D ied in the S tation H ouse .—Last Sat­ It is believed in Strasbourg that Bazaine has Telegraphic. urday, just as we were going to press, it was been cut off from the main army, and hi» P aris , Au^. 21.—The excitement of people power completely paralyzed. Chalons has One of the trashiest, littlest and most undig­ reported that the man who was temporarily nified attempts to work upon the credulity of placed in the Station blouse to await further at not hearing news is extreme. Ministry been abandoned, and Frederick Charles moves SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST27, 1870. individuals and make political capital out of disposition by the County authorities, was laugh at the pretended Prussian victories on on Paris direct. something entirely foreign to American inter­ dying. Judge Shipley was absent during the 18th. L ondon , 25.—The whole of McMahon’s “Our Daily Bread.” L ondon , 21.—A special dispatch says “ I army left Rheims Monday. The garrison of ests, is the effort now being made by Repub­ the week, and that prevented the stranger being placed at once under more suitable witnessed the battle. The Prussians won at Toul made a sortie yesterday, and 700 Prus­ How to obtain life’s daily sustenance is a lican newspapers everywhere throughout the treatment. His name was Jolrn Clark, and a great loss. The metraillieurs did dreadful sians were killed and wounded. subject that more and more appeals to the country, to create the impression that the P aris , 25.—A person from Epernay re- candid consideration of the abider upon the Democratic party sympathisesultogether with his advent into this place was from Califor­ work—four villages strewn with dead. Metz ports that the Prussians were defeated to day Pacific coast, as time and events wag along. the Emperor Napoleon in tho momentous nia. He made application to various per­ is surrounded and it looks as if the Prussian Skillful management of personal revenue is war he is at present engaged in, at 8uch ter­ sons about the middle of the week to have army contemplated a eiege. Prussians’ loss between Chalons and Verdun. No definite one of the sciences only exceptionally prac­ rible loss of life and prestige. Just as if it him placed in the County Hospital. Most on the 18th was about 25,000 ; French about news. Epernay will be evacuated to morrow. ticed, heretofore, in this land of tho yellow •were possible for republican America to be­ everyone to whom application was made took 12,000. Bazaine’s position causes uneasiness Railways from Paris only 90 to Chateau It takes nineteen hours to communi­ Theirry. Treasury of Strasbourg got twelve metal; and flush times gave us a generation come identified with the ambitious schemes him to be one of the numerous bummers or here. reckless of that terestrial god, the almighty of grasping potentates of Europe 1 We de­ impostors daily arriving from over the line, cate with McMahon ; sometimes no commu. million francs through Prussian troops. dollar, whom we all are sometimes forced to plore, in common with humane people the and did not for a moment think of him being nication at all. The Crown Prince is near King William’s headquarters are at Bar Lo worship. Hence, so many who, now, seek world over, tho shameful sacrifice of life on so truly deserving of charitable considera Vitry and a battle between McMahon and Due. Grain mills of the valleys of the Seine to live through the industry and economy of bath Hides, otherwise it matters very little tion as the sequel has shown he was. It is him is hourly expected. The Emperor came others. The number who make it a study how absolutism fares iu the Old World. On easy enough, now, to see that a great fault noar being captured at Longville. A panic and Marne have been destroyed with their how to get in debt without any prospect or account of his unwarranted pretensions, we was committed in not doing more fur one so occurred in the Garde Mobile at Chalons. contents to prevent them falling into Prus­ sian hands. Enemy’s scouts appeared at concern for future payment, is the great bane have no objection to Louis Napoleon having needy. It is easy, too, after it is all over, to They demanded to be led back to Paris. Chalons, Sar Marne and St, Menobold. and curse of business prosperity in this still some of the imperial vanity whipped out of prescribe censure, but any other community Correspondent of Gaulois declares from abundantly favored region. It is a matter him ; nor do we believe that any considera­ might have been guilty of the same derelic actual observation, that the road from Metz Minister of Interior says Bazaine too much occupied to send dispatches. Railway was for constant and serious comment that so ble portion of the Democratic party would tion under the same circumstances. Tolera­ to Verdun is held by the Prussians. cut at Authan by Prussian cavalry. Latest many who have it in their power to live as go into mourning in consequence of such a ble fair (?) though not as good as could have C arlsiiiiue , 21.