TH E W EST. theA'.reat Siuslaw, if we can build a boat the/urea ¡nterval awalt|ng himself in the the eu editorial chair of mself in n o n » . v»«.. ~ the - - Ath­ / and in tne in ieiv a. ........ .. a Press, and whenever the facile pen of cu can secure the services of ena Irving is pointed that way the Press | const freighting. of Irving is pointed is made the more interesting „ Up at Mrs. Dames’ place there oc- —New ground plows and harrow s, and cu ’ n J yesterday the marriage of Mr. E. — AT— all kinds of tools to work old and new / \ 9t and Mrs. Nancy J . Cooper, Rev. O regon F lorence , L ane C ounty , ground, at bottom prices. W rite and lcCi n Church officiating. Both the get prices on any thing you need in my ‘ing parties are well and favorably F a b lla h e r a . line. F. L. Cham bers, Eugene. k I on the Great Siuslaw. The a i . i . k ï a b i . it o n . —C ontractor Schulte baa this week lan t h n g of one’s life ship in the , m at­ B .F .A I W , • - • Ed,tob* built a grave puling, or inclosure, for rimonial arena of “God Bless our Home A. 8. B i . iton , Ixxal Editor ami Manager. Mr. Dames’ grave, near Point Terrace. is usually an advent of a new sphere o He will also build one for Mr. Bergm an’s being and mode of existence, but to these ___ T bkmr : >2.00 a year in advance.----- child’s grave which is buried iu Florence. people it is a well trodden path, they —Rev. C hurch’s appointm ents for both having been previously m arried, this part of bis circuit will be th e second T he W est extends congratulations w ith ADVKBT1HIMO RATES MAUt KNOWN ON AP­ und fourth Sundays of each m onth. In wishes for many years of happiness. PLICATION. I,(M «1 notice« * cent» per line, each In»ertlon. Florence at seven o ’clock p. in. and at —Jay Cook, the great financier on ad­ the Lake school-house—same days—at vertising: “ Let your m erchants deal len­ Entered at the |>oet-office at Florence, ten o’clock a. m. iently with customers and advertise your —Mr. Sauliert says be will furnish, lame county, Oregon, us second-clasfl city. I suppose I have spent more mail m atter. gratuitously, all lum ber necessary for the money advertising than any m an living, construction of a steam schooner. AA bo indisposing of government bonds and is the next generous gentlem an to make other ways. I reckon my expenditures a donation. Let us organize a stock in this direction at not under >2,000,000. company ami build a boat. The more publicity you get th e b e tte r —Chas. Harwood ami F . M. Nigbs- for you. This idea of cutting off adver­ The Week'« Doings In and About Flor­ wander talked F arm ers’ Alliance talk tising, etc., when one gets pinched is all to a fair crowd in Moss’ ball, Florence, wrong; then is when you w ant to spread ence At Collated by the Alert and Thursday night. At the close of th e yourself and economize in every oth er Ever Thoughtful West Reporter. addresses an alliance was organized in direction. Florence with eleven members. —Mr. Titm an’s Florence friends will Put not your tnixt in king*. —The sea was rolling mighty high he pleased to read this from th e New­ I've m-cn their »inilluit face* when the steam er Mischief came in lu es- port Times: Mr. Titm an, who is well An>1 held the <1<>KKtutoes in their pocket. price«, si r . I.. I liamlM*rs, op|s»site Ba- ker hotel. F.u.-ene. I —Dr. ( • G. Barrett, the Scottsburg AN INTERESTING BOOK. dentist, arrived in Florence yesterday. I .... ... Joe Morti* is having a conservatory id liisto .. .... >'« I'r-IHT.'.I to .Io »11 kind, j n ? built to the south side of his pleasant ‘The Beauti- ilental work und as he has been iu ' this ■ ■ ful Story,” " . , "The Story of M an,” "T he Main ntr«*«*t residence. neck of the woods before . you know of Living World,” “ Russia and Siberia,” Any uml all kinds of buililing materi- (I , . ' . . . . ”, . , , die quality of bis work, and as we know etc., lias just completed what is probably «1 tsith rough «ml dressed, at Ha vid A uh well a« the greatest of his works, entitled “ He- Unknown Seas and Savage ord — PVBLIMUKD BVBBV FRIDAY MORNING. .. H* LITTLE WBSTLINGS. The Comings and Goings Of Towns- people and T h e ir Visitors Briefly Chronicled For West Readers. Capt. Cox is out at Eugene on bus­ iness. F red . ERRicKsoN.of Centralia, Wash., arrived