* NEW GOODS. S ickness .—A great deal of sickness has been prevalent iu this vicinity of late, proba­ bly caused by a sudden change in the temper­ ature of the weather. CV SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1870 R ain .—A slight shower was had up the THOMAS BOYCE, No. 30 (Second valley on Monday evening. A little rain floor,) Merchant’s Exchange, California Street, down this way wouldn't hurt: enough, eav, to lay the dust. CENERE I n T own .—Prof. Robb, latoiy employed by HUDSON ds MEN ET, arc our duly author the Directors to take charge of the Public ized Agents in the Atlantic States. Office, 41 school, is in town. We have not been ad­ vised as to when tho school will open. Park Row, “Time»” Building, New York. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, No. 61 Front Street, PORTLAND, .... OREGON. A S ad and F atal A ccident .—Death has REAL ESTATE DEALER. visited our community, heretofore, in almost every variety of form, lhe aged and the i young, and the middleaged, have heard the Special Collector of Claims. sepulchral summons, and obeyed amid the deep, heartfelt lamentations of surviving A large amount of CITY and EAST PORT­ Property for Sale. friends and kindred ; but never have we LAND Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuablo un­ known of an instance more sad and affect- cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the innr—a death more calculated to thrill an en- State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other tiro community and excite universal sympa­ PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly collected. thy —than the sudden death, by accident, HOUSES and STORES leased. of Mary F. Bailey, a little emigrant girl 10 All kinds of Financial and General Agency bus­ years of age, just arrived with her people iness transacted. having FARM PROPERTY for sale across the plains. All the way from the dis­ will Parties please furnish descriptions of tho same to tant climes of Minnesota she hud traveled, the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the only to find a premature resting place for principal CITIES and TOWNS of this State. jly2-tf. that mortal part, the body, in the silent city July 2d, 1870. on the hill. Last Sunday morning about ’J o’clock, the report of a pistol Was heard in tliQ dwelling house opposite the «Sen/ineZ of­ fice. People rushed to the spot to find that a fatal result had followed. Mrs. Paul had (.« taken a revolver out of a trunk and given it I to the elder daughter to put away out of the reach of the younger ch ldren. As this was being done, the younger girl caught hold ol the weapon and, between the two, it was pull­ —AT— ed off—the ball hitting the least one in the buck, near the shoulder, and penetrating the : I I heart, killed her instantaneously. T d 9) Sauce pans, Chopping axes, Broad axes, Trace and Halter chains, Shovels and Tongs, Fire dogs, Sluice forks, Shovels, Door locks, Butt and strap hinges, Knives and forks. Spoons and ladles, Meat cutters, Sad irons, Polishing irons, Pocket knives. Scissors and shears, Pruning shears and knives, Patent cross cut saws, Buck and hand saws, Planes and lanterns ; CHEAP FOR CASH! I R un O ver .—Mr. Thomas Anderson, a Corner of California and Oregon streets, offers teamster on the Cresent City road, while on his bargains, sueh as have not been offered before at down trip to the City for freight' last week. Jacksonville. This stock is fresh and of the best quality, ami ji>x:t with quite a serious if not fatal mishap, I'ASif purchasers will do well to call on hitn. lie started to spring i.n the wagon while it was in motion, the wheel mule, x-eing him, • made a lunge forward and threw the wheel I against a large boubler which had the clb’Ct of throwing Mr. Anderson over the wagon with his beau undt-r tho wheel. Th.is he was dragged some distance before the wheel run over him, having his ’mad then by terribly bruised and mangled. When our iufurniunt left Mr. A. was rational tn ugh, but it was thought bv some that his rcr.erv was not altogether assured. He had been removed from the summwt, near Taylors, where the accident took plaoe. to this side of the moun­ tain where good surgical attendance could be had. 1 B ids for K eeping the P oor of this C ounty .