T H E W E S T . — FI'BLISIIKD KVKBY FBIDAY MOBMXG. —AT— F lobknck , L ank C o u n ty , AI.I.MY * HI.1TON, O kkoon I 'u b l ls li e r s . B. F. A i i . k y , - - - E d ito r . A. K. B lito n , Ixical Editor and Munnger. ----- T krm h : $2.00 a year in advance.----- cider for vinegar to a good advantage, and in this v.ay be marketed and made to return a good profit. If fellows come to your farms and ask permission to inspect your liglitnin rods, and then ask you to sign an orde*$ which they claim is to show to the firm that they are doing their work faithfully, put tiie hull dog after them and forget to call him off. America is now the headquarters for Jersey cattle, as the breeders of Jersey cattle on the Isle of Jersey have been crow, led away by French “ truckers,” until hut few remain. The breed lias lieen greatly improved in tliis country, ami are really “ American’ cattle, hut will no doubt always retain their dis­ tinctive name of “ Jerseys.” The New Town Of Pl N A Situated on the Coast, Lane Co,. Or. T v he found on the south side of Siuslaw Bay. Protected as it is from winter 21 C_bv its natural parks and groves of evergreen tre e s; with hank gently slop- J to the Bay, affording at all times a perfect drainage, safety from high water , ,* i -vino a erand view of the Pacific Ocean ; the richness of soil and beauty «f i x a t i Z back’of which are fertile farms, pleasant homes and beautiful lakes, wind, must be seen to be appreciated. Government Surveyor Lyell, in speaking of the river and bar sa id : That tl advkrtihing ratkh made known on ap ­ Siuslaw is one of the finest rivers south of the Columbia, and its bar the mod p lic a t io n . Piiailv improved of anv on the Pacific Coast.” The recent appropriation of $50,0C0 I.« m «I notice« k ecu,» per lin e , ea ch In sertio n . to commence jetty building, and $80,000 to build a light-house and $10,000 to bulk; a life saving station, will give employment to some of the many settlers of small Entered nt tiu* post-office nt Florence, —New ground plows and barrows, and Lane county, Oregon, an second-class 1 means while fortunes are in store for men with capital. This will naturally be the all kinds at of tools to work and □ new | outlet lor the productions of our valleys ; the almost inexhaustable supply of tin,- mail m atter. ground, bottom prices. old Wrhe get prices on any thing you need in my ! and lumbering facilities, oiler superior advantages to manufactories, and the : conipany owning the town site offers liberal inducements to all enterprises. Sev­ line. E. E. Cham hers, Eugene. l/Mik well to the general co, fort, of e ra l parties in San Francisco, Eugene, Roseburg and surrounding towns have in- AGRICULTURAL ITEMS. the aniimils to secure the best results. It is best to commence feeding tl liogn curly in order to get them fatten. :‘<1 I « ally. • T GRAND OPPORTDNITÏ! j vested for summer homes near the ocean. Fortunes are made by those w ho act on _ __ the rule, buy early. TUC f I W E S T O F THEM ALL1 THE FINEST OF THEM ALL! f ^ T h e future of Glenada is to be marked by a steady improvement, settlement Cut oil uud feed corn to tin* block and growth. There are not more than 400 lots 50x150 left. V « have already & rutlicr than to let them run down at this “Heroes of U nknow n Seas and new store, gtore) post-office, pl)St-olfice, saw-mill, dwelling houses, wharves to deep water, hotel, and Savage L ands.” niison. church commenced, ami hundreds of other buildings contemplated, By J W . Bi e l . Now Is the time to store away suf­ ro b o ts range from $50 to $400, and one to three years given to make payments, ficient support of bedding for the stock T he tiraiid est Subscription-1 look and sold on the installment plan. Apply to nil w inter. ever introduced on the coast. Ov- A cheap shelter for the fodder will lielp save in a much better condition during the winter. Cut straw and ( lover, mixed with a little bran, make a r a t i o n almost equal to giasl timothy hay. A goi«l corn harvester will lessen very materially the work of cutting the win­ ter supply of corn fodder. ,, , ï . ï. , . | lly pr,,\ tiling gniMl shelter, less gran, will hi* required In keep stock in goo, lit!v condition during the winter. W ftp’ll the condition if the soil will adm it, it, nearly nil eases it will pav to urt'iingi* to how grass and wheat early in the autum n. Market the surplus stock in gissl sea­ son. I hcrv is no gnili ill I ceping stock that will imt make a goo I growth for ------ e • fioo extra htrg equarto pages. BOO magnificent Original Illus­ trations. 