JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATCBDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1870. VOL. 2 . 22. . The Kepublic Declared crowd poured in ; but forbore to enter the palace on the appearance of M. Emmanuel Arago, who came out to meet them, and said : “Citizens, the Empress left Paris at midnight. This palace, the property of the people, is under the protection of liberty and of the law.” The crowd cheered immensely ; guards of the National Guard were posted at the gates. The Republic was proclaimed immediately aftewards at the Hotel de Ville. The Music of Peace. , , ■ i • - » T" • ■’W* » bad actions and bad men— is to be snatched out of the jaws of death, chastened and puri* fied by blood and tears, and raised once more as a symbol of protection over the host of the Lord. That host does not propose to sing in honor either of John Brown’s body or John Brown’s soul. It proposes, as it moves for­ ward to the light, to take up an older and a sweeter song—a song suited to the ensign and the cause ; a song whose tones will bring back many a wandering heart to its— better self, and recall many a vagrant footstep to the beaten tracks that were word into the American system by the patriots of other days ; an old, God-blessed, familiar song, which the people have not forgotton how to sing— And the star-spangled banner, oh, long may it wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave ! The Lonisville Courier-Journal gives the following eminently wise views on the Demo­ cratic situation, and we commend the article BY P. D, HULL, to the party in Oregon : -I*»*l>llsl»erAI*roprloto i *. If the red-hot element is as strong as its par­ ■OFFIOE-—On Third St. Between California and O. tisans claim, and as the Radicals are trying About 6 o ’ clock the National Guard and TERMS: to make out it is, how comes it that its efforts Subscription, per annum, in advance $4 00 the troops of the line neatest the Legislative to got up, not a wholesome and efficient party Six months........................................ $2 00 Palace began to show signs of sympathy with spirit, based upon works, but a violent and M ore R econstruction N eeded .—The De­ the people. Shakos wore raised on the bayo ­ ADVERTISEMENTS, unreasoning party sentiment, based upon pre­ In T he D emocratic N ews will be charged at nets, and cries uttered hero and there of mocratic majority in Kentucky is fifty thou­ judices, are everywhere so unavailing ? How “Death to the Prussians!” “Long live sand. The Democrats also carry North Car­ was it that a different policy was euecessful the following rates First insertion, (ten lines or less)................. $3 00 France!” Shortly after a column, perhaps olina by fifteen thousand majority, electing in Tennessee and Verginia, whilst its policy For each week thereafter................................... $1 00 a thousand strong, of National Guards, fully five out of seven Congressmen, two-thirds of A liberal deduction from the above rates will be uniformed and equipped, with a band playing each House of tho Legislature, and a United was a failure in Georgia and Alabama ? How comes it that it can only muster a few made on quarterly and yearly advertisezieuts. the “Marseilles,” came down the line of the States Senator. And in both these States, scattered county newspapers and broken down quays from the Pont des Arts, and pressed be it remembered, all the negroes, recently politicians, whilst the live organs and the JOB PRINTING. So tho negroes did in Every variety of Job Work executed with neat­ on to the Legislative Palace, Tho gate-keep- »laves, have voted. live statesmen of the time aro everywhere I the ‘ ~ ------- State of New York last spring, when era made some resistance, but finally gave ness and dispatch, at reasonable rates. accepted and preferred ? How comes it that way, nod the people pressing in after the Chief Judge Church, and tho Democratic Brick Pomeroy and his red-hot Democrat are troops, the whole enclosure wan rapidly filled, State judicial ticket, obtained sO large a ma­ wholly inappreciated in New York, and that Geo. W- Morgan, of Ohio. Jusiittss QLarbs jority. Uuder these circumstances, it is quite and the multitude, the troops still in front, the World is a preeminent influence? How and in perfect order, surrounded the whole evident we cannot congratulate the Republi­ comes it that Beck, of Kentucky, one of the The Democrats of the Thirteenth Ohio Dis­ building, and passed into the doorways and cans on having made a great deal out of the most liberal and livest of Democratic leaders, trict have re nominated General George W. up the numerous stairways, a number even negro vote. In fact, it would seem as though is the almost universal choice of his district Morgan for Congress. In accepting the nom­ invading the buildings appropriated to the the Democrats in tbe South, at least, had against his red hot competitors ? How comes ination, Gen. Morgan said : JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. 