■ different laboring classes for the benefit id the manufacturing autocrats of New England ; and on all these questions, the Republican party adheres right to an opposite position to that assumed by the Democratic party. This looks as if there were something else to be carried out besides merely gaining a victory over our adversaries. No theory of govern­ ment by which its rule shall be guided, for­ sooth I Does the writer of such worse than nonsense know whfit ho is talking about ? Democratic vs. Republican Party. GRAND AWARD Telegraphic. B oulion , Sept. 16th.—McMalwn, accom­ of Premiums in aid of the Nevada School District, panied by General Chasel, of the Belgian Nevada city, California. troops, arrived here today. * PARTIAL I.18T ! B erlin , Sopt. 16th.—The Belgian Lega $10,000 tion was officially notified of the raising of the 1 Premium, Gold Coin, 5,000 French blockade in the Baltic and Noith Sea 1 Premium, Gobi Coin, 3,000 1 Premium, Gold Coin, on the 15th. 2,000 L ondon , Sept. 16tb.—A dispatch from Ber- 1 Premium, Gold Coin, 1.000 ramuth, eleven miles northwest of Strasbourg, 1 Premium, Gold Coin, 1,000 yesterday, says fires are inevitable from the 1 Premium, Gold Coin, 1,000 «ver ceaseless bombardment. Fugitives state « t** 1 Premium, Gold Coin» 1,000 the suffering of the people is intense. Pro­ 1 Premium, Gold Coin, visions are limited at Montmedy, and sick­ 1 Premium, Gold Coin, 1,000 ness continues great. 200 10 Premiums, “ “ CM«h. On the 14th, the cltizefis made anotnet ap TOO* peal to Ulrich to yield to the inevitable des­ 10 Premiums, “ “ each....................... tiny, as the fall of the fortress cannot be long 50,000 Season Ticket« to the Grand Fair coin- mencing October 27th will be sold at $2 50 etch.. delayed. It is reported that the Foreign Office has Treasurer, Bank of Nevada County.. B'smark’s reply to the demand of Jules Favre 25,000 Premiums,. for an armistice. Bismark says there are questions yet to be settled with France be amounting to $85,000 will be awarded" to the hold­ tore a suspension of hostilities is possible. ers of season tickets. The Portland Bulletin of the 10th inst. contains a lengthy and carefully written arti SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 24, 1S70. cle, evidently intended as a justification of its editor’s course in abandoning tho Demo­ The Democratic Senator. cratic party and assuming quasi relations with tho opposing organization. We are not At length the agony is over and James K. so much surprised at the writer being able to Kelly is elected to succeed Geo. II. Williams arraign the party he left, as at the fact ol as Senator from Oregon. e are not sure his being so extremely oblivious of the de­ but what this is the best selection under the lects of the party he is. now coqueting with, circumstances that could have been made. The European Contest. not inaptly called Black Republican. Be In point of ability, Col. Kelly has few if any have no doubt but that the same mind that superiors on the Pacific Coast; morally, he could niRke such flimsy, ummbstantitil objec­ The combined armies of King William are is just the man that we want, and that he tions to political fellowship once cherished now" vigorously engaged in the attempt to re­ will fail to do justice to Southern Oregon in and adhered to with pride, look so formidable, duce Paris, the pride and Capital of France, regard to her railroad and other interests, could, also, if seriously eq disposed, rake up to subjection. It is useless to assert that a we cannot believe. lie has served the party some very damaging allegations against the great deal of innocent blood will flow ; that well and faithfully in the past, and fully party that has so unscrupulously labored to immense ruin and devastation will attend the merited this conclusive testimony of the par­ extirpate Jeffersonian principles and destroy result, whether it be a victory to Prussia or The Prussian attack on Paris is to be di­ For reference we refer you to any citiion of Ne­ ty’s appreciation of his masterly abilities, not. The advantage to be derived from a rected first against Vincennes; large body vada city, California. State Rights in America. dignity and irreproachable character, and his reduction of Paris to ruins and the conse ­ of Parisian troops will confront them there. Responsible Agents wanted. Liberal commis­ We have been waiting ever since Mr. sions allowed. For full particulars and terms to usefulness to the