. er SATURDAY MORNING, OCT. 15, 1870 THOMAS BOYCE. No. 30 (Second floor,) Merchant’s Exchange, California Street, below Montgomery, is our duly authorized agent for Saa Francisco. HUDSON Ac MENET, are our duly author i«ed Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 Park Row, ••Times” Building, New York. LOCAL intelligence . R ich Q uartz .—Having heard so much said about the richness of some of the quartz uow being taken out by Sam Bowden from his ledge on Timber gulch, we concluded to make a visit to the seat of operations and examine the matter for ourselves. Five hands are at work taking out quartz, while perhaps an equal number are engaged hauling the same and running the Mill. The main shaft is down a little over fifty feet at which depth the ground tunnel is being run along tba lead and all the quartz from there up is windlassed ■out for crushing. Much of the quartz is sur­ prisingly rich. It links as if a person could make a hundred dollars a day or more with a hand mortar, so thickly is some of it be­ spangled with gold. Some of the hands esti­ mate that that is being crushed in the Mill at forty dollars a ton. Occasionally pockets are found which contain nearly pure gold. Out •of one such deposit six ounces und seven dol lars were obtained one day last week, and similar streaks, though not quite soextensive, were found this week. This is in the lower lead; the upper one didn't pay. Another clean up will be hud in a tew days, when we expect to iiear of gratifying results. ' ----------- ------------------------ - S aj $ F rancisco , May 15,1870. M essrs . C owan A F lint , G ents :—Fur the benefit of those suffering with the terrible disease Fever and Ague, allow mt to state that I was af­ flicted with the Chills ami Fever which afterward turned into the Dumb Ague. I had tried all the most celebrated physicians of this city for four months, but grew worse until I was scarcely able to walk, with loss ef appetite, night sweats, etc. In fact, I began to believe my case hopelei s, when finally a friend induced me to try your Ague King. I had no confluence in it, supposing it to be like other medicines the base being quinine. I used but two bottles of it and in ten days 1 was a sound man. Three months has passed since I used yonr remedy, and I never felt better or stronger in my life. After paying five hundred dollars and lying idle four months, I am cured. I consider the Ague King a dead shot for fever or fever and ague. SAM’L SHAW. ■- T hk T ime is D rawing N ear .—Now is your time if you wish to secure a ticket to the Grund Premium Fair—of Oct. 27th. The tickets are being rapidly taken. The cause is ti good one, its popularity could not be ex­ celled. Secure a ticket at once. Price only $2 50. The large number of Premiums of fered is fairer than anything of the kind ever before offered—see advertisement in another column. E xpress P ackages .—These articles were sold on Monday, as they were advertised to be. Considerable competition was manifest eutune uiile north ot to ah . Many S t . M ary ’ s A cademy .—The second term stimulant. In all climates, tropi­ persons ran out to it, but, of course, c«>Utd at the Sisters school will commence on Mon- do nothing towards staymg its ravage«. cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts d .y the 24ih inst. Three valuable liuracs ami ub.>ui 80 ui as a specific in every species of Jiay were consumed with the burn. Tue lire F or the S tates .—Ex Sheriff Reames star disorder which undermines the was evidently inc w.»rk oi an iucwmliary, uud ted firs- of the week for the Atlantic States. bodily strength and breaks down Tom Brown was arrested by .\Lrsiui Ska- the auiiual spirits. For sale by Mian on suspicion l-y tne liinq tue Hie was WILLIAM DAVIDSON, all druggists. fully under way. He was seen coming iroiu Office, No. 64 Front Street, that direction as the first b.aze was discovered, PORTLAND, .... OREGON. : m : « j » and Ids actions ltd to the suspicion that in­ duced his arrest. Mr. Bybee's l«»>s is put REAL ESTATE DEALER. down ut $3,500. Brown Wa< bound over. jw uw l»ery down on Rogue river, concluded Thurs­ day evening that he hud boarded at the County’s expense long enough and, after the Jailor had given h;ni his supper, seemed averse to going back into his ceil. When the matter was pressed on John’s uunsidera- tion be showed fight, and the Jailor then re­ sorted to a chair post which had the effect of thoroughly reconstructing John. THE HUMAN FORM DIVINE ► Q « CO Sauce pans, Chopping axe«, Broad axes, Trace and Halter chain», Shovels and Tongs, Fire dogs, Sluice forks, Shovels, Door locks, Butt and strap hinges, Knives and forks. Spoons and ladles, Meat cutters, 7 Sad irons, Polishing irons, Pocket knives. Scissors and shears, Pruning shears and knives, Patent cross cut saws, Buck and band saws, Planes and lanterns; j ÏTJ Together with a general assortment of SHELF HARDWARE. GIANT POWDER, Fuse and caps, Blasting and rifle powder, Shot and lead, Lift pumps and Lead pipes, jpe, Grindstones, Cider mills, Cedar tubs, Cedar buckets, Willow baskets, etc. 1 Ö » o co K O TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON 3. ware of every description always on hand and made to order. 