in Florence last week and is now busily engaged erecting a house on In­ ranch, one and a half miles north on the county road. Prof. M artin and family have arrived in Florence from Eugene and are now busy getting ready for housekeeping. Mr. Martin will begin his school at this place about November first. N ewton P helps , of Ann Arbor, Mich­ igan, is now stoppiisg'in the Great Sius­ law Valley. He has a ranch about four miles north of Florence, near Mr. Ball’s place, and is now at work putting up a bachelor’s dwelling thereon. Captain B abbidge , he who was at one time captain of the Government boat, General AV right, came in on the Mis­ chief Tuesday. Mr. Babbidge will be in the employ of the Government while here—assistant to Engineer Lyell—and will have supervision of the construction of scows and inspection of lumber. He is a clever and very courteous gentle­ man ; possesses business abilities which well qualify him for the position he holds, and T he AV est is glad he is here. C has . E rickson came in from Central­ ia, Washington, this week and remain­ ed a few days on the Great Siuslaw. This gentleman has landed interests of no small magnitude in the immediate vicinity of Florence, and when he left Thursday he promised to return again very soon with a num ber of his relatives, who, together with Mr. Erickson, will make Florence their home for an indefi­ nite length of time. Mr. Erickson has several head of horses, in fact a w hole railroad grading outfit, and—coming events don’t cast their shadow on the back row, but on the front side instead. Keep your eye on the indicator. Thn W orld Enriched. The facilities o f the present day for the production o f everything that will con- tiuce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup o f Figs was first produced -he world was enriched, with the only perfect laxative known, as it i3 the oaly remedy which is truly pleasing and re­ freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop­ ular it becomes. Y O U O U G H T T O H A V E ONE. The Harrisburg Uourier has don« good work in inducing capitalists to take stock in ami digging a water «litili ditch for mg M power. - <»«» s«*e Henti 1.1 lt .rr. tt „„.I h . t e tliiMM' tronhlesoiut i’ molars fixed up. or win’ll lie has gone curse yourself beeaum you d id n 't go. - n „ down from neuters are now at work Darningtimlx •rs lor pile-driver and scow . A temporary wharf for unloading lum- l«-r Io., ' n e .r then. tl,.t the (ntn.lug a 11,‘‘ remaimler of the lum- »•< r tor this work will 1« brought down next week, and Mr Lyell informs us — A J lin k » ba* taken charge of the that he will then put on a greatly in- workmen. H eppner Weekly Record, ami we wish < All s.irts of rumors have reached him abundant sucre*», winch, no doubt, here this w«*ck relati •ve to the M ill t«v iiieritt-«l. , . . .. — when- suits and condition of the steamer Geo. ing Hnd i n s u S . Th‘e work X comprises an authentic history of the '1‘seovery of America by the Viking Sea- ,.ove™’ and its settlem ent by the Sean- ¿ ‘“«Y1» 1« '■> »¡nth century. It 1» i Every one should possess a pl«t of his land. Having a full set of plats, and receiving constant advices from lhe Land office, I am prepared to furnish plat of any land in Tp. 17—18—19, for tin moderate sum of 50cts per section, a«' guarantee it correct. Come early ani avoid the crush. M. F. Parker, Florence, Oregon. tles’ ’•«rings and sufferings of all the he f ’,c cll:,r«’ t‘‘rs and bold explorers who have made o« ean history, and who have FO RTY LO TS so» U n ?“ {,ren,a7 over the most sav- ,and? of lhe ‘‘art1'- The book, which In Central Park addition to Florence fo is » nmst instructive and entertain ng sale, at $26 each. As soon as 40 lots or ’»••e from cover to cover, contains ¡Jn large quarto is embellished « i sold the price on the remainder will b quarto pages, pages, and and is with more than 300 original » ' advanced to $60 each. a,,” ‘ Keveral large 1 • • J. C. B rown , Agent, Florence, Oregon. FAST Subscribe for Tut W EST. 1 T IM E . Steamers Lillian and Mink make reg ular trips between Florence and Seaton They carry U. g. m au. Fare, 26 centj Rates for carrying horses, cattle, »nd a kinds of.freight made known upon ap plication on board boat. AV m . S mith , Master.