Democratic cause. Such Hoisting the red flag at Lyons in defiance O’Meara started his independent paper (so- quent humiliation of the French people, it of the Government creates uneasiness, Sc agents, Address an individual cannot fail to have influence in R. L. GRINNAN, Sec’y. called) to see an equal aggression kept up on ; looks to us, cannot compensate the King of vere measures will be taken against the of- any respectable deliberative body, lie is a Nevada city, Cal. both parties ; but his editorial censure, his Prussia for the (earful loss his own armies senders. P. D. HULL Agent for Jacksonville, Oregon. fit peer and associate for the ablest men in must sustain before the City can possibly be Fifty thousand infantry and cavalry of the bitter reproaches and sarcastic innuendoes are the Senate ; and such wise, staunch and con­ Grand Duchy of Baden, with twenty cannon, all leveled at the one he inexcusably deserted, taken. And then it is not likely the other occupied Colmar on Thursday, after a skir­ servative Statesmen as Thurman and Car and his sugar plums are all thrown to the powers will suffer him to reap any great ter mish with French riflemen. serly will recognize in Col. Kelly a valuable The Uhlans are reported at Conrels. Radicals. Well, we would rather have it I , ritorial aggrandizement after all. We are co-laborer. I sure of one thing : American sympathy is Mr. Lowe, Chancellor of the Exchequer, this way than any other. A man so suscep­ in a speech at Elgin, pronounced in the KAREWSKT, RAVINÉ JUST OPENED now’ almost unanimous for tbe Republican tible of strange contradictions never cun be Í I. M asonic M irror .—This excellent periodi­ a large stock of i citizens ot France. The following from the strongest manner against intervention or of much strength to any party, and we pre mediation between France and Prussia in any cal now comes to us every week, instead of I Yreka Union expresses our views precisely : form whatever. every month, a8 during the first year of its fer fighting all the impractical» together. is then only with sorrow that wc can behold P aris , Sept. 16th, 9:50 p. m .—The “Rap­ We are told that the Democratic party in i the It German publication. It is now a sixteen page paper, people in subservience to the ambi- pel” has just been sounded and the forces schemes of the Prussian royal family, being have been called to arms, and sentinels doub­ is the official Masonic, organ of the Pacific the days of Jefferson was a progressive party ; ‘ ! tious used to crush an incipient Republic in France. coast and, we are happy to add, a complete vet we are not informed in what direction ■ When they were marshalled in stern battle array, led. Prussians have been signalized th:s —AT morning. An engagement took-pl ace on the chat progress teuded — whether towards a i to humble and overthrow tbe perfidious Napoleon, success every way. It is beautifully printed, ! wc hade them God speed. If it be the purpose of road from Melon to Roi between the sharp­ and at the close of the year will make a more united or disintegrated Union of the King William to prevent the establishment of a shooters and the Prussians. Many wounded. splendid bound volume. Its vast amount of States. If the former, how inconsistent this . Republic in France, wc can only hope that discom­ The result is unknown. fiture and failure may overtake him, at whatever L ondon , Sept. 16th. — A dispatch from Masonic information—tidings from the Craft idle croaking about the Democracy having cost to Germany. The interests and welfare of abandoned State Rights, etc. If the latter, Paris savs Trochu to dav received rhe ad the people ot both France and Germany are of —will endear it to every member of the Fra­ vance guard of a corps of 10,000 armed volun­ Corner of California and Oregon streets, offers we think the great acme of progress w ’ as more'importance than any mere dynastic interests bargains, such as have not been offered before at ternity ; and its diversity of dioico and in­ teers. ot either King William or Napoleon. Jacksonville. teresting reading matter commends it to every reached when tbe Kentucky and Virginia Melz holds out and Bazaine has 75.000 This stock is fresh and of the best quality, and resolutions were promulgated. Mr. Madison, men and an abundance of provisions and am­ CASH purchasers will do well to call on him. Gov. Grover’s Inaugural. family. The subscription price is only $3 50, who labored so materially in