The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, January 01, 1892, Image 1

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    Vol. 2.
Florence, Lane County, Oregon, Friday, January 1,1892.
T he weather here, like eats, is squally. that it will pass now are much better and such an assertion is as irrefutable money is the standard for a peoples po-
than they were for its passage at thut as “ 1 told you so.’’ Next the Suu asks sition in society, politics and religion.
P erhaps there has never before been
time, for the reason that there are twelve us questions as under:
When the masses are educated to meas­
such a continuous rainfall in Florence—
“ Do you not remember that two or ure man, not by what he Aos, but 1 y
more senators and a corresponding num­
twenty days of steady down pour.
ber of representatives in congress now three years ago these farmers were chas­ what he is, then will the true reform
ing down starve«! wolves for food to sus­
A man can do business without adver­ from states in which the United States
tain the lives of their loved ones, and hud begin.
tising,—so can a wagon go without land office is still an important factor in , to hold up f ^ g i ^ trains toobtain a little
Our thoughts upon this subject have
grease—but it goes hard!—BV«/ Side.
affairs and a man with whom the settlers coal to keep them from freezing* They been written—perhaps not in words—
needed help a thousand fold more when but in intent, with the same candor us
T he new secretary of war, S tephen B. have a deal to do.—Oregonian.
starving and freezing than when simply
we interpret your own while reading
E lkins , took the oath of office on the
unable to take care of a surfeit of grain.
24th ult., and will assume his official
Don’t you know that it was pure selfish­ your article.
duties on the 4th instant.
T hat the Marshfield Sun does not ness that sent this help?”
Regarding “ chasing down starved
T he Washington Correspondent of
F ortunately Honorable H ingkk H ex -
wolves,” wo have read considerable
the Oregonian is authority for the state­ the Jobbers’ Union, of Minneapolis,
about it, hut have come to the conclu­ | m ann is a member of the harbor c«ni-
ment that J oe S imon will not be ap­ and the free transportation of these by
sion that the reporting was a little over­ mittee, and the advantages of bis ap­
pointed judge. The President, it is i the railroad to citizens of Northern
done when our partner, who has re­ pointment to our own ami all the har­
said, has ceased to consider the m atter Minnesota and Dakota, to secure their
sided for eight years in the very heart bors on this coast are not far to seek.
since receiving such an amount of re­ wheat crop, as an act of kindness, but
“ reprehensible,” is evident when read­ of North Dakota and where there was His own wish for this position expressed
ing his reply to our article on that sub­ the most suffering, declares that such the prevailing sentiment of all the peo­
T he intensity of interest in the Chil­ ject. As4here is an even number^of statements are possessed of as much ple on the Pacific bonier of Oregon, and
ian affair is now at its height, as the mean or selfish motives, th at are hand­ truth as the one we yesterday rea«l in without doubt of the state.
Virtually there is little to add to the
latest dispatches indicate a determ ina­ ily applied, as there are wavs of doing an Eastern exchange, that Marshtiehi
tion on the part of the Government to good, it is folly to argue the question of was “ situated about one hundred miles knowledge of our readers on the impor­
settle the matter with war ships, as it motives of individuals or corporations, inland from the ocean and on the Ump­ tant question of Mr. H ermann ' s fltnos^
for the place. If he comes out compara­
seems Chili prefers that method. It is in the doing of kind acts, with any one qua river.”
certain th at every preparation is be­ who insists they were done only upon
Certainly the “ starving ami freezing” tively aH well in hiH emleavois to secure
ing made by the secretary of war to the principle th at “ I know no kindness people were in greater need for help an appropriation for us as he did during
be in readiness for the event.
only where my own interests are con- than at any other time, but th at fact the last session of Congress, it will cer­
tainly look as if we made no mistake in
O ur correspondence columns present cerned.” The personal experience of detracts nothing from the credit of
our selection for congressman, aud-Jt.
interesting features for our people this I the editor of the Sun w ill, without« oubt. those who assisted them when the ne-
week. There are two a» le articles on J corroborate this statem ent.
c -
k ,
tv wgs uot so great But »1.«-re is will further create a atawyur sentim ent
roads, written by men who have given ! thut the better way to judge of men's more in this grain saving aid than ap­ to send liiht to «he Kenate.' '
It is true Mr. H ermann is not politi­
the subject practical attention and much ' motives in doing good acts is by the : ?ts pears at first sight. The "care of a sur­
study, while the communication regard-) themselves instead of hunting for a bad feit of grain” paid mortgages and other cally in accord w ith a majority of the
debts, leaving the farmers their homes harbor committee, hut his acknowledged
¡ng a whaleback craft to do our carrying, , intent. The Sun says:
T he W est forgets that d uring‘Previ­ and land ; it set aside the probability of fairness in support of appropriations
written by that able seaman and scholar,
ous poor crops’ the people were reduced starving or freezing for some years to for the Southern states when he sut with
Capt. J. J. W inant , ought to set aside
to starvation in these same places and
the majority, will give him confidence
all clashing controversy about what begged for reduced freights on breadstuff« come, at least, and relieved them from
and ctrengtii in ¡«quests for hi« own
kind of a boat we shall build, and cen­ and coal, but were refused by these same these bewildering, anxious «piestions,
state, and it is hoped that neither the
tralize all efforts in favor of the new- rail road people wlm are so liberal when “ where can we go and what can we do
Siusluw nor any other Oregon harbor
the people have ‘plenty and to s’— ship.” to find a shelter for ours and us?”