—At tho meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of this county on the first Monday of this month, there were four bids for keeping the poor of this county, ns follows : Dr. Danforth by the year at $2,- 375 ; Dr. Davis by the year at $2,800 : Dr. Overbeck by the week—the paupers at $11. and the poor who need medical or surgical aid at $21 ; aud Dr. Colwell by the week at $15 for both classes of poor. These bids were all rejected, because they were consul ered too high ; and after these bids were re­ jected, Dr. Davis made an offer to keep both classes of county poor at $8 per week, which was favorably considered by the Board, but not acted on. * ttfapfo Produce For a few cent^you can buy of your Grocer or Druggist a package of SEA MOSS FARINE made from pure Irish Moss or Carrageen, which will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Puddings Custards, Creams, Charlotte Busse, &c. It is the cheapest, healthiest and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. Plantation Bitters. A rrivals .—Miss Nanny Linn whohasbeen long absent on a visit to the Northern end of the State, returned home the first of the week. Mrs. Dorris of Eugene arrived on the same stage on a visit to her people here in Jack­ sonville. F or S alem .—Hon. Jas. D. Fay, » T. B. Merry, and we believe the entire delegation of Jackson county Representatives, start on next Wednesday for the State capital to be un- hand at the opening of the Legi islature. AND CALIFORNIA SALEM CLOTHS BLANKETS, HOOP SKIRTS, ETC., ETC. —ALSO— Boots and Shoes; Ladles’, Mlsiei’ and Childrens’ Shoes. GIANT POWDER, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CLASSWARE, Fu«e and caps, Blasting and rifle powder, Shot and lead, lift pumps and Lead pipes, Rope, Grindstones, Cider mills, Cedar tubs, Cedar buckets, Willow baskets, etc. w SI o en hj K o 'U CUTLERY, PAINTS, OILS, ETC, ALSO Window Glass, Nalls, Iron and Steel, Cast and Steel Plows Wooden and Willow Ware, Etc., Etc. TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON ware of evejy description always on hand and made to order. HYDRAULIC 1’IPE, ¡VERY & SALE STABLE Paints, Oils. Turpentine, Varnish. W indow Glass, and Putty. I am now ready to Fell anything in my line at th« lowest cash price! Persons wishing to buy goods will find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined not to bo undersold by any house in Jackson county. j^i^Givc mo a call, and then judge for your­ self as to our capacity to furnish goods as above. JAS. T. GLENN. Corner California and Fourth Sts. We invite the attention of Farmers to our ; •jrzdt: milE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT- stock of •0X81 'Pi ïPdy •qjrç«d L rally inform their friends and the public gen­ -sip pm? ssaujuou qijM ouop DNIHIVdSU erally ;hat they have purchased tho above estab­ •deaqa ips o} punoq tn* j Xpaenbes lishment of Mr. Dan. Cawley, which will be -uoo ' oaibos Xouota pun pjvq ojb ««mp rv f sjoqM henceforward conducted under their constant per­ sonal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction of the most approved patterns, and highly -asp fiuisvqojnd ajojaq psa b oui sai S o ) paM op to all who may favor them with their patronage. finished ; also Self-SharpeDing Straw Cutters ihm . soiouJB oAoqB oqi io ÁuB SuiqeiM suosjo -T •pns 0) uoipunmmv jo These stables are centrally located, and within and llay Knives. spaiq pB puB ‘ ipjsid jaqjo pus jaSupueq ‘sunJ convenient distance of the various houses of public poqg ‘ sapidi jo juatupossu o Ü jbj b paaq uo o»[v entertainment. Horses or mules will be boarded doaq J *oui[ £ia[ppug oqj ui SuiqjXaoAa pay and cared for, by the day or week, at moderate charge*. They have the largest stock in Oregon, south of Portland, of ‘SUVAIGHVII », traiws t raws, A P icture .—We were permitted to inspect an excellent painting this week executed by our favorite artist, J. M. Sutton ; subject, the Rogue River Fall«, and we have reason to be­ lieve they have been faithfully and truthfully delineated. We believe it is Mr. S‘s inten­ A Glorious Change!! tion to exhibit the painting at the State Fair. The rage for waterfalls among the fair sex is perceptibly on the decline, or Jewns would THE GREAT WORLD’S TONIC have oacasion to guard his representation «f such a gigantic one very close when any of the dear creatures were around. A nother D eath .