—Strasbourg is in flames. report says McMahon has gone to Ardennes been, treatment was provided for him, and a faultless exponents of financial honesty, suffer result. French have fired the surrounding villages. On tho other hand, we do not soo the pro­ physician’s services secured. It was supposed The city is surrounded by 30,000 men. The to join Bazaine. Another Prussian ship has the stigma and disgrace that arise from a lack of uprightness to darken their pathway priety of being led by a few extraordinary that he was suffering from the effects of sun­ inhabitants are demoralized and disorder been captured in the Mediterranean. through life, and detract from every pleasure. victories to a worshipful adoration of Bis stroke. May we all learn a lesson from this everywhere» prevails. Another victory for E migrants .—Quite a number of families To earn one’s “daily bread” need not marck's theory of tyrannical government. uafortunate affair, to bo more ready in ren­ Crown Prince, near Chalons, reported. necessarily be always a burden, if people This tom foolery on the part of the Republi­ dering assistance where it is asked, controlled •P ont A’M ousson , 21.—French prisoners have moved into tho town and valley of late. but study out their wants ahead, and shape cans about siding with the Prussians, is all by the conviction that it is better to be imposed still pouring in. French loss during the week Some, the plains across, and others from tho adjoining State of California. We bid a circumstances to meet them. Tho trouble put on. It is tho temporary lever by which on a thousand times than to neglect a single cannot be less than 50,000 men in killed, hearty welcome to all 6uch new comers, and with too many is, they live only for the pres­ they seek to strengthen their crumbling or­ opportunity for alleviating actual want. wounded and missing. trust they will find a satisfactory home and ent, and do not prepare to meet the future ganization, so as to preserve their opportuni­ T iie B ig V alley I mines . World's special from London 21st sayB : hospital treatment in our young and growing Some very rich until its troubles, and tribulations, and accu­ ties for robbing the country a few years more. placer diggings were recently discovered in Steinmetz’s corps cut to peices at Resonville, State. mulated perplexities overwhelm them. But It wont work, though, gentlemen, worth a Siskiyou county, east of Yreka. The Jour­ and his cavalry no longer exists. Paris pa­ they have one unfailing, always reudy excuse cent. The thiug is a little too transparent C hinaman D rowned .—An unfortunate pers deny that Bazaine is surrounded. nal has the following account of the same : not to be seen through. Tho German peo ­ —they would pay their honest debts if they C hicago , Aug. 22—Evening Post's special Celestial who was drowned upon Rogue river Messrs. J. J. Pool and Jas. Owen, of Oro ple, as a rule, are as much devoted to liberal had the money 1 Many useless luxuries are Fino, returned last Thursday from a trip to from Now. York says that a private dispatch somewhere, was buried in the graveyard on indulged in, many foolish expenditures principles as any other class or race, and do the Big Valley mines, in this county, about announces King William «and his staff, with Thursday. It appears he was cutting timber risked, which, did the individual reflect upon not expect us to go into exetasies over mon­ 16 miles from Pit River, and exhibited to us Gen. Sheridan, were surprised yesterday and and a tree falling into the river dragged him that unpaid store bill, that growing account archal victories in any part of the world. along with it. So at least we were informed. specimens of the gold, which is ns fine as captured by French cavalry. with the butcher, or that indebtedness for N ew Y ork , 22d. The Courier has dispatch - flour, and very hard to*bo saved in washing, Competing Lines indispensibles of whatever character, would especially with a rocker, there being no water saying that Bazaine still insists on silence. be forborne. The chief hobby with those who insist ,o wash in any other manner, short of four Tho army of the Prince Royal of Prussia con- : It is a provision of nature, and is necessary upon the absurd proposition of the llumbolt miles from the diggings. As far as prospect tinues its march to Paris; it is now at Vitry. to the physical and mental well being of man, Branch Railroad entering tho Willamette at ed, only one rich claim has been found, Paris is provisioned for an eight months siege that he should earn his own livelihood. It Eugene, is the importance of having two com­ which is near a spring close to the top of a and the people are in good spirits. I d is a matter of inward pride to be able to do peting lines through the State, and thus, as ligh rough hill, and apparently a streak of L ondon , 22.—ThoGarde Mobile returning. 80. The contrary course—we care not how they pretend, circumvent the building up of rich pay dirt, sluiced naturally into a nar B erlin , 22.—The Bismark regiment, that much a person may earn and spend foolishly a monopoly. This is a very strong platform to row channel, tho bed rock rising close to the was reported annihilated, has not been under yet permitting the actuals essentials of lite stand upon, and no one will have the hardi­ surface on each side of the claim. The party fire. to be charged up as slow, often irredeemable, hood to question the indispensible propriety indingit, consisted of our Mothodist Preachor, L ondon , 22.