I JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTORER 15, 1870 W gmottatic Taxing Chinamen. ■ • .... 1 " 1 . i i . — The Suppression of Eleotions. 'r T*-* -------------- The Frightful Beauties of War- Taglioni Visits the field of Battle. ■ 1 I The bill introduced by Mr. Fay for the An opera dancer—one who was Taglioni— It ie claimed that the Republican party has A war correspondent writes from th« Published Every Saturday Morning, purpose of taxing unnaturalized foreigners finally restored the Union by admitting to theatre of battle as follows : has a son in the I2tb chasseurs. Tbit regi­ was upon its final passage on the 3rd inst. representation in Congress every Southern ment was almost cut to pieces in the battle uK BY F. D. HULL, If these be any beast in human form who Publ.le h e r St P r o p r 1 e to sr. The following is th« reported portion of Mr, State. The falsity of thia claim we propose delights in war, I think even his small rem­ of Woerth, and news soon came to the anx­ V ♦ - »G Fay’s remarks on that occaaiau, ip reply to to show by showing that in no leas than three nant of the heart might be touched Jby the ious mother that her Albert was among the OFFICE—On Third St. Between California and C. Cochran of Lan«, as given by the Herald re­ of these States—to wit, G rorgia , M ississippi , slain. Mme. Ulrich—for that ie her name* spectacle of suffering and distress which sad ­ TERMS: porter : and T rias —the Republican party has for­ dens us here on every band. The recent bat­ and her husband is Governor of Strasburg— Sabsoription, per annum, in advance............... |4 00 Mr. Fay—I differ a good deal from the bidden any election for Representatives this declared she did not believe the new« ; she tles swept over several villages whose names Six «souths............... $2 00 Senator from Lane; but it is, I suppose, fall. would travel to Woerth. and not credit the are not to be found on the ordinary map, be­ owing to his long legislative experience and ADVERTISEMENTS, In G eorgia the Republican Legislature sides those towns that have the honor of hav­ false tale nntil she had found his body out la Tas D emocratic N ews will be charged at great knowledge that he supposes himself passed on the 20th inst. ao act, drawn up by ing the battles named after them. Villages among the corpses left without burial. The the following rates correct in all matters, However, if he had journey lasted a few days to a small village, First insertion, (ten lines or less)................. $3 00 read the bill, he would not have used his as- Attorney-General A kkrmak , to alter the time and towns—a dozen or so in number—have of the fall elections from the 8th of November, been emptied of their inhabitants. These at which, by dint of persevering inquiry, For aack week thereafter................................... $1 oo sertions. The United States invites all per- A liberal deduction from the above rates will be the date fixed by the constitution of that miserable creatures fill the road. Here are she had ascertained a few survivors of the sons, no matter of what nationality, to come made on quarterly and yearly advertisements. State, to the 20th, 21st, and 22d bf December old men tottering with the decrepitude of age; 12th chasseurs were gaining fresh strength here, but ouly for a-specific purpose that they next; the plain intent of this act being to young women and little children ; mothers for a second attack. It was nightfall when JOB PRINTING. would bring here their families and house­ tide the election over till Congress shall be in hugging little babies to their breasts ; stout she reached the said village; but by the light Every variety of Job Work executed with neat­ hold goods to partake of the blessings and session thia winter, so that, if the exigencies lads leading a favorite pony or driving a of an old lamp she was led to a barn, and ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. j prosperity of the nation ; to defend it in dan­ of the party require such a step, it may be valuable cow; all carrying away, in their of the first ebasseur mounting guard asked ger, and have their posterity become children still further postponed until November, 1872. flight before the infernal demon whatever in confident tones where to find Albert of the soil and nation. But the Chinese do In M ississippi a curious trick is relied on they could a catch in their exodus from their Ulrich. “He’s in there,” replied the man, not come here to make their homes; they pointing to the barn door. The mother by the Republican party to forbid an election burning homes. bring no families with them, nor even are rushed on. There, indeed, was the youth, for Representatives in Congress this fall. These wretehed beings, one would think, their bones left here, but sent back to China. fast asleep between the legs of a horse eat­ When General A mes , as district commandant, might, if they were seen by the eyes of “pub­ ing hay. Down crawled the lovely figure of •A. All the immigrants from Europe come here proclaimed certain persons elected in 1869 as JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. !