The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, April 01, 1892, Image 1

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    Vol. 2.
E nt>w*
Florence, Lane County, Oregon, Friday, April 1,18112.
received th a t th e Sius
’ ' ■ " ■ ~~
*1 ~ —
- ■ -
would be too g reat for us to s h o u ld e rf of the B razilian ports.
The port of San-
" lS le ta *,le’’ *U l ’ie r *ver a n 'l harbor alone, bu t we will subscribe to w a rd th e tos is particularly dangerous.
The jh > s -
now before congress, new enterprises | project as liberally a» any o th e r citizen tilence frequently breaks out aboard
h < \e sp iling up like m ushroom s after a of the valley
ships as soon as they reach th e wharves
d u rin g shower. \ erily, we are a great
. .
““ ,
SHE jv
A bill introduced in th e s e n a te by p i Santos, and in m any eases whole
Mr. M organ provides th a t th e U nited crews are stricken down a t th e same
M t is more th a n probable th a t an in-1 States shall send a consul general to the ^ime. The following e x tra ct from a let­
Cre*M *n t *’e ‘^ hislaw harbor appropria- , Congo Free S tate a t a salary of $4000 a te
! r recently received in New York from
w ill be made in th e senate. I t is
due the rich and prosperous county of
Lane th a t her people receive a rightful
recognition before congress.
eould pay the rest.
Then my husband
wanted a sour d rin k , lie bad a burning
.fever, jxxir fellow, and wanted a lemon
so b a d ” —she stopjxjd her needle just
long enough to wipe away a tear—there
were o th er m ouths to be fe«l—“ bu t 1
dldn t have the 2 cents to buy the lemon
—and—an d —I couldn’t get it.” Then
y ear and a vice consul a t $2000 a year, , !; Bantus is said to describe the condition of she broke down ami sohlied with h er
T here is now a com m ercial a g en t a t
»hoard m any ships a t S a n to s; “ 1
apron over her face. “ Oh. it seems as
Bom a, and alth o u g h th e salary is $5000 ¡ju rie d the captain of the ‘.lava’ last
if I w ouldn’t have felt half so bad when
the place is vacant. T he clim ate is
iluit ,,ow ’»¡ikes captain, m ate, I saw bis dear, lace in th e coffin
unh ealth y th ere is no dem and for th is J86contl »>«<«. carp en ter, sail-m aker, four yesterday if I h a d n ’t thought bow bo
A young m an in G eneva countv, Ala-
bum a, has been fined $150 for kissing a sinecure. The consul general is to be | ^ 8’ a n ^ 8*x a ,’*° »'»•»«n, all d e ad .”
statio n ed at Bom a, according to M r J r ’^d®
will need to bo very
young woman against her will. As the
to m ake shipow ners undergo
d efen d an t testified th a t he had kissed M organ's bill, and th e vice consul
F ortunately, yellow fever is
th e plaintiff 150 tim es the cost per kiss fu rth e r up th e Congo R iver a t Staultyr
$iot a disease th a t spreads easily in
w ould a p p ea r to have averaged one Pool.
.Northern countries, or th e arriv al of
d o llar.
F rom the far d ista n t E ast comes m any
Jlb’ps in New York from Brazil might
M ore people should a tte n d church. inquiries relative to th e resources of th e
dprove dangerous to th e whole of the
No m a tte r w hat a m a n ’s views are as to G reat Siuslaw valley, am i from som e of V nited States.
religion it surely cannot h u rt him to a t­ these effete states comes th e inform ation
tend church occasionally, (io to church th a t m any fam ilies are p rep arin g th e ir R It is calculated th a t a t th e present mo-
once in a w hile—it only requires about d ep artu re for th is w onder land of ours. ; m ent horse ffesh is a staple article of
a n h o u r of your tim e each week to go I t is really asto n ish in g th a t th e influx of .food in one out o f th re e households in
once every Sunday, as it helps to pass jieople to th is locality of ours, w hich is Faris, ami there is reason to believe tlia t
wanted th a t drink and 1 could not get it!
1 wake up at n ig h t and th in k of it, until
it seems us if it will drive me w ild !”
