VOL. 2. Published Every Saturday Morning, NO. f 24. Three Men Killed by a Grizzly Speech of Hon. C. L. Vallandigham at “Double or Quits.” Circumstances Alter Cases. the Democratic Ratification Meeting, on Saturday, September 3d, 1870, at On the 18th inst., three men whose names A few nights since tho passengers in a In the early days of California, miners Dayton, Ohio. are unknown, but who had been keeping a crowded street-car wero startled by the soft would play poker, «uchre, or seven-up for dairy on the San Benito Ranch, came to their conings of a couple in a corner. A bluo veil pinches, or ounces, or nuggets of gold; and F ellow C itizens :—Not now participating P u b 1 1 h h o r 1» r o p r 1 o t, <» x-. actively in politics, I have yet so far yielded death in a most horrible manner. On Thurs­ hid the laday’s face, and tho gentleman^s thousands of dollars would sometimes be lost day, the 17th, ynaof,t^eir cows strayed away hand was playing nervously with its folds. and won in an hour. There was one gamb­ -OFFICE-—On Third St. Betwoen California and C. to the earnest solicitation of friend* as to and was lost. On the next morning, before “ You love mo, then? ” they heard him ling miner called Double-or- Quits, because accept the Presidency of this assemblage ; TERMS: breakfast, two of them started out to take a say. when he lost the game he would cry, “Double and the more cheerfully, not only because it ScLscr'rpûn ten years, it being known from its peculiar about him. But all the week he was playing “I am too young to marry.” and Homestea i Laws, and t> the Entry et Mineral the great tribunal of posterity unfit to have Lodes under the recent. Act of Congress. survived, and justly to have perished, then track, having lost, three of the toes from one The tone was disappointed. It bad a hesi­ cards with shadows, aud crying out, “come tation accent about it that meant more than along—cut again. Double or quits!” A will the men of this generation, who have of its feet.— Sun Jose Independent. C. W. KAHLER, the language. But tho answer came heartily minute before be died he jumped out of bed, accomplished i's overthrow, live in the judg and looked before him in a fright, thinking, Organization. —bluff, and to the point. Attorney ani Couiisvllor-at-Law, meat of future ages as the iebuilders of a perhaps, that Old Nick was by his side, and “So am I.” better ami n >b!er supers ruciure of Imperial The Oregon Branch of the Pacific Railroad bad come to fetch him. “Double or quits I” JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, “We’ve both been mistaken.” Republic. Mvself an actor in these scenes, Co. organized in this city yesterday by the he screamed, and then, as if he had lost the “Yes.” Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and to that judgment I long since appealed, and election of the following directors: Jesse Anu so they had. They left the car quietly. game and couldn’t pay, he threw up his arms other Courts of this State. with it, “after some time be past,” I shall be Applegate, Henry Klippel. J. N. T. Miller, The question of marriage was thoroughly un­ and dropped down dead.— Golden C o ­ OFFICE—Iu building formerly occupied by 0. wholly content. Jacobs—opposite Court House square. derstood. There was to be no wedding. Presently, ladies and gentlemen, it will be J. C. Tolman and Jumes D. Fay. G rant ’ s T reatment of F arragut .—The The Company propose to build the road mv pleasing duty to introduce to von the DR. GEO. B. TOLMAN, Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, the Democratic on the line indicated by the Williams’ amend­ A T ail .—“’Twas a kam still morn in Brooklyn Eagle, in noticing the death of Ad­ candidate for Representative in Congress ment, should. that measure become a law. October, which is one of the fall or ortum miral Farragut, specifically chargee against (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) from this district. You are, one and all, well Jacksonville is designated as the place of months. President Grant and Rear Admiral Porter, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, aware that for now these twenty years we business of the company. We are pleased It was at the seizen uvthe dyin year which that from the time of Grant’s accession to have not hitherto agreed in party habitudes,; to see among the names of the corporators ILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND nor upon the political questions of the past.: many of the most substantial men of South­ awakens fond remissness of formur memeries power, himself and Porter systematically adjacent countie*, and attend promptly to treated the Admiral with a contempt which Neither a« to any issues of former years doi ern Orogen, men who, instead of running uv the rekolekshun uv bi gone daze. all call* on professional business. off to San Francisco with what little money we probably now agree. This is neither re­ The rane cum doun in a kind uv fine mist, did not even cease with his death. Porter OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, quired nor expected of us. Upon the ques­ they have made, have held on to their coun- try with genuine American energy and are in a sad, lingerin kind uv way, as if it hated prescribed the uniform which the Admiral on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack­ tion of the Trojan war and the relative mer­ should wear, and changed the pennant which its of llectqr and Achilles, and the rape of determined to bring it to the highest point to wet tho spot on which it lit, but didn’t sonville, Oregon. he adopted, and not satisfied with these petty jan8-tf. Jsa. 8th. 1870. Helen, we might even differ to-night; and I of prosperity. The best interests of our egzackly no whar else to go. State demand that a grand trunk of railway meannesses, he interposed a claim for himself dare say that upon the issues of parties in should run through thé State North and The fernal breeze uv ortum kept a blowin the time of .Jefferson, Jackson and Buchan ­ Dr. L. T. DAVIS, of half of the prize moneys due Farragut, and an. and especially the more recent questions South with branches coutsing East and West. away, but not hard enuff to blow ennybody’s refused his request to be put at active service of Lincoln's Administration, we never shall We have millions of acres for the energetic hat off. The trees swaid back and 4th like on account of his health. Grant and Porter agree. But, next best, we agree to disagree. poor of all other States, welcoming all with an old woman with the teethack. good homes and fraternal feelings, to aid in Opposite the OK To him, in all these, I concede sincerity and On Rich a lovely morn as this, a maidon were jealous of the reputation of Farragut, building up the Western Empire. We hope integrity of motive ; and, as for myself, men und annoyed and snubbed him with a pro. the day is not far off when we shall behold fair, with p nsive air & golden hair, gazed of the Third District, I know, and you know, gramme planned for the purpose, and when ivery S table , that in purity and patriotism of purpose, no the enterprise brought to a successful com­ out of the east kitchen winder uv a house in sincerer man than I ever drew the breath of pletion.