolutions manages sawn into lengths to suit that of the the ®ea known «■ the Behring Sea, and
■ T hese very complimentary words from
about right—it never has darkness all cask to be made, and these lengths are what exclusive rights in the seal fisher­
the Junction City Time* are fully appre­
over at the same time. Sometimes it boiled for about three hours in a «dosed ies therein did Russia assert ami exer­
ciated, and we shall hope at some time
has night in America and sometimes in vessel, which renders the wood soft, a cise prior and up to tlx; time of the <;aa-
during our earthly pilgrimage to be in a China, but there is some part of tbe
current of electricity being also passed sioil of Alaska to the United States.
position to better express our gratitude: earth constantly in the bright sunlight.
Second—How far were these claims of
through the water during the boiling
■ Col. B. F. Alley, the republican nomi­
Do as the earth does. When you have process. The log is taken from tbe jurisdiction as to the seal fisheries icc-
nee for senator, is the editor of tbe
F uibexch W est , one of the ablest and trouble keep turning around and you 1 boiler to the cutting machine— in w hich «igniaed and concede«! by Great Britain ?
Third—Was tbe Ixnly of water now
spiciest weeklies that reaches our table. will find sunlight somewhere. Amid it is fixed as in a lathe, and brought up
There is a bond of friendship among the the thickest glixmi through which you against a long, broad cutting blade—tbe known us tbe Behring Sea included in
silent and industrious “ moulders of pub­ are called to pass, carry your own ean-
log is revolved, the knife automatically the phrase “ Pacific Ocean’’ as used in
lic opinion’’ and this is why we raise up
the treaty of 1H25 between Great Britain
from our environments of independent die. A consummate fret will, in almost) approaches it, and tho sheet of wood
passes out to the rear of the machine and Russia and what rights, if any, in
»urnalism to congratulate Bro. Alley every instance, come to nothing.
tbe Behring Sea were held and exclus­
on tbe distinction conferred upon him
T he officials of the Siuslaw & Eastern through an opening in the frame just at
ively exercised by Russia after said
tbe republicans of Lane county
The sheet of wood is drawn from tbe
ice hie first step upward to the power of Eugene a square, business-like propo­
Fourth—Did not all the rights of Rus
id usefulness of the press. The press sition, in consideration of which the machine on to a table, where it is cut
still pounding and chopping away, company agrees to construct and equip into lengths suitable for the diameter of sia as to jurisdiction uud as to the seal
lasing up enemies by tbe score, figbt- a line of railroad between that point and tbe barrel; the lengths are taken to a fisheries in Behring Sea east of the water
boundary in tbe treaty between the
Hlg tbe great tight of political preferment
Florence. The enterprising business grooving machine, an«l grooved near the
^W ithout pay or hope of reward. This
edges for receiving the bead and bottom United States and Russia of the JJOth of
àingression on the part of the recent con­ men of Lane county’s metropolis have
March, 18G7, pass unimpaired to tlie
vention is worthy of special mention— gone to work with a will and determina­ of the cask ; the wood is now put into
lienee these remarks. Shake, Bro. tion to ruise the subsidy asked. Her another machine, which cuts long, nar­ U nited States under that treaty ?
Fifth—Has the United States any
Alley. Go in and win and may the leading capitalists can see, not far dis­ row, V-pieces, or gussets, out of the
right, und if so, what right to tin; protec­
devil take the hindmost.
tant, that by accepting tbe proposition edges at intervals, which give the neces­
sary double taper to the cask. Tbe tion of property in the fur seals fre­
’ Àr A T he following, regarding the fruit and the present population of Eugene will
quenting the islands of the United Stutes
fUtrain outlook, is from tbe Medford .V<M*f; be trebled in number. Eugene is a rich sheets of wood are finally formed up
in Behring Sea when such seals are
• Tbe freshet showers of the last few days c ity ; she is the pride of Lane county; into a cylinder, and the first two hoops
*bave added thousands of dollars to the tbe most beautiful and progressive city driven on by the machine, there being found outside the ordinary three-mile
limit ?