—A man by the name of Johnathan Davis died at the hospital and was buried on Wednesday. He lately came from California, in destitute circumstnnces. wore out add foot sore from travel. The County authorities took charge of him and had him placed in Dr. Overbecks Hospital where he was well cared for until be died. READY-MADE CLOTHING, W e bare also in connection with the above a very Together with a general assortment of Largo and Extensivo Stock of Choice SHELF HARDWARE. STAPLE GROCERIES, THE BRICK STORE, DEALER IN HE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW RE- ceiving an extensive supply of goods in 9 their line of business, consisting in part CALIFORNIA STREET, of— Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON Box stoves, Nails of all sizes, Assorted iron and steel, llorse shoes and nails, Cast iron wash kettles, Bake ovens, Skillets and lids, HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEASURI Tea kettles, in notifying his friends and the public gener­ / ally tnat he is now receiving and opening a very Bake pans, large and extensive stock of Brass kettles, Enameled kottels, below Montgomery, is our duly authorized agent for San Francisco. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE JAS. T. GLENN, This wonderful vegetable re­ storative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid, it lias no equal * among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially sub­ ject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropi­ cal, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disin de r which undermines the bodily s i l ength and breaks down the anima! spirits. For sale by all druggists AMERICAN SUBMERGED PUMPS. ‘Auaiaavs These pumps have been fully tested, and are acknowledged to possess advantages over with singlo or double teams, for hire on reason­ all other pumps in use ; sold at manufactur­ able terms j er’s prices, with freight added. HOFFMAN & KLIPPEL. GOOD SADDLE HORSES & MULES, October 9th, 1869. ‘sands ‘SJIIIM Which will be hired to go to any part of the country at moderate rates. Animals bought and sold, and horses broite to saddle or harness. ‘SSTdlHff ‘SSHNMVH ‘ssiaavs REAMES & WILSON. May 7th, 1870. LAGER! LAGER! EAGLE BREWERY. OSEPH WETTERER HAS NOW ON HAND and is constantly manufacturing the best Lag­ er Beer in Southern Oregon, which he will sell quantities to guit purchasers. Call and test tho article. Jacksonville June 5th, 1869. J f 1840 ’ B------ 1 1870 aaivaa asv hshíllovjiíinv I^I ‘NOO3HO This valuablo Family Medicine has been widely and favorably known in our own and foroign countries, upwards of THIRTY years : ^TTlANOSHOVr WlUM! NHOf It has lost none of its good name by repeated trials, but continues to occupy a prominent posi- tion in every family medicine chest. It is an External and Internal Remedy. For Summer Complaint, or any other form of bowel in disease in children or adults, it is an almost cer­ tain cure, and has without doubt, been more suc­ ND SEE HIS FINE STOCK OF NEW cessful in curing the various kinds of CHOLERA than any other known remedy, or the most skillful Goods direct from the manufacturers. physician. In India, Africa and China, where He has a fine lot o this dreaded disease is more or less prevalent, the Pain Killer is considered by the natives, as well as Prices from $20 to $110, cash. European residents in those climates, a »ure remedy: and while it is a most efficient remedy for pain, it is A New Lot of a perfectly safe medicine, even in unskillful hands. AMERICAN LEVER WATCHES Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 cts., 50 cts., and SI OO per Just from tho Factory. Call at J. Neuber’s JEWELRY STORE, A Sewing Machine« WILLIAM HERMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, FROM LONDON, bottle. July 2d, 1870. jly2-lm. CASH PAID FOR WOOL W He is agent for the best Rifles and Pistol« mad«, among which is the HEMRY aving located in J acksonville , RIFI j I], informs the citizens of this place and vicinity Which repeats FIFTEEN TIMES with once load­ that he is now prepared to take orders for all kinds ing. of gents’ and boy’s clothing at reasonable prices. OOLSACKS, BURLAP, AND TWYNE, Satisfaction guaranteed. tor sale at All kinds of Watch and Clock Cleaning and C leaning and R epairing done. O. KAREWSKI’S. Repairing done to order at half price. June 4th, 1870. July 2d, 1879. jly2-tf. Jacksonville, May 13, 1865*. H