Then she choked back the sobs and I n l i ­
ne«! on with her work. The w om an’s
earnings by m aking pants a t 84 cen ts
per dozen grows sm aller with every m o­
m e n t taken for tears. But can you im ­
agine i t ” A shortage of 3 cents to buy
the necessaries of life! The luck of two
pennies to get a drink to cool th e fevered
th ir s t of a lovetl one who is «lying, m ak ­
ing life a long agony of regret! hid you
ever realize before th e value of a postage
stam p ?—Oregonian,
now prom ised, should be as g reat as it is if the rise in th e price of b u tch er m eat
considering th e very lim ited am o u n t of which has been brought ab o u t by th e
T ub war clouds are slowly piling up
C a p t a in T im othy M ealier, a veteran
advertising th a t lias been given iL A ! new tariff continues, th e custom ers of
ami th e two great nations are shaping
«teftm boatm an of Mobile, Ma., died re­
good h e alth y ad v ertisin g would do un-^tl»e horse b utcher will rep resen t a t least
them selves to m eet in fierce buttle
cently, aged 79 years. He im ported tin
told good in the line of dvyclopfi».<* 7^ w o-thirds of th e e n tire p o p u latio n .
should th e present trouble re m it in svv
IX»',’’ >'” *• •»•* w ili.o. Jm b.rlidca'»©rRi
W ^ « * w»«r. a
d iu » ,.
' m
t ItfttlAAA 1 o zme
...» quart*
u r /inn
coal 1 • m ines, our
Paris no fewer th a n 184 b u tc h e rs' shops
sion. A W ashington dispat, h to th e
and spirited them into a canebrake
ledges, our te rra co tta m ines, o u ru n lin i where no o th er m eat is allowed to lie
(iregunian iinder «late «if M .ueh 25th
100 m iles up stream . The th irty n e ­
ited area of fine ag ricu ltu ral laud and sol«i th a n th e ffesh of horses, asses and
say s: The sole suhjoct of talk in official
groes th at fell to his lot he settled in a
our billions of feet of th e best of pine m ules. They are nearly all situ ated in
circles is tho dan g er of war w ith E ng­
suburb of Mobile, w here they and their
tim b er. As we th in k of th e m a tte r we th e outlying a n d m ost squalid q u arters land. Few believe th a t war will result,
deeoem lants have rem ained. Thev have
, ...
canno t b u t w onder how th ese people on of th e city. At these estab lish m en ts bu t all see th e d an g er of it ami look for
never associated with o th e r negroes, are , ,
b hut
n t p n a u rtia
r t in llv . . ¡ v ili.^ 1 - f i l l . . . . . . . .
could have possibly sougt.t d u rin g 1891 th ere was retailed for h u m an England to recede from the (Kisition she
lly civilized, still use th e ir na-
tivo to,. . . . . . . „ . . . 1
____ ______ ! o u t »»lormatioii- sufficient to w arran t consum ption the ffesh of 21,231 horses, has taken, as they regard th a t position
tiv e language, and are ruled by a queen
ns utterly un ten ab le. The prevailing
tb e m com ing w hen so little is given 275 asses, ami 01 m ules. A ttached to
opinion is th a t war is preferable to the
of th e ir own choosing.
them by us.
each h o rse-butcher’s estab lish m en t a r e a U nited States retiring from th e ¡Misitiou
T « e ju ry system as practiced in courts
A lthough th e fact is n o t know n bv c e rta in num ber of brokers, as they are she has taken. No fears are expressed
of th e p resent «lay is a trav esty upon
as to the u ltim ate outcome shoulil a war
m ore th a n a dozen of its citizens, De­ called, who travel in th e provinces and tie declared, hu t a t th e sam e tim e, w hile
justice. T1 ic idea of try in g to m ake
tro it has a factory which is m anufactur- to u t for th e lame and otherw ise u n ser­ no t expecting it, th e U nited S tates will
twelve men agree upon a verdict by im-
. i
u it i
*nK J y » » ‘» ’te cartridges for use in the viceable anim als. In this way th e suj>- not lx; wholly unprepurod should it
prisoning them until they shall do so is i
. ... .. „ .
i pneum atic guns on board th e torpedo ply for th e m etropolitan m arket is draw n «•oine. Aside from th e activity which
only com parable with th a t of m aking a i
.. . .
was displayed by th e navy, in a n tic ip a ­
.... . „ , , . „
»hip “ V esuvius.” T he sam e factor is from a radius o f som ething like 300
ch:ld tru th fu l by flogging him w hen he . ,
, .
of trouble with (ffiili, th e officials of
a *8° m aking a model of a su b m arin e boat m iles round th e capital. A fatal acci­ th e arm y arc beginning to b estir th e m ­
does wrong. The average ju ro r doesn t ! . . . .