—It is reported that Bazaine debts—is apt to involve a realization of cun of having rival roads running through the lev. D. II. Haskin, J. C. McKendree and II. is absolutely cut off from his resources. The cious demerit on the part of oneself, and can­ State, but in this matter, as in all others of a J. Ehlers, who observing a small quantity of Prussians arc between him and Metz. Official not well escape the reprehension of all others. public character, a little reasonableness can water, followed it up to the hill, hoping to Journal at Paris says the Minister of War A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK AL- The man who pays his way through the world, be exercised to incalculable advantage. The ind a spring, where they would get a good has had no dispatches from the army for two - . V ways on hand at the even if, to do so, he does not dress as fine as Willamette valley has always enjoyed su­ drink of water. They found the spring, days, and thinks Bazaine is unsuccessful. some, participate in so many drunken brawls perior advantages in regard to facilities for scooped out a basin, and drank. Mr. Ehlers S an F r ’ co , 22. — No confirmation of taking or cut so brilliant a figure in what we call exportation and importation. In addition to then took a shovel and dug a larger hole for King William prisoner up to 4 p. m . The OF society, is, to all practical purposes, a more water communication with tho ocean and the the benofit of thirsty travelers who might fol report is not believed in New York, as gold useful inhabitant than he who “dresses in outside world, it is proposed to give her the ow, and thinking the gravel looked good for quotations are not affected by it. BOOKS, fine linen and fares sumptuously every day” benefits to be derived from two competing containing gold, washed out a shovel full, N ew Y ork , 23d,—Private cable, London STATIONERY, —at other peoples expense. lines of railroad connecting with the great Prom which he obtained four bits. They 12 noon, says : Armies of King William and | TOILET ARTICLES, I ncorporated .—Wo have it from good, re­ overland route, with the prospect of the great then went to work, and prospected in one Steinmetz too crippled to assume offensive. liable authority that articles of incorporation T^orth Pacific virtually terminating in the pan as high as $175, though rich spots like It is given out on high authority that Ba­ AC. AC. this were in small streaks, the balance of the vicinity of Portland, itself. What more zaine was re inforced from Chalon on Sunday of a company to build the Humboldt Branch Railroad through Rogue River and Umpqua could such a district of country ask? The dirt prospecting but little, yet they believed for the purpose of giving battle to the ene­ valleys, in accordance with the Williams’ road down the Columbia, through Eastern the ground would average at least two bits my near Metz. lie is confident of victory, At tho CITY DRUG STORE. amendment, were filed, or are to be filed with Oregon, is sure to be built; a second road to the pan. They wash with rocker and when he will march army oil Crown Prince the Clerk of Jackson county the present running south through the State to connect quicksilver, but the gold is so fine that they and rescue Paris. A report has reached week. Since the above was in type, we have with the California Central, together with save but a small percentage, still in one day London of another French victory. Another examined the articles of incorporation and her ocean communication with San Francisco, $58G was realized, and much of the gold and special says Bazaine was at Metz yesterday ; find thereunto appended the names of many ought to be sufficient to keep down a monop­ quicksilver is lost by the old fashioned process has north and center open to him either to of our most substantial, moneyed citizens. oly of trade for a few years at least. Com­ of burning off the quicksilver in a frying pan. retreat or be re inforced. The appalling The entire capital stock is put down at $5,- pared to interior mountain districts, the Wil- A shland .—Times are said to have been Prussian loss has sent a thrill tbrougout Ger- 000,000, or fifty thousand shares of §100 each. lametto valley is destined to be bountifully unusually lively at Ashland the past two many. Bazaine professes to be master of ALL OF The headquarters of the company will be provided for, if the Pengra route railroac weeks,—farmers bringing in gram and teams situation. L ondon , 23.—Bazaine has forced passage Jacksonville, Oregon. This movement effect­ never is constructed. And, if the logic we loading for Fort Klamath and the Indian ually puts a quietus upon Congressman started out to treat of holds good, while the agency. Six loads of grain, belonging to via Antien, and reached Montmetv. Report­ Smith’s argument that no company wouk northern end of the State is in need of such Hanley and Ross, passed through going to the ed that armies of Prince Royal and Freder­ undertake to build the road tbiou^h the5^(eit‘nsive> unparalleled competition iu rail- ick Charles have formed a junction westward ! Fort via Dead Indian. The road through in valleys. The following are some of the names road facilities, we, of this apparently ignorec that direction will be completed in a few of Metz. PAID IN FULL of the incorporators : Jas. T. Glenn, J. B. section of the State, ought to have the bene days. Messrs. Caro and Hargadine leavo for • N ew Y ork , 23d.—A private dispatch from Paris says that ¿McMahon has completely Wrisley, Jacob Ish, Jas. D. Fay, Sachs fit of at least one road, albeit that road shoulc Frisco to secure winter stocks. To Claimants in .60 Days! turned tables on Crown Prince. McMahon Bros., John Bilger, W. H. S. Hyde, R. Ben­ be, of itself, a monopoly. What say you to S unday S chool .