14 residence of the Counsellors of Stato and turned the tables upon them, and had cap­ it that the Chicago Times leads the Democ- I may well speak with hesitancy of the OLDS ITS REGULAR MEETINGS ON other officials. The cries of the multitude tured Sambo bodily. It is evident that racy of the northwest, and that the Boston company I have been in for the past few every Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows’ Sambo votes the Demacratic ticket to an un­ Post leads the Democracy of New England months. (Laughter,) I can speak of tbe good Hall, Brother» in good standing are invited to were incessant. The Emperor’s name was never mentioned, not even in cries for his expected and utterly bewildering extent! and that every effort to supplant them with done by Congress in a few words. As God attend. JOHN McKEE, N. G. ’ E. SMITH, R. Sec’y. downfall. The Deputies of the Left came out I What is to be done about it? We respect­ red-hot rivals has proven a costly and ridicu- is my judge, the only good thing I have been W m . B iloeh , | Trustees. of the hall to meet the people. Men embraced fully suggest that Congress proceed again to lou8jiiisco ? How comes it that such presses able to discern in the action of Congress is, H. K uppel , each other, with cries of joy, shouting. reconstruct the South. It has just as much H. V. H elms , as the Day Book and the Freeman's Journal that it adjourned (applause), but it didn’t ad­ May 1st, 1809. t—f “Long live Franco !” The Deputies of the right to do it as it ever had. And it has pre- soon enough. To rightly pass in re­ and the Metropolitan Record have gone down journ . Left were soon gathered in a body, und set cisely tho same excuse for it that it always view what they did would require a protrao- JAMES R. NEIL, And no more.— Pomeroy's Democrat. to next to nothing, and that even in the Re­ off, amid cries of “ A l’llotel de Ville.’’ for publican party the more liberal and temperate ted meeting with day and night sessions. ! the Municipal Palace. Two stalwart work I nteresting D iscovery .—By many it has of the Republican papers, the Tribune in It used to be said, in speaking of parties, Third Street, (west side), between California iineu in biouses and as many National Guards i been hold a« a theory that tbe Yuba desert Chicago against the Republican, and the Ga­ that “there was a nigger in the wood-pile.” mid Main. in uniform seized Messieurs Picard und Gam , wm once an ocean bed. At intervals, pools Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts zette and Commarcial in Cincinnati against Now We may very well say that the Repub­ botta, raised them in the air, and carried of this State. ' of salt wa’er have stood for awhile in the the Chronicle, are preferred by popular sup­ lican party is lost in the wood. | Laughter.] them as in triumph to the Hotel de Ville. ; midst of the surrounding waete of sand, dis­ port. The Republican party han ceased to be any­ Particular attention paid to the collection ' T iiw scene on their arrival was most impres­ of Claims against the Federal and State Govern-1 appearing only to rise again in the same or AU these questions are easy enough to thing but an aggregation of rings, No ques­ inents, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption sive. Suftie one had mounted the towers of. other localities. A short time since, one of answer. The red-hot elements—the Bour­ tion can keep them together but one of the and Hoinestea I Laws, and to tho Entry et Mineral Noire Dune, and from each of the gray p'les these saline lakes disappeared and a party bons of the one party and the other—are but purse or of the sword. Lodes under the recent Act of Congress. floated three or four tricolor flags. The of Indians reported the discovery of a “big a remnant of a by-gone, pre-revolutionary We have heard a great deal, of late years, C. W. KAHLER, gilded colossal lamps of the Place de Pllo ship,” left bv the receding waters. A party period, and they miss the spirit ef the epoch about the enfranchisement of the slaves. I lel de Ville were wreathed in flags, and high of Americans at once proceeded to tbe spot in which they live, but with which they have propose tbe ensranchisoment of the people of Attorney ani Counsellor-ait-Law, up on each wim perched a boy waving a tri­ and found imbedded in the sands the wreck but little sympathy and no identification. the West from the domination of New Eng­ color. