s 3> * 0 Voi. 2. M» -H -S J M Florence, Lane County. Oregf , Friday. February 2(1. 1JW2. r ^ ( l y - No. 15. iady too much money invented and too tions of th e counties of W estchester and | T iie buildings of th e W orld’s F a ir will th e custom s officers, and said he w rtany promises of a rich re tu rn for tim e Queens. S taten Island, Brooklyn and a willing to pay d u ty on th e full value contain tw enty-nine acres of glass. d money expended, for men of the 11- num ber of other good sized cities are in ­ | j ) i n any one ever see m ore lovely the articles. Accordingly he was as« xu! • • I sessed forty p er cen t, on rosaries as su < h ® ftscial calibre possessed by th e chief cluded ______________ „ in this area. There are _ several W eather th a n th is we are now enjovin ». I ■ ' ■S ---------- ----------------- - ‘ and thirty-live per cent, on th e Pope 8 JJto in u lg ato r of th e enterprise to lessen , populous cities on th e New Jersey side T he O n^on/an suys Oregon has been 1 as a n a r tiele “ n o t otherwiseefcheir faith sufficiently to cause them to of the harbor which are practically as ^ c k y , so far, to pass th e g au n tle t of pruVj j etj fo r.” ¿^F°P the project. T ub W est believes a much a part of New York city as Brook- o n o m y ,” —in Congress. O ur exchanges will please m ake cor- ction to-w it: S team er C hance went Ground on a sand spit th ree-q u arters of a m ile inside th e Siuslaw bar. There Were fifteen feet of w ater on th e b ar at th e tim e she struck th e spit.. J . M. M v m . v , .bo p artia lly bli.nl | " e" era ia « » “ "> scu lp to r, has ju s t com pleted in c ity a fe",at e n ' ,l,e □ VUIj'bVi^ ««MO JUkJW » J»« v w«-— - J , , . . f ... , .. . , . 'an o th e r six m onths Florence will be colossal statu e ot W ashington l r v n g ^ Ljiree tunes her present size, and while It has recently been seen in th e sculp­ even then she will be in her infancy she to r ’s studio a t T arrytow n, N. Y ., by will be a m ighty spry babe for her age m any who knew Irving, an d th e like­ ness is pronounced perfect. The figure TH E BEST USE OF LEISURE. H S enator M itchell has asked Con- is seated in a com fortable looking arm gres» to appropriate $250,000 to im prove | chair, and th e pose is easy :yul n a tu ra l th e W illam ette and Lower Colum bia It is th e only full length statu e of Irv in g rivers. This is to establish a deep w ater in existence, and a m ovem ent is on foot ch an n el from Portland to th e sea, but to have it cast in bronze an d set up in th e re is some doubt of Congress passing some place associated w ith th e works or * According to A rchbishop F arrar, the best use of leisure is th a t which in the form of recreation and noble culture fur­ ther^ the work of a m an's life, builds up his moral tfeing, and enables him mo e and more to endure as seeing th a t which is invisible.. th e bill owing to th e opposition raised life of th e great au th o r. by various ________________ localities in Oregon. The Head M aster of Harrow suggests _ A writer in th e New York Tribune T he H onorable B inger H erm an n cuts j suggests th a t th e island of Ju a n F e rn a n ­ i a way of spending leisure : The tak in g no sm all ligure in affairs a t "Washington. dez should be occupied by U nited State} r ) of some science, a rt or study, which ap art from o n e’s common daily vt N ote th is : The com m ittee on public troops a n d strongly fortified. T his is­ buildings appropriateti $50,000 for the land was th e lonely hom e of A lexander Nation, and which will incidentally en- f IS Salem public building. H e rm a n n would n o t have it th a t way. H e w anted more and he got it. A fter p ersistent work got a raise of $10,000, m aking the ap- •opriation $60,000. . t ù w iisn t ,..„ . ‘ tq A MOVEMENT U“ , _ i. u.»l| ' * . ...lo'imr church-bell ringing l is l&lAi • w— -•- talk ed of in San Francisco. T1& Report lyn, but net being w ithin th e borders » New York State of course th e Legislature of th a t State cannot, provide for th e ir an- . nexation to New York city. To the prill ciple of the hill there will be little or no opposition in the le g isla tu re . as it simply provides for the subm ission of the question to th e votes of th e people in the districts which it is proposed to consolidate, hut th ere may lie some op­ position to the details of th e scheme. How th e people in th e great cities su r­ rounding New York will receive th e proposition for consolidation can only ho determ ined when th e vote is tak en . There will probably be strong opposition on the p art of some of the office holders, bu t th e tclicm e for th e consolidation of all these contiguous cities will probably appeal to th e pride of citizens in general. Residents of Brooklyn and o th e r cities Selkirk, im m ortalized as Robinson C ru­ itich and invigorate the m ind. T he view soe. I t is described as an earth ly p a ra ­ advanced by the Reverend Mr. B arn ett, udjuctyit to New Y ork usually call them ­ dise wliert* all kinds of tropical fruits of Toynbee H all, is th a t leisure is best selves New Y orkers w hen th ey are away grow in profusion, pigs, goats and fvw lt]| i»s< i ii ¿tfoAttg away from ou.sulvej. from hom e, and tab ¿^»rido iu th e prog- , variou- f u ‘’A i ' r e:,‘ > u is not of a , ui,.{ ¡kt* • l a i n l l th a t th is isltfid is n a tu ra lly lit- r,< self we worry to « e