. .
., 1 which is expected to revolutionize ma- d e n t to on«; of th e well-fed horses of tin* selves in acquainting them selves with
care w h eth er a man is inm xtent or guilty
. I . .
I cine w arfare The d y n am ite cartridge Paris G eneral O m nibus C om pany is a th e stren g th of th e enem y. T he U nited
when it interferes with his com fort. A
will contain 100 jxtunds of th e explosive w indfall to th e horse-butcher, for its S tates navy is now stronger th u u for
night passed on a hard bench is quite
m any years am i atte n tio n is lx*ing di-
.... *
• .
Hn‘l *8 80 constructed th a t it can rem ain i carcass will yield jo in ts, st«*aks, chops
reeled to th e arm y. In th e ev en t of war
likely to convict an innocent m an or free
. . .
| u n d er a vessel s liottom an y tim e up to and cu tlets of prim e qu alitv . The worn- C anada would doubtless be attack ed uml
. » U y one One ..nbborn juror e .n u | ( >n bour
o u t old
which h .v e hwrdly any
overrun im m ediately. The official re ­
en,.ly bring eleven cnrelee, ........ to In ,
tlld r
port« of th e C anadian governm ent show
<BW of ♦ th
I 1 I in 1 k * 1 in
■« . g • 1.«»
J 1 • » .At,4
by Il holding
out long
it has in the m ilitia 3(1,000 m en. On th e
¡zed iron which will cling to a vessel te- 8an*aKeH-
m uster rolls of th e statas there are 140,-
naciously. T he boat is fifty feet long,
“ O ne-half th e world knows not how
000 m ilitiam en .
The U nited S tates
B tbry issue of th e N ewport Timer is ten feet beam and ten feet d ep th of hold, the o th e r half liv es.” an d it is fortunate
urm y is 25,000 strong, ami a form idable
an encyclopedia of the resources of the C om partm ents filled w ith w ater sub- on th e w hole it does not. To know of ail force is now on th e C anadian border.
Y aquina valley and th e advantages of- m erge th e boat so th a t n o th in g b u t th e the m isery am i suffering in th e world The N ineteenth in fan try is statio n ed a t
lO fcby th a t locality. One page of th a t top of th e sm okestack and th e upper and be powerless to alleviate it would D etroit, M ich.; th e N inth in fan try a t
ettfattable paper is devoted exclusively j line of th e pilot houses are visible. I t to sensiU ve people, lie worse th a n t o r H ackett's H arbor, N. Y .; five com panies
a t Forts N iagara am i P o tter, and th e
to feels and figures pertaining to th a t is th o u g h t th e boat will be able to sink m ent. One such story as is told by th e
F o u rteen th in fan try
nt V ancouver,
prfrt of Oregon, intersperse«! here ami any « raft afloat. The plaee of construe- St. Louis Chronicle, of a new ly-m ade W ash. Aside from
th is form idable
there w ith cuts of th e ir river, m ills, bar- ¡ion is k ep t a secret ns are th e nam es ol widow, wouM
for on<j
force, which could he throw n in to C an ­
*■» ’ •■prnve.nen.e, etc. All .1,1. . „ rk »■'« e » p . t . l ^ h „ , - l , , „ g th e .ch en .e,
ada a t th e several (xiints a t a few hours
involves ti.e «mtlav of a goodly am ount
O ne of th e draw backs to th e extension resident, w ith four little children. “ One notice, strong bodies of U nited S tates
troops are statioiuxl along th e Cunudian
of m pney, but it m ust surely lai a p a y i n g ^ A m e r i c a n tra d e in Brazil um ler the need« so m any th in g s !” she sighed Ixirder a t Forts Buford, Sjx/kane, S h er­
a b a why do (bay kc« P it up i new r«viprocity treaty is th e pievab-m e plaintively.
‘O ne «lay la st week I was m an and A ssinilioioe. These facts were
ite r year. T he W est would like ! of yellow fever and o th e r diseases in th a t ou t of coal and I sen t ou t for a bushel very generally discussed a t th e w ar de-
gest som ething of this nature for country. It seem s to lx- alm ost as much 1 b u t I only had 8 cents ; th e coal was 9.’ l« rtm e u t today and crested some little
enthusiasm as the oi«l veterans of th e
■eat Siuslaw valley. The expense .is a sailo r’s life is w orth to e n te r some , The coal man said he would w ait u n til I
war sniffed the buttle from afar.
away th e usually long Sunday.