— Salem Mercury, Sept. 22. the beautiful and romantic Stait, Eleenoy, the old hero was dead, his death hastened by Jacksonville, Oregon. life. gazed long and well, gazed and gazed and this systematic ill-treatment, the Government Change of French Rulers. Mr. Campbell and I have been rival can­ E. H. GREENMAN, better gazed—she gazed as if there wuz sum- declined to detail any naval or military or didates, also as you remember, upon old is­ civil officers to attend the funeral. Of couree, X>lx3raiioin.xx dto Surgeon, sues, for the same office for which he is now Louis XVI was executed in 1793, and hie thin on her mind—which I supozz there wnz! Porter succeeded to the dead Admiral’s rank OFFICE—At the U. S. HOTEL, on Califor­ a candidate. But we met face to face like son. the Dauphin, after barbarous usage, She wuz a nice girl uv medium boit, with a men : we fonght like men, and like men we died in 1795. Napoleon I had two abdica­ mild temper & iron spoon in her left hand. and wears his title, besides enjoying prize nia. Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. ^ft-Will practice in Jackson and adjacenteoun- submitted alternately to the fate of battle. tions and two exiles. His son died in Aus­ She had been bakin pancakes. Her eyes moneys which justly belong to his heirs. *04, ar.d attend promptly to proleasional calls.___ At the close of the long struggle honors were tria, and never attained the imperial sceptre. easy, and if at first be took bv tricks, in the Louis XVIII, who came next, was an exile flushed & her buzzum hovo with the emotions I t is a curious fact, of which no really ( end I won. and so we parted fair foes at last. for twenty years ; was restored to the throne uv her feelings. Suddenly she spoake & satisfactory explanation has ever been given, DR. A. B. OVERBECK It is enough, men of the Third District, by the bayonets of Europe ; was chased off it revealed the cause uv her solisytood as she that as fire arms are rendered moro and more WILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- that to night we cordially agree upon the liv­ by Napoleon, driven into exile, but was VY GERY, and will attend promptly to all calls ing issues of the moment. To him I extend again put back bv the military forces of the says : “Thar, mam I’ll bo dad bobbled if deadly, war becomes less and lees destructive on professional business. Hi* office and residence now upon them the right hand ol fellowship. continent. He died after a reign of nine that old kow of Snigginzes hain’t broke into to human life. At borodino the loss was one- «ire at third of all the men engaged. At Waterloo [Mr. Vallandigham here stretched out his years. His brother, Charles X., whose youth our garden agin ?” The Overbeck Hospital, had been SDent in exile, was driven from the hand to Mr. Campbell, who, rising in his it was one-fourth. At Inkerman, where there 1-tf On Oregon Street, Jacksonville. Oregon. seat, shook it cordially and with an appear­ throno by the revolution of 1830, and died M ust H ave B een .—In a discussion, some was neither a rifled cannon nor a breech loader ance of deep emotion. This was the signal far from his native land. Ilis successor, doubts were raised whether Eve was formed JAMES D. FAY, for a tremendous burst ot applause on tho Louis Philippe, whose father had been exe­ frem “a bone.” A poetical lady thereupon on the field, tho English lost one-third. At part of the crowd, who had belore remained cuted in 1793, was in tarn driven from tho remarked : “Well, if Eve was so formed, it Magenta and Solferino. with vastly better kingdom, when an old man, after a prosper­ obstinately silent.—R eporter , j weapons, the casualties were one-eleventh . ous reign of eighteen years. Ilis successor must have beeu from the bone of conten- at Chattanooga one-thirteenth; while at Let the dead past bury its dead. We “ act OFFICE—In Court House, up stairs. in the living present, heart within and God was Louis Napoleon. Of all the sovereigns tion. Koniggratz, where the terrible needle gun Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts of France since 1793, lie Lis had the longest o’er head.” [Applause.] How L ong ?—The Herald of Hygiene ad­ caused such consternation, the losses were of this State. Democrats ! patriots ! friends ! to you, with reign, as President and Emperor. They the fullest measure of confidence in his tri­ thus compare : Louis XVI. eighteen years ; vises its readers never to eat upon an empty only ono twenty-third. «tir Particular attention paid to the collection umphant election, I present Hon. Lewis D. Napoleon I,fifteen years; Louis XVIII, nine stomach ! If the Herald’s readers act upon General McClellan is said to now receive of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ years ; Charles X, six years ; Louis Philippe, Campbell, Democratic candidate for Repre ­ ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption this advice, how long will they survive to salaries from various sources which make his and IIoni33tead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral sentative in Congress, from the gallaht old eighteen years ; Louis Napoleon, twenty-two [ 1 income aggregate about $50,000 a year. peruse its columns? years. Third District of Ohio. Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. • * BY P. D, HULL, I I W A«KANSAS L i JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1870 Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law,