■■rosnectivc output, resulting from boun- of tlie whole Willamette valley; she is thus only one stave in the cask, and,
ttWous crops, and fanners and merchants spoken of with words of praise by all consequently, only one joint.
If the arbitrators decide that the con­
.A re happy in consequence. The cold visitors within her |x»rtals; she has a sheets of w«xxl can receive any degree of currence of Great Britain is necessary to
Hjtorm wave that swept over the country reputation for wealth and lx;auty that thinness. ________________
the establishment of regulations for the
Was hardly felt when it reached this extends far beyond the borders of our
proper protection und preservation of
Ufart of Southern Oregon. Di this sec- state; no visitor to Oregon from the
T he mutter referre«l to in our bead tin; fur seal in Behring Sea, the arbitra­
ion of the valley there was some anx- east, north or south has quite completed lines 1ms gone into arbitration, and a tion shall then determine what concur­
Ity felt lest the changing tem perature his visit until he has enjoyed the hospi- treaty between the United States and rent regulations outside the jurisdic­
Ibould culminate in a frost of more or tai ity of Eugene; her roofs cover more Great Britain lias lx*en consummated. tional limits of the res|x*ctive govern­
less severity. As yet this calamity has | capitalists than any city in Oregon in The treaty provides that the Behring Sea ments are necessary, and over what
^ O t come vpoa us. There has been a , proportion to her size; a future more controversy shall lx; submitted to a trib­ water such regulations should extend.
light frost, but nothing to injure the brilliant than is now promised her can- unal of arbitration to be composed of Thi; high contracting parties ulso agree
fruit, and present indications are that j not well be imagined. When we look seven arbitrators, tbe president of the to co-operate in securing the adhesion of
tlie crisis has . passed " bile the fruit over the list of business men of that city j United States and her Brittanic majesty other powers to such regulations. The
ifaisers have felt some anxiety, the cool we find among them men who nevershow to name two each, ami the president of question of the liability of either govern­
rave has been greatly beneficial to the the white feather in matters pertaining | France, the king <>[ Italy and the kings ment for damages is to be subject to
further negotiations, although the arbi­
ilds of growing grain which now prom- to Ixine county's welfare, and men amply of Norway and Sweden to name one trators may decide on tbe questions of
a line and abundant harvest. Fruit able and always willing to put their each. The arbitrators are to lx* distin­ fact involved. The treaty also providea
ces have been in bloom for three . money into projects tending to the good, guished jurists in their respective coun- for the appointment of two commission­
keeks or more. Apricots, peach, ¡»ear particulaily of Eugene, hut of Lane tries, and the treuty provides for counter ers by the high contracting isirties to in­
vestigate and reqxirt facts having rela­
ml apple trees are masses of bloom, or county us a whole. When we look over cases, or what might l>e called evidence
tion to seul life, an<l the measures nec-
;rdure, and tho budding vineyards give the list again and single out men who, in rebuttal. 1 he printed case ut th e esaary to ita preservation. Tho decision
idicatious of a heavy fruitage. The al- in the instance at hand, have said, two parties, accompanied by documents, is to be made within four months after
Ufa tields are lieginning to bloom, and I “ Gentlemen, we will raiae the subsidy," official correspondence and other e v i-, tbw d»«« of argument on both sides, and
be whirr of the mower will aoon lie we feel that the road is as good as built, dence is to be delivered in duplicate t o ; iH to.Ix' ,h’“b The
flcation of tlie treaty is to be made either
•ard in the land. Nature has no love-1 How long would the public spirited men each arbitrator uud to tlie agents of each
ut Washington or at Ixmdon, within six
Ur aspects than those she presents in of the Great Siuslaw valley be in raising high contracting party as soon as p o ssi-,
from its date, February 20, or
iis immediate locality just now.
* this subsidy were they in a position to bie after the appointm ent of the tribu- earlier, if poasible.
• - ¿ it