• to make this their home, and if they only the Legislature of M ississippi , said persons lic mind,” and pity and compassion in those the mother, down to the sleeper’s warm tem­ eyes. The crops, the pastures, and dwellings signify their intention of becoming citizens, ples ; then, without awaking him, she press­ kindly reciprocating, as will be remembered, olds its regular meetings on the bill doe» not bear upon them. So far as of the peasants all over the east of France every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellow«’ by declaring General A mes United States have been laid waste. The order has gone ed her lips on the forehead. the bill opposed the Constitution, the Judi ­ Hall. Brothers in good «binding are invited to What would she not have given foy an af­ Senator, he announced sundry scum «»elected forth—cut them down, why cumber they the attend. JOHN McKEE, N. G. ciary Committee having examined it thor­ to the unexpired term of the Forty first Con­ fectionate glance in return ? but no, it would E. SMITH, R. Sec’y. ground in the presence of this “ war of civili ­ oughly, would not report its adoption if it W«. B ilgf . r , gress, and other scum to the full term of tbe zation.'’ In three days, says the humane be cruel to wake the soldier boy up ; then were in opposition to it. The Burlingame H. K lippel , I Trustees. there would be the separation again, and she Forty second. By virtue of this latter cer­ H. V. H elms , treaty specified that all inferior races should tificate—a certificate altogether invalid, fince edict, lot every house and every tree and knew he was to fight next day; better far May 1st, 1869. t—f enjoy the same privileges ns that of the most the Federal Constitution expressly ordains an every stalk be removed from the theatre of that be should gain fresh strength, and she favored nntiuns. The Chinese are not taxed election of Representatives every second year the “duel.” JAMES R. NEIL, noiselessly rose once more, looked at tho Here comes a flock of eight—husband and brave heaving bosom undisturbed by tossing any more than other foreigner», and if they —it is declared that M ississippi is to have no Attorney ft Counsellor-at-Law, cannot become citizens it is not the fault of Congressional election this fall ; the idea be­ wife, two boys and four girls. Here is an­ dreams, and left the barn.. Third Street, (west side), between California Oregon, but of the general government. The “You will tell Albert I came and kissed ing that it is better to have the full delegation other of eight, and here another of seven, in­ and Main. Chinese treaty does uot permit Celestials to Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts of five Radicals elected in November, 1869. cluding an old woman of seventy, stooping him,” she said to the man outside, slipping become citizens. Yet we do nut discriminate than to have that delegation stand thr£e Con­ forward, leaning on a pole. She will fall in a coin in his band. of this State. between them and other foreigners iu mat­ The next day Albert fought again, and I servatives to two Radicals, as it assuredly her tracks presently, and so will that young, Particular attention paid to tho collection ter» of taxation unless the Inner manifest u pale mother, who has sunk exhausted in the of Claim» against the Federal and State Govern­ need not add he is still spared. That mother’s would with an election iu November, 1870. ments. the Entry of Lauds under the Pre-emption desire to become citizens. We are flooded doorway of a chop. Her babe can cry no kiss is his talisman for life. From T exas it was tunie time since an­ and Homestead Laws, and t * the Entry ef Mineral by these Chinese ; they occupy our mines, longer for what is no longer to be had, and Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. nounced, iu a “Petition of the people of Wendell Phillips on the War. anti ure impoverishing our country. In this T exas to Congress to guarantee to the peo- will go with mother and grandmother, or be­ C. W. KAHLER, Siam there are 10,000 Chinese, and yet it is “ pie a republican form ot government,” that fore them, into the only country which is safe The Tribune is extremely unhappy over impossible to collect rusd or poll taxes. from the wickedness of kings. Here comes a the reconstructed State government meditated Attorney anti Counseller-at-Law, They c>>me here to aggrandize themselves and little fellow with a handfnll of bullets. They what it is pleased to call the World'» “de­ a denial this fall of a Congressional election, to rob tbe ouuutry. Wby is it nut right, then, are playthings to him, as they are to princes nunciations of the Germans” and the World'» JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, by a failure on the part of the Legislature to “devotion to Louis Napoleon.” Both of and rulers. to tax these people ? enact the necessary legislation ; and by latest Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and No outrages are committed upon the same From fifty to sixty thousand people are these being inventions of its own, utter, ab­ other Courts of this State. advices we have it that that body has finally OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. as we read that of the Chinese committing in adjourned without taking any steps Cowards turned out of house and homo and by the solute, and indecent, need not just now nor at any time concern us. But what has the Jacobs—opposite Court House square. China, firing buildings, because they be­ such legislation. The consequence is that exigencies of wounded honor. Three towns Tribune to say of the style in which tbe Ger­ longed to Christians. We hear of women DR. GEO. B. TOLMAN, there will be no election for Representatives are half in ashes. We can see the leisurelv mans are denounced by the great Radical being taken out of burning buildings, out­ in Congress in T exas this fall. It is annoueed coil of smoke rising from Forbach and Saar- leader, the master of Massachusetts, the (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) raged, cut in pieces—literally carved by this that the people, indignant at such disfran* bruck. maker of the Tribune and of tbe party by same barbarous horde who are now swarm ­ Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, Shells have broken into the “decent church which the Tribune lives ? chisement, will hold an election of their own ing nil over the country. Women, holy Relf ILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND sacrificing women, who went there to carry motion ; but, as it is a foregone conclusion that tops the neighboring hills.” Something Wendell Phillips says in the Standard of adjacent counties, and attend promptly to Congress will pay no attention to the creden­ in our deepest heart shudders and yearns of this week that Prussia, which “entered blessings and instruction to the pagans, who, all calls on professional business. tials of any Representative so chosen, it may over glorious cathedrals, and prompts to their “Sedan borne on the wonder, almost the !ov- by all cite self-sacrifice of noble sou led women OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, be set down as absolute that T exas is denied defense against the barbarous glory of arms, “ing admiration, of the world, left Sedan tried to alleviate them or alleviate their suffer ­ on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack­ Protestants will pray that they may be spared “followed by the loathing and contempt of an election this fall. sonville, Oregon. ings, were carved to pieces, outraged, and The net benefit to the Republican party of —that at Metz, so impassive and yet impress­ “two continents.” Jan. 8th, 187S. jan8-tf. their mangled forms thrown into the burning these several procedures is, first, a complete ive; that at Strasbourg, with its incompar­ Wendell Phillips proclaims that Prussia is house. And these were tbe class of men tbe nullification of the danger of seven Democrat­ able spire, and solemn nave and ravishing “bloodthirsty and greedy, unscrupulous and Dr. L. T. DAVIS, S.uator from Lane would defend. We do ic Congressmen coming up from G eorgia this organ, and extraordinary clock. And I “overbearing, beyond ths Bourbons and> 3««On Fine atroot, uot want to injure the Chinese in any way, fall; second, a full delegation of five Rad­ think, as I Bee the poor souls in peasant’s cap “Ilapsburghs, the Philips and Charleses, of but they cauuot rob us without paying at ical members from M ississippi ; and third, and workman’s blouse kneeling or rather “bygone days.” Opposite t he 014 least taxes like all other citizens. In China, such a condition of abeyance in the Congress­ crouching under the gigantic pillars and mut­ Wendell Phillips declares that Prussia io are our people permitted to go all over China A rkansas L ivery S table . ional election in T exas as leaves said election tering before the altar with its solitary lamp into every town ? No, sir ; they are confined to wait the pleasure, or the;necessities, of the burning dream ingly in tho shadows—I won­ “not a nation, only an overgrown army—a to certain places, and if they are caught out­ party. In one form or another these advan­ der as I see these kneeling serfs