the issuing of munition. He is constantly harassing the or 10 copies for $30. Address Masonic Pub­ Our brother editors of the Republican per- enemy. lishing Company, 608 Market Street, San those resolutions, spent a great deal of the The bombardment of Toul was resumed remainder of his life endeavoring to modify suasion find a great deal of fault with regard Francisco. yesterday forenoon and continued nil n’ght. the ultra construction placed upon the same to the propriety of such partions of the In­ P aris . Sept. Pith, — Prussia demands the taken in exchange for goods. Also ground salt in « <______ _____________ 50 and 100 lbs. sacks, and fine Liverpool salt. L egislative .—Our law makers, it is pre­ by ambitious leaders, anxious to foment rev- augural us refer to the Chinese question, j restoration of N apole<»n. January 1st, 1870. sumed, are now seriously at work for the olutmu. Because Democrats do nut incorpo­ This is no more than should have been ex­ The Prussians <><*eupv some small woods around Paris, tot) greet» to burn. good of the State. The Senatorial question rate thoso resolutions into every National, pected ; but their opposition to any thing ALL OZET Cannonading anti musketry firing has been State and county platform, and make them and a few of the contested cases for seats in being said against the desirableness of the heard all day in ti e direction of B uray. IT the basis of every article written or speech B erlin , Sept. 17th. — Considerable' excite Cfiinuiuan’s presence in this country, is not the Legislature have been disposed of. Quite a number of Bills have already been delivered, it does not follow that the party limited to occasions of inauguration, alone, i ment was occasioned at 'Velhomsohl, recently, bv an attempt to assassinate the French Em introduced—two on the Chinese embroglio, has swerved from an honest advocacy and It is very difficult to decide, precisely, when neror bv a German apprentice, who was nr one in regard to vagrancy, one or two in ref­ demand of State Rights. If it is out and I statements of facts reprdiensory of Asiatic! rested before he could accomplish his pur­ out secession that the Editor of tbe Bulletin immigration would meet the sanction of the ; pose. A leaded p’stol was found on his per- erence to fees of officers, and many others PAID IN FULL laments over so piteously, we are forced to representatives of the Republican party. -on. He declared that the bullet was de­ more or less important. The principal spar­ confess that the Democratic party dues not None of them, however, attempt to answer signed for Napoleon. ring thus far has been over contested election L ondon . Sept. 17th.—Bavaria bn« repu­ .To Claimants in 60 Days! reckon that among the attractions to lute, or the telling arguments of Gov. Grover upon diated any decree to enter the North German cases, and such affairs do not usually call retain, individuals in the sheepfold. If there the Chinese question. The most that any of Confederation. forth the best exhibition of talent and states­ .1OR ANY INFORMATION CONCERNING is no other way by which the co-operation of them can do, is to make a sickly effort at The Standard' x Berlin correspondent gives the above, or any other Government claims, manship. Mr. O’Meara can be assured, we fear his ac­ trespassing upon the overworked domain of the substance of a conversation held with Bis­ apply to the undersigned, who will furnish all mark. which confirmed the opinion that necessary information gratis, and charge no fees L ift O ut . —Our article on the organiza­ quiescence in a good cause is lost forever. pour Nasby, and thus subject to ridicule what Prussia would prosecute the war indefinitely for collection until claim is paid. tion of the Legislature and election of offi­ It will be a long time before tho violence sus they are unable to touch with argument. rather than abandon the idea of territorial ALFRED L. GROSS,. Notary Public for Oregon ; Commissioner cers was unaccountably mislaid last week, tained by State Rights in consequence of se­ This very question of cheap labor from China, aggrandizement. of Deeds for Washington Territory. A dispatch from Florence states that rhe and we take the earliest opportunity for cession cau be overcome. If every person is working impoverishment to thousands and OFFICE—St. Charles Hotel, Morrisson Street,. apologizing for the omission. Probably the were disposed to proceed upon the philosophy thousands of the