HURD & DAVEiMPORT, The Dog and th e Bee, Cecil K irby. Help your Mamma, E lm er Fresh. W e B U Y FOR In ('liiou all the land lx long* to the Kong, Confession of ( harles G uitteau, When you wmd to buy in quantities. S tate; and a trifling num per acre, never Mr. A ustin Mann and daughters. ultered through long ¡1 Small Boy’s O pinion of Girl», OXF m C E a n d that the LOWEST. O u re o n sta n t aim .s in China in no rich th a t the bchling« E lb ert Diekey. N ! the BEST goods at BOTTOM prices. X our are generally very sm all, and it h a s ' Fortune by my Tongue, Wesley Diekey Ix-eii estim ated th a t a mpiare mile in i ? I jester Dickey. I !? '" ours A comparison of our styles and p n - capable of Kiipj-oiting perwon«. In A int Built th a t W ay, Cecil K irby. ‘" ^ v i m - ; you that you should trad e w ith us. th if 'c untry, nom inally, owner« of the Bovs and G irls, E lm er F resh. f„ ||0Wi„g are some of our staple goods, b u t we laud hold it of the Crown. Although, | O h! Dat Kicking Mule, Jessie Phelps. how< ver, an adm itted by Lord Bramwell keep a complete assortm ent iu all departm ents. The Wise Man, H om er Fresh. thin in technically true, yet it in moHt Mousie, Mousie, Cecil K irby. impleading, an ow nera of a fee nimple es­ Kong, Brooklyn Theater, tate in land in thin country liuve for all | Austin Mann and daughters. practical |iiirpoHen an absolute ow ner-| Scenes of Long Ago, Katie M ann. ahip in the land they hold. Il an owner A f„„. line of these goods just rereived and are selling nt low prices. Song of Sixpence, Ix-onard M ann. die« intestate without heirs his land re­ Little Boy’s speech, Kolla Phelps. verts to the Crown, though the o w n er' Kuspenders and Boots, E lbert Diekey. bo o ts a n d s h o e s had the jwiwer of ilin|MJXal had he ho ' The Little M aiden, Ju lie tte M ann. Wished. I'm ler sim ilar circum stances: Map R ecitation, 1 ...... .1 pmnnlete line of m any grades and The School. a iiiiui ' m personal propeity an well as his I Beautiful Simxv, III E dith Phelps. « « » < ■ >•......... ............ » • > - land, il he dies Intestate with no next to The Over-W orked Donkey, I styh km. goes to the < 'row n. Dialogue, Charles Mann as Sambo, and ; ' TJ V C T T T ’Q < t SxUTOESx I .... a, Xu.i,an reiki.,». HUMAN HAIR EMBROIDERING. Dr. Puli'S tull, F. G. Fresh. There is a very interesting historical ■ Dialogue, The T ram p a t a Boarding cushion at the S"Utii keii-ington Mu­ House, Jessie Phelps, Kolla Phelps, , seum, l.oiidoii, England, said to have Charles M ann, F. n,. Phcl,,«. isou„ whi, „ contains the largest assortm ent an d shows the Jam es I, m w hich hum an hair occurs in | Daikey Serm on, i« sh. Ih p<»i In • • tv and contains all th e novelties the embroidery. The hearts of the , Snider's Tomatoes, Vise Phelps, finest display < ’* any nouse it - ' ‘ V id v p fp p im S ilk - Koval low-s, seeded mid harheil, are Kt It I., l 's s h irt. Ono Phelps. I oftheHeaS(>11< New Line of Plushes, N eckties, A tb e te e n s , bi s, worked in two shades of bail’ the one I'm W illi Yon Once Again, 1-. ( i . I-resli Satins lunhre.iderv. Laves, Ribtons, Corsets, H osiery B uttons and golden vellow, no doubt the w orker's; goods o f all prices and shades. Take a look a t o u r dress lawns. tin othei a sandy shade, probably the Song, I Guess You’ve All Been I here, V ise Phelps. K ing’s. Scene in a Barber Simp, F. (L T'resli, a THE LABOR WORLD. barber. M arshal Mann, custom er, II. i J . Dicker, an Irislimaii. B< istoii w aiters held a Iminpict. Acipii.