As the railroad company hud little to
We do not “ know that it was pure improvement will be materially affected
We ask our friends to lend us a help­ do with the article we wrote, it is evi­
sel’ishness that sent this help.” On by his changed position.
ing hand in making this paper more dent the editor thinks his case is the
The chairman of the rivers’ and h ar­
the contrary we believe the reverse.
widely known during the year 1892. stronger by selecting them for his sub­
As it was a good act, and as we believe bors’ committee is from Ixiuisianu, und
We ask all our readers, men, women, ject, because of popular opinion, rather
that opinions on matters within the the other members, in most part, are
and children to do something to get T he tllgn the j oljbc
rs’ Union. Will you range of human thought admit of verifi­ from the Southern states, and them is
W est into homes where it may J not now \ please inlorm us what they wanted
. i re-
cation and should lx* verified, that is little doubt, judging from their past rec­
be known. Remember this is not alto­
duced freights for? If your statements the reason we so believe. At least we oni, that they will be in fuvor of liberal
gether our paper. It is your paj»er too are true, they had nothing to export prefer it to assumptive or ready-made »Ppropriutionx for Oregon.
and we wafit you
» cither
• *.
In the mutter of money for improve­
7 to feel more ami more I nor money to buy
“ breadstuff« or opinions.
th at it lias a place is your heart and a
. ,, .. ,
. . . .
i coal. Keduced freight rates when there
It is not our intention to defend the ments we have inherited rights by a for­
warm place too. Now is the time to let
ks nothing to huul would certainly bring wrongs of rich corporations or men. mer sum set apart for tbe improvement
outsider, know «hero i. .net. a paper ¡abo„ t Krati(yi„ g result< M
, Give them credit foi all right acts and of our bar, and if wo have any features
j.ubli.lied in Flnronce. The publl.her«, noye, mean< for re |.(.( , s<)w (||<t w<j
condemn thut which is wrong, is simple in growtli and recent developed resour­
feel * proud of the * growth of T he W est , have
, up
.. this
. m atter
.. more closely,
, ,
ces that have not come under the obser­
during the past twelve m onth., .n d i f |S (, Un<| (b>( tbi>
Too often is wealth made the means vation of Mr. H ermann , it is a duty we
all of it. friend, help to build it. growth di<, „ ,l t , hjcb w>>
of oppressive, even iniquitous transac­ owe ourselves and an assistance to him
now, wo will chwe tbe current year with
ri.du(.illg |rd g b , raU., vj, ; tions. The greed for gold incites men to submit these facts for his considera­
the largest circulation ol any paper i n , „ ,ey purdl„ ed , „ d brougb,
to run ram pant after all kinds of m eth­ tion. They are certainly right who say
Lane conn tv.
gave it to the needy, and the sum they ods of taxation upon labor to till more that Mr. H ermann ' s mind is constantly
S ome years ag > Representative Hint- expende<l was greater than either the completely their coin coffers. Thut the bent on the good and the progress of hl«
mann introduced a bill in the lower state of Minnesota or tbe Dakotas pui«l poor ure persecuted and robbed by some people, and to lend such an one assistance
bouse of Congress which provided for for relief. The Minneapolis ami St. rich corporations and wealthy m en,there is much more in accord with what he is
paying salaries to registers ami receivers Paul Jobbers’ Unions truste«! these is plenty of evidence to «how, ami these entitled to expect, than to sit icily dow n
of tiie United States land offices instead farmers so long as they coaid without acts cannot be too severely condemned. an«l leave him to tight our battles under
of fees a:id commissions us now. It was injury to their own credit. Both these
As human nature is about alike, no the sport of circumstances.
the same in purpose as the Doi.eii hill, and the railway corporations furnished improvement could lie looked for if all
—New ground plows ami harrows, r
kinds of tool« to work old and
introduced in the Senate on Frhlny. At seed wheat, and then the threshers to the wealthy men became poor und tbe
the time Mr. H ermann introduced his garner it. In answer to this it will be, poor rich. We believe th at most m ill-1 ««»und, at bottom prices. Write
get prices on any thing you need il
bill very little attention was ever given quite easy for tbe Sun to say that the ionaire« are neither better nor worse
line. F. L. Chambers, Eugene.
it either in the House or Senate, though motive that prompted all this was the men than the editor of the Sun. No
Subscribe for T he W est .
it ought to have passed. The chances fattening of a flock for future plucking, change may be expected so long as