toiling people of our own Italian fleet is concentrating at Civita Portland, Oregon. Vicbey. July 23d, 1870. jly23-3m. Senate and House got along just as well, extensively inculcated now a days and ac­ race, and is impeding the prosperity of the however, without our assistance and congrat­ cept as final any outrageous infringement up­ State more than anything else, yet its soln C hief Justice Chnss was recently afflicted on the Constitution and former usages of the tion can only be attempted at the risk of en­ ulations. with a stroke of paralysis. He may survive of the Government, we would certainly be in countering the spiritless wit and vapid ridi­ it for a few years , but his days of usefulness AN ONLY BE PRESERVED TRUE TO- Nature by the art of Photography. Having G oing .—We are informed that large or­ a forlorn condition so far as States Rights or cule of universal brotherhood propagandist. are as good as over. just completed a thorough course of instructions in ders for tickets to the Grand Premium Fair any other of the great principles of freedom Photography from Prof. S. L. Buser, of Chicago,, II. II. Griffrey, of Lane county, has been and under our institutions are concerned. The also availed ourselves of the very latent im­ have been received at the office in Nevada The Fall of Rome. appointed Private Secretary to Gov. Grover, provements in implements and stock, we are now city for parties in the Atlantic States. There Democratic party is as assiduously devoted prepared to produce work of the best style for those and Assistant Secretary of State. Once more that most celebrated of ancient are only a small number of tickets left. Price to these indispensable» to perfect liberty as favoring us with their patronage. Having pur­ T he Supreme Court Judges of Oregon chased a fine instrument for the purpose, we are $2 5Q each. The highest cash Premium is ever. That the States are deprived of their cities has been forced to capitulate to armed also prepared to take Sterescopic view« of land­ $10,000 the lowest $100. See advertisement original rights under our peculiar form of forces, this time, however, with the creation have accented an invitation to be present at scapes, residences, or persons. government, we have to blame the Republi of no great amount of commotion through­ the Linn County Fair. io another column. Photoes, per dozen............................. $5 «• half “............................... 3 (H) can party and their coadjutors, the impracti­ out the civilized world. What a remarkable M ount Ilood has again been taken dtf Melanotypec «»/•ach,................................ 5(H A gain at the H elm .—The publishers of cal hot heads in the Democratic ranks ; and history belongs to the seven hilled city ! It a few feet. A recent measurement only y PARKER A DUNLAP. the Herald announce that Mr. Sylvester Pen- the idea of an individual who claims to be a used to be almost equal to tho overthrow of lows it an altitude of some 11,300 feet. Located at present at the Camp Meeting noyer has once more assumed editorial charge devoted adherent to thoso rights siding in all Christendom to invade her fortifications. Ground on Bear «reek. G eneral Sherman is now rusticating on of that paper. Mr. P. is a spirited writer with the party that glorie» in having tram Now she surrenders without even a battle, August 13th, 1870. nu!3-5m. and will be apt to make it quite lively for pled them under its feet, tend» to illustrate and in surrendering, the temporal power of the Pacific coast. They are expecting him at Portland on the next steamer. Ben. Holladay’s two papers, “both daily,” bow strange and manifold are the inconsis­ the Pope vanishes forever. We do not be­ In Portland. • lieve any violence will be sustained by tbe A flouring mill is being erected on Pine tencies to be met with in this life. It is charged that the Democratic party of Church on account of this invasion, and the creek, Goose Lake Valley, by Mr. Robinett. In the master of the Estate of Gabriel E nlarged .