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, of a large vessel. Nearly one third of the The revolution has passed, and with it the land capitalists. I hold that the present con­ The vast Place itself was a dense mass of forward part of the ship, or barque, is plain­ passions which gave it force and purpose have dition of things in our country illustrates * Will practice in the Supreme Court, District, and people, mingling with whom everywhere were I ly visible. The wreck is located forty miles passed also. After the storm there comes a what I have always believed—that the masee other Courts of this State. OFFICE—In building formerly occupied by 0. the uniforms and bayonets of the National north of the Sau Bernadino and Fort Y’uma calm. This country has had its fill of red-hot of this country are intelligent, whatever party Jacobs—opposite Court House square. Guard and of the line. As the deputies ad road, and thirty miles west ol Los Palrnos, Bourbonism. The party that is most moder­ they may belong to. Parties are composed vanced or were borne up to tho facade of the a well known watering place oq the desert. ate, most thoroughly accordant with the of men. As men are liable to err, so are DR. GEO. H. TOLMAN, vast building, Henry Rochefort came out to The road across the desert han been traveled peace-hunting and rest-seeking temper of the tbe parties of which they are composed. (late Surgeon U. S. Army,) meet them, holding out both bands, with a for more than one hundred years. The his­ age, will be the party of the people. There That mistakes and wrongs have existed, and Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, cry of “Vive La Republique !” At the same tory of the ill-fated vessel, can, of course, is a difference in the public sentiment which do now exist, is therefore not remarkable. moment half a dozen men burst open from never be known, but the discovery of its de­ produces revolution and the public sentiment It is admitted on all sides that errors and WILL PRACTICE IN JACKSON AND adjacent counties, and attend promptly to within a window in tbe facade, and began caying timbers in the midst of what has long which revolution produces. The Democratic abases do exist, and the question is not to throwing out a great cloud of small, white been a desert will furnish savauts with food party in the South has been a sectional party. much as to who is responsible for them, as it all calls on professional busiuess. papers, crying as they did so, “These are the for discussion, and may perhaps furnish im­ The Republican party in the North is still a is how shall they be corrected? This couni OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, on 4th street, opposite the M. E. Church, Jack­ votes of the plebiscite !” Then for the first portant aid in the elucidation of questions of sectional party. The country wants, and is try of ours does not belong to a party, but- sonville, Oregon. time went up a great cry from the whole vast science.— Los Angeles News. going to elect, please God, a National party. to the people, and its free institutions can Jan. 8th, 1870. jan8-tf. crowd of “Down with the Empire !” It was How the M atter S tood . —A Detroit pa­ The Naticnal Democratic organization, which only be preserved by the intelligent action of* taken up and sent, with a noise like the roar­ is now re-forming itself into line, is the party the people as citizens, and not as partisans.”* Dr. L. T. DAVIS, ing of waves, along the quays and along the per of late date says : “While the excursionists were returning to of the future, because it is the party of the T here are many amiable, good-heartod Rue de Rivoli, both towards the Louvre and Constitution and the party of peace. Before the city from Toledo, on the steamer Dove, men who are the may-be, don’t know<. unde-* towards the ancient City of Paris. Down the first of January, 1872, the Bourbons will Opposite t lie 014 tbe great Boulevard de Sebastopol a procos- on Sunday night last, oue of the passengers either be silenced or huddled into a little third cided sort of people. They never make up ■ion of several thousand troops, surrounded approached the steward and«xcitedly deman­ party of their own, like the Van Boren men their minds until somebody else comes to a A rkansas L ivery S table , io a conclusion. They have no enemies and very few by crowds of men, women, and children, ad­ ded that a man who was then sitting one in 1848—of no particular consequence to particular friends. Such men will never rather close proximity to a woman in vanced with bands of music. The proces­ Jacksonville, Oregon. corner of the cabin should be turned out. anybody except the extreme Radicals. The amount to much. They are good men to sit sion and its wings filled the enormous street Tbe steward made a tour of tbe cabin, saw sword has decided that the Union shall stand ; on juries, as they never express opinion. Or E. H. GREENMAN, from front to front of