The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 27, 1891, Image 2

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    M O R R IS B R O S .,
¡ng fire. The alliance w a« a thunderous j rt
protest against political villiany, and as
A word to growler« by th e I nion such it ba« done considerable good. It»
Krpuhlimn, a« follow« . Why growl about tlM proved th a t the greatest class in the,
your town. It in a« easy to say a good nation can band together in ft comnioi
word a« oih * of distrust. You help make cause, and thi« fact, hanging in ttrroren
your com m unity. I bun make it a < beer
politicians, is suited to promote more
fill, progressive, prosjierous one.
The Marshfield Snn ba« till« to way ,
The (heijoniau say«: Time was when
for it* p u rty : The F arm ers’ Alliance is
M. Depew was associated in
moving forward a* never liefore. Al­
only with after-d in n er w it/
though !<•*« than two year* ohl the obi
hut he has outgrown all th a t. Hi* ora-1
political partie* fear it a* they never
h ared Isfore. They combine together tion on Parnell, like th a t on (freely, dis­
to d o w n it, «bowing th eir fear th a t in plays the ability to render a trite sub­
ject interesting
Mr. Depew’s plea for
tl e three it will be the dom inant one.
will have much
he is on good
The Drain ICrlm forcibly finishes the
«•xcrept taken from exchange* : A num ­ term s with leading statesm en as well as
ber of exchange* arc Maying th is: It i« the Prince of Wales. He is one of th e
popular fallacy th a t new «paper* are few Americans in public life who can i
what their editor« make them . 1 hey sav a good word for Ireland w ithout be* ,
are not. They are the product and ¡ng suspected in England of a covert de­
» I
cieatiou of the communities in which sire to ruin th e em pire.
P m
they are publi*hed.” Thi* ¡«throw ing
a terrible re*|»oiiinbillty upon the com­
I in Oregon arc given by the Coquille,
llerahl in th e following: Jan u a ry is the i
m onth we have on our beach in j
The I’'in»-vill«‘ .Yr«*.« says: Republican
and I>ennH'ratic paper*, some of them , the year, ami the highest tem perature
can see dearly that the result of the re­ in that m outh at 6 p. in. was 55 degrees.
cent state election* means victory next 1 August is the hottest m onth, and the
year for both partie*. O n e w h o c a n see highest tem perature at th e same hour
*i> much where there i* really nothing to in the evening was (Mi. On the 26 th of
be * ce ii ought to take a better look at October the tem perature at the even-,
In m -e lf.
He would scarcely believe hi* iug hour (6 p. m.) was (>•>, the d itleien ie ■
own c\e*. But the blessed assurance of between th a t of opr warmest m onth,
an iuijM'iietralde cheek ha* done some ami that of the end of October—w ithin
two m onths of ( hiistm as day- -being!
real clever work in tin* world.
imlv one degree! Comment is u n n e c -'
Tim Newport Timet on the silver essary.
question. iis follows. Il all signs do not
Regarding the capture and release of
lull the tanll question will he the issue
of the next presidential campaign. I he the Data, the Klam ath Shu «ays: Now
silver question may in some localities come* the verdict against the govern­
form a side i*»uc, Imt as some men ill ment of the I'n ited State* in the ease, o f;
both ,un tie« Isdieve in free i oinage the Data. O ur render* will renu’f-* rj^ k
.AVbih'.olhcl* <Jo,li t. ( h u t q n c « t |o l i ( eau- that thc^xQi,' insist»«! irnii>(Aiea’ *»-’
* ¿4* ««illicit irtAan ¡«*u^> l-ct the r o ll- 1 a giea, blunder was m a d ^ i l l 'T h .l i s t i n g —~
,~ \,e
test ih ' made directly to tin1 point in th e I t a t i ; th a t th e re was no evidence of
question Ix-twccii the two parties and her having violated the neutrality laws,
have no kick to make at the winning ami that tbe government bad jumped
side. In this greatest ol countries there thoughtlessly into that a,lair. Judge
nhoiild he no fault found with a ques­ K< holds that we h id no ground of ac­
tion cart le d by a majority.
tion against the Itnta. What will he,he
consequence'.’ Trouble, and heaven only America is commented know« how much can be brewed by such
upon by the Brown \ille Tm nt, a* fol­ ¡ h i ,pic a* tin* Chilians, with right on
OF : THE : A C M E : P IO N E E R : S A W -M IL L .
1 lie I li l t e d Mates has a t last their side and i«*«lm*s* on their eye-halls '.
i t w a k c l i c d to tfie fact that “lie is ,ksnly
protected along the ci u«t, and prop«,«»,
Regarding the railroad, the Monday's cis with defunct usurpers and m urder­ islied steel booths mid have them ship­
to have a little Is'ttcr naval accoutre­ lit i a «ay«: We have every reason to ers? The Ih inhl kicks. They deserved ped in a t a heavy expense as some |
ment«, It in thought that the existing believe that the Roseburg «V Coos bay some of their own medicine. O ther counties have done, w hen wooden ones
condition of atlaii* bi twecu thi* country railtoail will be constructed in dm* less guilty ones have been left back to th at will answ er every purpose can he I
and Club lui« aioii“«*«l I'liclc Ham to course of time. I, will reach Coquille the mercy of the conquerors.
constructed a t a g reat saving of expense
law activity in thi« line, and for the this winter ami with the opening of
over th e steel booths.