1 >ouble-page Colored Plates. Geo. H. Colter, Glenada Cochran & Son. Eugene. SELLS ON SIGHT ! Ï ! A Ld t"" uL ill I O kAD T €5 w nv,c ' in ib i« C o u n try . A* wc ilrtc l'iiiih c d u , \ , id n o r b u sin ess im o ib is stmt*. w e lire go lu b it In bv odciiic.: b e lte r i n d u c e m e n t 1 an . y utile.* h o u se bus to 1 veil e i. ï . utu ............. • -....... ............... — ever ■tone ' c .o ' We d e liv e r th e books r ig h t a t y o u r vc i mu I ci' o( it clm r.’.es or a n y „ t h « “ «. i* n 'i o.’ w h ich we pay o m se iv ¡in n ', in . e t i i i> em*\ for til's liieut w ork fro m nny o ie e i luu e u . c l you h a v e e d i t to u s fill* o u r 0 p . l Y f , ' i t 'll'. * s 111 <1 C \ I HA I.IHKK.U. TiEttMs t m i i \ m i i m . s i W e w ill g u a ra n te e to d o 1 e * by to o . ' DOMINION , ’(’ H U SH IN G I 'l l ., Y n u e o in tr. h r iiis li c* L im b i,,, G en e ra l Agt ul> l >r th e P u b lish e rs. When tl..... il l , w o rk w ill p erm it. now is a go,»l time to haul out and apply imuinre, eNjs c,ally on land intended to la, sow i, to w beat. EAST AND STOVES and RANGES. L’' ' S O U T H SOUTHERN PACIFIC POUTE Shasta Line. E x p ress 1 m in s Lee ve P o rtla n d D aily. t omim net* fee.ling the calves or colts soitit a few days l« nt I l.t t.‘ «7 e tn , l.t of cliop|K-d oat« makes a gissl ration for s i > it to ï \ r tills cl««s of stm k t is o e tm iu s X ut I b Pol l Ian I Ar V:XX n in E ugene l.v 1 l :■»! n m '.III t inUl’Isi'O l.v | y no p m s|i>|, u n it m fo lh itv ih g sta tio u s n o r t h , >, K tisrhiirg Ensi P o rtla n d . O regon ( liv. W m stbur!t. '•nielu, \lluc..Y, I s n g e n t, slicdiis. llnl«t*y, Harri«,»tirg, J iin c tlo n C itv , Irv in g , E n . ( o r i, I d f.xldcr slmuld md Is* a 1111 yy t s I i „ „ n i , , ,o get tisi iip<>, i r tficre w ui bt* a loss a m during tin* autum n nml w inter a, least I, i’ n ï , , be largest nnitiuila that re- P u l l m a n 13 vt i l o t S l o o p o x - s turn the nio«t pti.fi,, but the one tb.it TO U RIST SLEEPING CARS, For ai * . ' I I I n o s ta ,Ion u , Second C lass I I i i s s e n g i ' « . ntukes the Iw*»! glow th in the shortest itila, tin t tu I xpress T ra in time in pttijs rtioii to the mu , outit of fissi W e *! S b I » supplied B etw een liether the hog« b ate the run of the p a stu n s or arv(t*d in dose |wna, it is X, ry tietessai t to keep their hyping and eating q u a rte s el, an ,„d dr- in order lUMintain gis«l health No», is a good tune to get rid of the dry tnt cow. t.envrMlIy they will bring a Is t t e t p r “fee now than at any other Sea •II, Mtl I tin t can usually U* mude ready for market at a J. w -t. Not one fourth as m am farmers can afford to keep a ,1 *g as think tliev can Tlie w riter knows a man that owns two large ,h«gs and to-day his children s t,s*« are atickiug through their sin« s. In a m ajority of rases th e late sum ­ mer am i ear’v autum n apph «can nearly or alw ay» t< e \a |s r.,lc l, v, made into M ill P ortlan d ,M ,* > ' H ill V and C o r vallis f l'H * T s | X | iO I " • ", 1 t v tn I» m t r U U lso iy a n d , e , O reg o n Pacific P o rtU n d y r | .X . in R | „ C o rv allis i,\ \y ,, ,n .«rvall,» .x m n ec, w ith train« R ailro ad I m p nt I I y 7 A p m yr P o rtla n d 'I . x t,m o li le V O S O T L Z R . F T T IS T T C E , T IN AND G R A N IT E W A R E . H O U SE F U R N IS H IN G O O O D S. IRON PIPE, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS. Florence, Oregon. mi.*«« T, i us« Piny ry. > it », M>iy.) T U K O U aH T s Ar i ?n a ,r l \ X is H n, T IC K E T S To all Points EAST and SOUTH F or tic k et» a n d in fo rm a tio n re e n n ttn g rate- «„aps. « , a lt on Com pany » ag e n t at Engen,. K K o r n i km , p P. R isiaa» . M nitu g rr '« » t G E an d Pa«« ys j Port lain!, t TH E Watches, Clocks and all kinds of Jewelry Repaired and work AÆ* e t i? r e n te D H . 1Æ. C l i a m l o e r l i n JOB O F F IC E . J o e L z E o rris ’ - a t • S t o r e .