whether they “horde of brigands too strong for thei^ civil­ Jacksonville, Oregon. side these places they are murdered in cold tages are gained by a denial of those elections are not a little safer here than anywhere else, ized neighbors.” E. H. GREENMAN, Wendell Phillips avers that it would bo blood. We therefore hope the bill will pass. which the Constitution requires, which the and whether He who rules among the armies hard for “humanity itself to weep.if tbe pes­ Physician, ds Surgeon, These people must help support tbe Govern­ Republican party promised, and on the pop­ of heaven and earth alike will not turn away tilence delivered Paris, leaving neither OFFICE—At the U. S. HOTEL, on Califor­ ment that protects them. ular impression that such elections will be the bullet and bomb from these sublime pia- “peasant nor princeling to tell tbe tale at nia Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. held that party now banks. It becomes the ces where the weary imagination finds the “Berlin.” practice in Jackson and adjacent coun- W oolen F abrics . — The commercial corre ­ tes, ar.d attend promptly to protessional call». duty of every Democratic press and speaker record of IIis name and the whispers of His Are these denunciations ? And if they are, spondent of the Sacramento Union of Oct. 1, throughout the country to dispel that impress­ still, small voice. dare the Tribune attempt to disavow them T DB. A. B. OVERBECK writing from San Francisco, says : ion, and, in tbe light of tbe facts hereinbe­ The stock of dry goods, clothing, etc., is fore stated, show that the Republican party The Louisville Courier Journal is of the And, if it does, what can that signify T The 11?TLL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND 8UR- W GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls much lighter now than for years post, giving opinion that the belligerents in the European Tribune is to Wendell Phillips as the bag­ has disfranchised no less than three States, on professional business. His office and residence gage car to tbe locomotive of the train. It increased encouragement to the Woolen Mills are at now that they are fully reconstructed, as war would desist if they only knew what of tide coast. Yesterday the Mission Woolen The Overbeck Hospital, terrible havoc their affair is making with the carries the spoils of the Radical party, but completely as it ever disfranchised them in Mills Consolidated received by telegraph an­ O b Oregon Street. Jacksonville. Oregon. I-tf “map of Europe,” in the columns of Ameri* it has no motion of its own ; and fume tbe other large order from Alexander T. Stewart the palmiest days of its bayonet reconstruc* inmates never so hotly, they know, and al! can journals. A Co., consisting of an entirely new line of tion rule.— World. JAMES D. FAY, tbe world knows, that wherever the engine _ goods. When we visited this manufactory on the 27th inst. we found 480 operatives at A jealous Pennsylvanian discovered that takes its shrill and resonant way there they There is a physician says a San Francisco work, chiefly upon blankets, cassimeres, paper up town who paid attentions to a young it was her own brother that bis wife was must follow^ though it be oyer the highest tweeds, etc., including tbe fine flannels for OFFICE—In Court Honse, up stairs. enbankment or down the deepest art.-— N. T, women and children’s wear. Some of tbe lady for nearly a year, and then, when she walking with in the moonlight, only after World. Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts goods exhibited and intended for the Bast refused him, be sent her a bill for the visits knocking him down and breaking his head. » ♦------ - '-■J of this State. were of superior quality and embraced all —one hundred and fifty four visits, at oae A good deal of the consolation offered in order for 100 blue horse blankets, the like of “Tremendous excitement— a man in a Particular attention paid to the collection which were never seen at tbe East before. dollar and a half a visit. He says business the world is about as solacing as tho sasur* of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ spasm,” was the heading a Kansas editor is business, and he is not going to waste op ­ anee of the man to his wife when oho fell ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption Knit goods are also being made io quantities thought necessary to an item about a man into tbe river: ”You’ll find ground at the and Homestead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral at this factory, including drawers, shirts, portunities like that while the city is as having fits. healthy as it is now. hose, etc. ‘bottom, my dear?1 Lodes under the recoot Act of Congress. I tf. * •- i j Insintss (Carbs. H W / Attorney ft Counsellor-at-Law,