- , *4 A QUEER give all possible su p p o rt to such a c raft. MANEUVER. TiiKf State Senate meets a t Salem next Monday, Jan u a ry 9th. uprising. As Ax indication «1 the exodus from Canada to the C nited States, it i«t re­ tw enty-seven days out from San Fran- A correspondent of th e Oregon « ta ti «¡»co to th is „ u c e . «bowed up in th e Jo u r|m , ,,s (ollow9: ! >*«‘ * •' ported that 1000 persons have left K ing's offing Saturday m orning. She stood off« ............................... v . WO,000 in wages, and thirty-five deaths county, Nova Scotia, for the A great deal can be said on th e subject : to th e northw ard t foi several hours of cou„ ty division both pro and con. «!■ have been indirectly due to the move- States this fall, ami th a t the exu.hrs still ment. goes on. The same condition oft affairs aw aiting the arrival of tug L illian, but, J .g mon) thftn Hke|y tb a t our senators aud i th e boat not coming, she concluded | representafives> or Rt least a m ajority 9Ì I S;;yi;ijAi, m atters of im portance to the is observable in Quebec ami O ntario. sail in w ithout her assistance, which she th em , would not be in favor of such ja ! Hnslaw will Come before th is session of At this rate it is surprising thn^ so m any 1 are still left in tb a t eountrv who favor ventured to do after the tide had ebbed division as proposed by th e C ottage th « legislature, among which are the!* The sailing schooner Free Trade, COUNTY DIVISION. ----- e*.*.. I t xo ' v transpires th a t the strikers a t for two and one-half hours. A fair ¡ Grove coillinim>e. I t would leave Lane breeze brought the vessel inside the first . , . e.,,:n pvtpnd- countv in a long, n a rro w s t u n , e x ie u u line of breakers, when it suddenly died : thp |(> lhtf 81„ u in it of out, and the vessel helplessly drifted i niountain8< l t ¡8 ap p aren t p ast the m outh of th e channel and ’ Umt ¡f th e re ¡H any ¡„convenience in j bil1« incorporating Florence,establishing 11 l,atchery at th e 1 lead of 'fide, uml u-« the county division tow nsite speculative | annexation. a ,,'“ ' x‘ir,on- There ‘ «»» '*' » are enough Cana* i diana ,n the 1 ntted sta te s to give th e 1 annexation party a large m ajority were fsjhemes of property owners in Cottage they still living in the land of th eir birth. The best blood aud sinew of th e Grove and Junction City. Dominion lias been coming across th e struck on th e ocean beach, w here she j reaching th e eounty 's eat it is to th e re s - , AV iiat a pity it is th a t the W etmore line for years a u d it would be only in had to stay till the tide flooded, and j(je n j s of ^he eagj a n d west ends of t h e j 4 j(j j,ot strike on the beach near the thc natural order of events to have this th e re she was when the Lillian w ent for county and no t to th e residents of C ot- Great Siuslaw instead of a t Coos hay. absorption of C an ad a's population fol­ h e r a t 1- o < lock Satuiday n ig h t. ( blge Grove. A b etter plan, and one th a t Had sbe bee„ fortunate enough to lowed bv annexation. course C aptain Johnson could not go to beneflt a nH)ch lat.ger nninbei>t , by A mi i to e s ta b lis h t h e m itio iia f floral h er where she lay, so he returned to th e 1 wonh, b(j tQ take th c w estcm p art of example of th e F iv e Trade, all she would emblem of the U nited S tates of Am erica .lock a t Florence. N ext m orning, when , , a „ 0 ant, Dougla8 an4 forin iV new have had to do woukl have been to w ait was introduced in the house of represen­ th e tug returned to th e m outh of the county on ttie coast. This would be till the tide was in and get. off again. i tatives a few .lavs ago by Mr. B utler of river, th e Free trade lay a t a n ch o r a b etter for all th e people west of the X w u . i - ajiette valley farm er, w riting Iowa. The bill nam es th e “ pansy, called little below the governm ent works on Coast m ountains, be more accessible, he Oregonian, says: “ The gran g er also th e garden violet, h eartsease,” etc th e opposite side of th e river, o u t of all and nearer, and a t th e sam e tim e would possible danger of th e worst storm s. leave Lane and Douglas counties in bet­ itjf611 verted to the ‘d o x y ’ th a t tax atio n as th is em blem , and nam es as th e senti­ At the point w here th e south channel te r shape th a n a t present. So far as ojpredits and deduction of indebtedness m ents expressed in connection therew ith crosses the bar it runs a little east of taxes are concerned, they are b u t a drop is«^ut good for h im .’’ Since the granger “ justice, lib erty , union, cu ltu re and n o rth , makes nearly a square tu rn to in th e bucket com pared w ith w hat they in® come to this conclusion, th ere ought peace,” th e last three words to co n stitu te th e east and comes in to th e south again, would»bc in th e proposed county of ^Min­ tol>e no difficulty in getting a ratio n al the m otto. It is provided th a t th e In­ ,• L. 1 < m .: through th e leghdater^. auguration of this . mbluHi a h ^ ^frw fV- bringing th e point in th.e river which eral with th e ir share of th e county d t a im b lin d i. I c c l e b i a t v 1 X«13 in h e 4'-«, Trade « ra ip ie d « Béant»«.,.'!: e ast of th e position in which she l»y ' an), .„ „ ¡„ t.in in g a c un.. - fifeT aim oÎacïSai boodle w.*. ■ " •'* ii!'' ' ited in th e U nited States. Its effect! fair There can he no serious objection on the ocean beach. The in terv en in g governm ent and erection of county to this legislation, since th e llower chos­ space being occupied by a long stretch In respect to tax atio n , they was a p p aren t at the tim e. All the sup- buildings of sand, and there being no w ind, there arc much b etter off now th an if they uji l'UI’t th e «'■»‘m«' got in this country en is a general, if not a universal favor­ ite, and the sen tim en t expressed in con­ is considerable conjecture as to how the dertook to run a county them selves. was paid for. It is cer.ain th a t a nection with it as a national em blem is fortunate vessel arrived so safely in the * ¿ood m any men of supposed inilu- A REMONSTRANCE. h arbor from the ocean beach w ithout eue. w ere u. " e n g a g e d ,' ’ and possibly worthy of thc republic. W hile the m a t­ ter is not one of any g re a t im portance, it A kemoxstkaxck p etition, which will Some n e w s p a p e rs . th e assistance of a tug. is one th a t touches th e ideal life of the W hile this accident resulted in n o th ­ be found mi our local page, has been cir­ Tin: w orld’s fair com m ittee of the n a ­ people pleasantly, aud in th is view is ing serious to the vessel in question, culated th ro u g h o u t th e county th is w«*ek tional house of representatives will give worthy oi encouragem ent.—O regonian. and also proved th a t we have one of the and generally signed, asking th e legisla­ hearings upon th e question of opening safest harbors on the coast (for w here is tu re to discountenance th e efforts of a I r has been dem onstrated in regard to i the fair on Sundays from Jan u a ry 10 to th e re an o th er bar where such a feat num ber of tow nsite boomers to have ’ 13 inclusive, after which the m atter will the nondescript t craft know n as th e as thc above can he perform ed w ithout two new counties created from p arts of be subm itted to the house lor linnl set­ “ w h alfb ack s,” th a t they are th e ,m o s t resulting disastrously), it em phatically Lane and the adjoining counties of Linn, tlem ent. Unless th e S ab b atarian s can difficult vessels to wreck th a t have ever suggests th e im perative dem ands of th e , Benton and Douglas. Should these again make the worst* ap p ear th e better been devised. The p o pularity of these G reat Siuslaw river tor a tug of suf- people succeed in th e ir efforts, old Lane: reason to the satisfaction of a m ajority vessels on th e G reat Lakes, th a t are ticieut capacity to bring in vessels a t would be a narrow strip of te rrito ry 140, , , , , . | of th e members of th a t body, common wont to h andle shipping w ith exceeding any tim e safely. Such a boat would be , miles long by about 26 or 30 miles in I . . i . i 1 sense, justice and national courtesy may roughness a t tim es, is dem onstrated by of heneiif to the river in more ways th an w idth. T he already over-burdened tax- yet prevail and the grounds of th e great the fact th a t of th e tw enty-seven now th is. It would enable our m erchants to ; pavers, of course, would hear th e ex- expo»itiun 1« throw n open In vi.ito ra i u " " a t » >'"U'>SV »"> «"k«g«d in l»k« secure a reasonable rate of insiianrce on penses, for every property ow ner in the ................. .. d ie week in w in d , A w bulol,.ek «14000 to n . i. now m erchandise shipped to th is point. Sail-1 county would have his tuxes increased lln ,nra.nl» ,,f people , nn enjoy 11» m lv n n -! ,o r cetitioii a t , seem to have incited all th e .•hisses of th irty of these vessels will l»e added t<» an inducem ent to congress to give us « 'o n c e . It can be found a t the store ol crim inals who ply th. ir so tatio n in j |nyrc,lgf,j „m riim d u rin g the coming tnges. ________________ much larger appropriation for th e im- M eyer A K yle, Florence. If th ere is no cro1 Is to come here and make this city \v |lut|,e r th e whaleback is tho pr .veinent of th e bar than it otherw ise ! imtition Iwing circulated in your h* aH -, th e ir headquarters and th e *