the houses on either and, if the North and South are to live to­ to pay taxes without grumbling. Who would niyaiolan. cU Surgeon, side, and the music of the bands was accom­ the couple referred to, and reported to the gether, the voice of common sense, no less person who accosted him that he had seen not rather have a regiment of enemies than OFFICE—At the U. 8. HOTEL, on Califor­ panied by the whole mass singing the “Mar­ than tbe instinct of human nature, calls for a nia Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. seillaise.” In all this time and in all these nothing to demand expulsion. ‘But,’ de­ truce to violent passions. The people of this be a nonentity? ^fT~Will practice in Jackson and adjacentcoun- places the shops were still kept open ; the manded tho excited individual, ‘do you see coyjitry are not prepared tor an imperial Miss B elle S mith has been engaged to ies, ar.d attend promptly to professional calls. police were swept in with the procession or that man with hie arm around that woman ?’ oligarchy or a Republican despotism. They paint a portrait of the fate E. M. Stanton. DK. A. B. OVERBECK quietly disarmed. I heard of and I saw no ‘Yes,’ replied the clerk, ‘ho is probably her want a union of reciprocal interests, a mu­ Price, $1,000.— Exchange. husband.’ “No be hain’t,’ put in the party case of violeuce, no disorder, no robbery. WILL PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SUR- Wouldn’t Mrs. Surratt, struggling on the of the first part, am her husband, and tual and a just union of free and equal States, V V GERY, and will attend promptly to all call« Everywhere the deepest excitement and the aDd they know that this cannot be obtained gallows, be an appropriate back-ground; on professional business. His office and residence most extraordinary improvised public order. that's what's the matter!' " without some concessions and sacrifices on are at and thousands of Union soldiers starving in The Imperial arms were torn down from all W hat is M an ?—According to a French both Bides. The red hot Radicals and the The Overbeck Hospital, Southern prisons because he refused their ex­ On Oregon Street, Jacksonville. Oregon. 1-tf the public buildings, and in one or two cases statistician, taking the mean of many ac Democrats would commit us to an endless the windows of shops were broken which counts, a man, fifty years of age, has slept war—to a war of ignorance and bate—which change, might make a very suggestive oom­ JAMES D. FAY, contained them. In the Rue Vivienne a well- 5,000 days, worked 6,500 days, walked 800 could end only with loss of our liberties, panion for the Stanton portrait.— State Rights Democrat. known milliner’s establishment wax thus days, amused himself 4,000 days, *was eating losing us. meanwhile, our laws. The Nation menaeed, but the proprietress came out aud 1,500 days, was sick 500, etc. He ate 77,000 al Democratic party steps out boldly to the At a Boston prayer-meeting a brother was remonstrated with the leaders, holding up a pounds of bread, 16,000 pounds of meat, music of the future—the music of freedom, praying while the church bell was ringing, OFFICE—In Court Honse, up stairs. Will practice in the Supreme and other Courts gold Napoleon, and saying, “If that passes 4,600 pounds of vegetables, eggs and fish, and peace and union, a new aud a god-like trinity and the minister, thinking the bell had rung of this State. to-day, why shall my windows be broken?” drank 7,000 gallons of liquid, namely : water, —marching under the flag of our fathers. long enough, told the sexton to “go and toll The men cheered and laughed, the woman coffee, tea, beer, wine, etc., all together. The flag of the Union, which has beeD that fellow to stop.” The sexton, mistaking ^9» Particular attention paid to the collection of Claims against the Federal and State Govern­ crived “Vive la Republique!” and the crowd This would make a respectable lake of 300 1 desecrated by a thousand unworthy usee— his instructions, went and told the prayist ments, the Entry of Lands under the Pre-emption passed on. One gate of the Toileries on the equare feet surface and three deep, on which which has been employed as tbe drop-curtain that the minister wanted him to “dry up.” and Homestead Laws, and to the Entry of Mineral in a partisan play house, covering all sorts of A duel was prevented by an explanation. side of the Seine was burst open, aud the a small steamboat could uavigato. Loded under the recent Act of Congress. 1 tf. Published Every Saturday Morning, H Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law, « I Attorney & Counsellor-at-Law. We extract the following account of the transactions at Paris in connection with the setting up of the new Republic. It reads very much like a repetition of the history of ’48: