VI JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22,1870 Don Piatt Speaks. Lively Seeds. “Best Society.” The Young Man of Means. 1 1 • We clip the following extracts from a let We find the following in the Santa Clara “Nothing,” said Sprague, “is more cow­ I arrived in New York a few days ago, and ter addressed by Don Piatt, a celebrated Ohio Index of the 1st instant : Published Every Saturday Morning, ardly than a million, except two millions.” immediately took rooms at the Astor. I h«v» Republican to the Ohio State Journal, the Dr. A. B. Caldwell, of this place, exhibted Nothing is worse than good society except always made it a rule to have the bast of BY P. D, HULL, Radical organ in Ohio : to ns on Tuesday last onsof the most wonder­ the “best society.” This self"constituted. so X» u ì> 1 1 M li o r & 1» r o p r 1 e t o r. everything, even if I am obliged to get trusted “The late Secretary of the Treasury, the ful natural curiosities we have ever seen or cial Freemasonry is the supernal essence of for it. I hadn’t been at the Astor but on« OFFICE—On Third St. Between California and 0. lion. Salmon P. Chase, informed the country beard of. The curiosity in question is the selfishness, the idolatry of one’s conceit of day when the clerk brought me my bill- that in our hour of distress and peril he was seed of a plant which belongs to the order of one’s self for which there is a furnace hotter TERMS: “Is it customary,” “to pay by the day?” Subscription, per annum, in advance forced to purchase the bankers of the United Euphorbiacea, or Spurgeworts, the specie of tbari^Nebuchadnezzar’s kept burning in the $2 “It is with men of your stamp,” he re­ Six months...... .................................... States. And, to get these capitalists interest­ which are very numerous, comprising the other world. Will you believe there are ed iu the Government that protected them, he Castor Oil Bean, Ipecacuanha, etc. The people at Newport who would think it no plied. ADVERTISEMENTS, “What kind of a stamp do you take me In T he D emocratic N ews will be charged had to make most extraordinary terms—I seed presented for inspection matures in a credit to entertain General Sheridan, though the following rates will not say that they treated the Republic globular-shaped ovary, containing three seeds, he is the camp guest of a king, and who verily for?” said I. $3 00 like a gang of Sbylocks—but they were so First insertion, (ten lines or less) which gives each seed the appearance of a would go baek even upon the king liecause “You look like a two cent stamp,” h« re- For each week thereafter................................... $1 00 treated by the eminent financier who was section of an apple cut into three equal por­ he was not born in Boston? Folks there are plied, very insulting. “You either pay this A liberal deduction from the above rates will be then at the head of the Treasury, and they tions, longitudinally. The history of the under whose finger nails dirt will grow, in bill or get out. Have you got any money?” made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. accepted the terms and the character. It is seed is somewhat remarkable. It was pro­ whose coffee-cups grouods will settle, and on said he. , . . . JOB PRINTING. no exaggeration to say, that for the purpose cured in the interior of Egypt, over five ' whose wlluso UU1UU3 U1C wurms uave . U)ejr eyeg , wno “My estimable young friend,” I replied, coffins the worms have-their eyes, who Every variety of Job Work executed with neat­ of enriching and sustaining these money- years ago, by a noted traveler, who bought it ¡have come to the conclusion that their set is “you have probably heard of Ben Franklin, I.................. ........ - -” *•— —,nvi. oev »J ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. changers we pay more than our National of an Egyptian Sorcerer, paying ten dollars fu[j So I am told. The report of this sort long deceased. That eminent physician Government cost us. Any attempt to amend, apiece for ten of them, but the traveler could of character is not inviting, and I have not at one time in the proverb line, aud did a revise, or repeal these terms—considered a not by any means induce the Egyptian to gauged ¡t. There is a book by N. P. Wil very good business. He said, among other war necessity and temporary—vis met by the show him either the plaut upon which the ¡¡8—wjJ0 Hirew bis life away among the “best things, that time is money. Now, I haven’t violent op: option of eighty national bunkers |seed matured, or tell him where it grew. societyu ”—called “Paul Fane,” relating the got any money, but as regards time, I am in on the floor of the House, and enough in the ¡The traveler brougl lit them, to this country, ajventures of an artist who made it the poiut affluent circumstances, and if you will receipt Senate to give the leeches a majority. ¡aud presented . one to each of his intimate of his life to conquer a “full” set like thia, that bill, I will give you a check for as much . All the corporations, firm,, and persons in ­ friends. nn lhe ' one — in ----- question ’— 1 has been : in ~ aQj |)e wag 0Djy able time as you think equivalent, and throw you JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. 10 terested in the iron business are openly or­ possession of Dr. Van Zandt, of San Fran­ young woman of that set “slop over;” »g She « in a couple of hours for your trouble. OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON ganized into an association, and pay into a cisco, nearly five years, and he declares that i crept into his room when she thought be was He made no reply, but from the fact of the every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows’ Hall, Druthers in good standing are invited to common treasury a fund that may be called its singular qualities are not in the least itn-' married a man in the “full set,” true to the porter’s coming up immediately after, remov­ JOHN McKEE, N. G. attend. a corruption fund, for it is used to influence paired. In appearance it is similar to any asleep, and kissed him. Then she went and ing my trunk to the sidewalk, and bustled E. SMITH, R. Sec’y. .legislation. Its filthy agents, when not mem- other dried seed, being in size about as large'|avt ___ It was so affecting a story that I or- rue out after it, I inferred that I wasn’t con­ W«. B ilger , as a medium sized pea. Upon being placed | ¡Iters, reside in Washington, and are support­ H. Kl.IHPKL, Trustees. ¡dered tripe and onions that day for dinner, sidered a financial success. ed hardsoinelv in their corrupt business. H. V. H elms , upon a table, it appears as if imbued with) to assure myself that I