I n « , time *im*e the lute war the ring of spring will Is* pusheil towai«l the I’lnp-
I he Athena Prexx is not in favor of
the ham m er and the buzz of the «aw «¡iia vallev . I’l e projector« of the enter­ any resentment for
Oreijonian talk s of w hat it I
the murder of
w a* i u i , l i m e d on Mitnlftv Novcmlier M. prise have tnver hiltcrcil in their inten­ American citizens abroad, as the fol­ knows about o u r C ongressm an as fob .
tion«, ami ar«' confident id success. This low ing shows: I'nited States bonds are lows. Hon. B. H erm an n having stopped I
lo g arding largo tra c ,* ol lam i ladng will im an more for Douglas county than coining «hie end being paid oil' so fast
in tow n several days, we have been
« M i n i l i «.ne in d iv id u a i, th è d a k la m l we «.in now tealizi . 1, will cause a thut unless I nek* Sam engages in a
amused a t tlie m any puns get of! by
»»». , , . «ai* T h e nubjcc, of Wholesale great «In'ap« ning of freight rates, open warfare or something else to create a
several new spapers ab o u t his shaking, J
««w ncmliip «d land ha* !«•«■«,m«> a topic the Han I ruuciscn market to our produce big debt, national hanks will sutler. It from th e fact th a t our acquaintance w ith 1
«I dincUwntoti in ino«, of tbe w«**t«*rn ami will «lev« lop tin* country, ami stim­ is probable that the I’nited States w ill
him reaches back over a q u a rte r of a I
stai« «
I lie«e state* fulve nceil ami foie- ulate every «,agnail, « n,crpris«*. l.««t all soon be spoiling for a tight. The idea
««•<■ the injiirv of |«'i*o,ial ow m rsbip < f «!«• cv« t v thing jM -siblc to hasten itscom- of a powerful nation like the United century and before lie ever entered into |
politics, and we m u st say th a t he is d ,e s
v a»l tra« ,* « I lam i. w fiere tbe «tligie oh- plctioll.
States wanting to pounce upon a little same Binger H erm an n th a t he was j
j««ct m i iii » ,o l»e to lioltl ami lo kc« p tbc
government like Chili is absurd, yet. the when he was learn in g th e young idea |
lami, w hich ut H m «ouditiou ì* u«sl< ««
“ me |M> ;>ie from Chili we do nut dispatches are of that tenor. The rank
t«> tbe owiter* ami a ntilinhling hl«**k lo want a« «■ >r«hi g to the Coquille llfrnhi, ami tile, tin* bone ami «¡new, of this na­ “ how to sh o o t.” T h a t affable manner 3
lie lias is as n a tu ra l w ith him as it is to |
tbe coinmuiutv in wliieh tliev live which sav- I . S war vc“«els have res-
tion are not a bull-dozing class; it
breathe, am i it comes from the inmost I
Pr«,gtx,»s w olil i «av “ l »«• your land or > U«d ' ■'!,« , 1 (lie BUrvivon ol the l’.al-
those ¡»arasi,es who profit while the recesses of his h e a rt , and alike sponta- I
i Si give it ,«• som« olii wbo will use i‘
n a. , Ian g vernuient in Chili ami 1 uul- inaili Ixsly sutTcrs.
neous w ith a political foe or friend, hat I
’ i ’hem in Aineiiia, aim ng whom art*
if any one should do him wrong, or if l,e I
The dlwcipline brouglit thm ugli tbe * ’ , «,( ,h< m », hearth «*, bl«sslthir«tv
W hat shall our voting booths be should he led to b eliev e th a t a person I
I 411111*1« Alhai’ce ,**i,«, i » Ihu* > 'in v ilium* th at ev« r di*gra«*cd authority, made of is the subject of the following
was trying to in ju re him , they would I
m eni««! iqs'i» f’V tbe Riam a,li M«i a» l aving «luting their luief reign cl«>*««l editorial from the Heppner Rear,!:
lo llcw r 1 b«* p a,« i’ are all c* m m ctitin g :ln ir « at* t«> MpjH-al* for merry, justice By tbe passage of tue Australian ballot find in him as strong a resentm ent as j
m<w ori tb e tinf«*r,liliale comlition « l "i tun«- w lie n th«-y vvere executing ven- law f»y our legislature during its could he found any w here wrapped in
hum anity. And again an o th er trait of
affair*, in w Iti« b tfie «hs lme «d tlie ab geamv. m t only against captun d ii *ur-
«cssk.n, it i« required that clos«>d booths
li.» ih «* |>wit« w a « a « m atki-d a« thè coll- g« nt« or syiiqkitlhiacni, but even again*» lx* prepan-d at every polling place, and his character which is commendable,
w ititi pi ioti «d U m b ri* ili a b n rtiiu g b a rn «*>«n«, rip,« ami cowering youth of their for every 250 voters there must be a is th a t lie holds m alice h u t a short time«
Tlie i« asoli i» m>, baivi to limi N o g rv a t «•wn ¡«urty. Why «lain t our govcrti- lsdltng place. But the law does not «„v and in m any instances we have known
him to bury th e h a tc h e t in a surprising
,«artv ««ivo« alili«' »,«*cial privi!« g«-« t * a inent intervede m the other instance*
that a-iy certain kind of material shall
« « r ta n i « bt«s « a u live long ’ 'p|»> -ili, n By w hat authoiity has our navy ln*et
U*us««l «»the construction of the booths ly short tim e w here th e re had been a
to th e »ub trc a su rv ncbciue b* g a ti «arlv
Utade the life «, tvic«* f««r «•:,«*,««I tyranti It seems that it would be useless waste grave vard.
«lisi tb c lic a l gnuItJitH ) I w « ih » a contim i- ( ami array »«1 our w untry as r :s p a tliil
Vlie Acme Merchant, Carries a Full Line of
Also Proprietor
I t ,h v nicely tin-J
A R E .:- :
Minnesota Hotel, Eugene, the best*