-itimi of Cuba, Wise Phelps. Ladies’. Misses’. Children’s, G ents’ and Boys’ in all styles and shades C hicago h a !lO,Onil un em p lo y ed . V ..m en’s Bights, F. G. Fresh. I tench b ak ers ptefei o u r tlour. Song, My M other’s Grave, V is - P h elp s. jn fell, wool and straw goods. I nglisli seam en w ant eig h t h o u rs. Dialogue, lloxx He Snatched Her from \ew York has a drug clerk’« union. Him, II J. Dickey, Sam, Mrs. Diekey HEAD-QUARTERS FOR G R O C E R IE S— Sam's w ife, I-’. G. Fresh, judge, H arry \ew Yoik lias an Italian Stone Mu­ Provisions, glass and crockery ware, pain ts, oils, Badger, parson. si me I'nioii. doors, windows, sch o o l L ooks and stationery, d in g s The Moneyless Man, Mrs. L. fcresh. Key V e st, I la., has liHMI idle c ig a i- ami pa/ynt medicines, lamps in all styles and sizes, su- Select Reading, Mrs. Stutaon’s S m j^ . ninkeis. ff KM. M m .‘L u tili - our hv foe barrel, and, in fact, et< ry thing w hich is Soap, ** "‘fr<£fon has an \n ti Tenement limine l*"* «’ _ Uno Phelps. Soliti Comfort, in a lirst-elass store. Lome in ml examine for yourselves. 1x-ngue. F. G. Fresh. Stum p spi celi, \e w York Ci,* h a s tw e n ty -fiv e lab o r Mr#. Lyiliu Fresh. S e l l ! I le .tilillk ? , sin g in g seople a re en g ag ed m ak in g e m l.s m S p a in . Carnegie's mills at Pittsburg, l'en n ., uiv dropping natural giu ami using coal lor b id . M tuiuhtncc ■>( m .iiu n io ii lalm r is fast m ilking a failu re ol th e «lock la b o lc l- s tllk e III l.otldm i. The « a i |s n t « i s of to m Io n h a v e re- ► tiu tid w m k u tle i a s trik e la s tin g six m o n th s am i «a»sfng f'.’.VtJkMt. The m a s te r glass blower« in l'aris, I r a m c , h av e >l< t< iiiu m d m l to cm ieeili t ; o deiii.imls of t hi-it s trik in g em p lo y es. Ht R M A N N D irkev I’ i i ! i tiiii'ice. V is e P h elp s, < »no P lie lp -. I lith P l.d p s . M arshal M ann, J u liu s K. i’i p, li. J . Dickey, I . ti. T ix'sh, Jo sie Pope. Solig, W e 'ie All I Ie”e. bx Br 'titer Bones. Daikey M aniage. S e iiin n C!o«ing lav , tin ’ P'.lh, l u » h XX ; » I lilH.K xxt Song. The O rp h n n C h ild . DRY GOODS S GROCERIES. HARDWARE. T INWARE. "i F. tl. Fresh. So Blaine Y ourself. M Mil t ml II. ii XT’S \ (APS, • ROOTS & SHOES, MEDICINES, NUTS & ( ’A N D IES, CIGARS, TO BA CCO . Coods as Represented. F U R N IS H IN G GOODS. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable. IjK O .O .G h a n c E Knowles &, Gettys, W IL L M A K E T R IP S MANAGERS. nnrl UDfiM thn PTIIfl i «Ige h a v e gone to I ug« lie S, Itaatl ehwssl la»t xx ith an exhibition. (lie I* her. keeps a full line of Exira Quality • T H E S T E A M E R --------- Mmhly n a«,». Mi l iank I'nvl. r and Luther Mill- Mr» H o w a rd I ’« |w haa iv tu tm s l to In i h o m e a t D«a