was in no danger of I immediately called a btyckman, and told t—f May 1st, 1SÍW. The >a iai has money enough to use ami is times sliding along as if pushed or drawn, at I isociety” of this kind—a dogmatic circle of “the more respectable I shall consider it.” Attorney t singular property it display« is that upon ¡preached, and the Pharisee prayed in the obligation. ment«. the Entry of Lands under the Pre einption tlo- enueuH the entire pen full. being held between the index or other finger, “If you don’t fork over them fifty cents temple, and Balaam'3 animal took the text, and Homestea i Laws, and t » the Entry t»t Mineral i We have a corrupt Congress, ami a stupid distinct throbs or pulsations are felt corre-j Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. and Bonaparte arose, and Horace Greeley said he, “there’ll be a funeral in your family, Executive, and the only arm of the Govern­ i«ponding to its eccentric motions while lying wears a white coat, and that nevertheless ’and it won’t be your wife, nor none of your C. W. KAHLER, ment th .^remains pure is the Supreme Court, upon a table. The Doctor’s informant states there is a “best society,” aod a “full set” at children.’ ” “But I’m busted,” 8aid I. “If meeting­ Attorney «I and ( ounscHor-at-Law, <7 and that a President has sought to pack with that it is susceptible to the influences of the v Newport. They ought to make man over ere itur»*s of his own, and the Senate strives magnet, and that after having been placed in: ¡again.— George Alfred Toicnsend. houses were selling two for a cent, I could ¡contact with one, its motion or vitality ceases' to «le-trov, J ACKSO N VIL LE, OREGON, not buy even the handle of a contribution •z 1 fur several days. I say, then in all soberness, that if we are A Monte Christo in Murfreesboro, Ten box.” "Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and I nessee. t > accept the Republic as it imw stands «elf­ I lie swore at me awfully, and said he would other Courts of this State. Immigration- i OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. government is a failure. And to the philo­ have it out of my trunk, so he burst it open. Jacobs—opposite Court House square. The Mouitor tells of a negro who attempted sophical student it would appear as if these But the contents of that trunk are far from From the Washington Bureau of Statistics I were the net results of our boasted institu­ to escape, recently, by cutting his way valuable, for I carry it filled with sawdust. DR. GEO. B. TOLMAN, we learn that the total number of immigrant5* tions. It may be there is a saving power who arrived in the United States for the year through a three inch oak plank floor, and af It looks just as respectable, and in an emer­ (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) yet held by the people, ami that when the ending June 30th, 1870, foots up 387,097. ter burrowing his way through the ground gency of this kind is invaluable. I Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, worst comes to the worst, this will be brought Of this number, 235,551 were males, andi , like a mole for ten feet, with no other instru- to bear upon the money changers in the tem­ 151,546, were females. The following table inent ^ian a single twenty-penny Dail, which Mechanics’ Wives. I ILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND adjacent counties, and attend promptly to ple, and drive them out.” :shows the number from each country which is the history of an actual fact which was I all calls on professional business. i furnishes this large accession to our popula­ brought to a conclusion last Tuesday morning It is in the middle rank of life where we Curious Volcanic Region by Mr. Arnold, the jailor. He had sharpened behold woman in all her glory—not a doll to OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, tion. and their nationalities : • on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack­ I Great Britain................................................... 103,683 his nail on the iron grates of his cell until he carry silks and jewels ; not a puppet to be The Virginia Enterprise o { Sept. 30th has sonville, Oregon. • Ireland............................................................ 56,996 got it in the shape of a chisel, and had been flattered by profound adoration, reverenced janS-tf. Jan. Sth, 1871) the following : i German States.................................. ............. 122,64S engaged in his enterprise about three months A gentleman from the Cerro Gordo mines Sweden and Norway..................................... 26,659 when caught. He had been in the habit of to day, discarded to-morrow, admired but not Dr. L. T. DAVIS, tells us of a curious region in Owens A alley, Denmark ........................................................ 4,083 working all night and sleeping all day on his esteemed ; ruling by passion, not by affection; imparting her weakness, not her constancy, called the Black Rocks, lying between Fish Holland .......................................................... 1.066 little pallet over the hole that he had made to the sex she would exalt; the 60urce and Springs and the town of Independence. The Belgium.......................................................... 1,022 in the flour. He had already made his way mirror of vanity—we see her as a wife, par­ Opposite t lie Old J country of the ’‘Black Rocks" is level and is Switzerland.................................................... 3,085 to the back wall of the prison, and there is taking the cares and cheering the anxieties of France............................................................. 4,005 completely studded with fantastically shaped no doubt that in two nights more ever} ’ ob ­ a husband ; dividing his toils by her domestic 911 A rkansas L ivery S tari e , masses of a black volcanic rock, rising on an Spain and Portugal....................................... stacle between him and liberty would have Italy.......................................... 2,891 diligence ; spreading cheerfulness around h«r average to the highth of about eight feet Russia and Poland........... ............................. 1.130 been removed, bad it not been for the inau­ for his sake ; sharing the decent refinement Jacksonville, Oregon. above the surface. Among these rocks are Other countries of Europe............................ spicious movements of Mr. Arnold, which cut 30 of the world without being proud of them ; E. II. GREENMAN, holes leading to cavernous chasms below the China............................................................... 15,740 off his retroat. placing all her joys and happiness in the man 31 riiysician. «