—A Sabbath School of with 130,000 veterans has thrown himself edict, J. D. Coughlin, P. P. Prim, II. Klip- that, Joseph ? some thirty members has been established on between armies of Crown Prince and King or any information concerning pel, Wm. Hoffman, Andy Davidson, Wm. H ard U p .—The Bulletin of a recent date, the above, or any other Gevernment claims, Turner, P. Britt, C. C. Beekman, John Neu in an article urging the re-election of Wil­ Pleasant Creek, by Mrs. Richard Hutchison, William, and effected a junction with Ba­ apply to the undersigned, who will furnish all ber, Jesse Applegate, Jacob Thompson, N. liams, says he is the superior of Col. Baker with A K. Williams as Superintendent. zaine’s left wing. necessary information gratis, and charge no fees The same lady teaches the District school at L ondon , 25.—The following official dis­ for collection until claim is paid. C. Dean, Thos. Chavner and K. Kubli. as a statesman. The Bulletin must be hare the same place, and has met with fair success. ALFRED L. GRO89, patch .just received from Berlin : Government Notary Public for Oregon ; Commissioner The prosperity of the school speaks well for W k are persuaded that the safest way at up when it makes such incredible statements of Deeds for Washington Territory, the intelligence and public spiritedness of the has received dispatches dated Bar Le Due, to all times to reach the public mind and gain as this. Does the editor recollect Baker’s citizens. OFFICE—St. Charles Hotel, Morrisson Street, the effect that Chalons has been evacuated Portland, Oregon. credence for the sincerity and wisdom of brilliant debato with Benjamin upon the floor jly23-3m. and that Prussian column is west of Chalons July 23d, 1870. principles espoused, is to address ourself to of tjie U. S. Senate in 1861, when he com­ B eing R epaired .—The old Bruner build­ advancing rapidly. the understanding rather than the prejudices pletely overcome every argument advancec ing, one of the first brick stores erected in Jacksonville, is being materially reconstruct­ P aris , 24—Midnight.—It is reported that’ of the people. The remarkable success, how­ by the Louisiana Senator ? When did Wil­ ed on the inside and fitted up by G. Karewski Prussians are at Sezaue to-day. Prince Royal ever, that not unfrequently attends an effort liams ever display such logical powers as a to receive his large new stock of goods, soon AN ONLY BE PRESERVED TRUE TO of Prussia is reported at Nancy. Nothing questions ? If the debater upon national Mature by the t.rt of Photography. Having to arrive. at pandering to the weak side of human na­ received from Metz from armies of McMahon just oompleted a thorough course of instructions in ture, in a majority of cases seems to recom- owl of the orchard is the superior of tho Photography from Prof. S. L. Buser, of Chicago, M ining L aw .—We propose to publish next or Bazaine. and also availed ourselves of the very latest im­ mend that a» the most feasible mode for in­ eagle of the eyrie, then we will concede that L ondon —Noon.—The entire command of provements in implements and stock, we are now Williams is the supeiror of Baker. We are week, for the benefit of the mining commu­ fluencing the masses ; but in the long run, not of Baker’s party, but we are not so void nity, the recent amendments by Congress to McMahon left Rheims Monday. Prussian prepared to produce work of the best style for those we hold that those appeals which sink deepest of truth as to deny him his just dus of having the Federal mining law. Those following favoring ns with their patronage. Having pur­ scouting parties are Dear Chalons aod Troyes. chased a fine instrument for the purpose, we are into the minds of men and leave the most en­ been the most eloquent, logical and talented this important branch of industry might do also prepared to take Sterescopic views of land­ Advices to Tuesday mention nothing of Ba ­ during impressions are such as are strictly in statesman ever sent by Oregon, or any other well to lay by a copy for reference. scapes, residences* or persons. zaine’s junction with McMahon. Bazaine’s consonance with truth, and do not rely for Pacific State, to the National forum. N ew T o -D ay .—Under this head will be report finds no credit. Prussian detachments Photoes, per dozen............................ $5 OO their maintainance wholly upon weak and “ half •<............................ „ 3 OO J esse A pplígate .—This individual passed found the new ad. of the City Drug Store. subtle sophistry. Good sound sense will out- 50 are . reported at Chavengre and Bricale. : Mela notypes, each,............................. Good bargains ean be had at this stand by through town on Thursday night. We did wind, uproot and destroy bigotry every time Strasbourg well defended. French army PARKER à DUNLAP. when faithfully applied to tho elimination of not learn his mission, but suppose railroad those wishing to purchase medioines, books, well supplied with provisions of all kinds. Located at prosont at Williamsburg. stationery, etc. matters aro connected with it, someway. August 13th, 1870. aul3-5m. error. Political Balderdash. Hew, I CITY DRUG STORE, CASOLIHE OIL AND LAMPS INDIAN WAR CLAIMS F THE HUMAN FORM DIVINE C