—The Plaindealer comes to us to-day has no other ambition than to over­ possession of Rome seemed essential to Ital­ Brown. Deceased. now very much enlarged, and has every ap­ come its great rival, and that it offers no ian unity and independence. Two very great otice is hereby given that the pearance of being in a flourishing financial theory or rule upon which it will govern the and important results to the world have fol undersigned has been appointed (by the Pro­ bate court of Jackson county, Oregon, at the Au­ condition. It deserves the cordial support of country when in power. We are not pre­ low’ed the dethronement of Napoleon already. gust term thereof) Administrator of said Estate, ll those who are indebted to and all persons having olaims ngainst said Estate the party, and we wish Mr. Thompson the pared to admit the correctness of these s^ite- The next thing we look for with something mo had better come and settle within thirty are required to present them with proper vouchers very best of success in the future. meats ; but, as an offset, ws might enquire of anxious expectancy, as a sequence of the days from this date. I have tried to get a peace to ­ the undersigned at his residence, two miles ful settlement for over two year», and hnve sig ­ what nobler object has the Republican party, great upheaval now going on in Europe, is northwest of Buneh’s saw mill on Evans creek, W atches and J ewelry .—Mr. Brooks has nally. failed. All accounts not settled within thirty within six months from the date of this notice. other than that of maintaining power for the the obliteration of Mohammedan rule in Tur­ days from this date will be collected by law. I opened a new jewelry shop, first door east of MILLIAM W. BROWN, Administrator. key. The continued existence of that super­ will take cattle and hogs at cash prices for all August 27th, 1870. sake of its abuses in the way of oppressing sept3-w4. U. 8. Hotel, where he is prepared to do all debts that are due mo. All those that I owe will stitious government is a reminder of the please present their accounts, and a settlement yyill kinds of work in his line at reasonable rates. and robbing the people and reaping the spoils “dark ages.” We want to see these ancient bo made. of office ? And what clearly defined theory Excellent jewelry and watches, also, for sale. W m . BYBEE. has it set up, other than that of enforcing homes of science and learning redeemed to Sept. 17th, 1870. sept!7-w4. H andsome .—If anybody desires to see an the political and sooial equality of all races? Freedom and Christian civilization, ------------ ----------------- elegant store room—large, well-arranged and otice is hereby given that the The Democratic party has a distinctive M r . James Akio, of Empire City, Coos undersigned will on Monday and Tuesday, commodious—let him or her take a look at policy upon which to conduct the affairs of Sept. 26th and 27th, 1870, attend at the office of county, was shot lately by one of his bands the building recently fitted up by G. Karewski, the Government; First and foremost, it is the County Clerk, ot Jackson county, Oregon, HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD CALL THE and with the assistance of said Clerk, publicly formerly known ae the old Bruner building. in favor of the States having all the reserved with whom ho had made a settlement not attention of those desirous of obtaining good examine the Assessment Roll of said county for altogether satisfactory. The ball passed rights they ever possessed under the Federal mountain or stock ranches—well situated with the re­ year 1870, and oorreot all errors that may be D aily S tatesmen .—This paper, according through the right breast and lung. gard to range, water, grass, eto., to the fact that found in the same ; at which time and place anjr to promise, has been considerable enlarged charter ; secondly, it is opposed to the usur­ such purchases can be made by calling at the person interested may attend, and if such person pations of Congress, and the overriding of D r . McKay reached Salem on the 17th premises, on Rogue river. One of the places has or persons’ assessment is wrong, have the samo and otherwise improved of late. L the Supreme Court and Chief Executive for inst., with three six mule teams to load with a ferry attached. For further particulars, call corrected. DAVID RED PATH, Assessor D r . Plummer is once more in town, look­ the sake of political advantage ; thirdly, it is castings for a mill, agricultural implementsi Oil J. HANNAH. Jackson county, Oregon. ing good natnred aud as f ffable as ever. opposed to th? wholesale robbery of all the and agency goods, fur Fort Klamath.- £optl7-tf. Sept. 10th, 1870. «qtlO-wS. ■ ! 1 CHEAP FOR CASH! STAPLE GROCERIES, THE BRICK STORE, Staple Produce & I! 1 THE HOMAN FORM DIVINE C Administrator’s Notice NOTICE TO DEBTORS! N A Assessor’s Notice. RANCHES FOR SALE N T I /