02 HYDRAULIC PIPE, GRAND AWARD Special Collector of Claims. A large amount of CITY and EAST PORT­ LAND Property for Sale. Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un­ cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collected. HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of Financial and General Agency bus­ iness transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale * will please furnish descriptions of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the O n his M uscle .—A Chiuanien who has principal CITIES and TOWNS of this State. July 2d, 1870. jly2-tf. been lodged ;n jail about two months for rub- » 0 0 Q 0 H 4 0 IH Ö » A Glorious Change!! B ound O ver .—George Hawkins was bound over by the Justice of the Peace for Sams valley this week, on the charge of perpetrating THE GREAT WORLD’S TONIC. malicious mischief. G reat R kdictiun or P rick *.—Mr. John Miller will hèretUtur sell at lue following re­ duced prices: Sudile«, from 810 to $50; Saddle Trees, §4 to $6 ; Team and Farm Harness, trom $25 to 850; Collars, from $2 50 to 84 50 ; Riding Bridles, from $1 50 to $10 ; Halters, from SI 25 to $2 25 ; Black Snake Whips, irom $1 to $2 25 ; Buggy Whips, from $1 to 82 25; Bridle Bitts, from 25 cts. to $3 50; and all other articles wil be sold at proportionate low prices, Al work done at reduced rates. of— i Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Box stoves, Nails of all sizes, Assorted iron and steel, Horse shoes and nails. Cast iron wash kettles, Bake ovens, Skillets and lids, Tea kettles, Bake pans, Brass kettles, Enameled kettcD, Corner Cal Horn ia and Fourth Sts. of Premiums in aid of the Nevada School District, rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE8PECT- Nevada city, California. -L rally lutorm their friends and the public gen­ PARTIAL LIST: erally hat they have purchased the above estab­ ! 1 Premium, Gold Coin,.............................. $10,000 lishment of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which will be henceforward conducted under their constant per­ . 5,000 Premium, Gold Coin, .•«•«••••••.••••».*..«■• 1 sonal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction 1 Premium, Gold Coin,.............................. 3,000 to all who may favor them with their patronage. 1 Premium, Gold Coin............................... 2,000 These stables are centrally located, and within lonvenient distance of the various houses of public 1 Premium, Gold Coin,.............................. 1.000 entertainment. Horses or mules will be boarded 1 Premium, Gold Coin,.............................. 1,000 and cared for, by the day or week, at moderate 1 Premium, Gold Coin,.............................. 1,000 charges. They have the largest stock in Oregon, 1,000 1 Premium, Gold Coin,........................ . south of Portland, of 1,000 Premium, Gold Coin,».; .......................... 1 4 4 200 each 10 Premiums, “ 44 100 each 10 Premiums, “ with single or double teams, for hire on reason­ 50,000 Season Tickets to the Grand Fair COIU- able terms ; also, menoing October 27th will be sold at $2 50 each. GOOD SADDLE HORSES & MULES, AN ONLY BE PRESERVED TRUE TO Nature by the art of Photography. Having Which will be hired to go to any part of just completed a thorough course of instructions in the country at moderate rates. Photography from Prof. S. L. Bnser, of Chieugo, Animals bought and sold, and horses broke to and also availed ourselves of the very latest im­ saddle or harness. provements in implements and stock, we are now llEAMES & WILSON. prepared to produce work of the best style for thoee May 7th. 1870. favoring us with their patronage. .Having pur­ A nother R obbery .—Tbis place is about chased a fine instrument for the purpose, we are to rival Portland in the number of its thefts also prepared to take Sterescopio views of land­ and robberies. One night this week an in­ scapes, residences, or persons. C dividual was handling a twenty rather care­ Photoes, per dozen......................... S5 OO •« •• half “.......................... 3 OO lessly in one of the saloons, when it dropped Melauotypes, each,........................... 50 out of his bawl and rolled cluse to another PARKER